The most effective way to learn English

You've heard that many people prefer to study English language movies and series in the original. This is a good motivator, because watching videos more interesting than cram grammar and vocabulary.
Today, the Website We want to tell you about the advantages of this method, as well as to offer effective techniques for working with video.
Why study English for series and films effectively h3> 1. You educate and entertain at the same time
Watching movies and series in their original language is a good motivator for you, because you can watch exciting videos in between monotonous exercises on grammar and cramming. Learn English, you can hear the real voice of the beloved actor, and see movies or TV shows, which are not translated into Russian. .
2. You will develop the skills of perception of English listening
This is one of the best ways to improve the perception of the English language at the hearing. When you first difficult to grasp what they say heroes video, use subtitles. If every day to give a careful review of at least 15-20 minutes, then after 2-3 months, you will begin to understand the characters and phrases, without subtitles. Thus, the study of the English series and films helps "teach" their ears to different accents and intonations of speech.
3. You increase your vocabulary
While watching the show or movie, you can greatly expand your vocabulary. The significance of many of the words you'll guess from the context, remembering the cases in which use new vocabulary. At the same time you're using the best way to learn words and expressions - contextual. You will know how and in what situations to use certain phrases and words.
4. You teach spoken word forms, phrasal verbs and slang
Heroes video chat, as ordinary native speakers. They use speech speaking the abbreviated form of words, phrasal verbs, and slang expressions. So if you want to understand the English in the standard medium of communication, we advise necessarily to watch movies and TV shows.
5. You learn to natural speech
While watching the video you will hear the sound of a connected living speech, with some intonation should talk, which make logical pauses and accents. In a head to digest the information, and gradually you will start to copy it unconsciously native speakers to use some phrases stick to their rate of speech, intonation, and so on. N.
6. You learn to understand the humor of the speakers
Agree how did strange and unusual for us English humor, because a significant part of jokes based on wordplay. To become better acquainted with the English or the Americans puns, look good comedy and comedy series such as "Friends».
7. You learn the features of another culture
Watching movies or TV series, you can get acquainted with the customs, holidays, traditions and mentality of the native speakers. Remember, because of the movie "Home Alone" we all know what it means for the inhabitants of America Christmas. And in the same series "Friends" shows the great tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving Day.
Simple techniques for learning the language movies and series h3>
Choose a suitable complexity video. Beginners better to stay in special training video from textbooks, these videos more accessible to understanding. And people with advanced levels can watch any movies and TV series. Look at the already familiar to you movie. If you are experiencing difficulty with listening comprehension, we suggest you look familiar movies. Since you will understand the story, you will not have to continually press to pause, and to check with a dictionary. Turn subtitles. It's hard to get used to the sound of non-native speech, and even the familiar words are not captured in the hearing. Then it makes sense to resort to using subtitles. Gradually you will begin to understand the words of the characters, and without the accompanying text, then subtitles will need to disconnect. Write out and teach you the words of strangers. If you want to not only entertain, but also to benefit from the view, and work with a dictionary. Revise video. Try to remember new words after watching, and then wait 3-7 days and review the video. Only in this way do not use a dictionary and subtitles. This technique will help you not only to expand vocabulary and improve listening comprehension. Mimic native speakers. Repeat the phrase for the hero of the film or TV series. Try to simulate not only the pronunciation of sounds, but also the tone, manner of speaking. It's quite an interesting exercise that You can do with friends: Try to play together a scene from a favorite series or blockbuster. And fun and useful! Find a place to watch the video. If you want to watch movies or TV shows with subtitles, you will appreciate the sites and ororo.tv hamatata.com. Use the technical capabilities of the player. If we are the heroes of the series or the movie seems too fast, and you find it difficult to perceive it by ear, use the slow playback speed. The sound is not distorted, and you will be much easier to understand what the characters say the video. Try to watch movies without subtitles in English. Once your ears adapt to the sound of the English language, try to watch movies without subtitles. It is convenient to do on foreign sites such as primewire.ag and solarmovie.is. See the special educational video. On Youtube are a lot of videos for those who are interested in how to teach English for the series and films. We invite you to read the following series of videos: Movie English. Thanks to the rollers with excerpts from movies we all know, you can learn some phrasal verbs, the apt expression and unusual turns. Focus on your interests. 24% English learners prefer using video film "Harry Potter." Do not see what you're not interested, do not waste your precious time. Use this knowledge. Speak English as often as possible and try to paste it into your new words and phrases gleaned from the video.via englex.ru/how-to-learn-english-by-films-and-tv-series/