10 tricks to learn English in a jiffy. Bring excellent result, in spite of everything!
How many times have you told yourself that it is time to study English seriously? This promise modern people give themselves very often, because the knowledge of English is very important in different spheres of life. Travel, successful work on the Internet and chat with friends from different countries is impossible without language proficiency at least at a sufficient level. Grasp the study is easy, but to see it through ... not everyone is able to enthusiasm is not lost, please use the suggestions below trick. With their help, you can learn English quickly, while not losing interest in him, and solidify knowledge through fun practice. Getting Started!
1. Memory cards to help
Cramming new words horrifies beginners learning the language of people. But all is not as difficult as it seems. To actively communicate in English, you need to learn all the words ... 300! This is 65% of the vocabulary used in everyday speech. You should not put on a cross and claim that you have a bad memory, justifying its reluctance to memorize words. To facilitate this platform please use Anki. This virtual cards that encourage memorization process: using photo, video and audio, you can create a new association said. The site Cram. com you'll find a whole set of these cards, created by skilled craftsmen.
2. Memes
Mnemonic - remember the art that appeared in the days of ancient Greece. It is necessary to use these valuable knowledge to their advantage: create memes with which memorizing new words will turn into fun! Site Memrise. ru - a real source of inspiration. For example: the English word «shoot» easy to slam into your memory, if you hold to the association: "The clown shoots».
3. Cognates
Cognates - words with a common origin, which sound very similar in different languages. Russian language contains many cognates, and it is a big plus - very easy to associate with a foreign native word, if they overlap each other, and remember. Sister: Sister - eng., Sister - Eng., Søster - NOK., Dates., Schwester - it., Sorella - ital., Soeur - French. Enter the query in Google, "similar words in Russian and English" and enjoy the results!
4. Communication with native speakers
Skype - a great opportunity to communicate with people for whom English is their native language. On the Internet, there are whole communities of people who are willing to agree to communicate with those wishing to learn English committed free! Find yourself another volunteer this and talk with him on a variety of topics. This will improve your pronunciation, you're going to watch the facial expression and articulation of a foreigner, and not increased vocabulary and you'll know what to say in a particular domestic situation.
5. Immersion
To feel in another country, it is not necessary to go there! Use the radio resource where you can hear the clock live English speech Tunein. com. The section "Trends" on Youtube to show you how to tell the foreigners, you can choose the most interesting news videos in English and increase their knowledge of them.
6. Special Resources
Do not miss the opportunity to take advantage of free resources on the Internet, created for those who teach the language. Duoligo, Babbel, Forvo - the largest of them.
7. Children
Learn English with your child - it's so interesting that you necessarily memorize new words! Talk together in a foreign language on the way to kindergarten and school, at lunch and during the games. Children have a unique feature to quickly learn new words, and it is contagious. See for yourself!
8. A clear goal
In any case important to clearly target, it's not just ordinary life affairs and important decisions and training. Set specific goals and achieve them, for example, to learn 50 new words per week. The satisfaction that you feel as a result of fruitful work, will encourage you to continue to learn the language.
9. Simulation
See the news in English, BBC - the best option. Learn to mimic the speaker's body language, intonation and pronunciation. So you will learn English in the right form and able to communicate in it like a native speaker.
10. Errors
Do not be afraid to make mistakes! Even if you say a phrase in English, built not quite right, the caller will still understand you. And this - the main goal of communication. Do not give up, make mistakes again and again, learn from mistakes it! Learn to treat ironically to his injuries and strive for success, your efforts will pay off handsomely.
Tune in to learn English seriously! You can do everything, you are only willing, but the execution of your cherished desire to own a foreign language perfectly you can help these 10 tricks. Do your friends a favor - to share with them this helpful article!
via takprosto cc
1. Memory cards to help
Cramming new words horrifies beginners learning the language of people. But all is not as difficult as it seems. To actively communicate in English, you need to learn all the words ... 300! This is 65% of the vocabulary used in everyday speech. You should not put on a cross and claim that you have a bad memory, justifying its reluctance to memorize words. To facilitate this platform please use Anki. This virtual cards that encourage memorization process: using photo, video and audio, you can create a new association said. The site Cram. com you'll find a whole set of these cards, created by skilled craftsmen.
2. Memes
Mnemonic - remember the art that appeared in the days of ancient Greece. It is necessary to use these valuable knowledge to their advantage: create memes with which memorizing new words will turn into fun! Site Memrise. ru - a real source of inspiration. For example: the English word «shoot» easy to slam into your memory, if you hold to the association: "The clown shoots».
3. Cognates
Cognates - words with a common origin, which sound very similar in different languages. Russian language contains many cognates, and it is a big plus - very easy to associate with a foreign native word, if they overlap each other, and remember. Sister: Sister - eng., Sister - Eng., Søster - NOK., Dates., Schwester - it., Sorella - ital., Soeur - French. Enter the query in Google, "similar words in Russian and English" and enjoy the results!

4. Communication with native speakers
Skype - a great opportunity to communicate with people for whom English is their native language. On the Internet, there are whole communities of people who are willing to agree to communicate with those wishing to learn English committed free! Find yourself another volunteer this and talk with him on a variety of topics. This will improve your pronunciation, you're going to watch the facial expression and articulation of a foreigner, and not increased vocabulary and you'll know what to say in a particular domestic situation.
5. Immersion
To feel in another country, it is not necessary to go there! Use the radio resource where you can hear the clock live English speech Tunein. com. The section "Trends" on Youtube to show you how to tell the foreigners, you can choose the most interesting news videos in English and increase their knowledge of them.
6. Special Resources
Do not miss the opportunity to take advantage of free resources on the Internet, created for those who teach the language. Duoligo, Babbel, Forvo - the largest of them.
7. Children
Learn English with your child - it's so interesting that you necessarily memorize new words! Talk together in a foreign language on the way to kindergarten and school, at lunch and during the games. Children have a unique feature to quickly learn new words, and it is contagious. See for yourself!
8. A clear goal
In any case important to clearly target, it's not just ordinary life affairs and important decisions and training. Set specific goals and achieve them, for example, to learn 50 new words per week. The satisfaction that you feel as a result of fruitful work, will encourage you to continue to learn the language.

9. Simulation
See the news in English, BBC - the best option. Learn to mimic the speaker's body language, intonation and pronunciation. So you will learn English in the right form and able to communicate in it like a native speaker.
10. Errors
Do not be afraid to make mistakes! Even if you say a phrase in English, built not quite right, the caller will still understand you. And this - the main goal of communication. Do not give up, make mistakes again and again, learn from mistakes it! Learn to treat ironically to his injuries and strive for success, your efforts will pay off handsomely.
Tune in to learn English seriously! You can do everything, you are only willing, but the execution of your cherished desire to own a foreign language perfectly you can help these 10 tricks. Do your friends a favor - to share with them this helpful article!
via takprosto cc
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