God roaring metal
Will be 37 photos + text.
He bought a black chopper with skulls and receive snow white streetfighter with mocking sign «Do not wanna be Americano ..." (the most interesting thing that the customer ecstatic!). He knows best what the customer needs, studying the image and creates a double in the motorcycle world. During our interview with the famous Belarusian kastomayzer Yuri Schiff adroitly evaded inconvenient questions, and through the eyes squint corrosive read out our response. It was difficult to understand whether he was joking, telling the amazing things that you say seriously. Well, for example, about how to work the last few years in a band manager, copies of famous bikes, custom bikes and the stories of its customers.
Yuri Schiff takes us into his office through the shop, hidden in the backyard of one of the central districts of Minsk. The smell of paint shops. The two won the cup stand directly on the floor (in one of them dollar bills). It is a reminder of past victories. But here, they seem to be not so revel. The work does not stop for a minute, it interrupts our interview squealing polishing machine, the clanging of tools.
Around motorcycles in various stages of readiness. And here is the custom, which was made for the musician Vladimir Kristovskiy (group Uma2rmaN). "I wonder how it was back then?" - Flashed the thought. Meanwhile, mechanics conjure on another bike. "Just do not shoot: unfinished pictures can not - warns Schiff. - This sign. " He leads us into his little office, which shares with the designer, muttering: "Speaking from the heart want? Well, you is worse ».
The work
- Let's begin with. They say that as a child you went to all sorts of clubs, and it allegedly was the beginning ...
- All a child went to some clubs, but what's the beginning of a career? I'm bad at school lessons shirked ... I did not have relatives in the countryside, where every yard was a motorcycle. A ride on anything very much. One day, instead I began lessons that fastened to the bicycle "Eaglet" motor. There is nothing unusual - items sold in the store, so there were a lot of guys in my time.
Only between a bicycle "Eaglet" with a motor, and my first kastomov Silver Stork - 25 years of life. If I were still enrolled at the university, is still an engineer at the plant "Arsenal" would work. So we have to build a motorcycle on an individual project. But I'm only doing the last 10 years. His first custom created in '41. This! And what I did before? Yeah ... Q.
- Well, as you get to such a life?
- What do I do in troubled times? The basis of my team has developed in motorsport. I managed a team of professional karting. We have achieved results that in this country no one has ever repeated, won the championship of Russia, Belarusian drivers can not dream. I am also proud of this. No less than success in customizing.
He studied abroad, gain knowledge in a professional German team, then transferred them here. It's been slowly and surely. But people also need a legend, I understand correctly? Otherwise it is not interesting. "How do you come up with motorcycles?" - Asked. They did not tell me that at 8:30 am I go to the studio, sat down at the table and systematically do their job. Everyone thinks that Schiff in the shower to clean and comes up with ideas, she puts a pillow under the tank, and he desired dream dreams, because around gasoline smell. No romance! We just carry out the work professionally and in good faith, trying to do her best.
- It so happened that in the post-Customizing find underground culture. How did you manage to rise above the level of the garage?
- Underground is not it. I have friends - that they are engaged in underground. A band 27 years, they recorded 104 albums. This is the underground, about which no one knows. What if I won the US, Germany and the rest, so what is it underground? Guys, I'm telling you: the question of motivation and a professional approach. We have not done anything extraordinary. And the result of evaluating other.
- But it is a system that you created it ... How is it born?
- Well, imagine: you build a fence. A good fence. For the foundation dig a hole about a meter deep. It's enough. It is so? But we dig three meters. And so it turns out better than good. That's the whole principle, we just dig deeper. This applies to all: from the study of history and ending the epitome of engineering. Yes, of course, spend more time ... We always try to do perfectly.
- So?
- Evaluate the work of our other ... (Thinking.) Yes, in principle, impossible. Sometimes it is not the first time. We have to break down and build anew. But lately, more and more turns.
- Feel the exhaustion at the end of the work or, perhaps, on the contrary, there are ideas: but I would have done so, there is a desire to refine and improve?
- There is no ideal designs, I always see what can be corrected. While some of the objects are obtained almost perfect. But ... you need to stop.
- Ideal - is The Machine, for example?
- Just this bike would be more work. In this form it is over, yes. However, there is no limit to perfection. Probably a good bike Silver Stork. In fact, it exists in several versions, is very similar, they are even experts can not tell, but they are different. Some Silver Stork general ideal.
- It turns out, each bike has a few copies?
- Yes. Some motorcycles have twins, which were made at the request of the workers. Yes, we do not hide it. One of them is called Silver Stork 2, for example. Although the name may be different, like the color, for example. But in fact it is the generation of the same motorcycle.
- And yet you're doing exclusive. Each work - something new. Customization - a protest against the whole mass?
- No, it's just our specialty. Protest at anything. Customizing - is the work, the construction of motorcycles on individual projects. At the same time we are engaged in a serial product. I was even proud that we took part and we plan to continue to develop, scale production of motorcycles.
