7 kinds of adorable foxes

The Fox is often associated with cunning and deceit, with a red tail and with a watchful eye. However, it is not so simple. In our collection — seven different and such a charming species of foxes, which differ from each other not only color, but also his character. Fenech

Fox -Fennec Fox can not boast of large size — less animal is the domestic cat. But the ears of the Fennec Fox is the envy of all predators — in almost half of the body length of the animal! These ears help the Fox to hear the rustling of prey — small insects and lizards that live in the Sands of North Africa. In addition, the huge ears provide for better cooling of the body during a heat wave.

Red Fox

Red Fox is the most numerous common species among the foxes. This animal can be seen throughout Europe, North America, India and China, as well as in Australia, where foxes specially delivered as natural enemies without measure bred rodents. Red foxes usually live in burrows. They can wirite them yourself or can take the vacant burrow of other animals, such as marmots, badgers or foxes. However, there are times when adapting someone else's Fox hole, despite the fact that its owner has not yet moved to another location.

Marble Fox

In fact, the Arctic marble Fox is a subspecies of the common red Fox, artificially derived for an exotic fur.

Gray Fox

Gray Fox occurs in North and Central America. It is known that an animal is monogamous and lives with his partner the rest of your life. In addition, this is the only Fox that can climb trees.

Black-brown Fox

Black-brown Foxor the silver Foxdiffers from the red only for the fact that its color has absolutely no red hairs. Sometimes completely black, sometimes grey with a bluish tint, sometimes ash — Fox for such an exotic color is very popular in animal husbandry where they are used to produce fur.

Polar Fox

The Arctic Foxalso known as Fox, famous for its fluffy white fur, which helps the animal to withstand the cold down to -70 C. However, in summer this Fox — the only Fox among foxes, who changes its color, and in warm months it becomes a dirty brown color.


Corsacor steppe Fox, inhabits the steppes and semi-deserts, hunting small rodents, birds and insects. A normal red Fox order of magnitude larger than Korsak and is his enemy and competitor for food, so Korsak tries to avoid such meetings. In the face of a man, Fox can pretend to be dead, but at the first opportunity, runs off.

For some, Fox is a symbol of cunning, but for others – good for photos. Our selection of the most interesting pictures of Fox shows these lovely animals, as depicted on the background of wild nature and conditions of life.
Source: lola1405.uol.ua/text/10416609/