10 companies counterfeiting in China
China is known as the epicenter of the production of a huge number of fakes and counterfeit consumer goods, but recently the country there was a tendency to forge shops and entire companies. All of these fake companies - a real peeve for international companies and companies that are trying to establish the image of their product in China. Although some of these companies are selling real products companies holders, many simply copy format up to the slogans and color schemes. For the first companies forgeries followed by others, gradually turning the whole forging businesses are illegal business.
1. Shops «Apple»
Recently, several Chinese cities have been found illegal shops «Apple-Store», which caused a major scandal in China, and the United States. The fake shop «Apple» was the same scheme of work, set the same ID and the same form of vendors, as in the original «Apple». However, some details can be determined that it is not real shop «Apple». Firstly, the management of the store said that they sell this product «Apple», but they did not have a license. In the end, followed by a strong reaction of the public, and crowds of angry customers come to the store with the requirement to return them their money. Some of these stores were closed - not for having illegally used trademark «Apple», but because of the lack of a license for trade. (ChinaFotoPress | Getty Images)
2. Theme Park Disney
Although fake stores are quite common in China, there are also built more refined, but the same fake theme parks. One of the most outstanding examples - Beijing Shijingshan Amusement Park in the same area. The park has a structure strongly reminiscent the famous Magic Castle Walt Disney, and local puppets suspiciously resemble characters such as Shrek, Snow White, the Seven Dwarfs, Mickey Mouse and Goofy. Some of these characters even noticed at the main stadium during the Olympic Games in 2008. Although the park has attracted the attention of Disney in 2007, it still works, and even supports the English version of its website. (wikipedia.org)
On the left - the place reserved for legitimate IKEA store in China. It is located in the same city as the fake shops «Apple». This is a huge 4-storey building, which operates under the name "11 Furniture». However, it seems the only difference between this shop and the Swedish IKEA - the name. The shop brazenly copied the color scheme of the Swedish furniture magnate and uses the same design in the design. (Ali Utku Selen)
4. Starbucks
In 2006 the company «Starbucks» successfully filed a lawsuit against a Chinese company, which operated under the name Xingbake, which translated from Chinese means Starbucks. In China, there are many fake «Starbucks», including the One Dollar Coffee, Seayahi Cofee, Lucky Coffee, Bucksstar Coffee and others. In particular, «Bucksstar Coffee» was part of a shopping center with several institutions, counterfeiting, including the cafe "Pizza Huh" and "McDnoalds" with the same color schemes and slogans.
5. Theme Park «World of Warcraft»
It's like a theme park "Disney" was not enough - Chinese businessman decided to build a theme park based on the popular brand «World of Warcraft» and «Starcraft», which is owned by the company «Blizzard Entertainment». The theme park is called the "world of fun" and is located in Changzhou, west of Shanghai. This park was an attempt to combine the amusement park and a popular video game. The owners say they have spent on its construction of 30 million dollars. (shanghaiist.com)
6. KFC
The company «Kentucky Fried Chicken» (so it stands KFC) has also become a victim of Chinese fans to steal someone else's brand. These fake outlets not only use brand fast food, they also have replaced the famous logo own version. While it may soon disappear impostors from the Chinese market being unable to compete, as a result of last KFC has become the largest fast food company in China.
7. Harry Potter
Although mainly against counterfeiting in China hit the US, the British also got - this time the victim was the Harry Potter books. The Chinese market is flooded fake Harry Potter in different forms. In one of the fakes use the same name as the book about Harry, which has not yet emerged. And sold it began long before the official release date for the book. In other fakes it uses the text of "The Hobbit" Tolkien and the names of the characters were replaced by the names of Harry Potter. In the end, the book was called "Harry Potter and the prowling leopard." Illegal transfers and overproduction of books about Harry Potter and other popular books are also very popular in China.
8. Nike
Another popular brand in China - Nike. As you know, with the popularity in China and the punishment comes in the form of fake stores like that. China remains the main source of counterfeit products company «Nike». (David)
9. McDonald's
The restaurant is on the left - is domiciled «McDonald's». «McDonald's» - another global company, is rapidly strengthening its position in China, but even such a giant fast food is not spared the fate of becoming a victim of counterfeiting. Although the picture on the left - a real «McDonald's», in China is full of establishments blatantly copying logos and the appearance of these restaurants. One copy only the appearance, and the other copy menu, and even slogans. (wikipedia.org)
10. Disney Store
Although the company "Disney" has confirmed that this is the shop to the left - a real, even he has competitors who are fakes. For example, in Kunming has a shop, which sells a wide variety of products of the company «Disney», as well as poorly made birdies «Angry Birds». (Cory Doctorow)
Source: bigpicture.ru

