The method of memory training and the fight against distraction of the bestselling Harry Lorraine
The only real treasure of man - his pamyat
What are we? Oh yes, about your memory. If you think that people memories of the hundreds of sequences of numbers or words - geniuses who are born once in a century, you are wrong. You yourself can become such a "genius", using the methods which will be discussed nizhe.Dlya you we have prepared ten practical ways to strengthen and develop memory, designed by world-renowned experts on mnemonics (the art of memorizing any amounts of information, yes - all! ) Harry Lorraine and Jerry Lucas. Served as the basis for the compilation of their best-selling book "The development of memory" The formation assotsiatsiyChtoby learn how to easily memorize large amounts of information, you must first learn the method of forming associations
Using this method, you will not have any problems - you unconsciously use them throughout their lives, often without realizing it; Your task - to develop these skills. The basis of the method - view of bright and colorful images that contain information about the subjects or key words of the text that you want to fix in the memory. to recall the specific image is much easier than trying to memorize something libo.Naprimer, hardly anyone of you can boast that remembers the look of the outline of our country on the world map, but almost everyone knows that resemble the outline of Italy. At the same time, what is ridiculous and absurd that you created the image, the easier it is to remember - ordinary and routine associations, as a rule, quickly erased from pamyati.Zamena slovDrugoy basic method of storing a variety of information - search for substitute words and phrases that are in sound will remind you abstract information that needs to be fixed in the memory. This method is best suited for storing geographical names, names and last names, foreign words, and other information for which is difficult to find concrete and "tangible" way. < It is necessary to substitute words or phrases designated concepts or situations that you would is easy to imagine. Remember that wacky, impossible and even vulgar images recorded in the memory is much better than simple and familiar. With the replacement of the words can be the most difficult to memorize lists of words on a mechanical memorization that you have gone to a lot of time and sil.Skazhem, not to forget a medical term, as the periosteum (Periosteum - Lat. "Periosteum"), lay it on the phrase " ask guests to a feast. " Another specific term - takadiastaza (enzyme preparation derived from the mycelium and spores of mold), you can remember how the phrase "this wondrous tale." The principle is clear? Practice on difficult words and names that you will come across, for example, when reading a knigi.Fonetichesky alphabet and word-kolyshkiEtot method is excellent to remember long strings of numbers, for example, the phone number in. To use it, you need to memorize words corresponding to certain chislam.Imenno learn by heart, because these associations - the basis of the method. If you know them by heart, then remember, for example, five or ten dvennadtsatiznachnyh numbers is a matter of technique. To begin with the so-called Master the phonetic alphabet - pairs of numbers and the corresponding consonants. The simplest thing - to take the already developed by the authors of the book: 1 - T
2 - H
3 - W
4 - H
5 - P
6 - With
7 - T
8 - In
9 - D
0 - KChtoby make it easier to remember it, use "props»: Sound "t" contains a vertical rod (1), «n" - two (2) «w" - three (3), the word "four" begins with the sound "h", the letter which besides his writing copy that figure, the initial sound of the word "five" - "p", let this letter and the designated number, sound "with" similar to uncompleted figure 6, "g" - a mirror image of sevens, «to" virtually the same writing numbers 8, «D» - is the initial sound of the word "nine», and 0 is similar to the circle ("K »). to memorize big numbers, make a phrase, a sequence of consonant sounds (not letters!) That will serve as the key to a sequence of digits in complex numbers
At first glance this seems complicated, but the more often you use this method, the easier it will be to use it in the future. Example - to remember the sequence 06822229205718882, fix in memory the phrase: "Beautiful naked blond jumping up and down." Procedure significant sound in it the following: k, c, c, n, n, n, n, d, n, k, n, r, t, a, a, a, n, which corresponds to the order of numbers to be memorized. Word-pegs - a logical development of the method of the phonetic alphabet. The idea is to make phrases containing words with meaningful sounds corresponding to different numbers. For example, the numbers 1, word-peg - "cabinet" (you can make up their own words, the main thing to observe the rules of the appropriate sounds digits) for the numbers 2 - the name "Noah" and so on. Two-digit number: 11 - "cake" or "mat" (two sounds "t"), for example, 15 - "Trap" ("m" and "n"), 20 - "mink" ("n" and "k" ) and so on. To memorize the numbers of any length, you only have to create a phrase with the words-pegs, and try to imagine the corresponding bright image that is much easier to do