Rated Soaps

I am a serial zadrot who can not at once see the feature film, but can swallow one season of the show for a day. The reasons for this may be different, but one thing is clear - series a profitable business, especially in the US, so they try and make the most interesting, to attract the attention of viewers and advertisers at the same time. We mere mortals in the post-Soviet countries have an interesting and high-quality product for our national "soap" is and remains soap.
MyShows.ru portal gathers all fans of TV series, it has a corresponding rating, ie How many people watching this show, its evaluation, and therefore ranking. This ranking is interesting in that it is based on the fact that our people are looking, not bloated Western critics. Here is the ranking among the top 20 TV series, I had to deal with 12.
If you can not find your favorite TV series, a full rating can be found here.
Rating changes periodically
20th place
Castle / Castle (2009)
Release dates: March 9, 2009 - ...
Country: US, Scripted.
Genre: Crime, Drama, Crime
Channel: ABC (US)
Rating IMDB: 8.3 out of 10 (31 390)
Kinopoisk Rating: 8.23 of 10 (9382)
Rating MyShows: 4.39 out of 5 (12,563)

Meet Richard Castle - a successful writer of detective fiction, who killed his latest book, the main character. But it seems like one of the admirers of his talent a little too much like the book - the city appears wannabe who commit crimes with deadly accuracy by copying the ways that kill Castle in his works. And our weary writer was summoned to the homicide of the New York police to help find the killer.

19th place
Escape / Prison Break
Release dates: August 29, 2005 - May 15, 2009
Country: US, Scripted.
Genre: action, drama, adventure
Channel: FOX (US)
Rating IMDB: 8.6 out of 10 (127,107)
Kinopoisk Rating: 8.73 out of 10 (32 937)
Rating MyShows: 4.4 out of 5 (18,610)

Michael is convinced of the innocence of his brother, who was convicted to death, and decides to restore justice himself. He deliberately commits an offense for which falls in the same prison, where sits a brother. The one that Michael knows because he himself created it and as a civil engineer ... brilliantly simple plan of salvation ...
Very clever episode, atypical prison theme, I looked at one go. I recommend for those who want to see something really unconventional, but the quality and interesting. Well, if you take the main character, it is clear that it is the dream of all girls - beautiful, smart, sweet, altruistic, and thus a real man ...)

Futurama / Futurama
Release dates: March 28, 1999 - ...
Country: US, Animation.
Genres: Comedy, cartoons for adults, fantasy
Channel: Comedy Central (US)
Rating IMDB: 8.8 out of 10 (63 620)
Kinopoisk Rating: 8.14 out of 10 (26 746)
Rating MyShows: 4.52 out of 5 (16,288)

According to an absurd accident Fry gets into the future - in the 3000th year, where he was waiting for loyal friends in the face of a mad-eyed robot Bender and Leela.
I love this cartoon, even though sometimes it's just a brain explosion. It refers to the number of those where you have to "get involved." Specific humor, beaten interesting topic of the future - Futurama love geeks from around the world. How would it trite and silly sounds, I was curious to watch it from the point of view of "how it is there in the year 3000»

The Walking Dead / The Walking Dead
Release dates: October 31, 2010 - ...
Country: US, Scripted.
Genre: Action, Drama, Family, Thriller, Horror / supernatural
Channel: AMC (US)
Rating IMDB: 8.7 out of 10 (138,633)
Kinopoisk Rating: 8 out of 10 (18 897)
Rating MyShows: 4.12 out of 5 (16,205)

The series tells the story of the family Sheriff after the "zombie" - an epidemic of apocalyptic scale has swept the globe. Sheriff Rick Grime traveling with his family and a small group of survivors in search of a safe place to live. But the constant fear of death every day brings a heavy toll, causing the characters to feel the depth of human cruelty. Rick tries to save his family, and discovers that the overwhelming fear of the survivors can be dangerous meaningless dead roam the earth.

Fringe / Fringe
Release dates: September 9th, 2008 - ...
Country: US, Scripted.
Genre: Crime, Drama, Fantasy
Channel: FOX (US)
Rating IMDB: 8.5 out of 10 (59 357)
Kinopoisk Rating: 8.12 out of 10 (12 716)
Rating MyShows: 4.25 out of 5 (16,623)

Olivia Dunham - a young FBI agent forced to work with a staff of scientists to investigate unexplained phenomena. Among the employees of the secret National Security Division - Dr. Walter Bishop - is a cross between Einstein and Frankenstein, his son with an IQ of 200, and has not graduated from high school with gambling debts and Nina Sharp, who has worked on a secret organization 16 years. Special Agent Phillip Broyles NB department heads, designed to investigate the paranormal.

