The Crow and the Fox
Raven somehow God sent another piece of cheese.
Fox ran.
- Raven - Fox said - that you remember yesterday?
Crow's beak squeezed tighter.
- I am very guilty before you, - admitted Lisa, wiping away a tear. - I lied to you. In the mercenary purposes. You're not so good. You have a completely mediocre feathers. Nose public thousands. Eyes, frankly, silly. And your voice ... I do not know ... not worth it, right ... - Fox paused.
- No, no, negotiate! - The crow cawed hoarsely. 2.
Raven somehow God sent another piece of cheese.
Crow sitting on a tree and waited for Fox.
She was late.
"Just let them appear - Raven thought, gleefully rubbing his wings. - Just let your mouth open. I told her ... No-ooo, not immediately. First let talk. Let out of his way will come out. I then cheese here on this speck pinned and ka-ak will tell ... »
Fox did not come.
"Well, where is she - Raven worried. - Smell that you lost? Hey, Lisa, - telepathically shout it - see what kind of cheese! Kitty, kitty ... or whatever ... You have not eaten an hour? »
The fox did not show.
"A friend called! How to eat cheese so right there, and how to talk ... - Raven upset. - Nobody loves Me. No one I'm not interested. A fox was - and she threw. No way, Soroka God sent camembert. And this is now a traitor red curls around her, and I'm sitting here all alone, forgotten by all ... hungry ... »
Irrigation tears cheese was like Solon suluguni.
Fox came.
- Kghm-RM's - happily prochavkala Crow - There appeared! So be it, join us, there is still left.
- Eat-Eat - Lisa waved. - I have to Soroka.
Raven perched on a fir tree, waiting for God to send her another slice of cheese.
Fox ran.
- I was late? - She asked.
Raven shook her head.
Fox sat down under a tree.
- Quite insolent, - she said.
Raven nodded.
- Classified ads were not any? - Fox asked. - Maybe today will be gone?
Crow shrugged.
- Okay. - Fox stood. - You wait, and I'll go. Karknesh, if anything?
- Duc, - assured her Raven.
Raven somehow God sent another piece of cheese.
Heard the sound - "Fox!" - Crow, without chewing, swallowed the cheese, choked, coughed, hit her head on the trunk, lost consciousness and fell down.
Recovering, Raven found that lying, deeply stuck like beak, a small moon. The moon was flattened and smelled of bread.
- It is a paradise? - Crow surprised.
- I left my grandfather, - she said - I went away from my grandmother.
When he awoke the second time, Raven realized that lies in the shade, and sitting next to Fox and fanning its tail.
- You have not kept themselves, - said Fox. - If I could think of me.
- It turns out, dying, we get to the moon - shared experiences of clinical death Crow.
- You imagined - Fox rubbed the oil shining nose. - Honestly.
Raven somehow God sent another piece of cheese.
It is absolutely breakfast was gathered, when Fox came to a clearing, and behind it - pretty five cubs.
- That is, children - appealed to him Fox - is - the same aunt that I told you so.
Cubs reverently considered Crow.
- What wise in her opinion - she saw fox older.
- And proud profile, - he added a second when Crow tried to turn away.
- Fairy - quietly fiery red fox.
Crow pretended not to understand, about whom we are. Cubs are not withdrawn from her admiring eyes.
- It is not so beautiful, and - suddenly said the smallest fox.
- You can not judge by appearances! - I scolded her sister. - Inner beauty is more important.
- Remember how much she has done for us - said a senior fox.
- Can not you feel how much Tete hidden goodness?
- And nobility?
- Nimba not you see?
If the crows blush, this would be raging like Firebird.
- Children, - she whispered. His throat was com. Raven swallowed and repeated louder: - My dear ...
Raven somehow God sent two slices of cheese.
One was wrapped in crispy paper sign with a bright screen for Fox.
"It is strange - thought Raven - and for the second one?»
Raven somehow God sent another piece of cheese.
The cheese was cut into neat slices, arranged clean translucent papers, and is packed in a cheerful multi-colored plastic.
Crow with Fox for a long time in silence looked at all this splendor.
- I make a mistake, probably - Raven finally sighed.
- That's how it turns out, it happens - Fox said dreamily. Her eyes filled with tears.
- Take - proposed Raven - children will show. Let them know.
- What are you - Fox scared - they also live here.
Raven somehow God sent another piece of cheese.
Suddenly, with her plump down on a branch Raven. On one leg, he had a massive gold ring, the second - illegible tattooed.
- What, my friend, Lisa took you? - He asked cheerfully. - Do not be afraid, come to an end your torment. Will I now give the cheese, and with Fox myself ceilings.
Raven pulled away from him.
Fox approached some time looked at the bulging chest Raven.
- Yours? - She asked scornfully Ravens.
She shook her head.
- Come on come on, - barked Raven. - Here's my point. Raven crow does not eat dog, and we will soon tailed all to push the claw.
- Conscientious - Fox suddenly thrust raven under the beak red book. - Know how to read, Knight?
Raven managed to see only the gold lettering on the cover.
- What is "Nevermore"? - I could not stand it.
Raven tried to pretend to be a hummingbird.
Fox hid the little book, pick up cheese and shook Raven:
- You that, for a moment you can not leave? That ruhnesh with oak, then bind thugs ... Well, until tomorrow. Will run down - tell.
Birds trying to each other not to look.
- Wow! - Tossed Raven, flying. - I could not warn you that you have such a roof?
- It is not the roof! - Proudly croaked after him Raven. - It is - one!