than to memorize a sequence of a plurality of tsifr.Zapominanie shopping lists and delEsli you want a memory deposited the list of several dozens of objects or actions, you have to remember the first list item, and then "pushed" him, to form associations that will lead you to the following order of the words. Example: let's say you need to buy a lamp, a stack of paper A4, take away from the clean suit, learn about subscription to the pool, and in addition, do not forget to buy light bulbs for the light. < First, create an association - tie Light and paper. For example, imagine hanging on the wall a piece of paper, which emits light, or instead of paper you are trying to push into the printer light. The more ridiculous and absurd way, the better it is stored, you have not forgotten? The main thing - to imagine this picture of the most detailed and vivid. Then, tie the paper with a suit - say, imagine yourself in a suit, "cross-linked" from the paper. Then imagine that your suit is swimming in the pool, it will remind you of the subscription, and so dalee.Formiruya such associations, you can easily recall the entire list of purchases and affairs, because remembering every object or action, you are bound to recall the associated image of wacky but it will push you to the next item spiska.Proiznesenie speeches without memorization and shpargalokOdna of the main mistakes made by people who need to speak to a large audience with a long informative speech - memorization by rote. mechanical hammering text in memory only confuse you - forgetting one right word, you falls into a stupor, and to pursue a coherent narrative, you have to read a paper or frantically recall the jagged term, which would adversely affect the interest of the audience your story .If you have to speak in front of a number of people, the default assumes that you are familiar with the topic of the report - not owning the material is not worth trying. First, type your question or send it by hand . Divide the text on the important, in your opinion, of thought. The sequence of parts of the text should be clear and logical that one idea follows naturally from the other. In every thought, highlight key words and phrases - it is not difficult if you understand what will say. Then, using the method of association and replacing the words, form vivid images that will help you restore the utterances in their original order. For example, the key phrase of the first paragraph of the text - "profit margin", the second is the "go to the stores," the third "good name of the company," the fourth "advertising across the country" and so on. So, with the help of colorful associations, you can remember the structure of the text, not cramming it and not reading from notes. The same method is suitable for storing materials and lectures knig.
Memorize foreign words, unfamiliar terms and names sobstvennyhV based method is also based on the formation of associative images and search for replacement words. For example, to remember the French word pamplemousse («grapefruit"), imagine dumplings smeared with pink grapefruit mousse - this will establish a firm link between the word and its pronunciation smyslom.Portugalskoe gostoso («delicious") can be represented as the guests sitting at the table Tuck into something tasty. It is necessary that the images were as much as possible more vivid and unusual - so it will be easier to call them pamyati.Podobny way to work and memorizing terms and geographical names (see para. 2). If the word can not be associated with a particular subject, which is useful when the association, form similar to a sounding phrase: Argentina - "Argentum in the mud," Guatemala - "you little hubbub" and so on. To generate vivid images of these countries is quite difficult if you've never been in them, but imagine pieces of silver lying in the marsh mud, or a brawl in a restaurant when someone shouted: "You little ruckus!", Much prosche.Zapominanie names and litsNavernyaka did you ever have a situation where the person met on the street, you understand that they are familiar with it, but the thing - could not remember his name, and even more so, a surname. As in many other cases, to remember the names of people you will be replacing the words and methods of association. < First - when meeting with a man does not hesitate to specify his name, if he made them illegible. Practice shows that many can not remember the name of a person simply because they do not even hear them when he appeared, and ask again afraid. < second - remember his appearance and highlight it any characteristic feature : high and narrow forehead, aquiline nose, wrinkles, anything. third - associate the name with this feature. It is only necessary to form an association, funnier and more unusual than it is, the better. Example: if the name of your new friend Sinitsyn and thus has a very high forehead, imagine that on his forehead sitting bird. Do not hesitate to give birth to the most unexpected and ridiculous images - they work better vsego.Imena and some names difficult to imagine in the form of specific images, so use replacement words. For example if the name of the person Parunov, and his long nose - the most conspicuous detail of the