Rating of the most intelligent animals of our planet
People often underestimate the intellectual abilities of our younger brothers. However, various experiments and tests have proved that animals can surprise us. We offer you the top ten most intelligent animals:
10. Rat.
It is no secret that the rat often settles next to a person, and the decorative type of rat is a fairly common type of pet. Decorative rat is different from its wild relative: very smart and funny, and not at all averse to play.
In the course of various experiments, it turned out that one of the most amazing abilities of rats is the ability to accurately and quickly find the shortest path to the goal.
And according to recent studies, the brown rat is aware of its intellectual abilities, which was previously considered the prerogative of man. Not surprisingly, the rat was one of the most revered animals in ancient China.
9. Octopus
One of the most intelligent and still unexplored animals is the octopus.
Thanks to its weapon – a bag of ink in its body, this cephalopod is an excellent hunter. But if an octopus is threatened, it instantly shoots that ink at the enemy.
However, this is not the only thing that saves him in emergency situations: the octopus is able to release a liquid that blocks the enemy’s sense of smell.
Moreover, he has an excellent short-term memory and, if necessary, changes his color.
8 Pigeon
It is believed that pigeons were domesticated 3000 years BC. These birds are sometimes called “flying rats” because they carry many diseases. And yet the pigeon is a very intelligent bird.
Studies show that the pigeon is able to use its previous experience and learn quickly. Pigeons can recognize about 100 pictures after a few years of training, they can recognize themselves in the mirror, can learn certain movements, and can see a slight difference between two identical objects at first sight.
7. Squirrel
Due to its abilities, protein is easily tamed. Good memory, speed, agility and ingenuity are just a few of the skills of a cute forest animal. Even the fact that squirrels make reserves for the winter speaks for itself.
In addition, if the stored squirrel provisions are threatened by a thief, then the squirrel hides everything it has stored. Often a squirrel lives next to a person and she is looking for food near human housing.
The tame squirrel recognizes the owner and responds to the nickname. All this indicates squirrel ingenuity and the ability to learn.
6. Pig.
It is proved that the pig, in comparison with other animals, has a fairly high level of intelligence. Her intelligence is equivalent to that of a three-year-old.
Scientists from the University of Pennsylvania tried to train a pig to play computer games to confirm its ability to solve problems. At the end of the experiment, scientists concluded that pigs mastered the fundamental aspects of games as quickly as chimpanzees!
These animals have a fairly good long-term memory, and their excellent sense of smell has helped them become the best at finding truffles. Pigs easily adapt to their surroundings, otherwise they would not survive.
And the fact that pigs are easy to train makes them one of the most beloved pets.
5. Crow
In some scientific circles, it is believed that crows are smarter than primates. This is confirmed by numerous experiments and experiments. But the most amazing ability of the crow is the ingenuity shown in the extraction of food.
For example, this bird is able to make a hook from a cord to catch worms from a plastic box. And to open the nuts, the crow throws them on the roadway under the wheels of cars at the pedestrian crossing, and in order not to be hit, the crow waits for a green traffic light.
The language of crows is complex: they use multiple “dialects” to communicate with each other.
Moreover, the crow is able to play games and perform various tricks.
4. elephant
Elephants first appeared in Africa about 23 million years ago. Since horses were the dominant herbivores at the time, elephants evolved into huge herbivores during centuries of fighting for food with horses.
It is no secret that elephants are able to use a variety of improvised tools to achieve their goals in the wild. In captivity, they learn quickly.
The elephant brain has more cells per square centimeter than any other animal. This structure of the brain allows them to learn faster and remember well.
The elephant is a curious and clean animal: before eating anything, it will necessarily wash or clean the food from dirt.
3. orangutan
Orangutans live in groups with strong social ties. Orangutan moms raise their young for years, teaching them survival skills.
In the wild, they, like elephants, use assistive tools to achieve their goals.
In captivity, they learn quickly. Like opening a can of fruit.
Experiments have shown that they can use word plaques to make sentences and communicate with people.
2. dolphin
Dolphins are one of the most beloved mammals. In the ranking of the most intelligent creatures on earth, they are second only to humans and chimpanzees, leaving behind everyone else.
Dolphins exhibit abilities previously attributed exclusively to humans. Recent studies have shown that the brain size of dolphins is 4-5 times larger than that of other animals.
Of course, brain size is a questionable argument in favor of remarkable intellectual abilities, but there are some facts that put these mammals in second place in the ranking.
First, the different characteristics of the neocortex (cerebral cortex) – responsible for emotional processing of data – are characteristic of dolphins.
Second, the observation of their behavior and reactions is similar to human behavior: recognizing their reflection in the mirror, mastering certain actions, communicating based on movements, and understanding abstract concepts.
But unfortunately, this means that dolphins in water parks are victims of serious psychological disorders.
1. chimpanzee
Well, the first place belongs to the animals most similar to humans, both physically and intellectually.
Chimpanzees can make auxiliary tools and use them for food. They can develop a hunting strategy, as well as cooperate with other relatives. They are able to learn sign language and communicate with people.
But perhaps the most amazing ability of chimpanzees is the ability to express their thoughts and ideas through various objects and symbols. Scientists believe that their intellectual abilities developed thanks to their well-formed groups with strict rules.
