As our body is telling us
Great article on psychosomatic! It's even a "Dictionary of the body ', read you begin to feel and understand it much better. After all, our bodies all the time talking to us and every cell in the body responds to our every thought and every word.
I believe that we create so-called diseases in our body. The body, like everything else in our lives - not that other, as a direct reflection of our beliefs. Our body always tells us - if only we take the time to listen ... Every cell in the body responds to our every thought and every word.
Long way of thinking and words describe the behavior of the body. A man with a sad face is clearly gloomy thoughts. In this respect, interesting faces elderly. They - a direct reflection of their way of thinking throughout their lives. And how you will look when get old? In this book I present a complete list of metaphysical diagnosis and mental causes of many diseases. This is true for about 90-95%.
Table compliance diseases psychological disorders
HEAD is ourselves.
This is what we show the world. We learn in the head. When something is not right in the head, it means that something is wrong with us.
HAIR represent strength.
When we were very scary, we are creating a "steel belt", which usually begins in the shoulder muscles, and then goes to the head, and sometimes your eyes. Hair grow through the hair follicle. When we create a lot of stress in the skull, these bags are automatically closed and the hair begin to die and fall out. If the voltage is constantly going on and the skull is not relaxed, the hair stops growing. The result - a bald head. Women began to go bald since they will in the "business" man's world. We, of course, this is not always notice, as many wigs look completely natural.
Ears are a symbol of the ability to listen and hear.
When a person has problems with the ears, which means that in his life, something happens that he refuses to hear. Ear pain - this is an example of the highest irritation about what you hear. Children are often a pain in the ears. They, the poor, have to listen to all the homes that they do not want to hear. Expressing his anger child is prohibited, and since it is virtually powerless to change anything, this inability leads to pain in the ears. Deafness is a long - perhaps lifelong - unwillingness to listen to anyone. Note: when we see one partner with a hearing aid, the other says without stopping.
EYES talk about being able to see.
When we have problems with the eyes, it usually means that we refuse to see anything - either in ourselves or in our lives. When I see young children with glasses, I know that something is wrong at home, they literally refuse something to watch. If they are not able to change the home situation, they just scatter their eyesight, so that his eyes have lost the ability to see clearly.
Headaches occur when we feel inferior.
The next time you have a headache, stop for a minute and ask yourself, where do you feel humiliated and why. Forgive yourself, let this feeling go away and your headache will disappear by itself.
Migraines are created by people who want to be perfect, as well as those who have accumulated a lot of irritation in this life.
Neck and neck are very interesting.
Neck - the ability to be flexible thinking, the ability to see the other side of the issue and understand another person's point of view. When we have problems with the neck, it means that we are stubborn and refuse to be more flexible. Throat is our ability to stand up for themselves, ask for what we want. Throat problems arise from a feeling that "we have no right," and the feeling of worthlessness. Sore throat - it is always boring. If it is accompanied by a cold, then, in addition, still confused.
Laryngitis usually means that we are so angry, that just can not talk. Throat, moreover, is a portion of the body, which is concentrated all our creative energy. Diseases related to the glands and the thyroid gland, so show that in the creative sense, you can not do what you would like. It is in the area of the throat occur in the first place our change. When we resist change, we often have problems with his throat. Please note, as we sometimes start coughing for no reason, no reason at all. Or someone else begins to cough. What is said in this moment? What do we react? Maybe it's stubbornness, resistance or evidence that we are in the process of change?
SPIN is a support system.
Back problems indicate that you feel the lack of support. Too often we think that we are supported by family and friends. In fact, it is the support of the universe and of life itself.
Problems with the top part of the back - signal a lack of emotional support: "My husband (lover, friend) does not understand and do not support me." The middle part of the back has a direct bearing on the guilt. Are you afraid of what you have back or hiding something there? Do not you have the feeling that someone hit you in the back?
Do you worry all the time about your money? What you have your money situation? It can be a source of problems with lower back. Light - is the ability to give and take life. Lung problems usually occur because of our unwillingness or fear to live a full life, or what we believe we have the right to live in full force. Those who smoke a lot, usually deny life. They hide behind the mask of a sense of inferiority.
CHEST - the personification of motherhood.
When there are problems with the breasts, it means that we literally suffocate their attention of another person, thing or situation. If there is a cancer of the breast, is an additional and the accumulated resentment or anger. Let go of fear, and know that each of us is active and operates intelligence of the universe.