exterior, imagine that there is a pair of nose: "pairs in the nose." It will remind you of the names when you next time it vstretite.Borba rasseyannostyuEsli with you one of those people that are able to look for a half-hour glasses, put by you in your pocket or norovyaschie forget the dish being prepared in the oven, you will once again help bright Association. For example, putting the glasses in his pocket, imagine that once again puts my hand, she cut pieces of glass. If you have a habit of mind points, such as in bed, try to imagine what they great size and comfortable snore, covered by your blanket. Not to forget the pencil behind your ear, and not to look for him when shove him back again, think about how it enters your ear entirely. The image of the monstrous pain will be so bright that at the first thoughts of you remember the pencil on the ear. It is important to create an association at the moment of action, that it is associated with nim.Poroy, hiding somewhere expensive thing, you completely forget about "cache" and find her a few months, or even years, quite by accident. To avoid this, Think of shocking images , for example, a gold fountain pen hidden in the linen closet, think that it will flow and you will spoil things. Surely, after this you will not forget where it was hidden. If you are preparing roast in the oven, do not forget to remove it at the time, put on the most prominent place the pan in the apartment - such a "cheat sheet" for sure will not let you spoil culinary masterpiece. The number of options such reminders is limited only by your imagination! Development Memory deteyChtoby instill your child to develop the habit of self-memory, play with him in a variety of games to memorize the items and the formation of associations. This process is certainly entice a child, and he would be happy to create vivid images. Teach him some methods of construction associations and explain how to apply them in praktike.Skoree of all, you have no problem - ability to create amusing and absurd images of children, tend to be much higher than in adults . Suggest a daze, and the company of his friends a competition - who will remember a list of items, or who will be able to remember their maximum number. For example, put on a tray of several different things and cover them with a piece of cloth (such as a shawl). Remove the fabric for a short time, and then cover things again and ask participants to call them. For each item the child gets one point, winning the one who at the end of the game will score more points.
via factroom.ru

What are we? Oh yes, about your memory. If you think that people memories of the hundreds of sequences of numbers or words - geniuses who are born once in a century, you are wrong. You yourself can become such a "genius", using the methods which will be discussed nizhe.Dlya you we have prepared ten practical ways to strengthen and develop memory, designed by world-renowned experts on mnemonics (the art of memorizing any amounts of information, yes - all! ) Harry Lorraine and Jerry Lucas. Served as the basis for the compilation of their best-selling book "The development of memory" The formation assotsiatsiyChtoby learn how to easily memorize large amounts of information, you must first learn the method of forming associations
Using this method, you will not have any problems - you unconsciously use them throughout their lives, often without realizing it; Your task - to develop these skills. The basis of the method - view of bright and colorful images that contain information about the subjects or key words of the text that you want to fix in the memory. to recall the specific image is much easier than trying to memorize something libo.Naprimer, hardly anyone of you can boast that remembers the look of the outline of our country on the world map, but almost everyone knows that resemble the outline of Italy. At the same time, what is ridiculous and absurd that you created the image, the easier it is to remember - ordinary and routine associations, as a rule, quickly erased from pamyati.Zamena slovDrugoy basic method of storing a variety of information - search for substitute words and phrases that are in sound will remind you abstract information that needs to be fixed in the memory. This method is best suited for storing geographical names, names and last names, foreign words, and other information for which is difficult to find concrete and "tangible" way. < It is necessary to substitute words or phrases designated concepts or situations that you would is easy to imagine. Remember that wacky, impossible and even vulgar images recorded in the memory is much better than simple and familiar. With the replacement of the words can be the most difficult to memorize lists of words on a mechanical memorization that you have gone to a lot of time and sil.Skazhem, not to forget a medical term, as the periosteum (Periosteum - Lat. "Periosteum"), lay it on the phrase " ask guests to a feast. " Another specific term - takadiastaza (enzyme preparation derived from the mycelium and spores of mold), you can remember how the phrase "this wondrous tale." The principle is clear? Practice on difficult words and names that you will come across, for example, when reading a knigi.Fonetichesky alphabet and word-kolyshkiEtot method is excellent to remember long strings of numbers, for example, the phone number in. To use it, you need to memorize words corresponding to certain chislam.Imenno learn by heart, because these associations - the basis of the method. If you know them by heart, then remember, for example, five or ten dvennadtsatiznachnyh numbers is a matter of technique. To begin with the so-called Master the phonetic alphabet - pairs of numbers and the corresponding consonants. The simplest thing - to take the already developed by the authors of the book: 1 - T
