Fox in Egypt
Not so long ago we told you about the everyday life of the ordinary fox. Now we offer you a look at his journey to Egypt. In all my past life Fox is almost out of the woods, so the entire trip he spent staring out the window. Customs and border control have been remarkably without a hitch, and an hour after landing, Fox arrived at one of the hotels on the Red Sea. Fox came to meet almost the entire staff of the hotel, but off his things, first of all Fox rushed ...
Nakata. After a tiring trip just soft shaded loungers by the pool and refreshments were able to save the guest of honor. Yes, I have a Fox drinker, especially far away from home. Around some dunes and tourists as well there is not rolled forward for the native birch.
The next morning, Fox decided to go for a swim and enjoy the sea. By the way, before he had never seen him, but for a long time wanted to see at least a piece of the sea. Now the plans have Fox - New York City and the Pacific Ocean.
Scuba diving or snorkeling, viewing coral - the main, if not the only entertainment fit in Sharm el-Sheikh, but the salt water represents a serious danger to tender fox fur coats, so while everyone else went swimming, Fox lying enjoying the Mediterranean sun.
Sun in Egypt, and the truth is very cool, fry in the morning. Despite the high temperature, it does not feel stuffy, so even Fox felt very comfortable.
Nazagoravshis, Fox decided to stretch their legs a bit and went to investigate the yacht.
Seizing the moment, he is even a little steer the yacht. This sea fox.
The next day, Fox was scheduled to meet with the governor of South Sinai Khaled Foda. Khaled before with foxes, and even more so of Russia never talked so was very surprised and pleased to meet you.
After the official reception Fox decided to take a plunge in the local culture and went to the central market. Cunning, and very cunning fox proved to arrive on the market is not in the evening when it's dark and a lot of tourists, and early in the morning. In the picture 7 in the morning and the market in general there is no one. A rare opportunity to explore the city without annoying salesmen and molested.
To be honest, come here in the morning Fox is not recommended. In the daytime it is very clearly visible what is hidden in the evening, so if you do not want negative impressions, and even do not go here during the day.
In the middle of the market is sticking an unfinished building of the mosque, but so far from the local restaurant, you can enjoy only its brick walls.
On the last day of the Fox decided to walk along the waterfront, if it can be called. On the cliff overlooking the infinite blue of the sea, which you can enjoy for hours. However, sooner or later, you still need to go home.
A little bit of time to get ready, and Fox already at the airport. Before the flight, the best meal, as on-board food is always tasteless. The local cafe Fox chooses chicken.
Use the card in Egypt is safe enough, although cash may still be needed. In this regard, the Fox was very lucky, because it does not have pockets to carry them, but familiarity with the governor helped to resolve all issues with vendors and service personnel.
Source: ntv.livejournal.com

Nakata. After a tiring trip just soft shaded loungers by the pool and refreshments were able to save the guest of honor. Yes, I have a Fox drinker, especially far away from home. Around some dunes and tourists as well there is not rolled forward for the native birch.

The next morning, Fox decided to go for a swim and enjoy the sea. By the way, before he had never seen him, but for a long time wanted to see at least a piece of the sea. Now the plans have Fox - New York City and the Pacific Ocean.

Scuba diving or snorkeling, viewing coral - the main, if not the only entertainment fit in Sharm el-Sheikh, but the salt water represents a serious danger to tender fox fur coats, so while everyone else went swimming, Fox lying enjoying the Mediterranean sun.

Sun in Egypt, and the truth is very cool, fry in the morning. Despite the high temperature, it does not feel stuffy, so even Fox felt very comfortable.

Nazagoravshis, Fox decided to stretch their legs a bit and went to investigate the yacht.

Seizing the moment, he is even a little steer the yacht. This sea fox.

The next day, Fox was scheduled to meet with the governor of South Sinai Khaled Foda. Khaled before with foxes, and even more so of Russia never talked so was very surprised and pleased to meet you.

After the official reception Fox decided to take a plunge in the local culture and went to the central market. Cunning, and very cunning fox proved to arrive on the market is not in the evening when it's dark and a lot of tourists, and early in the morning. In the picture 7 in the morning and the market in general there is no one. A rare opportunity to explore the city without annoying salesmen and molested.

To be honest, come here in the morning Fox is not recommended. In the daytime it is very clearly visible what is hidden in the evening, so if you do not want negative impressions, and even do not go here during the day.

In the middle of the market is sticking an unfinished building of the mosque, but so far from the local restaurant, you can enjoy only its brick walls.

On the last day of the Fox decided to walk along the waterfront, if it can be called. On the cliff overlooking the infinite blue of the sea, which you can enjoy for hours. However, sooner or later, you still need to go home.

A little bit of time to get ready, and Fox already at the airport. Before the flight, the best meal, as on-board food is always tasteless. The local cafe Fox chooses chicken.

Use the card in Egypt is safe enough, although cash may still be needed. In this regard, the Fox was very lucky, because it does not have pockets to carry them, but familiarity with the governor helped to resolve all issues with vendors and service personnel.

Source: ntv.livejournal.com