HEART, of course, symbolizes love, and the blood - a joy.
When we have no love in your life and joy, the heart is literally shrinks and becomes cold. As a result, the blood begins to flow more slowly and we are gradually going to anemia, vascular sclerosis, heart attack (myocardial). We are sometimes so entangled in the drama of life, which themselves create that does not observe the joy that surrounds us. Golden heart, cold heart, black heart, a loving heart - and what your heart?
STOMACH processes, digest new ideas and situations.
And what and whom you can "digest"? When we have problems with the stomach, it usually means we do not know how to assimilate a new life situation. We were scared. Many of us remember a time when the only passenger planes started flying. For us, it was a novelty idea of flying in the sky, and it was extremely difficult to assimilate it into our brains. On each seat there were packages that rescued us when we become ill. And we almost always use them. Now, many years later, although the packages still available, no one uses them. We finally assimilated the idea of flight.
Gastric ulcer - it's more than just a fear, a feeling that we are not good enough or complete. We are afraid that not good enough for my parents, bosses, teachers, etc. We literally can not digest the fact that we represent. We have time and again tried to please others. No matter what position you occupy at work, you may be missing entirely self-esteem. The answer to the resolution of this problem - love. People who love and respect themselves, do not have ulcers. Be gentle and attentive to the child inside of you (remember our exercise?) And always supports and respects him.
Gallstones represent accumulated bitter thoughts, and the pride that prevents you get rid of them.
Try the following exercise: telling yourself constantly, "I am happy to let go of his past. Life is beautiful and I do ».
Bladder problems, are due to the ideas of our bodies and the functions they perform. Every organ of the body - is a great reflection of life itself! Every part of our body and each function that it performs, it is normal, natural and beautiful. To deny this fact - thus creating pain and punishment.
Ovaries are the creative energy.
Problems with them - unexpressed creative possibilities.
Feet carry us through life.
Problems with legs indicate fear or reluctance to move forward to move in a certain direction. Our feet carry us, drag, drag, and sit on them big, fat, full of childhood resentments hip. The reluctance to act is often manifested in the serious problems with their feet. Varicose veins - or a house or a job that you hate.
Accidents are not "cases". Like everything else in our lives, we create them. It is not necessary to tell yourself: "I want to be with me there was an accident." We simply create a system of intellectual beliefs, which may involve an accident. With some of us always something happening, while others live a life without a single scratch. Accidents - an expression of anger and resentment. They are an expression of hopelessness and a complete lack of freedom of man to express his feelings. Accidents - it is also a revolt against the authorities. We were so angry that we want someone to hit, but instead hit themselves. When we are angry at ourselves, we feel guilty when we are literally looking for the punishment itself, it comes in the form of an accident.
At first glance, we are just the innocent victims of the accident. The accident allows us to ask for help and sympathy to others. We washed the wounds and care for us. Often we are forced to stay in bed, sometimes for a long time. We groan in pain. With the pain our body tells us is something in life, we need more work. The size of the pain indicates how badly we wanted to punish myself.
Rheumatism - a disease acquired from the constant criticism of ourselves and others.
People with rheumatic fever usually attract people who constantly criticize them. This is because of their own belief that they should criticize others. They are a curse - it is their desire to constantly be "perfect", with any people in any situation. Their burden is really unbearable.
Asthma. A person with asthma, it seems that he does not have the right to breathe.
Children with asthma - it is, as a rule, children with highly developed conscience. They take all of the blame. Sometimes it helps to change the place of residence, especially if the whole family does not go with them. Typically, children with asthma recover. This contributes to school, new living situation where the attack is repeated as if someone had pushed a button.
Cancer - a disease caused by a deep resentment accumulated, which literally begins to eat the body.
As a child, there is something which undermines our faith in life. This case is never forgotten, and people living with a sense of immense self-pity. It is difficult at times to have a long, serious relationship. Life for such a person is made up of endless frustration. The feeling of despair and hopelessness prevails in his mind, it is easy to blame others for their problems. People suffering from cancer, is very self-critical. I was convinced from experience acquired ability to love yourself and accept yourself for who you are, cure cancer.
Excess weight - not that other, as the need for protection.
