Children and animals
Each of us can recall the events of childhood associated with your beloved pet. And no matter how much mom and dad did not swear, when a dog or cat spoil anything in the house, they still knew how important this was for the child's experience. Let your children will have the same friends like these little lucky.
Animal World - is huge and the living world. It is a living, not a virtual world, living by their own laws. This living world we call wild. And in this wild world of animals live their only they understand life. Animals living among the people - a huge living world of real cats and dogs, chickens, ducks and horses, canaries and hamsters, goats and cows, but you never know someone else. This burning world we call them not wild world of nature and the world of pets. Pets serve the people faithfully for many centuries. Cows and goats give milk, chickens lay eggs, cats catch mice and that guard your and, accordingly, it Koshkin, food supplies in the house, and lovely dog guards, hunters and shepherds. Huge world of pets is not independent, it depends entirely on the human will. And the thing is, how people relate to their wards smaller brothers, because people's attitude to them are different, and, alas, often far from ideal.
The role of pets in the lives of people can appreciate not only adults. Children appreciate the role of pets is very realistic, but not only! Children are not animals so pragmatically, as one would expect from them. Today's children do not drive at night with the horses, not graze and milk the cows, sheep and goats, often they do not like milk. However, they treat animals is much deeper and more complex than adults can imagine. According to a survey conducted by UK scientists, 95% of children believe pets among the 10 most important components of their lives. A large group of primary school children from 7 to 10 years believes that for them the dog or cat is often more important than family or teachers! Planned even a negative trend when alone in their family, children believe that for them a cat or dog is important not only teachers, but also the moms and dads.
Such children while yet another one, because Mom and Dad still occupy an important place in the life of the child, and the first place in this list are mum on the second - the Pope. For example, a seven-year children in England who are already fully articulate their thoughts, I believe that the dog - the best quarterback in the family. In the role of defender of the dog takes the second place of honor after the Pope. The motivation of such a high evaluation is as follows: "Since the dog is not so scary to stay in the room, even if the house lights went out." In the opinion of young British cat is almost as affectionate as a mom. This is very important if there is resentment or in case of illness. The cat can be shared with as a full member of the family. Children often think of animals and full members of the family. They can communicate with them as well as with her mom, dad, brother or sister. And in case of problems, most children prefer to apply, not least to a cat or a dog. Polls young Englishmen showed that for children pets are not only members of the family. "Family member" - is a necessary but insufficient condition for the child in relation to pets.
For the baby fishes in the aquarium, dog, cat, hamster or parrot - also a friend, companion, guardian of children's mysteries and insults, the one with whom the child shares his infant joy or sorrow. Children and animals are almost equally responsive to the world. They are equally requires attention from adults or from the hosts. They love pokapriznichat, they have an idea of how they are treated in the family and may even be jealous of the guests or the new family member. For animals in essence - the same children. Conversely, children - the same animals. Do not make a big eyes when compared with the baby animals. So even thought Chekhov, for example, because children have not yet had time to grow and emerge as a conscious person. They have so far only individuals, like animals, but with the rudiments of personality. Children, like animals, live sensations and feelings, but not only. They are given intellect, reason, which is under development and formation. And in this they differ from animal intelligence which never develop, because they have not been given. They will always remain individuals, but will not personalities. Even the most intelligent, individually lovely dog remains a dog, and the most talkative parrot will only have your personal and funny bird.
Interesting recent study done by Russian scientists showed that it was the dog most guys want to see as a four-legged friend. Zoological addiction young Russians are as follows: beginning to be a dog, the dog go parrot, cat, hamster, fish, rats and monkeys. Included in the list of childhood dreams and wild animals: a lion or a tiger, and a horse. Thus, if the kid is bad, it pulls more to cats, dogs and fish. In that order. Although it is possible that as a favorite kids called the animal that lives in their house. The most important reason, according to the children that love to pet - is trust, affection, and most importantly - it is the absence of conflict between children and young animals. And this remark in the garden of the parents! After all, they often do not cover the home and family a sense of peace, warmth and consistency, and is necessary for the normal development of the child. Quite the contrary, each year tens of thousands of children growing up in an atmosphere of family scandals and experiencing parental divorce. And if there is no possibility of discharge, if the house is no cat to pat her and that she "regretted" the child and rubbed his hand on her soft muzzle; if you can not express all my childish fears dog wags his tail gently and carefully looking into the eyes; if you can not tinker with the hamster, simulating home and peace and comfort at this time, forgetting about all the troubles, the child may develop a serious neurosis. But even if the child already and brought their "caring" parents to neurosis and, for example, suffers from stuttering, it is easy to get in touch with the same small, silent and defenseless young animals like himself. Most often it is the fish or hamsters. Aquarium with fish - it's all a unique tool for children of all temperaments. It is arranged as a rational children prone to collecting, calm and reasonable, and to the restless, excitable children. Long leisurely contemplation floating fish soothe any nervous system. They are perfectly calm and treat stuttering in children.