2 - H
3 - W
4 - H
5 - P
6 - With
7 - T
8 - In
9 - D
0 - KChtoby make it easier to remember it, use "props»: Sound "t" contains a vertical rod (1), «n" - two (2) «w" - three (3), the word "four" begins with the sound "h", the letter which besides his writing copy that figure, the initial sound of the word "five" - "p", let this letter and the designated number, sound "with" similar to uncompleted figure 6, "g" - a mirror image of sevens, «to" virtually the same writing numbers 8, «D» - is the initial sound of the word "nine», and 0 is similar to the circle ("K »). to memorize big numbers, make a phrase, a sequence of consonant sounds (not letters!) That will serve as the key to a sequence of digits in complex numbers
At first glance this seems complicated, but the more often you use this method, the easier it will be to use it in the future. Example - to remember the sequence 06822229205718882, fix in memory the phrase: "Beautiful naked blond jumping up and down." Procedure significant sound in it the following: k, c, c, n, n, n, n, d, n, k, n, r, t, a, a, a, n, which corresponds to the order of numbers to be memorized. Word-pegs - a logical development of the method of the phonetic alphabet. The idea is to make phrases containing words with meaningful sounds corresponding to different numbers. For example, the numbers 1, word-peg - "cabinet" (you can make up their own words, the main thing to observe the rules of the appropriate sounds digits) for the numbers 2 - the name "Noah" and so on. Two-digit number: 11 - "cake" or "mat" (two sounds "t"), for example, 15 - "Trap" ("m" and "n"), 20 - "mink" ("n" and "k" ) and so on. To memorize the numbers of any length, you only have to create a phrase with the words-pegs, and try to imagine the corresponding bright image that is much easier to do than to memorize a sequence of a plurality of tsifr.Zapominanie shopping lists and delEsli you want a memory deposited the list of several dozens of objects or actions, you have to remember the first list item, and then "pushed" him, to form associations that will lead you to the following order of the words. Example: let's say you need to buy a lamp, a stack of paper A4, take away from the clean suit, learn about subscription to the pool, and in addition, do not forget to buy light bulbs for the light. < First, create an association - tie Light and paper. For example, imagine hanging on the wall a piece of paper, which emits light, or instead of paper you are trying to push into the printer light. The more ridiculous and absurd way, the better it is stored, you have not forgotten? The main thing - to imagine this picture of the most detailed and vivid. Then, tie the paper with a suit - say, imagine yourself in a suit, "cross-linked" from the paper. Then imagine that your suit is swimming in the pool, it will remind you of the subscription, and so dalee.Formiruya such associations, you can easily recall the entire list of purchases and affairs, because remembering every object or action, you are bound to recall the associated image of wacky but it will push you to the next item spiska.Proiznesenie speeches without memorization and shpargalokOdna of the main mistakes made by people who need to speak to a large audience with a long informative speech - memorization by rote. mechanical hammering text in memory only confuse you - forgetting one right word, you falls into a stupor, and to pursue a coherent narrative, you have to read a paper or frantically recall the jagged term, which would adversely affect the interest of the audience your story .If you have to speak in front of a number of people, the default assumes that you are familiar with the topic of the report - not owning the material is not worth trying. First, type your question or send it by hand . Divide the text on the important, in your opinion, of thought. The sequence of parts of the text should be clear and logical that one idea follows naturally from the other. In every thought, highlight key words and phrases - it is not difficult if you understand what will say. Then, using the method of association and replacing the words, form vivid images that will help you restore the utterances in their original order. For example, the key phrase of the first paragraph of the text - "profit margin", the second is the "go to the stores," the third "good name of the company," the fourth "advertising across the country" and so on. So, with the help of colorful associations, you can remember the structure of the text, not cramming it and not reading from notes. The same method is suitable for storing materials and lectures knig.

