LJ Bible
"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth ....»
GOD picture is not loaded!
"And God said: Let there be light. And there was light ... "and so on, created man
Adam: First, nah! Author zhzhosh!
Snakes (looking at Eve): Theme fucked not disclosed.
Eve (nadkusyvaya apple): fotozhopa!
Adam (nadkusyvaya apple and looking at Eve): jerk, thank you!
God (Adam looking for): Where is the moderator?
Adam (the bushes) Vpisdu!
God (Adam and Eve): In gazenvagen!
God (the Snake): Go to Beavertown, you animal!
God (Eve): Kisakuku!
Cain and Abel
God (Abel) Popear me!
Abel (Cain): Raskas zhyznenny.
Cain (Abel): this sucks! Hypocrite, kill yourself!
God (Cain): Huyasse ?! Pshёl nah!
Cain (God) is not funny !!!
God (Noah, pointing to the animals) Give two in memoriz.
Noah: Zochem vie travite?
GOD picture is not loaded!
Noah (looking out the window): uzhosnah!
Dove (faded from the ship in November): Glamorous
Noah (looking out the window): Draining zaschitan.
Tower of Babel
All (system Tower): FSE who are above and below - pedorasy.
God (glancing at the ground): offtopic and niipet! KG / AM!
All (to each other): Learn Albanian!
God (Russell peoples of the earth): Kamenty they rule!
All (giving birth to each other): Subject fucked disclosed. Ftemu!
Sodom and Gomorrah
Lot (guests angels): In buddylist!
The people of Sodom (angels): Smack, prativno!
Angels: Achtung!
God: Achtung!
God (Lot): Go to Beavertown, you animal!
Lot (God): Bayan!
God (Lot) picture is not loaded!
Female Lot (turning): Huyasse!
God (Lot's wife, turning it into a pillar of salt): Kisakuku!
Lot: Gyyyy, lol. % -)
The eldest daughter of Lot: Subject fucked disclosed.
The youngest daughter of Lot: +1
Lot: 5 points!
Moses, the Jews, and Egypt.
Jews (the Egyptians) Zochem vie travite?
Egyptians Learn
Moses (Jews) in Bobruisk, animals!
Jews: Bayan!
Moses niipet!
Jews (wandering in the wilderness): author asshole.
Moses (throwing mana from heaven): Vmemoriz!
Jews (picking up mana): Cool pic!
God (Moses gave the 10 commandments): Popear me.
Moses (Read Hebrews commandments): 5 points!
Jews: Draining zaschitan
From the crowd: Niasilil.
Moses Pshel tries.
GOD picture is not loaded!
"And God said: Let there be light. And there was light ... "and so on, created man
Adam: First, nah! Author zhzhosh!
Snakes (looking at Eve): Theme fucked not disclosed.
Eve (nadkusyvaya apple): fotozhopa!
Adam (nadkusyvaya apple and looking at Eve): jerk, thank you!
God (Adam looking for): Where is the moderator?
Adam (the bushes) Vpisdu!
God (Adam and Eve): In gazenvagen!
God (the Snake): Go to Beavertown, you animal!
God (Eve): Kisakuku!
Cain and Abel
God (Abel) Popear me!
Abel (Cain): Raskas zhyznenny.
Cain (Abel): this sucks! Hypocrite, kill yourself!
God (Cain): Huyasse ?! Pshёl nah!
Cain (God) is not funny !!!
God (Noah, pointing to the animals) Give two in memoriz.
Noah: Zochem vie travite?
GOD picture is not loaded!
Noah (looking out the window): uzhosnah!
Dove (faded from the ship in November): Glamorous
Noah (looking out the window): Draining zaschitan.
Tower of Babel
All (system Tower): FSE who are above and below - pedorasy.
God (glancing at the ground): offtopic and niipet! KG / AM!
All (to each other): Learn Albanian!
God (Russell peoples of the earth): Kamenty they rule!
All (giving birth to each other): Subject fucked disclosed. Ftemu!
Sodom and Gomorrah
Lot (guests angels): In buddylist!
The people of Sodom (angels): Smack, prativno!
Angels: Achtung!
God: Achtung!
God (Lot): Go to Beavertown, you animal!
Lot (God): Bayan!
God (Lot) picture is not loaded!
Female Lot (turning): Huyasse!
God (Lot's wife, turning it into a pillar of salt): Kisakuku!
Lot: Gyyyy, lol. % -)
The eldest daughter of Lot: Subject fucked disclosed.
The youngest daughter of Lot: +1
Lot: 5 points!
Moses, the Jews, and Egypt.
Jews (the Egyptians) Zochem vie travite?
Egyptians Learn
Moses (Jews) in Bobruisk, animals!
Jews: Bayan!
Moses niipet!
Jews (wandering in the wilderness): author asshole.
Moses (throwing mana from heaven): Vmemoriz!
Jews (picking up mana): Cool pic!
God (Moses gave the 10 commandments): Popear me.
Moses (Read Hebrews commandments): 5 points!
Jews: Draining zaschitan
From the crowd: Niasilil.
Moses Pshel tries.