Raven somehow God sent another piece of cheese.
Fox ran.
- Raven - Fox said - that you remember yesterday?
Crow's beak squeezed tighter.
- I am very guilty before you, - admitted Lisa, wiping away a tear. - I lied to you. In the mercenary purposes. You're not so good. You have a completely mediocre feathers. Nose public thousands. Eyes, frankly, silly. And your voice ... I do not know ... not worth it, right ... - Fox paused.
- No, no, negotiate! - The crow cawed hoarsely. 2.
Raven somehow God sent another piece of cheese.
Crow sitting on a tree and waited for Fox.
She was late.
"Just let them appear - Raven thought, gleefully rubbing his wings. - Just let your mouth open. I told her ... No-ooo, not immediately. First let talk. Let out of his way will come out. I then cheese here on this speck pinned and ka-ak will tell ... »
Fox did not come.
"Well, where is she - Raven worried. - Smell that you lost? Hey, Lisa, - telepathically shout it - see what kind of cheese! Kitty, kitty ... or whatever ... You have not eaten an hour? »
The fox did not show.
"A friend called! How to eat cheese so right there, and how to talk ... - Raven upset. - Nobody loves Me. No one I'm not interested. A fox was - and she threw. No way, Soroka God sent camembert. And this is now a traitor red curls around her, and I'm sitting here all alone, forgotten by all ... hungry ... »
Irrigation tears cheese was like Solon suluguni.
Fox came.
- Kghm-RM's - happily prochavkala Crow - There appeared! So be it, join us, there is still left.
- Eat-Eat - Lisa waved. - I have to Soroka.
Raven perched on a fir tree, waiting for God to send her another slice of cheese.
Fox ran.
- I was late? - She asked.
Raven shook her head.
Fox sat down under a tree.
- Quite insolent, - she said.
Raven nodded.
- Classified ads were not any? - Fox asked. - Maybe today will be gone?
Crow shrugged.
- Okay. - Fox stood. - You wait, and I'll go. Karknesh, if anything?
- Duc, - assured her Raven.
Raven somehow God sent another piece of cheese.
Heard the sound - "Fox!" - Crow, without chewing, swallowed the cheese, choked, coughed, hit her head on the trunk, lost consciousness and fell down.
Recovering, Raven found that lying, deeply stuck like beak, a small moon. The moon was flattened and smelled of bread.
- It is a paradise? - Crow surprised.
- I left my grandfather, - she said - I went away from my grandmother.
When he awoke the second time, Raven realized that lies in the shade, and sitting next to Fox and fanning its tail.
- You have not kept themselves, - said Fox. - If I could think of me.
- It turns out, dying, we get to the moon - shared experiences of clinical death Crow.
- You imagined - Fox rubbed the oil shining nose. - Honestly.
Raven somehow God sent another piece of cheese.
It is absolutely breakfast was gathered, when Fox came to a clearing, and behind it - pretty five cubs.
- That is, children - appealed to him Fox - is - the same aunt that I told you so.
Cubs reverently considered Crow.
- What wise in her opinion - she saw fox older.
- And proud profile, - he added a second when Crow tried to turn away.
- Fairy - quietly fiery red fox.
Crow pretended not to understand, about whom we are. Cubs are not withdrawn from her admiring eyes.
- It is not so beautiful, and - suddenly said the smallest fox.
- You can not judge by appearances! - I scolded her sister. - Inner beauty is more important.
- Remember how much she has done for us - said a senior fox.
- Can not you feel how much Tete hidden goodness?
- And nobility?
- Nimba not you see?
If the crows blush, this would be raging like Firebird.
- Children, - she whispered. His throat was com. Raven swallowed and repeated louder: - My dear ...
Raven somehow God sent two slices of cheese.
One was wrapped in crispy paper sign with a bright screen for Fox.
"It is strange - thought Raven - and for the second one?»
Raven somehow God sent another piece of cheese.
The cheese was cut into neat slices, arranged clean translucent papers, and is packed in a cheerful multi-colored plastic.
Crow with Fox for a long time in silence looked at all this splendor.
- I make a mistake, probably - Raven finally sighed.
- That's how it turns out, it happens - Fox said dreamily. Her eyes filled with tears.
- Take - proposed Raven - children will show. Let them know.
- What are you - Fox scared - they also live here.
Raven somehow God sent another piece of cheese.
Suddenly, with her plump down on a branch Raven. On one leg, he had a massive gold ring, the second - illegible tattooed.
- What, my friend, Lisa took you? - He asked cheerfully. - Do not be afraid, come to an end your torment. Will I now give the cheese, and with Fox myself ceilings.
Raven pulled away from him.
Fox approached some time looked at the bulging chest Raven.
- Yours? - She asked scornfully Ravens.
She shook her head.
- Come on come on, - barked Raven. - Here's my point. Raven crow does not eat dog, and we will soon tailed all to push the claw.
- Conscientious - Fox suddenly thrust raven under the beak red book. - Know how to read, Knight?
Raven managed to see only the gold lettering on the cover.
- What is "Nevermore"? - I could not stand it.
Raven tried to pretend to be a hummingbird.
Fox hid the little book, pick up cheese and shook Raven:
- You that, for a moment you can not leave? That ruhnesh with oak, then bind thugs ... Well, until tomorrow. Will run down - tell.
Birds trying to each other not to look.
- Wow! - Tossed Raven, flying. - I could not warn you that you have such a roof?
- It is not the roof! - Proudly croaked after him Raven. - It is - one!