- You mean the cooperation with the "Minsk-Moto»?
- No matter under what label it will be released. The bike, which is now put to full-scale production, called 200. We M1nsk M4 for it is not a shame. Good thing does not have to be elaborate, with some claim. It's just an individual. This bike is made in the neoclassical style, that is, eternal values. This is an image of classic British traditions - such railways, reliable motorcycles.
In fact, we have developed several bikes. Some of our developments exist as prototypes, some - in the form of industry. We need to clearly understand what work has been done: design - layout - prototype - industrial design - serial product. It's the stage of industrial motion of the object. That is, we have gone from a sketch to staging to production. As owners of the company dispose of this on their right, they decide whether to collect the Chinese mopeds or make your own product. They are businessmen. And who are we?
If we talk in general about the motorcycle product, then yes - in recent years, we have been able to achieve anything. Some of our bikes have become an absolute continuation of their owners. In particular, managed to convey both the character and style.
- Again, the issue of the first serious work of Silver Stork, of which you have already mentioned. After she started talking about Iurie Shifa. What were the first impressions?
- Understand that nothing extraordinary has happened. This is a natural outcome of a particular sequence of actions. What I am talking about, is also part of my job. I did it, if you want to know ... You can build a very good bike, but you can write about it. In principle - links of the same chain. PR, I'm sorry, we still has not been canceled.
To organize a series of publications, I had to make a special photo shoot. But to carry it out, I learned a whole layer of material on Photography motorcycles, culture and traditions. Because so here! To publish in this edition will have to comply with a foreign format, and it also had to learn. Visualization again needed rollers. You have to understand how it should look professional. For them to me again, do not be ashamed, because in any other country they would have done the same.
There are two criteria by which to evaluate the work: "I am not ashamed" and "I'm proud of." So I do not work for all his shameful, but some things I'm proud of. I believe that the state should be between these two points, somewhere in between. Sometimes people say: "You know, I'm at work. Well, it's for the money ... Kichuha. " We have some bikes that can be attributed to the Quichua. But we are not ashamed of them. It is a quality of kitsch.
A Silver Stork - the name of the non-random. "Silver Stork" in translation. The national component. He was represented in the American and German press and positioned as part of something Belarusian. (After a pause.) And yes, I am a patriot. Basically I live and work here and not going to go anywhere. If everyone in the country belonged to the business, as we are, then we would all zashib. You just need to be a professional. I feel sorry for people who consider themselves poor. How is this so? And is it possible? So you try it! But no one is trying.
- Every bike - about six months of work. The study of material, engineering ... You are the embodiment of this hundreds of times said in an interview. Can you talk about some stories kastomov? For example, about Abordage, which was dedicated to the pirates.
- With Abordage just a trivial story. It was necessary to study the history of piracy. (Starts to view photos on the monitor.) Enjoying sketches, pictures any photos. As the barrels look boarding saber, compass, map. Details decide everything! All. Read it, understand it. Then comes the customer, he sat on the bike. This fitting is called. We say "goodbye." And he did not see anything. And then he gets a motorcycle. Customer - a star! He is pleased with hands, legs, ropes, ignition switch, barrels, tanks, chains, compasses, maps, rhyme the seat, paintings, lamps from vintage cars, bought somewhere in Western Europe, air filters from the nuclei. It's our job.
Although there are interesting cases. For example, a person orders a black chopper with skulls, console pendulum. And gets white motorcycle streetfighter. How can this be?
- Moreover, the interesting is the reaction of the customer ...
- Well, then he has to live with it. Okay ... I'll tell the story. Here came a man who somewhere in the garage lay Ducati. And he was impatient. He explains: "I want the black chopper." I say, "Okay." The crisis is still on the court, must work. Then I honestly try to build a black chopper, but in his heart already know: you need something else. Then the customer comes to fitting. Here's a he. (Schiff again taken for a computer mouse, open the folder with the pictures. The pictures of the brutal kind of guy with tattoos. Everything is as it should be, a real biker.)
He still needs a black chopper. He leaves, and finally asked me to send photos. "Yeah," - I say, to finish building the bike and I'm taking it to the Motor Show in Germany. All this time he did not see the motorcycle and has no idea what it is. ABOUT! (At this point, Schiff is the photo of the guy in the white Duster.) And he is a hero! He asks me: "I am the coolest?" The answer is: "Yes, you're the coolest." Such stories are actually a lot.
- Could you tell?
- Well, look. (Pulls out a figure imp.) It is cast iron. Customer says, they say, it's a motorcycle, I need such a device. And I have a business, I'll not send him. Of course, the bike! Well, I send it well. Half suffers Fasten horns and hooves. The result is such a thing. (Shows picture with the guy in the red stylized red bike.) Who can say that this is not hell, let him cast a stone at me. The owner does not differ from the motorcycle. If this person was born bike, it would look exactly the same. It is not luck, but, again, the result of consistent work.
