9 disasters that have disappeared from our memory
Civilization and progress have made us who we are. Due to technical improvements, one can go down to the bottom of the ocean to conquer the incredible peaks and even sent into space. But no progress is possible without errors. The same technogenic revolution gave mankind dozens of terrible catastrophes, each of which took a considerable amount of lives. The worst thing is that such events, for some reason, were not able to stay in our memory for a long time. Here is some scary unjustly forgotten disasters caused by steel ourselves.
Great Smog in 1952 godaOtlichny example of the effect of the industrial revolution on the environment. Great London smog killed 4,000 people in just one night, and the consequences of this man-made disaster the British still mopped a couple of decades. On the other hand, due to the disaster, the country's parliament passed the Clean Air Act, which has no analogues in any other country.
Year Without a Summer April 1815 Tambora volcano, quite unexpectedly for seismologists, erupted. As a result, there was a huge cloud of dust and smog cover the sun. At the time of the eruption killed about a thousand people, but the consequences were far more terrible. The eruption has caused the most serious climate change in the history of mankind. The snow was falling all summer, and America was plunged into darkness of the Middle Ages. However, there were some pluses. It is in this snowy summer bike was invented, and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein invented her.
Invasion zmeyV April 1902 another eruption resulted in unexpected consequences. Bald Mountain, towering over Saint-Pierre, Martinique, generally considered a dormant volcano. On its slopes for hundreds of years quietly giant snake lived. Ash and sulfur smell drove them out of their holes directly into the city, where the snake, scared and killed about 50 people and several animals. What's worse, in the evening, when all was quiet, the volcano came to life again and flooded the entire city with lava. Out of a population of 30 000 people, only two survived.
Year saranchiSuhaya spring 1874 was very favorable for locust postpone trillions of eggs in the prairie in the Rocky Mountains. In summer, all this multitude hatched and destroyed everything that grew in Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, and the Dakotas.
Tunguska meteorit30 June 1908 a huge meteorite fell to Earth. The shock wave chop down thousands of trees. This explosion, the cause of which is still debated, scientists, was 1,000 more than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima.
Boston patokovoe navodnenieSamoe unusual flood in history happened in Boston. A huge, really huge tank full of raw materials for making molasses burst: Irish and Italian neighborhoods were literally buried under an incredible amount of sticky molasses. 21 people were killed, another 150 were seriously injured.
The accident at the Empire State bildingV foggy day in July 1945 one of the US Army bomber crashed into a whopper Empire State Building. 15 people were killed on the spot, the aircraft engine crashed into the elevator shaft, triggering an explosion.
Poisoning in shitass 1971 Iraqi port of Basra took a huge load of poisoned grain. Local insurgents, without knowing it, took ship to fight all the grain and distributed among the population. More than 6,500 people fell ill from mercury poisoning, many blind forever.
Elephant bezumieLes Chandka suffered from drought entire 1972. The heat and the complete absence of water has reduced the local elephants crazy: they rushed to the nearest village and trampled 25 people. Another five villages were hastily evacuated.
: Dnpmag.com
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Great Smog in 1952 godaOtlichny example of the effect of the industrial revolution on the environment. Great London smog killed 4,000 people in just one night, and the consequences of this man-made disaster the British still mopped a couple of decades. On the other hand, due to the disaster, the country's parliament passed the Clean Air Act, which has no analogues in any other country.

Year Without a Summer April 1815 Tambora volcano, quite unexpectedly for seismologists, erupted. As a result, there was a huge cloud of dust and smog cover the sun. At the time of the eruption killed about a thousand people, but the consequences were far more terrible. The eruption has caused the most serious climate change in the history of mankind. The snow was falling all summer, and America was plunged into darkness of the Middle Ages. However, there were some pluses. It is in this snowy summer bike was invented, and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein invented her.

Invasion zmeyV April 1902 another eruption resulted in unexpected consequences. Bald Mountain, towering over Saint-Pierre, Martinique, generally considered a dormant volcano. On its slopes for hundreds of years quietly giant snake lived. Ash and sulfur smell drove them out of their holes directly into the city, where the snake, scared and killed about 50 people and several animals. What's worse, in the evening, when all was quiet, the volcano came to life again and flooded the entire city with lava. Out of a population of 30 000 people, only two survived.

Year saranchiSuhaya spring 1874 was very favorable for locust postpone trillions of eggs in the prairie in the Rocky Mountains. In summer, all this multitude hatched and destroyed everything that grew in Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, and the Dakotas.

Tunguska meteorit30 June 1908 a huge meteorite fell to Earth. The shock wave chop down thousands of trees. This explosion, the cause of which is still debated, scientists, was 1,000 more than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

Boston patokovoe navodnenieSamoe unusual flood in history happened in Boston. A huge, really huge tank full of raw materials for making molasses burst: Irish and Italian neighborhoods were literally buried under an incredible amount of sticky molasses. 21 people were killed, another 150 were seriously injured.

The accident at the Empire State bildingV foggy day in July 1945 one of the US Army bomber crashed into a whopper Empire State Building. 15 people were killed on the spot, the aircraft engine crashed into the elevator shaft, triggering an explosion.

Poisoning in shitass 1971 Iraqi port of Basra took a huge load of poisoned grain. Local insurgents, without knowing it, took ship to fight all the grain and distributed among the population. More than 6,500 people fell ill from mercury poisoning, many blind forever.

Elephant bezumieLes Chandka suffered from drought entire 1972. The heat and the complete absence of water has reduced the local elephants crazy: they rushed to the nearest village and trampled 25 people. Another five villages were hastily evacuated.
: Dnpmag.com
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