Why a Stone Face Destroys Human Life Energy
Not so long ago, a scientist, while on the islands of Papua New Guinea, decided to show the natives there pictures of people who express a variety of emotions. What a surprise he was when he realized that we were used to it. faceFear seems to be local aggression and signals danger.
That's where the scientist thought. Do our faces really express the emotions we are experiencing? This became interesting to us, too. "Site". After all, we encounter different people every day and the only criterion for recognition is only facial expression.
We immediately remembered one old man from the famous New Year’s film “Home Alone”. Do you remember how little this grandfather was afraid of? And all because that face, as people say, asked for a brick. What really happened? Grandpa turned out to be a sweetie, just with a slightly overwhelmed psychological background.
That in this grandfather's case, that in the case of the Guinean Indians, no one really understands what's on our minds. Are there any effective clues to what to expect from a person? Psychologists say that we all tend to wear masks. That's it. casualtyThe ones we wear like clothes. And the problem is that other people attribute emotions to us that we don't actually experience.
Evolution seems to have spoken here. It is not profitable for us to broadcast our inner state outwards, because other people can understand that we are afraid, sad, doubtful. Or even thinking of something not good. So a mask and at best a strained smile. And even a ferocious look that clearly demonstrates aggression.
Experts tell us that whatever it was, but about 60% of the information about a person we get through facial recognition. It is not only a face, but also a look and gestures. Sometimes a person can be so good at himself that his gaze expresses nothing at all. A person who is used to being guided by faceIt can be disorienting.
The easiest and most readable way that everyone has and is hard to fake is to laugh and smile. She is capable of saying a lot. This is what you should remember and use whenever possible. If you are a good person, you will not find it difficult.
Human expression
Let’s go back to the masks we wear. Professionals believe that we injure ourselves with these masks. Aggressive facial expression can attract adversity and poor health. A tortured smile makes you “burn resources”, because instead of a surge of emotions, you expend energy to contain them.
It is best if your face is calm, without any tension. When you're doing well, your expression is peaceful, kind. Of course not. everyone He lives happily, there are a lot of background problems. Of course, we don’t want to show it. We'd better show that we're okay.
It’s called “a good mine in a bad game.” One thing I need to understand. A person’s facial expression may show a desired action rather than an emotion. So your friend's angry look doesn't signal that she's angry, but that she wants to be accepted. When you get used to it, it becomes much easier to “read” other people.
Human expression It always affects the first impression. What do you see in other people and how do you recognize their facial expressions? Here is another interesting material on how to determine the potential of a person by his face. Thank you for staying with us!

That's where the scientist thought. Do our faces really express the emotions we are experiencing? This became interesting to us, too. "Site". After all, we encounter different people every day and the only criterion for recognition is only facial expression.
We immediately remembered one old man from the famous New Year’s film “Home Alone”. Do you remember how little this grandfather was afraid of? And all because that face, as people say, asked for a brick. What really happened? Grandpa turned out to be a sweetie, just with a slightly overwhelmed psychological background.

That in this grandfather's case, that in the case of the Guinean Indians, no one really understands what's on our minds. Are there any effective clues to what to expect from a person? Psychologists say that we all tend to wear masks. That's it. casualtyThe ones we wear like clothes. And the problem is that other people attribute emotions to us that we don't actually experience.
Evolution seems to have spoken here. It is not profitable for us to broadcast our inner state outwards, because other people can understand that we are afraid, sad, doubtful. Or even thinking of something not good. So a mask and at best a strained smile. And even a ferocious look that clearly demonstrates aggression.

Experts tell us that whatever it was, but about 60% of the information about a person we get through facial recognition. It is not only a face, but also a look and gestures. Sometimes a person can be so good at himself that his gaze expresses nothing at all. A person who is used to being guided by faceIt can be disorienting.
The easiest and most readable way that everyone has and is hard to fake is to laugh and smile. She is capable of saying a lot. This is what you should remember and use whenever possible. If you are a good person, you will not find it difficult.

Human expression
- A smile for a man is a good way to show that he has everything under control and has great control over himself.
- A woman’s smile is more sincere and can correspond to the emotions she is experiencing now.
- A smile can express different emotions, so do not immediately trust the person who hastens to smile at you.
- If a person smiles, in your opinion, excessively, then this may indicate that he is waiting for approval.
- You see that a crooked smile flashed, a sign of nervousness.
- When a person smiles and raises his eyebrows at the same time, it means that he is ready to obey.
- If the eyebrows are lowered, then the person shows superiority. Of course he won't say it out loud.
- A smile can indicate a threat if the person smiles and looks at you without blinking. It may seem like the eyes are dilating, which is dangerous.
- As for laughter, there is much to be said about its relevance. If suddenly someone laughed “by the cash register”, then the person is tense.
- Laughter can be with a certain shade: sarcasm, rudeness, ridicule, superiority. It's pretty easy to recognize, and these are great markers. You can just ignore it.
Let’s go back to the masks we wear. Professionals believe that we injure ourselves with these masks. Aggressive facial expression can attract adversity and poor health. A tortured smile makes you “burn resources”, because instead of a surge of emotions, you expend energy to contain them.

It is best if your face is calm, without any tension. When you're doing well, your expression is peaceful, kind. Of course not. everyone He lives happily, there are a lot of background problems. Of course, we don’t want to show it. We'd better show that we're okay.
It’s called “a good mine in a bad game.” One thing I need to understand. A person’s facial expression may show a desired action rather than an emotion. So your friend's angry look doesn't signal that she's angry, but that she wants to be accepted. When you get used to it, it becomes much easier to “read” other people.

Human expression It always affects the first impression. What do you see in other people and how do you recognize their facial expressions? Here is another interesting material on how to determine the potential of a person by his face. Thank you for staying with us!
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