- But the customer was satisfied?
- Yes. Moreover, there is a sequel. They all have fun! So, the customer says, "I loved the bike, I want to ride it in the winter." Please! Trips winter. (Suddenly Schiff makes inviting gesture, and we go to the paint shop shop. There's a huge white SUV, and on both sides ... airbrush. It's not just a picture, and the image of the very red-haired guy on the bike - only on the sides of the car!) But do not take pictures . You remember - it's unfinished work. You still think I'm a joker? This is serious work, look what a fine art!
- At the same time there is a "light" theme. With "Well, wait a minute!", For example.
- It just airbrush. Not light, not heavy. Transfer graphics solution on a standard motorcycle. This way the customer wanted. Why is that? I do not know, maybe the parents hid him from the TV in the closet, watching cartoons prohibited. You remember the joke about the fact that people get older, but the toys are changing only the price ...
- Do you like to experiment? We started with a V-twin'ov, and suddenly decided to try Russian "boxer" ... I about The Machine, with its unusual engine.
- With the Russian motorcycle fundamental question was: custom build for the world championships. I'm a philosopher! There is nothing accidental. There they did not know, but I had already decided what it wants to see. I've never built a motorcycle with domestic engines. And now I decided to show our guys: with Russian engines is possible to build a world-class bike.
Customizing - part of the American culture, and there is a long tradition: motorcycles should be based on Harley-Davidson. But why? So I wrote in the American motorcycle: «Do not wanna be Americano ...» This paraphrased a line from a famous song. Previously, she was unpopular, it is now remembered about her. Same thing here. It should be based on the Russian motorcycle parts with Russian engine. I decided. And he did.
- In your work (this is the word best suited to what you are doing) is constantly traced the musical theme. Motorcycle dedicated to Victor Tsoi, "Time Machine" ... Music gives you inspiration?
- No, I just have a few musical groups that have influenced the formation of the world my generation. In fact, at first it was necessary to make the bike "Viktor Tsoi", and then - "Time Machine". But because conditions - I'm opportunistic - turned out in reverse order. This Tribute bike, that is dedication. The artist paints a picture of the poet composes poetry. I do not have these gifts, but I can build the bike.
- Speaking of names. The name for the bike comes in advance or decide how it will be?
- The hardest thing - to come up with a name. (At this point it was difficult to understand whether Schiff jokes, or speaks seriously.) All taken into account: how it will sound in different languages as combined. For example, here's another typical motorcycle. I told him not to come up with the English name - Prueba de vida.
- That's you on the motorcycle Porechenkova? ..
- Yes. So, in Spanish - I had to teach him - it means "proof of life". In English does not sound the same! Proof of the life. Curves ... but I got a component of the image. Here it is, Porechenkov. He is so very nesladenky. But this is not a very good photo shoot. All images will look better motorcycles.
And there are motorcycles, titles for which we do not come up. Kristovskiy offered for your bike Gustav Skippone. We wrote a biography, history and legend. Say, this is a Swiss watchmaker ... Well, see for yourself. (Schiff again climbs into the computer displays photos from Kristovskis.). What guy on the banks of the Minsk Sea!
- All you arrange a photo shoot here?
- Everything from motorcycles to create a photo shoot here. This is my position.
- They say "old school", "modern custom-school" and you the creativity to which style direction with? Or even avoid such determinations?
- Avoid. My name is opportunistic, and I own a commercial enterprise. Maybe I would be engaged in something one. Many customizers build the same motorcycle. But we have to study the related styles.
- The word "accounts" you with some cunning uttered. To you it's interesting.
- The cornerstone - is ... schooling. (For the first time it appears on the face of Shifa smile.) But seriously, the tradition. It was up to us: the great, beautiful things are created. I find inspiration in historic motorcycles. No one better than the classics do not come up with any engineering or design. Therefore, they are studying. For me is very touching seem to heritage and traditions. Heritage - the most important thing.
What are you talking about? All! No.
Will be 37 photos + text.
He bought a black chopper with skulls and receive snow white streetfighter with mocking sign «Do not wanna be Americano ..." (the most interesting thing that the customer ecstatic!). He knows best what the customer needs, studying the image and creates a double in the motorcycle world. During our interview with the famous Belarusian kastomayzer Yuri Schiff adroitly evaded inconvenient questions, and through the eyes squint corrosive read out our response. It was difficult to understand whether he was joking, telling the amazing things that you say seriously. Well, for example, about how to work the last few years in a band manager, copies of famous bikes, custom bikes and the stories of its customers.
Yuri Schiff takes us into his office through the shop, hidden in the backyard of one of the central districts of Minsk. The smell of paint shops. The two won the cup stand directly on the floor (in one of them dollar bills). It is a reminder of past victories. But here, they seem to be not so revel. The work does not stop for a minute, it interrupts our interview squealing polishing machine, the clanging of tools.

