As I began to speak in English

article- "motivashka" Konstantin Voronin on how he managed after years of postponement take up English, beating procrastination, laziness and fear of the language barrier, and win. < br />
Three years ago I revisited a list of goals for the year and once again noted that the item "learn English" in this list pristutstvuyut constantly, but to no avail. Three days ago, I was talking on Skype with a guy from Ecuador (in English), and he admitted that he initially thought I was American. What happened in those three years?
Interest in the English language was in my childhood. In the early 1990s, pirate movies in Volodarsky and voice acting from the original track contributed to the unconscious absorption of another language and alluring. Inscriptions «Made in USSR», «Modern Talking» and «Let`s rock» sounded like spells. This also contributes to television and video game consoles. But no one explained that learning the language is very useful. But nine years of French in high school and two more - in the university. The language of Moliere gave me easy and fun, but to his study there were no real incentives.
Snooze childhood interest in English woke up in the second year of university. I then bought a tutorial Ekkersli and firmly took up English. Looking back now is the time to understand what those classes laid the basis, helped to organize fragmentary knowledge, often at the level of intuition ("like, so it is necessary to say"). But I gave these classes in a few months, because there was no incentive: Well, I will know English, so what? Speak it is not with anyone abroad go too poor student does not shine. So the result was certain, but since there was no clear purpose and a gasoline ended quickly.
For several years I returned again and again to the idea to resume the study until the autumn of 2012 the inner voice (the voice of his wife) is not advised to approach the study of the language on the other side: "Why do not you look for aliens with whom you could talk maybe whom it would be interesting to learn Russian - that would help each other. You'll see - and learn the language. " Thus opened a new page in the study of language, which does not close until now.
I have found that the Internet is not so few places where you can find language partners.
I began to send out invitations, and soon received authorization requests in Skype from the Scotsman and a Mexican. There was some correspondence from the drive, trying to express their thoughts, understand that there are no words - climbed into Google Translate, got out problems with grammar - got new textbooks.
Then one day late on the Mexican called me on Skype voice. To say I was shocked, then do not say anything. It was creepy. It was terrible - I do not understand, nothing I can say. But there was such courage! I talk to a foreigner halfway around the world! This feeling is difficult to compare anything.
All this gave incentives appeared tangible goal: to put, I will not travel the world, because the world would come to me! Only here it is necessary to tighten up the language. Here and began this study.
I began to study the grammar of Murphy: all in English, but simple and easy to understand, however, is not enough exercise.
But how to put speaking and listening?
Then I came to the aid podcasts. It must be said that the beginning of learning the language coincided with a move to another city, and the work was left to the "same" place. So there is a need to carry out daily two hours of the car on the way to work / home. My choice fell on the Voice of America program for English learners. Please listen to the Russian-language podcasts with English dialogue, and then moved to their VoA Learning English - anyone can find it for yourself theme to your liking. I studied US history on their Making of a Nation. It should be noted that for beginners, these programs are extremely useful, because on the one hand, you hear a real American English, while they say there is slower than usual.
He was listening. As to speaking? Here again we meet to Mexicans that have called me. Julio :) We started to call up with him all the time, sometimes 2-3 times a week, I taught him Russian, and he ... and he just talked to me, and I had to very quickly look up words, translate google unknown, ask again and so on. d. Grammar, of course, at first I suffered, but in due course classes Murphy gave the result.
I've written off every day with native speakers on Skype, on evenings and weekends we called. All of this in due course strengthened my confidence at the same time developing and vocabulary, and grammar.
Every day I spent on the tongue for about three hours. Of course, you can say that you do not have so much free time, but, mind you, from two of the three hours I have been listening, sitting behind the wheel. You have, I think, too, have some time on your way to work. So maybe spend it to good use? Although, I doubt that among the readers of Man About Town MRS have time :).
Also, I almost stopped watching movies in Russian. English only. Actually, now I can say that 90% of all "consumed me content" - the English-language information.
By specialty (IT) I also read in English: Industry promotes. I communicate on professional topics in the English-speaking forums, recently passed online courses with an English teacher. For the soul - is now noir detective Wages of sins. In the car - historical podcasts Dan Carlin Hardcore History and the socio-political show Common Sense. On weekends - series Parenthood (already the 5th season), before there were «Friends», «Rome», «6 Feet Under» ...
I tell you all this not to boast. Understand this: three years ago, I seriously thought that the item "Sit down already, finally, for the English!" Will not go out of my list of annual plans ever. But now I can not imagine life without English. Moreover, I have been doing with the language of the four-year daughter and a son seven months generally communicate only in English. Recently, I began to experiment on parallel study of the French (yes, I taught him 11 years, but it was long ago and not true) and Spanish. This experience deserves a separate article, as well as methods, techniques and tools that I use.
So I want to say: if you think that language is not for you, that never and nothing you do not succeed - wish, want a passionate, hot, get a book, not published in Russian that you horror as you want to read, get not translated film . And, they say, the best motive to learn the language - fall in love with its bearer :) Then there is time and opportunity, and success was not long in coming.