Chronicle future disasters from the Bible Kolbrin
We all know about the predictions of Nostradamus, Vanga and messing. But few know about the amazing manuscript - the Bible Kolbrin, which is still over fifteen hundred years before Christ, predicted much of what happened to humanity so far.
The Bible Kolbrin, according to some researchers, is an ancient document, warning future generations about the approaching disasters.
The legacy of the pharaohs Who were the book written today is hard to say. They say that the authors were Egyptian scholars and astrologers. There are many legends about what the ancient Egyptian priests possessed some powerful secret knowledge, they were saving the world.
Unfortunately, to have survived only remnants of this mysterious manuscript called the Bible Kolbrin. Remains of 11 parts (photo from the original pages of this manuscript on the Internet could not be found). The first six ancient Egyptian texts written before the time of the Exodus. The other five were created by the Celtic priests. How come such a creative symbiosis, and we will try to understand.
So, scholars mighty civilization nearly four thousand years ago wrote a manuscript which was given the name "Great book." She narrated about the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt, which occurred about the same time, and was full of descriptions of the Great flood, and with such detail, and there is no trace in the old Testament.
If you remember the classic pages of the Bible, the Flood is presented as God's punishment to mankind for their evil and debauchery. Kolpinski same manuscript tells us about this event from the point of view of science. That is the disaster that befell the people is not the will of God, and in the fall of a cosmic object, whether comet, or meteorite. The authors describe stages of a scroll appearance in the sky of the Destroyer (or Devastator), which became the reason of unprecedented catastrophes on a planetary scale. Here are just some excerpts from the ancient text of the Bible Kolbrin:
"Destruction and re-creation of the Earth was not once, but twice. During the great destruction of Earth God made the dragon out of the sky. The dragon was terrible and lashed its tail, it breathed fire and hot coals, and a great disaster has overtaken humanity. The body of the dragon had a bright red glow, and behind was a tail of smoke. He threw ash and hot rocks, the arrival of his called thunder and lightning, and the sea came out of its banks, overflowing everywhere..." was recorded in the legends of the ancient peoples of Sumer and Babylon famous planet Nibiru. Mention of the mysterious visitation is found in the Holy Scripture, which tells of "the Wormwood star", which made the water bitter and unsuitable for drinking."
Judging by the descriptions of the disaster in the Bible Kolbina, a global cataclysm occurred because of a meteorite-a giant in the oceans. Rose then wave-mountain swept around the globe. Or was it a "meeting" of the Earth with ice comet.
More than a thousand years the manuscript was in Ancient Egypt, apparently playing a role in the education of the Egyptian priests, yet with the Phoenician sailors he was not brought to the territory of ancient England.
Treasure of the ancient castle There is this scroll fell into the hands of Celtic priests, who have carefully studied the information. It is unclear, however, how they could decipher the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, but the fact remains, the manuscript was kept as a most precious relic.
With the advent of Christianity in Albion manuscript found a new home in Glastonbury Abbey. It is noteworthy that this Abbey is widely known in England, stories that are buried there by the legendary king Arthur with his wife, and, what is even more interesting, the famous biblical Joseph of Arimathea, who supposedly deposited there the Holy Grail was brought from Jerusalem.
Naturally, the existence of "great books" were considered as a challenge to the Catholic the Bible the only word of God on the Earth." And, furthermore, blasphemy was considered to be contained in "the great book" the history of the Earth. To destroy demonic edition decided the English king who ordered the Abbey, in which was kept the precious manuscript was burned.
The fire damaged or destroyed many ancient manuscripts kept in the library. A large number of priceless documents of the past was lost, but a scroll of the Bible Kolbrin partially survived and were kept by the Celts-calvenzano. But the salvation of the manuscript for a long time kept in strict confidence. About edition found only at the beginning of the XVIII century, when the Bible was put on display.
The prophecy of the ancient Very interesting is the fact that the authors of the Bible Kolbrin we predict the return of the heavenly Destroyer. And disaster he will cause, can completely destroy our planet. Here are just a few quotes from an ancient manuscript:
"One hundred ten generations must leave by Sundown. Will the rise and fall of kingdoms. People will fly through the air like birds and swim the seas like fish. Men will lead each other the peace negotiations, and it will be their days — days of hypocrisy and deceit. Women would like men and men like women, man is a plaything of passion. The people of the Magi rise and fall. And their language will be forgotten. Country legislators will rule on earth and will go into oblivion. They conquer the four quarters of the earth and will talk about peace but to bring war. A nation of the seas will be greater than any other, but it will be like an Apple with a rotten core will not be strong. A nation of traders will destroy men, tarasicodissa, and it will be his victory. The high will struggle with low, North-South, East-West, and light with darkness. People are divided into races, and their children will be born strangers among them. Brother will fight against brother, husband from wife. Fathers no longer teach their sons, and the sons will be wayward. Women will become common property for the men, and they will not be treated with respect. Confusion will arise in the hearts of men, they will look for not knowing, uncertainty and doubt will trouble them. They will possess great riches but be poor in spirit. Then the motion of the Earth and the Heavens and feel the progress and tremors. People will tremble in fear. And this time there will be a Harbinger of Doom. It will arrive quietly as grave a thief. People will not know what it is, would be deceived. The hour of the Destroyer is close. The destroyer will appear and mountains will break away and spew fire and ash. The trees will be destroyed, and the water engulf the entire Earth, and the sea will boil. The heavens will burn brightly and the red, and the Earth will be the color of copper." If the prophecies of the ancient Egyptians come true, we should rather prepare for it. Most people smile and accept such evidence of the past. Do we at the same big mistake that could cost you in the near future, too expensive? Only time will tell.
By the way, scientists at the expense of the authenticity of the Bible Kolbrin there are strong and reasoned doubt.
First, when the Phoenicians sailed to England for tin, there lived quite the wild tribes, which no reverence to the obscure recordings have not experienced. Second, the grave of Arthur, Guinevere, Joseph of Arimathea and other Holy monks of Glastonbury "discovered" only when looking for funds for the construction of the monastery. It is possible that this document is another "horror story" for humanity, invented by fans of any mysticism.
Source: /users/133
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