Cute fox
Photos fiery red foxes
Normal red fox, lives in many Russian forests, truly beautiful, but it's tricky being able to adapt to various climates around the world. For example, Fenech from the Sahara desert and the American red fox have larger ears, which helps them to cool the body in the desert and the arctic fox has a thick and insulated snow-white cloth and small ears that help him to maintain body heat. Fox is a member of a canine, which also includes dogs, wolves and other similar animals. A Soviet scientist Dmitri Belyaev was able to even begin to experiment in the domestication of foxes, which have begun to show such "dog" habits, such as wagging tail.

Normal red fox, lives in many Russian forests, truly beautiful, but it's tricky being able to adapt to various climates around the world. For example, Fenech from the Sahara desert and the American red fox have larger ears, which helps them to cool the body in the desert and the arctic fox has a thick and insulated snow-white cloth and small ears that help him to maintain body heat. Fox is a member of a canine, which also includes dogs, wolves and other similar animals. A Soviet scientist Dmitri Belyaev was able to even begin to experiment in the domestication of foxes, which have begun to show such "dog" habits, such as wagging tail.