Around motorcycles in various stages of readiness. And here is the custom, which was made for the musician Vladimir Kristovskiy (group Uma2rmaN). "I wonder how it was back then?" - Flashed the thought. Meanwhile, mechanics conjure on another bike. "Just do not shoot: unfinished pictures can not - warns Schiff. - This sign. " He leads us into his little office, which shares with the designer, muttering: "Speaking from the heart want? Well, you is worse ».
The work
- Let's begin with. They say that as a child you went to all sorts of clubs, and it allegedly was the beginning ...
- All a child went to some clubs, but what's the beginning of a career? I'm bad at school lessons shirked ... I did not have relatives in the countryside, where every yard was a motorcycle. A ride on anything very much. One day, instead I began lessons that fastened to the bicycle "Eaglet" motor. There is nothing unusual - items sold in the store, so there were a lot of guys in my time.
Only between a bicycle "Eaglet" with a motor, and my first kastomov Silver Stork - 25 years of life. If I were still enrolled at the university, is still an engineer at the plant "Arsenal" would work. So we have to build a motorcycle on an individual project. But I'm only doing the last 10 years. His first custom created in '41. This! And what I did before? Yeah ... Q.

- Well, as you get to such a life?
- What do I do in troubled times? The basis of my team has developed in motorsport. I managed a team of professional karting. We have achieved results that in this country no one has ever repeated, won the championship of Russia, Belarusian drivers can not dream. I am also proud of this. No less than success in customizing.
He studied abroad, gain knowledge in a professional German team, then transferred them here. It's been slowly and surely. But people also need a legend, I understand correctly? Otherwise it is not interesting. "How do you come up with motorcycles?" - Asked. They did not tell me that at 8:30 am I go to the studio, sat down at the table and systematically do their job. Everyone thinks that Schiff in the shower to clean and comes up with ideas, she puts a pillow under the tank, and he desired dream dreams, because around gasoline smell. No romance! We just carry out the work professionally and in good faith, trying to do her best.
- It so happened that in the post-Customizing find underground culture. How did you manage to rise above the level of the garage?
- Underground is not it. I have friends - that they are engaged in underground. A band 27 years, they recorded 104 albums. This is the underground, about which no one knows. What if I won the US, Germany and the rest, so what is it underground? Guys, I'm telling you: the question of motivation and a professional approach. We have not done anything extraordinary. And the result of evaluating other.
- But it is a system that you created it ... How is it born?
- Well, imagine: you build a fence. A good fence. For the foundation dig a hole about a meter deep. It's enough. It is so? But we dig three meters. And so it turns out better than good. That's the whole principle, we just dig deeper. This applies to all: from the study of history and ending the epitome of engineering. Yes, of course, spend more time ... We always try to do perfectly.

