Accidents in amusement parks
We go to an amusement park for thrills, knowing in your mind that, like in a horror movie, all will end well. Roller coasters, breathtaking and toss us into the stratosphere, keep us in place by force of gravity, almost not present a hazard. This is true in most cases, but there is such a huge car park hidden behind the smoke and mirrors that have one minor slip can turn fun into a tragedy.
10. King Island in Mason, Ohio
June 9, 1991, death came to an amusement park King Island. First man fell into the pond. His friend 20-year-old William and 20-year-old Heyskoat park employee named Darrell Robertson, tried to save him. All three suffered from electric shock, which became fatal for Heyskoata and for Robertson. And an hour later, the 32-year-old Taylor Candy fell from a swing Flying commander and crashed.
Perhaps not coincidentally the park Kings Island there are rumors that the park is inhabited by ghosts. People reported seeing a girl in a blue dress. In 2012 the park was filmed an episode of "Ghostbusters" for the channel SyFy.
9. Oakwood theme park in Pembrokeshire, Wales
In April 2004, 16 year-old Hayley Williams was in the park with his family Oakwood. When riding on the attraction "Hydra" (American water slides), she suddenly flew out of the van and fell from a height of 30 meters (100 feet) to the ground. She later died from internal injuries.
The park was fined 250,000 pounds for negligence after it was discovered that employees park constantly ignored checking fixtures and seat belts that hold the ride attraction "Hydra". The attraction was closed for a year after the accident, and after renamed "Drenched».
8. Action Park in Vernon, New Jersey
Action Park in New Jersey can "show off" perhaps the worst reputation among amusement parks. Place an "ideal" in the number of unsafe rides, drunken visitors and employees demotivirovanyh adolescents. Countless people received injuries on the water slide. At least six people were killed in the history of the park, including three drowned, killed by electric shock, and one who died of a heart attack, presumably caused by the shock of the temperature difference (cold water).
One man was killed when the car in which he was riding on the attraction "Alpine hill", slipped, and he crashed on the rock. By 1998, the crushing weight of lawsuits forced the owners to close the Action Park. A few years later, he was re-opened under the new name as "Mountain Stream» (Mountain Creek), but with an emphasis on safety, recklessness and sinister stories were buried under signs and rules.
7. Discovery Bay (Discovery Cove) Orlando, Florida
Discovery Cove - is part of the theme park Sea World (Sea World) in Orlando, Florida. Its purpose is to provide its guests an interactive experience, with the ability to swim among tropical fish and mingle with dolphins, otters and monkeys. For many, this experience is only a dream, but for the 59 -year British tourist Keith Clark, it will turn into a nightmare with a fatal outcome. Basking in the park, he cut his finger to his feet on a piece of coral.
Haemophilia, Clark received a wound complications and three days later he collapsed at the airport on the way home. Suffering from septic shock, he was taken home to England, where doctors tried to save by amputation of his leg below the knee. However, it was too late, and their efforts were in vain, Clark died of sepsis.
6. Cyclone Coney Island, New York
Today, Coney Island in Brooklyn, just a pale copy of the park in the days of his own glory before the Second World War, but some of its most famous landmarks, including the Cyclone and Wonder Wheel, continue to work until now. Cyclone - is a wooden roller coaster, which were built in 1927 and was inducted into the National Register of Historic Places. When the attraction opened, the trip was worth only 25 cents, compared with $ 9 for a ticket to ride today.
Shaky coaster associated with multiple injuries and at least three dead. The latest incident occurred with the 53-year-old Keith Shirasavoy who broke his neck in the first roll in the cyclone. Shirasava was taken to hospital, but he died a few days later from surgical complications.
5. World amusement park Gulliver's Warrington, England
In July 2002, 15 year-old Salma Salim, who had Down syndrome, fell from a height of more than 6 meters (20 feet), riding the Ferris wheel at an amusement park Gulliver's World. Salim died of a head injury. The results of the investigation showed that the girl wanted to go with her mother, but the park staff have decided that it is too big and instructed her to sit alone in a private booth.
Neither Salma nor her mother did not speak enough English to protest, and the girl apparently got out of his seat and fell soon after the start of the trip. Despite the fact that it was found that a security lock that keeps skiers, was closed after the accident, the park was fined a large sum for personal injury and violation of safety.
4. Six Flags Over Geordie, Atlanta, Georgia
"Batman" - a roller coaster ride that winds through the streets of Gotham City and in the depths of the cave Betkeyv. In June 2008, the trip took the lives of 17 -year Asia Lishona Ferguson. Ferguson lost the cap while driving and decided to get it, climbed over two fences and ignoring the signs warning of the danger.
Unfortunately, the boy wandered into the ways in which the sweep train at a speed of 80 km (50 miles) per hour, and he was beheaded. Prior to this case, six years ago under similar circumstances killed a gardener when he
3. "Six Flags Over Kentucky Kingdom»
Louisville, Kentucky
Not only attratskion "Batman" bloodthirsty superhero in the family amusement parks "Six Flags". "Tower of Superman" in the amusement park "Six Flags Over Kentucky Kingdom has also become a place of terrible incident. Attraction "Tower of Superman" raises its passengers about 17 times and then exposed them to a dizzying free fall.
Unfortunately, 21 June 2007 broke the cable wound itself around the neck and legs 13 year-old Caitlin Lesitter. She was able to remove the cord from her neck, but she wrapped her legs tightly, and the free fall tore her feet. Surgeons were able to sew divorced right leg girl. Shortly after this incident, the attraction has been removed from the park.
2. Big Dipper, fun fair Betters
London, England
In 1951, the park betters in London unveiled Yaramarku entertainment during the festival the UK. The main attraction at the fair were slides "Big Dipper". Although this attraction and did not seem scary as they seem now some slides in the theme parks, in fact attraction "Big Dipper" was extremely dangerous.
In 1972 there was a terrible accident when one of the wagons of the train pulled away from the train and rolled back to the station. Five children were killed and many more injured. The incident would mean death for the fun fair, which could hardly have lasted until 1974, in which it was closed.
1. Great Adventure, Six Flags in Jackson New Jersey State
Attraction "Haunted Castle" in the amusement park "Six Flags, Great Adventure" was typical of most haunted houses: a quick walk through the darkened space where staff dressed in ghosts and goblins, jump out to scare you. But the May 11, 1984 park visitors to experience the true horror, when the castle is illuminated. Most visitors to the attraction could find a way to rescue several people suffered from smoke inhalation, but eight teenagers were trapped and died in the fire. Their bodies were burned beyond recognition and were able to identify, by appointment only dentists.
In fact the tragedy in the park had been investigated and found that the "Haunted Castle" lacked basic safety precautions, such as sprinklers and smoke detectors. However, the park "Six Flags" to avoid responsibility for the incident, as the castle was considered as "temporary structure" and the fire was likely the result of arson, and not negligence.
+ Busch Gardens
Williamsburg, Virginia
And finally, to end on a lighter note, here are a strange case of Fabio. Italian model known fact that often poses for the covers of novels and was a member of the campaign "I can not believe it's not butter!". He also became a member of one of the most ridiculous events in the history of the amusement park in 1999 during a visit to Busch Gardens in Williamsburg.
Fabio was honored to ride on the roller coaster "Chariot of Apollo" was the first during the opening. During the drive model suffered from a nasty collision with overflying goose. He was photographed when leaving the attraction: the nose was broken and in the blood. Fabio was sent to the hospital where he was treated for minor injuries. Goose is not treated.
10. King Island in Mason, Ohio