1. Shops «Apple»
Recently, several Chinese cities have been found illegal shops «Apple-Store», which caused a major scandal in China, and the United States. The fake shop «Apple» was the same scheme of work, set the same ID and the same form of vendors, as in the original «Apple». However, some details can be determined that it is not real shop «Apple». Firstly, the management of the store said that they sell this product «Apple», but they did not have a license. In the end, followed by a strong reaction of the public, and crowds of angry customers come to the store with the requirement to return them their money. Some of these stores were closed - not for having illegally used trademark «Apple», but because of the lack of a license for trade. (ChinaFotoPress | Getty Images)

2. Theme Park Disney
Although fake stores are quite common in China, there are also built more refined, but the same fake theme parks. One of the most outstanding examples - Beijing Shijingshan Amusement Park in the same area. The park has a structure strongly reminiscent the famous Magic Castle Walt Disney, and local puppets suspiciously resemble characters such as Shrek, Snow White, the Seven Dwarfs, Mickey Mouse and Goofy. Some of these characters even noticed at the main stadium during the Olympic Games in 2008. Although the park has attracted the attention of Disney in 2007, it still works, and even supports the English version of its website. (wikipedia.org)

On the left - the place reserved for legitimate IKEA store in China. It is located in the same city as the fake shops «Apple». This is a huge 4-storey building, which operates under the name "11 Furniture». However, it seems the only difference between this shop and the Swedish IKEA - the name. The shop brazenly copied the color scheme of the Swedish furniture magnate and uses the same design in the design. (Ali Utku Selen)

4. Starbucks
In 2006 the company «Starbucks» successfully filed a lawsuit against a Chinese company, which operated under the name Xingbake, which translated from Chinese means Starbucks. In China, there are many fake «Starbucks», including the One Dollar Coffee, Seayahi Cofee, Lucky Coffee, Bucksstar Coffee and others. In particular, «Bucksstar Coffee» was part of a shopping center with several institutions, counterfeiting, including the cafe "Pizza Huh" and "McDnoalds" with the same color schemes and slogans.

5. Theme Park «World of Warcraft»
It's like a theme park "Disney" was not enough - Chinese businessman decided to build a theme park based on the popular brand «World of Warcraft» and «Starcraft», which is owned by the company «Blizzard Entertainment». The theme park is called the "world of fun" and is located in Changzhou, west of Shanghai. This park was an attempt to combine the amusement park and a popular video game. The owners say they have spent on its construction of 30 million dollars. (shanghaiist.com)

6. KFC
The company «Kentucky Fried Chicken» (so it stands KFC) has also become a victim of Chinese fans to steal someone else's brand. These fake outlets not only use brand fast food, they also have replaced the famous logo own version. While it may soon disappear impostors from the Chinese market being unable to compete, as a result of last KFC has become the largest fast food company in China.

7. Harry Potter
Although mainly against counterfeiting in China hit the US, the British also got - this time the victim was the Harry Potter books. The Chinese market is flooded fake Harry Potter in different forms. In one of the fakes use the same name as the book about Harry, which has not yet emerged. And sold it began long before the official release date for the book. In other fakes it uses the text of "The Hobbit" Tolkien and the names of the characters were replaced by the names of Harry Potter. In the end, the book was called "Harry Potter and the prowling leopard." Illegal transfers and overproduction of books about Harry Potter and other popular books are also very popular in China.

8. Nike
Another popular brand in China - Nike. As you know, with the popularity in China and the punishment comes in the form of fake stores like that. China remains the main source of counterfeit products company «Nike». (David)

9. McDonald's
The restaurant is on the left - is domiciled «McDonald's». «McDonald's» - another global company, is rapidly strengthening its position in China, but even such a giant fast food is not spared the fate of becoming a victim of counterfeiting. Although the picture on the left - a real «McDonald's», in China is full of establishments blatantly copying logos and the appearance of these restaurants. One copy only the appearance, and the other copy menu, and even slogans. (wikipedia.org)

10. Disney Store
Although the company "Disney" has confirmed that this is the shop to the left - a real, even he has competitors who are fakes. For example, in Kunming has a shop, which sells a wide variety of products of the company «Disney», as well as poorly made birdies «Angry Birds». (Cory Doctorow)

Source: bigpicture.ru