- So?
- Evaluate the work of our other ... (Thinking.) Yes, in principle, impossible. Sometimes it is not the first time. We have to break down and build anew. But lately, more and more turns.
- Feel the exhaustion at the end of the work or, perhaps, on the contrary, there are ideas: but I would have done so, there is a desire to refine and improve?
- There is no ideal designs, I always see what can be corrected. While some of the objects are obtained almost perfect. But ... you need to stop.
- Ideal - is The Machine, for example?
- Just this bike would be more work. In this form it is over, yes. However, there is no limit to perfection. Probably a good bike Silver Stork. In fact, it exists in several versions, is very similar, they are even experts can not tell, but they are different. Some Silver Stork general ideal.


- It turns out, each bike has a few copies?
- Yes. Some motorcycles have twins, which were made at the request of the workers. Yes, we do not hide it. One of them is called Silver Stork 2, for example. Although the name may be different, like the color, for example. But in fact it is the generation of the same motorcycle.
- And yet you're doing exclusive. Each work - something new. Customization - a protest against the whole mass?
- No, it's just our specialty. Protest at anything. Customizing - is the work, the construction of motorcycles on individual projects. At the same time we are engaged in a serial product. I was even proud that we took part and we plan to continue to develop, scale production of motorcycles.
- You mean the cooperation with the "Minsk-Moto»?
- No matter under what label it will be released. The bike, which is now put to full-scale production, called 200. We M1nsk M4 for it is not a shame. Good thing does not have to be elaborate, with some claim. It's just an individual. This bike is made in the neoclassical style, that is, eternal values. This is an image of classic British traditions - such railways, reliable motorcycles.