There are even a number of methods of treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and severe diseases such as cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and autism. For children suffering from these diseases are characterized by isolation, isolation from peers, and life in general particularly emotional lethargy, listlessness. For them, the animal - the main partner and doctor. Often helps sick children contact with dolphins and horses. Therapeutic horseback riding on a horse or pony, if the child is still small in stature, is used in paralysis, polio, with the defeat of the senses, such as blindness or deafness, which arose as a traumatic syndrome and as postoperative rehabilitation. Regular training with horses, dogs, dolphins, or just daily communication with pets are beneficial to the whole body, normalizing the activity of the central nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems. Under such mental illnesses as autism, schizophrenia, mental retardation or Down syndrome (mental retardation) helps contact with animals, especially cats and dogs. In children suffering from cerebral palsy, develops motor skills, and hyperactive kids Oligophrenic learn to distribute the forces more efficiently, especially with dogs. In fact, except for the healing of canine saliva, which heals all wounds, dogs are able to shoot better than cats and adults stress, nervous tension, and especially migraine attacks. About this doctor even wrote extensively not only for education but also long practiced in Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita", describing the painful migraine Pontius Pilate. Alleviate the suffering of the Roman governor could only his beloved dog. Therefore it is especially recommended to bring a dog to people with mental disorders and heart conditions. Therapeutic cynology fixes many cases prevent seizures.
In any case, the animal becomes a great healer neuroses and diplomatic mediator, helping children build relationships with adults as well as everyone around the world. For example, zoologists believe that it is necessary to focus on the type of temperament and personality of the child. Introverted, phlegmatic child needs pet, which could communicate through sounds and touch, guinea pigs, hamsters, mice. A hyperactive, so to speak, "twitch", and calms the nervous kid learns to control the force of their movements, stroking a cat or dog. As we know, children sociable, cheerful and active better coexist with feathered, and oppressive, bleak atmosphere of family disorders birds experiencing constant stress, get sick quickly and may even die. Not only dogs but also birds all feel everyone understands just can not say, though many are able to speak, for example, parrots, or starlings or crows. Turtle kids bored: watch them uninteresting, impossible to communicate, and quickly because the owners generally stop paying attention to them.
Unfortunately, all of these recommendations are relative and only specific method of trial and error in practice, you can find out exactly what kind of animal will cause your child positive emotions. In this matter, no specialist will give you accurate advice. Panacea is looking every man for himself. And it is worth the time and patience. But the game is worth the candle. How do I find the American pediatricians, children who have pets, less sick and mentally more balanced. And the greatest benefit cats and dogs bring a child under the age of five to eight years. Conversely, children who grow up without a dog or cat, have lower IQ than children from families with animals. House has two or more dogs or cats reduces the risk of children allergies, and this is one of the major diseases of the end 20 and the beginning of 21 centuries. It was found that 77% of children living in the "zoological" families, showed remarkable resistance to allergies. As physicians believe, likely in these cases the child's immune system is activated, leading to the suppression of certain types of allergic reactions. American scientists have made the analysis of saliva samples of 138 children to determine the levels of immunoglobulin responsible for the immune system.
At our house cat and a dog, and many friends are horrified when they hear that we are not going to give away their grandparents before the birth of her second child, we predict a terrible epidemic of plague and povalny family (once lived another mouse in a box, but they had a bad habit of continually fetus and periodically scatter around the apartment, so that they had to pay the same). All animals naturally graft, the cat walks on the street in the summer, in the country, and then thoroughly washed baby soap, despite the screams. Interested to know your views to live together in a house of animals and small children.
Komorowski meets EO
Quote of man in general and child in particular, is much easier to pick up the disease from contact with individuals of the same species. Ie mom and dad for the child - much more dangerous than a cat and dog. Yes, the dog is easier to "catch" some worm, but the worm, almost always, is less dangerous than daddy aureus. So in the absence of any objections no allergies and can not be. Obvious hygiene rules - and the fact they are obvious ...