Memorize foreign words, unfamiliar terms and names sobstvennyhV based method is also based on the formation of associative images and search for replacement words. For example, to remember the French word pamplemousse («grapefruit"), imagine dumplings smeared with pink grapefruit mousse - this will establish a firm link between the word and its pronunciation smyslom.Portugalskoe gostoso («delicious") can be represented as the guests sitting at the table Tuck into something tasty. It is necessary that the images were as much as possible more vivid and unusual - so it will be easier to call them pamyati.Podobny way to work and memorizing terms and geographical names (see para. 2). If the word can not be associated with a particular subject, which is useful when the association, form similar to a sounding phrase: Argentina - "Argentum in the mud," Guatemala - "you little hubbub" and so on. To generate vivid images of these countries is quite difficult if you've never been in them, but imagine pieces of silver lying in the marsh mud, or a brawl in a restaurant when someone shouted: "You little ruckus!", Much prosche.Zapominanie names and litsNavernyaka did you ever have a situation where the person met on the street, you understand that they are familiar with it, but the thing - could not remember his name, and even more so, a surname. As in many other cases, to remember the names of people you will be replacing the words and methods of association. < First - when meeting with a man does not hesitate to specify his name, if he made them illegible. Practice shows that many can not remember the name of a person simply because they do not even hear them when he appeared, and ask again afraid. < second - remember his appearance and highlight it any characteristic feature : high and narrow forehead, aquiline nose, wrinkles, anything. third - associate the name with this feature. It is only necessary to form an association, funnier and more unusual than it is, the better. Example: if the name of your new friend Sinitsyn and thus has a very high forehead, imagine that on his forehead sitting bird. Do not hesitate to give birth to the most unexpected and ridiculous images - they work better vsego.Imena and some names difficult to imagine in the form of specific images, so use replacement words. For example if the name of the person Parunov, and his long nose - the most conspicuous detail of the exterior, imagine that there is a pair of nose: "pairs in the nose." It will remind you of the names when you next time it vstretite.Borba rasseyannostyuEsli with you one of those people that are able to look for a half-hour glasses, put by you in your pocket or norovyaschie forget the dish being prepared in the oven, you will once again help bright Association. For example, putting the glasses in his pocket, imagine that once again puts my hand, she cut pieces of glass. If you have a habit of mind points, such as in bed, try to imagine what they great size and comfortable snore, covered by your blanket. Not to forget the pencil behind your ear, and not to look for him when shove him back again, think about how it enters your ear entirely. The image of the monstrous pain will be so bright that at the first thoughts of you remember the pencil on the ear. It is important to create an association at the moment of action, that it is associated with nim.Poroy, hiding somewhere expensive thing, you completely forget about "cache" and find her a few months, or even years, quite by accident. To avoid this, Think of shocking images , for example, a gold fountain pen hidden in the linen closet, think that it will flow and you will spoil things. Surely, after this you will not forget where it was hidden. If you are preparing roast in the oven, do not forget to remove it at the time, put on the most prominent place the pan in the apartment - such a "cheat sheet" for sure will not let you spoil culinary masterpiece. The number of options such reminders is limited only by your imagination! Development Memory deteyChtoby instill your child to develop the habit of self-memory, play with him in a variety of games to memorize the items and the formation of associations. This process is certainly entice a child, and he would be happy to create vivid images. Teach him some methods of construction associations and explain how to apply them in praktike.Skoree of all, you have no problem - ability to create amusing and absurd images of children, tend to be much higher than in adults . Suggest a daze, and the company of his friends a competition - who will remember a list of items, or who will be able to remember their maximum number. For example, put on a tray of several different things and cover them with a piece of cloth (such as a shawl). Remove the fabric for a short time, and then cover things again and ask participants to call them. For each item the child gets one point, winning the one who at the end of the game will score more points.
via factroom.ru