June 9, 1991, death came to an amusement park King Island. First man fell into the pond. His friend 20-year-old William and 20-year-old Heyskoat park employee named Darrell Robertson, tried to save him. All three suffered from electric shock, which became fatal for Heyskoata and for Robertson. And an hour later, the 32-year-old Taylor Candy fell from a swing Flying commander and crashed.
Perhaps not coincidentally the park Kings Island there are rumors that the park is inhabited by ghosts. People reported seeing a girl in a blue dress. In 2012 the park was filmed an episode of "Ghostbusters" for the channel SyFy.
9. Oakwood theme park in Pembrokeshire, Wales

In April 2004, 16 year-old Hayley Williams was in the park with his family Oakwood. When riding on the attraction "Hydra" (American water slides), she suddenly flew out of the van and fell from a height of 30 meters (100 feet) to the ground. She later died from internal injuries.
The park was fined 250,000 pounds for negligence after it was discovered that employees park constantly ignored checking fixtures and seat belts that hold the ride attraction "Hydra". The attraction was closed for a year after the accident, and after renamed "Drenched».
8. Action Park in Vernon, New Jersey

Action Park in New Jersey can "show off" perhaps the worst reputation among amusement parks. Place an "ideal" in the number of unsafe rides, drunken visitors and employees demotivirovanyh adolescents. Countless people received injuries on the water slide. At least six people were killed in the history of the park, including three drowned, killed by electric shock, and one who died of a heart attack, presumably caused by the shock of the temperature difference (cold water).
One man was killed when the car in which he was riding on the attraction "Alpine hill", slipped, and he crashed on the rock. By 1998, the crushing weight of lawsuits forced the owners to close the Action Park. A few years later, he was re-opened under the new name as "Mountain Stream» (Mountain Creek), but with an emphasis on safety, recklessness and sinister stories were buried under signs and rules.
7. Discovery Bay (Discovery Cove) Orlando, Florida