Animal World - is huge and the living world. It is a living, not a virtual world, living by their own laws. This living world we call wild. And in this wild world of animals live their only they understand life. Animals living among the people - a huge living world of real cats and dogs, chickens, ducks and horses, canaries and hamsters, goats and cows, but you never know someone else. This burning world we call them not wild world of nature and the world of pets. Pets serve the people faithfully for many centuries. Cows and goats give milk, chickens lay eggs, cats catch mice and that guard your and, accordingly, it Koshkin, food supplies in the house, and lovely dog guards, hunters and shepherds. Huge world of pets is not independent, it depends entirely on the human will. And the thing is, how people relate to their wards smaller brothers, because people's attitude to them are different, and, alas, often far from ideal.

The role of pets in the lives of people can appreciate not only adults. Children appreciate the role of pets is very realistic, but not only! Children are not animals so pragmatically, as one would expect from them. Today's children do not drive at night with the horses, not graze and milk the cows, sheep and goats, often they do not like milk. However, they treat animals is much deeper and more complex than adults can imagine. According to a survey conducted by UK scientists, 95% of children believe pets among the 10 most important components of their lives. A large group of primary school children from 7 to 10 years believes that for them the dog or cat is often more important than family or teachers! Planned even a negative trend when alone in their family, children believe that for them a cat or dog is important not only teachers, but also the moms and dads.

Such children while yet another one, because Mom and Dad still occupy an important place in the life of the child, and the first place in this list are mum on the second - the Pope. For example, a seven-year children in England who are already fully articulate their thoughts, I believe that the dog - the best quarterback in the family. In the role of defender of the dog takes the second place of honor after the Pope. The motivation of such a high evaluation is as follows: "Since the dog is not so scary to stay in the room, even if the house lights went out." In the opinion of young British cat is almost as affectionate as a mom. This is very important if there is resentment or in case of illness. The cat can be shared with as a full member of the family. Children often think of animals and full members of the family. They can communicate with them as well as with her mom, dad, brother or sister. And in case of problems, most children prefer to apply, not least to a cat or a dog. Polls young Englishmen showed that for children pets are not only members of the family. "Family member" - is a necessary but insufficient condition for the child in relation to pets.

For the baby fishes in the aquarium, dog, cat, hamster or parrot - also a friend, companion, guardian of children's mysteries and insults, the one with whom the child shares his infant joy or sorrow. Children and animals are almost equally responsive to the world. They are equally requires attention from adults or from the hosts. They love pokapriznichat, they have an idea of how they are treated in the family and may even be jealous of the guests or the new family member. For animals in essence - the same children. Conversely, children - the same animals. Do not make a big eyes when compared with the baby animals. So even thought Chekhov, for example, because children have not yet had time to grow and emerge as a conscious person. They have so far only individuals, like animals, but with the rudiments of personality. Children, like animals, live sensations and feelings, but not only. They are given intellect, reason, which is under development and formation. And in this they differ from animal intelligence which never develop, because they have not been given. They will always remain individuals, but will not personalities. Even the most intelligent, individually lovely dog remains a dog, and the most talkative parrot will only have your personal and funny bird.

Interesting recent study done by Russian scientists showed that it was the dog most guys want to see as a four-legged friend. Zoological addiction young Russians are as follows: beginning to be a dog, the dog go parrot, cat, hamster, fish, rats and monkeys. Included in the list of childhood dreams and wild animals: a lion or a tiger, and a horse. Thus, if the kid is bad, it pulls more to cats, dogs and fish. In that order. Although it is possible that as a favorite kids called the animal that lives in their house. The most important reason, according to the children that love to pet - is trust, affection, and most importantly - it is the absence of conflict between children and young animals. And this remark in the garden of the parents! After all, they often do not cover the home and family a sense of peace, warmth and consistency, and is necessary for the normal development of the child. Quite the contrary, each year tens of thousands of children growing up in an atmosphere of family scandals and experiencing parental divorce. And if there is no possibility of discharge, if the house is no cat to pat her and that she "regretted" the child and rubbed his hand on her soft muzzle; if you can not express all my childish fears dog wags his tail gently and carefully looking into the eyes; if you can not tinker with the hamster, simulating home and peace and comfort at this time, forgetting about all the troubles, the child may develop a serious neurosis. But even if the child already and brought their "caring" parents to neurosis and, for example, suffers from stuttering, it is easy to get in touch with the same small, silent and defenseless young animals like himself. Most often it is the fish or hamsters. Aquarium with fish - it's all a unique tool for children of all temperaments. It is arranged as a rational children prone to collecting, calm and reasonable, and to the restless, excitable children. Long leisurely contemplation floating fish soothe any nervous system. They are perfectly calm and treat stuttering in children.