Clinic / Scrubs
Release dates: October 2, 2001 - March 17, 2010
Country: US, Scripted.
Channel: ABC (US)
Rating IMDB: 8.6 out of 10 (101,511)
Kinopoisk Rating: 8.61 out of 10 (44 395)
Rating MyShows: 4.57 out of 5 (21,233)

After studying four years in medical school, John Dorian comes to work as an intern in the clinic. With him in here will apply the knowledge and his best friend since college, Chris Turk. Do not have practical experience, young professionals immediately immersed in the chaotic world of hospital life ...
One of my favorite TV series!
He is brilliant, with a lively sense of humor, colorful characters, and the most incredible medical gags, 9 seasons of fun!
I recommend to everyone who basically takes sitcoms.
Incidentally, I agree with the idea that Interns lick from the clinic, although everyone has his opinion.

Breaking Bad / Breaking Bad
Release dates: January 20, 2008 - ...
Country: US, Scripted.
Genre: Drama
Channel: AMC (US)
Rating IMDB: 9.4 out of 10 (109,381)
Kinopoisk Rating: 8.78 out of 10 (16 266)
Rating MyShows: 4.49 out of 5 (16,425)

Walter White, a chemistry professor at the university. He has a wife and son of a disabled wife is expecting another child. Walt no longer young, and at this age are often crises, the more you need to feed the family, and the salary of the teacher will not clear, so he is forced to look for jobs at the car wash, where his own students mocked, and another son, whose disability is also constantly ridiculed.
His brother-in-law works in the Drug Enforcement Administration, and one offers to take part in the raid on the house where the laboratory preparation metamfentamina. During the raid Walt accidentally sees one dealer runs away from the raid, it is his former student.
Walt decides to do business with him about cooking methamphetamine, as he on a break, he was losing, he quit his job at the car wash, sex with my wife is limited only by masturbation on her part, he was diagnosed - inoperable lung cancer, and brother-in-law always says, that methamphetamine brings a lot of money. Who else can prepare pure methamphetamine, but chemistry teacher?
Walt and his partner removed the trailer and organize a lab there, before fleeing into the wilderness, away from the eyes. The first batch is ready, partner Walt, Jesse comes to implement it ...

Game of Thrones / Game of Thrones
Release dates: December 10, 2010 - ...
Country: US, Scripted.
Genres: Action, Drama, Fantasy
Channel: HBO (US)
Rating IMDB: 9.4 out of 10 (192,834)
Kinopoisk Rating: 9.06 out of 10 (32 105)
Rating MyShows: 4.66 out of 5 (17,321)

Game of Thrones is based on the book series by George RR Martin. This is an epic struggle for power that takes place in a huge frenzied fantasy kingdom.
I started watching because she could not understand what all the buzz from this series.
At first I was of him in a little shock - terrible scenes of violence, brutal scenes of murder, too frank sex scenes, often gay. Sometimes you just shut your eyes in fear. What all kicks and have not understood, although it is well made fantasy, fun to watch, but loved this show will not be me.

Friends / Friends
Release dates: September 22, 1994 - May 6, 2004
Country: US, Scripted.
Channel: NBC (US)
Rating IMDB: 8.9 out of 10 (163,992)
Kinopoisk Rating: 8.98 out of 10 (62 799)
Rating MyShows: 4.79 out of 5 (22,048)

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Only lazy people do not know about this show.
The coolest sitcom of all ages and peoples
The Vampire Diaries / The Vampire Diaries
Release dates: September 10, 2009 - ...
Country: US, Scripted.
Genres: Drama, romance, horror / supernatural
Channel: The CW (US)
Rating IMDB: 8.1 out of 10 (71 935)
Kinopoisk Rating: 7.86 out of 10 (36 563)
Rating MyShows: 4.12 out of 5 (19,831)
It took only four months after the tragic accident that killed their parents, and 17-year-old Elena Gilbert and her 15-year-old brother, Jeremy are still trying to recover from the loss and return to normal life. Elena has always been an excellent student, a beautiful and popular girl in school, but now it is very hard to hide her sadness from the world. At the beginning of the school year the attention of Elena and her friends attract new student, a mysterious and beautiful Stefan Salvatore.
Stefan - a vampire, which for hundreds of years, and who tries to live peacefully among humans, despite the fact that his brother, Damon - the embodiment of vampire violence and bloodlust. Now two vampire brothers - one good, one evil - are fighting for the soul of Helen, her friends and other inhabitants of the town of Mystic Falls.
Now this is probably the main vampire saga, as Damon Salvatore pressed Edward Cullen in the list of the sexiest vampires.
This series was doomed to success - the directors managed to catch the moment when the vampire stories began at the peak of popularity, plus handsome actor plus a good picture, plus the story of "a simple girl of the people" who all want to save.
The first two of the season - simply chic, then to me it was a horror, is something stupid ponapridumyvali and each series was based on the fact that it is necessary to kill half the town to save Elena, but entertaining story that did not lessen.