Discovery Cove - is part of the theme park Sea World (Sea World) in Orlando, Florida. Its purpose is to provide its guests an interactive experience, with the ability to swim among tropical fish and mingle with dolphins, otters and monkeys. For many, this experience is only a dream, but for the 59 -year British tourist Keith Clark, it will turn into a nightmare with a fatal outcome. Basking in the park, he cut his finger to his feet on a piece of coral.
Haemophilia, Clark received a wound complications and three days later he collapsed at the airport on the way home. Suffering from septic shock, he was taken home to England, where doctors tried to save by amputation of his leg below the knee. However, it was too late, and their efforts were in vain, Clark died of sepsis.
6. Cyclone Coney Island, New York

Today, Coney Island in Brooklyn, just a pale copy of the park in the days of his own glory before the Second World War, but some of its most famous landmarks, including the Cyclone and Wonder Wheel, continue to work until now. Cyclone - is a wooden roller coaster, which were built in 1927 and was inducted into the National Register of Historic Places. When the attraction opened, the trip was worth only 25 cents, compared with $ 9 for a ticket to ride today.
Shaky coaster associated with multiple injuries and at least three dead. The latest incident occurred with the 53-year-old Keith Shirasavoy who broke his neck in the first roll in the cyclone. Shirasava was taken to hospital, but he died a few days later from surgical complications.
5. World amusement park Gulliver's Warrington, England

In July 2002, 15 year-old Salma Salim, who had Down syndrome, fell from a height of more than 6 meters (20 feet), riding the Ferris wheel at an amusement park Gulliver's World. Salim died of a head injury. The results of the investigation showed that the girl wanted to go with her mother, but the park staff have decided that it is too big and instructed her to sit alone in a private booth.
Neither Salma nor her mother did not speak enough English to protest, and the girl apparently got out of his seat and fell soon after the start of the trip. Despite the fact that it was found that a security lock that keeps skiers, was closed after the accident, the park was fined a large sum for personal injury and violation of safety.
4. Six Flags Over Geordie, Atlanta, Georgia

"Batman" - a roller coaster ride that winds through the streets of Gotham City and in the depths of the cave Betkeyv. In June 2008, the trip took the lives of 17 -year Asia Lishona Ferguson. Ferguson lost the cap while driving and decided to get it, climbed over two fences and ignoring the signs warning of the danger.
Unfortunately, the boy wandered into the ways in which the sweep train at a speed of 80 km (50 miles) per hour, and he was beheaded. Prior to this case, six years ago under similar circumstances killed a gardener when he
3. "Six Flags Over Kentucky Kingdom»

Louisville, Kentucky
Not only attratskion "Batman" bloodthirsty superhero in the family amusement parks "Six Flags". "Tower of Superman" in the amusement park "Six Flags Over Kentucky Kingdom has also become a place of terrible incident. Attraction "Tower of Superman" raises its passengers about 17 times and then exposed them to a dizzying free fall.
Unfortunately, 21 June 2007 broke the cable wound itself around the neck and legs 13 year-old Caitlin Lesitter. She was able to remove the cord from her neck, but she wrapped her legs tightly, and the free fall tore her feet. Surgeons were able to sew divorced right leg girl. Shortly after this incident, the attraction has been removed from the park.
2. Big Dipper, fun fair Betters

London, England
In 1951, the park betters in London unveiled Yaramarku entertainment during the festival the UK. The main attraction at the fair were slides "Big Dipper". Although this attraction and did not seem scary as they seem now some slides in the theme parks, in fact attraction "Big Dipper" was extremely dangerous.
In 1972 there was a terrible accident when one of the wagons of the train pulled away from the train and rolled back to the station. Five children were killed and many more injured. The incident would mean death for the fun fair, which could hardly have lasted until 1974, in which it was closed.
1. Great Adventure, Six Flags in Jackson New Jersey State

Attraction "Haunted Castle" in the amusement park "Six Flags, Great Adventure" was typical of most haunted houses: a quick walk through the darkened space where staff dressed in ghosts and goblins, jump out to scare you. But the May 11, 1984 park visitors to experience the true horror, when the castle is illuminated. Most visitors to the attraction could find a way to rescue several people suffered from smoke inhalation, but eight teenagers were trapped and died in the fire. Their bodies were burned beyond recognition and were able to identify, by appointment only dentists.
In fact the tragedy in the park had been investigated and found that the "Haunted Castle" lacked basic safety precautions, such as sprinklers and smoke detectors. However, the park "Six Flags" to avoid responsibility for the incident, as the castle was considered as "temporary structure" and the fire was likely the result of arson, and not negligence.
+ Busch Gardens
Williamsburg, Virginia
And finally, to end on a lighter note, here are a strange case of Fabio. Italian model known fact that often poses for the covers of novels and was a member of the campaign "I can not believe it's not butter!". He also became a member of one of the most ridiculous events in the history of the amusement park in 1999 during a visit to Busch Gardens in Williamsburg.
Fabio was honored to ride on the roller coaster "Chariot of Apollo" was the first during the opening. During the drive model suffered from a nasty collision with overflying goose. He was photographed when leaving the attraction: the nose was broken and in the blood. Fabio was sent to the hospital where he was treated for minor injuries. Goose is not treated.