Source: /users/413
10. Rat.
It is no secret that the rat often settles next to a person, and the decorative type of rat is a fairly common type of pet. Decorative rat is different from its wild relative: very smart and funny, and not at all averse to play.
In the course of various experiments, it turned out that one of the most amazing abilities of rats is the ability to accurately and quickly find the shortest path to the goal.
And according to recent studies, the brown rat is aware of its intellectual abilities, which was previously considered the prerogative of man. Not surprisingly, the rat was one of the most revered animals in ancient China.
9. Octopus
One of the most intelligent and still unexplored animals is the octopus.
Thanks to its weapon – a bag of ink in its body, this cephalopod is an excellent hunter. But if an octopus is threatened, it instantly shoots that ink at the enemy.
However, this is not the only thing that saves him in emergency situations: the octopus is able to release a liquid that blocks the enemy’s sense of smell.
Moreover, he has an excellent short-term memory and, if necessary, changes his color.
8 Pigeon
It is believed that pigeons were domesticated 3000 years BC. These birds are sometimes called “flying rats” because they carry many diseases. And yet the pigeon is a very intelligent bird.
Studies show that the pigeon is able to use its previous experience and learn quickly. Pigeons can recognize about 100 pictures after a few years of training, they can recognize themselves in the mirror, can learn certain movements, and can see a slight difference between two identical objects at first sight.
7. Squirrel
Due to its abilities, protein is easily tamed. Good memory, speed, agility and ingenuity are just a few of the skills of a cute forest animal. Even the fact that squirrels make reserves for the winter speaks for itself.
In addition, if the stored squirrel provisions are threatened by a thief, then the squirrel hides everything it has stored. Often a squirrel lives next to a person and she is looking for food near human housing.
The tame squirrel recognizes the owner and responds to the nickname. All this indicates squirrel ingenuity and the ability to learn.
6. Pig.
It is proved that the pig, in comparison with other animals, has a fairly high level of intelligence. Her intelligence is equivalent to that of a three-year-old.
Scientists from the University of Pennsylvania tried to train a pig to play computer games to confirm its ability to solve problems. At the end of the experiment, scientists concluded that pigs mastered the fundamental aspects of games as quickly as chimpanzees!
These animals have a fairly good long-term memory, and their excellent sense of smell has helped them become the best at finding truffles. Pigs easily adapt to their surroundings, otherwise they would not survive.
And the fact that pigs are easy to train makes them one of the most beloved pets.
5. Crow
In some scientific circles, it is believed that crows are smarter than primates. This is confirmed by numerous experiments and experiments. But the most amazing ability of the crow is the ingenuity shown in the extraction of food.
For example, this bird is able to make a hook from a cord to catch worms from a plastic box. And to open the nuts, the crow throws them on the roadway under the wheels of cars at the pedestrian crossing, and in order not to be hit, the crow waits for a green traffic light.
The language of crows is complex: they use multiple “dialects” to communicate with each other.
Moreover, the crow is able to play games and perform various tricks.
4. elephant
Elephants first appeared in Africa about 23 million years ago. Since horses were the dominant herbivores at the time, elephants evolved into huge herbivores during centuries of fighting for food with horses.
It is no secret that elephants are able to use a variety of improvised tools to achieve their goals in the wild. In captivity, they learn quickly.
The elephant brain has more cells per square centimeter than any other animal. This structure of the brain allows them to learn faster and remember well.
The elephant is a curious and clean animal: before eating anything, it will necessarily wash or clean the food from dirt.
3. orangutan
Orangutans live in groups with strong social ties. Orangutan moms raise their young for years, teaching them survival skills.
In the wild, they, like elephants, use assistive tools to achieve their goals.
In captivity, they learn quickly. Like opening a can of fruit.
Experiments have shown that they can use word plaques to make sentences and communicate with people.
2. dolphin
Dolphins are one of the most beloved mammals. In the ranking of the most intelligent creatures on earth, they are second only to humans and chimpanzees, leaving behind everyone else.
Dolphins exhibit abilities previously attributed exclusively to humans. Recent studies have shown that the brain size of dolphins is 4-5 times larger than that of other animals.
Of course, brain size is a questionable argument in favor of remarkable intellectual abilities, but there are some facts that put these mammals in second place in the ranking.
First, the different characteristics of the neocortex (cerebral cortex) – responsible for emotional processing of data – are characteristic of dolphins.
Second, the observation of their behavior and reactions is similar to human behavior: recognizing their reflection in the mirror, mastering certain actions, communicating based on movements, and understanding abstract concepts.
But unfortunately, this means that dolphins in water parks are victims of serious psychological disorders.
1. chimpanzee
Well, the first place belongs to the animals most similar to humans, both physically and intellectually.
Chimpanzees can make auxiliary tools and use them for food. They can develop a hunting strategy, as well as cooperate with other relatives. They are able to learn sign language and communicate with people.
But perhaps the most amazing ability of chimpanzees is the ability to express their thoughts and ideas through various objects and symbols. Scientists believe that their intellectual abilities developed thanks to their well-formed groups with strict rules.
Source: /users/413