In fact, we have developed several bikes. Some of our developments exist as prototypes, some - in the form of industry. We need to clearly understand what work has been done: design - layout - prototype - industrial design - serial product. It's the stage of industrial motion of the object. That is, we have gone from a sketch to staging to production. As owners of the company dispose of this on their right, they decide whether to collect the Chinese mopeds or make your own product. They are businessmen. And who are we?
If we talk in general about the motorcycle product, then yes - in recent years, we have been able to achieve anything. Some of our bikes have become an absolute continuation of their owners. In particular, managed to convey both the character and style.
- Again, the issue of the first serious work of Silver Stork, of which you have already mentioned. After she started talking about Iurie Shifa. What were the first impressions?
- Understand that nothing extraordinary has happened. This is a natural outcome of a particular sequence of actions. What I am talking about, is also part of my job. I did it, if you want to know ... You can build a very good bike, but you can write about it. In principle - links of the same chain. PR, I'm sorry, we still has not been canceled.
To organize a series of publications, I had to make a special photo shoot. But to carry it out, I learned a whole layer of material on Photography motorcycles, culture and traditions. Because so here! To publish in this edition will have to comply with a foreign format, and it also had to learn. Visualization again needed rollers. You have to understand how it should look professional. For them to me again, do not be ashamed, because in any other country they would have done the same.
There are two criteria by which to evaluate the work: "I am not ashamed" and "I'm proud of." So I do not work for all his shameful, but some things I'm proud of. I believe that the state should be between these two points, somewhere in between. Sometimes people say: "You know, I'm at work. Well, it's for the money ... Kichuha. " We have some bikes that can be attributed to the Quichua. But we are not ashamed of them. It is a quality of kitsch.
A Silver Stork - the name of the non-random. "Silver Stork" in translation. The national component. He was represented in the American and German press and positioned as part of something Belarusian. (After a pause.) And yes, I am a patriot. Basically I live and work here and not going to go anywhere. If everyone in the country belonged to the business, as we are, then we would all zashib. You just need to be a professional. I feel sorry for people who consider themselves poor. How is this so? And is it possible? So you try it! But no one is trying.

- Every bike - about six months of work. The study of material, engineering ... You are the embodiment of this hundreds of times said in an interview. Can you talk about some stories kastomov? For example, about Abordage, which was dedicated to the pirates.
- With Abordage just a trivial story. It was necessary to study the history of piracy. (Starts to view photos on the monitor.) Enjoying sketches, pictures any photos. As the barrels look boarding saber, compass, map. Details decide everything! All. Read it, understand it. Then comes the customer, he sat on the bike. This fitting is called. We say "goodbye." And he did not see anything. And then he gets a motorcycle. Customer - a star! He is pleased with hands, legs, ropes, ignition switch, barrels, tanks, chains, compasses, maps, rhyme the seat, paintings, lamps from vintage cars, bought somewhere in Western Europe, air filters from the nuclei. It's our job.







Although there are interesting cases. For example, a person orders a black chopper with skulls, console pendulum. And gets white motorcycle streetfighter. How can this be?
- Moreover, the interesting is the reaction of the customer ...
- Well, then he has to live with it. Okay ... I'll tell the story. Here came a man who somewhere in the garage lay Ducati. And he was impatient. He explains: "I want the black chopper." I say, "Okay." The crisis is still on the court, must work. Then I honestly try to build a black chopper, but in his heart already know: you need something else. Then the customer comes to fitting. Here's a he. (Schiff again taken for a computer mouse, open the folder with the pictures. The pictures of the brutal kind of guy with tattoos. Everything is as it should be, a real biker.)

He still needs a black chopper. He leaves, and finally asked me to send photos. "Yeah," - I say, to finish building the bike and I'm taking it to the Motor Show in Germany. All this time he did not see the motorcycle and has no idea what it is. ABOUT! (At this point, Schiff is the photo of the guy in the white Duster.) And he is a hero! He asks me: "I am the coolest?" The answer is: "Yes, you're the coolest." Such stories are actually a lot.





- Could you tell?
- Well, look. (Pulls out a figure imp.) It is cast iron. Customer says, they say, it's a motorcycle, I need such a device. And I have a business, I'll not send him. Of course, the bike! Well, I send it well. Half suffers Fasten horns and hooves. The result is such a thing. (Shows picture with the guy in the red stylized red bike.) Who can say that this is not hell, let him cast a stone at me. The owner does not differ from the motorcycle. If this person was born bike, it would look exactly the same. It is not luck, but, again, the result of consistent work.