There are even a number of methods of treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and severe diseases such as cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and autism. For children suffering from these diseases are characterized by isolation, isolation from peers, and life in general particularly emotional lethargy, listlessness. For them, the animal - the main partner and doctor. Often helps sick children contact with dolphins and horses. Therapeutic horseback riding on a horse or pony, if the child is still small in stature, is used in paralysis, polio, with the defeat of the senses, such as blindness or deafness, which arose as a traumatic syndrome and as postoperative rehabilitation. Regular training with horses, dogs, dolphins, or just daily communication with pets are beneficial to the whole body, normalizing the activity of the central nervous, cardiovascular and digestive systems. Under such mental illnesses as autism, schizophrenia, mental retardation or Down syndrome (mental retardation) helps contact with animals, especially cats and dogs. In children suffering from cerebral palsy, develops motor skills, and hyperactive kids Oligophrenic learn to distribute the forces more efficiently, especially with dogs. In fact, except for the healing of canine saliva, which heals all wounds, dogs are able to shoot better than cats and adults stress, nervous tension, and especially migraine attacks. About this doctor even wrote extensively not only for education but also long practiced in Mikhail Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita", describing the painful migraine Pontius Pilate. Alleviate the suffering of the Roman governor could only his beloved dog. Therefore it is especially recommended to bring a dog to people with mental disorders and heart conditions. Therapeutic cynology fixes many cases prevent seizures.

In any case, the animal becomes a great healer neuroses and diplomatic mediator, helping children build relationships with adults as well as everyone around the world. For example, zoologists believe that it is necessary to focus on the type of temperament and personality of the child. Introverted, phlegmatic child needs pet, which could communicate through sounds and touch, guinea pigs, hamsters, mice. A hyperactive, so to speak, "twitch", and calms the nervous kid learns to control the force of their movements, stroking a cat or dog. As we know, children sociable, cheerful and active better coexist with feathered, and oppressive, bleak atmosphere of family disorders birds experiencing constant stress, get sick quickly and may even die. Not only dogs but also birds all feel everyone understands just can not say, though many are able to speak, for example, parrots, or starlings or crows. Turtle kids bored: watch them uninteresting, impossible to communicate, and quickly because the owners generally stop paying attention to them.

Unfortunately, all of these recommendations are relative and only specific method of trial and error in practice, you can find out exactly what kind of animal will cause your child positive emotions. In this matter, no specialist will give you accurate advice. Panacea is looking every man for himself. And it is worth the time and patience. But the game is worth the candle. How do I find the American pediatricians, children who have pets, less sick and mentally more balanced. And the greatest benefit cats and dogs bring a child under the age of five to eight years. Conversely, children who grow up without a dog or cat, have lower IQ than children from families with animals. House has two or more dogs or cats reduces the risk of children allergies, and this is one of the major diseases of the end 20 and the beginning of 21 centuries. It was found that 77% of children living in the "zoological" families, showed remarkable resistance to allergies. As physicians believe, likely in these cases the child's immune system is activated, leading to the suppression of certain types of allergic reactions. American scientists have made the analysis of saliva samples of 138 children to determine the levels of immunoglobulin responsible for the immune system.

At our house cat and a dog, and many friends are horrified when they hear that we are not going to give away their grandparents before the birth of her second child, we predict a terrible epidemic of plague and povalny family (once lived another mouse in a box, but they had a bad habit of continually fetus and periodically scatter around the apartment, so that they had to pay the same). All animals naturally graft, the cat walks on the street in the summer, in the country, and then thoroughly washed baby soap, despite the screams. Interested to know your views to live together in a house of animals and small children.
Komorowski meets EO
Quote of man in general and child in particular, is much easier to pick up the disease from contact with individuals of the same species. Ie mom and dad for the child - much more dangerous than a cat and dog. Yes, the dog is easier to "catch" some worm, but the worm, almost always, is less dangerous than daddy aureus. So in the absence of any objections no allergies and can not be. Obvious hygiene rules - and the fact they are obvious ...