Where it went the expression

We all know the expression "Figley Tula." There is a proverb. When someone says, "Well, Figl?", It corresponds to that phrase. It is clear that many consider it obscene expression. For it allegedly obscene, abusive. For many obvious that "Figl" in this case - the derivative of the notorious us words "# x%". In fact, far from it. I was lucky in the archives of Pavlovsky Posad Museum of Local History unearth interesting document.
This is a normal private letter. Ulyanovich merchant Ivan Grebenshchikov (Pavlovsky posadtsy knows that in place of the house of the merchant Grebenshchikov now quite prosperous shoe store "heel" and the Children's Art School) wrote to his, apparently, other merchant Arcadia Nifontova. And among other things, personal, there we are interested in the facts. I quote:
"And this morning was in Tula. Traveled samovar Artel, build links. We will be there to buy and then sell samovars. I bought a couple of pieces, there decided to check. Put one. And he was skinny! The second - the same! Furnace - too thin. In water, coal ash. As I went to make trouble! I argue with them. And they told me, they say that you have Figl? Good we samovars, from across the country for their ride. I told them then say how I have here in Tula not Figl? You do not even iron tin learned! All leaky! With that and left. We are not going to buy anything from them ... »
As we can see, in the text there is the phrase "Figl in Tula." That is, according to Dahl, "to blame, find fault, to defame, humiliate, ohuzhdat, condemn, call a bad, bad." But, as we know, it does not prove the origin of the phrase of interest to us. While suggesting the right, the right track. And here revealed an interesting detail. I, by the difficult izyskatelstv managed to find in the archives of the so-called "Yaroslavl Chronicle". Bytoopisanie Yaroslavl, a sort of "Chronicle of Bygone Years" in a single city. Athanasius Samohvalov a simple rope worker cooperatives, once spoke at a meeting of shareholders. This rope gang blamed for dishonesty. Among other speakers was talking and Samohvalov. Here is his speech at the meeting. I quote almost verbatim: "We've got Nechay Figl, Figley Tula!" Of course, the word "Figl" with the accent on the second syllable. And then in the 'Yaroslavl Chronicle "it states that after the words" cooperative working rope Samohvalova Athanasius was expelled from the meeting for the swearing. " It is unclear where does the foul language. Apparently, Athanasius Samohvalov wrongly put down an accent in the word. It happened intentionally or not - remains a mystery. Perhaps the porter was just joking. But the fact remains - the phrase has gone to the people.
Now everything falls into place. Only one remains unclear. Why Samohvalov in its expression is used to Tula? Perhaps, after all, the phrase came to be known by the merchant Grebenshchikov. More precisely, even not from him but from his friend, which was addressed to the same letter from Arkady Nifontova. Obviously, Nifontov often talked about the case with samovars different people. So the phrase has taken root among the people and now it is often used by investing in it is Bran sense involuntarily laid Athanasius Samokhvalov.