- But the customer was satisfied?
- Yes. Moreover, there is a sequel. They all have fun! So, the customer says, "I loved the bike, I want to ride it in the winter." Please! Trips winter. (Suddenly Schiff makes inviting gesture, and we go to the paint shop shop. There's a huge white SUV, and on both sides ... airbrush. It's not just a picture, and the image of the very red-haired guy on the bike - only on the sides of the car!) But do not take pictures . You remember - it's unfinished work. You still think I'm a joker? This is serious work, look what a fine art!
- At the same time there is a "light" theme. With "Well, wait a minute!", For example.
- It just airbrush. Not light, not heavy. Transfer graphics solution on a standard motorcycle. This way the customer wanted. Why is that? I do not know, maybe the parents hid him from the TV in the closet, watching cartoons prohibited. You remember the joke about the fact that people get older, but the toys are changing only the price ...



- Do you like to experiment? We started with a V-twin'ov, and suddenly decided to try Russian "boxer" ... I about The Machine, with its unusual engine.
- With the Russian motorcycle fundamental question was: custom build for the world championships. I'm a philosopher! There is nothing accidental. There they did not know, but I had already decided what it wants to see. I've never built a motorcycle with domestic engines. And now I decided to show our guys: with Russian engines is possible to build a world-class bike.
Customizing - part of the American culture, and there is a long tradition: motorcycles should be based on Harley-Davidson. But why? So I wrote in the American motorcycle: «Do not wanna be Americano ...» This paraphrased a line from a famous song. Previously, she was unpopular, it is now remembered about her. Same thing here. It should be based on the Russian motorcycle parts with Russian engine. I decided. And he did.



- In your work (this is the word best suited to what you are doing) is constantly traced the musical theme. Motorcycle dedicated to Victor Tsoi, "Time Machine" ... Music gives you inspiration?
- No, I just have a few musical groups that have influenced the formation of the world my generation. In fact, at first it was necessary to make the bike "Viktor Tsoi", and then - "Time Machine". But because conditions - I'm opportunistic - turned out in reverse order. This Tribute bike, that is dedication. The artist paints a picture of the poet composes poetry. I do not have these gifts, but I can build the bike.
- Speaking of names. The name for the bike comes in advance or decide how it will be?
- The hardest thing - to come up with a name. (At this point it was difficult to understand whether Schiff jokes, or speaks seriously.) All taken into account: how it will sound in different languages as combined. For example, here's another typical motorcycle. I told him not to come up with the English name - Prueba de vida.
- That's you on the motorcycle Porechenkova? ..
- Yes. So, in Spanish - I had to teach him - it means "proof of life". In English does not sound the same! Proof of the life. Curves ... but I got a component of the image. Here it is, Porechenkov. He is so very nesladenky. But this is not a very good photo shoot. All images will look better motorcycles.


And there are motorcycles, titles for which we do not come up. Kristovskiy offered for your bike Gustav Skippone. We wrote a biography, history and legend. Say, this is a Swiss watchmaker ... Well, see for yourself. (Schiff again climbs into the computer displays photos from Kristovskis.). What guy on the banks of the Minsk Sea!
- All you arrange a photo shoot here?
- Everything from motorcycles to create a photo shoot here. This is my position.
- They say "old school", "modern custom-school" and you the creativity to which style direction with? Or even avoid such determinations?
- Avoid. My name is opportunistic, and I own a commercial enterprise. Maybe I would be engaged in something one. Many customizers build the same motorcycle. But we have to study the related styles.
- The word "accounts" you with some cunning uttered. To you it's interesting.
- The cornerstone - is ... schooling. (For the first time it appears on the face of Shifa smile.) But seriously, the tradition. It was up to us: the great, beautiful things are created. I find inspiration in historic motorcycles. No one better than the classics do not come up with any engineering or design. Therefore, they are studying. For me is very touching seem to heritage and traditions. Heritage - the most important thing.
What are you talking about? All! No.