20 interesting facts about the "Harry Potter"

We offer you a selection of interesting facts about the books about Harry Potter.
1. by 2008, it sold more than 400 million copies of the Harry Potter books, and they have been translated into 67 languages.
2. Rowling became the first dollar billionaire, earning the kind of money writing books.
3. In 2007, Rowling was nominated for the title of Time magazine Person of the Year.
4. Rowling's mother's death from multiple sclerosis had great influence on its further work. Death is one of the key leitmotifs of the entire series of Harry Potter books.
5. Age actress who played Moaning Myrtle - 37 years, and she was the eldest of those who played the Hogwarts students.
6. The book "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" was released on July 21 2007, the year and the first day it was sold 11 million copies. Thus it was broken the previous record of Rowling's fastest selling book of all time.
7. Owls are the main form of communication between wizards in the world of Harry Potter. However, in many countries it is believed that owls bring bad luck, and are harbingers of death.
8. When the book "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" was released in the UK, the publisher, in order to avoid absenteeism, asked bookstore owners not to sell the book, until the school closed in the evening.
9. Several publishers rejected the manuscript of the first Harry Potter book, saying that it is too long and too literary, but in the end, Bloomsbury Publisher to publish it in 1996 year.
10. Rowling series of books encouraged children to read and had a concomitant effect on the sales of other products for children, such as "The Chronicles of Narnia," CS Lewis and others.
11. Some critics have argued that the series of Harry Potter gives sexism, because three of the most power figure in the novel are men, women are using their degree of magic to a lesser extent, and Hermione less influential and balanced than boys . Other critics say that these allegations are unfounded.
12. In the novels of Harry Potter colors play a very important role. For example, shades of red symbolize kindness and generosity. These colors are scarlet clothes Gryffindor, Harry's red ink and crimson express train to Hogwarts. The family Weasleys - red hair and red roof of the house. Green is associated with negative events.
13. and symbolic figures used in a series of books, especially 2, 3, 4 and 7. For example, the trio represented by Harry, Ron and Hermione, is the power and the spiritual unity of the three. Harry fatally Basilisk third strike, and Hagrid knocks at the door of Hogwarts triple blow. Students are engaged in seven years at Hogwarts, every Quidditch team - seven people. Sirius is also in custody at the 7th floor of Hogwarts.
14. Rowling says her favorite mythical character in the book - it is the Phoenix, the sacred bird that erupts fire and burns when it reaches 500 or 1000 years to be reborn from the ashes and brought a new, young and powerful bird.
15. Harry Potter and Rowling were born on the same day - July P1. Harry was born on 31 July 1980 and Rowling - the same day for fourteen years earlier.
16. The name Voldemort comes from the French word meaning "escape from death", and its main goal is victory over death. In the second novel in the Harry Potter Rowling shows us that the phrase «I am Lord Voldemort» - an anagram of «Tom Marvolo Riddle», that is his real name.
17. Name Potter may refer to "the potters field," that is the cemetery where buried, unknown or very poor people. It suits him well because it can serve as a powerful symbol of the mythological archetype «everyman», which means "man-all».
18. magic wand Voldemort made of yew. Tees regarded by many as the tree has a great supernatural power and is a symbol of death and rebirth - exactly the kind of immortality sought by Voldemort. In the history of fairy tales, almost all wizards use wands of different species, which are an attribute of a symbol of power and authority as a shepherd's staff.
19. Name Golgomaf (one of the biggest giants of the world of Harry Potter), possibly derived from the word "googol," a mathematical term that means the number of a hundred zeros after the unit - in other words, one of the most known large numbers.
20. Rowling said that she would like to transform into her favorite animal - the otter. This is one of the incarnations (Animagus) Hermione's Patronus.
via factroom.ru
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