We are looking for protection from the pain of criticism, insults, etc. Extensive choice, is not it? I was never fat, but on their own experience that when I feel insecure and do not matter, I'm automatically getting fat for a few kilograms. When the threat disappears, the excess weight disappears too. Fight with the world - a waste of energy and time. As soon as you stop resisting your weight immediately normalized. Trust in yourself, to the very process of life, abstaining from negative thoughts - these are ways to lose weight.
The pain of any origin, in my opinion - evidence of guilt.
And the wines are always looking for punishment, punishment, in turn, creates pain. Chronic pain occurs from chronic guilt, buried so deep within us that we often about her not even know. Guilt - feeling useless. This feeling never did work, it is unable to change the situation. So release himself from prison.
Operation (any).
The intervention of the surgeon is necessary, for example, injuries to the hands, legs, so that people could focus on the recovery and on the fact that it does not happen again. In medicine today, many fine doctors who devoted himself entirely to helping people. More and more doctors are starting to heal, using holistic methods. Yet most of our physicians do not want to deal with the causes of disease and treat only the symptoms and consequences. They do this in two ways: either poison drugs or cut. Surgeons cut and if you go to a surgeon, he certainly will recommend surgery. If you do not have a choice, get ready to please her, so that you can quickly and without complications recovered.
One of my friend had to do emergency surgery. Before the operation, she was talking with the surgeon and anesthesiologist. She asked them to include in the operation pleasant light music and access to each other and to her only in soft colors. The nurse did the same after the surgery. The operation went well and my friend recovered in record time. After surgery, listen to music all the time you like, and are constantly talking to herself: "I quickly recovered. Every day I feel better and better ».
Tumors - false growths.
Oyster takes a tiny grain of sand and builds around it a solid and shiny shell, in order to protect themselves. We call a grain of sand pearl and admire its beauty. We, as an oyster, take offense and jet nosimsya her until she goes into the tumor. I call this "turning of old films».
I am convinced that tumors in women in the uterus, ovaries, etc. the fact that they take the emotional pain that occurred as a result of the impact of their femininity, and carry with it all his life before the tumor. I call it simply: "It hurt me very much».
If your relationship with someone to an end, it does not mean that you are not all right, and it does not prove that we really stand.
The point is not that what happens to us in this life, and how we react to it.
We are, without exception, assume 100 percent responsibility for everything that happens to us.

I believe that we create so-called diseases in our body. The body, like everything else in our lives - not that other, as a direct reflection of our beliefs. Our body always tells us - if only we take the time to listen ... Every cell in the body responds to our every thought and every word.
Long way of thinking and words describe the behavior of the body. A man with a sad face is clearly gloomy thoughts. In this respect, interesting faces elderly. They - a direct reflection of their way of thinking throughout their lives. And how you will look when get old? In this book I present a complete list of metaphysical diagnosis and mental causes of many diseases. This is true for about 90-95%.
Table compliance diseases psychological disorders
HEAD is ourselves.
This is what we show the world. We learn in the head. When something is not right in the head, it means that something is wrong with us.
HAIR represent strength.
When we were very scary, we are creating a "steel belt", which usually begins in the shoulder muscles, and then goes to the head, and sometimes your eyes. Hair grow through the hair follicle. When we create a lot of stress in the skull, these bags are automatically closed and the hair begin to die and fall out. If the voltage is constantly going on and the skull is not relaxed, the hair stops growing. The result - a bald head. Women began to go bald since they will in the "business" man's world. We, of course, this is not always notice, as many wigs look completely natural.
Ears are a symbol of the ability to listen and hear.
When a person has problems with the ears, which means that in his life, something happens that he refuses to hear. Ear pain - this is an example of the highest irritation about what you hear. Children are often a pain in the ears. They, the poor, have to listen to all the homes that they do not want to hear. Expressing his anger child is prohibited, and since it is virtually powerless to change anything, this inability leads to pain in the ears. Deafness is a long - perhaps lifelong - unwillingness to listen to anyone. Note: when we see one partner with a hearing aid, the other says without stopping.
EYES talk about being able to see.
When we have problems with the eyes, it usually means that we refuse to see anything - either in ourselves or in our lives. When I see young children with glasses, I know that something is wrong at home, they literally refuse something to watch. If they are not able to change the home situation, they just scatter their eyesight, so that his eyes have lost the ability to see clearly.
Headaches occur when we feel inferior.
The next time you have a headache, stop for a minute and ask yourself, where do you feel humiliated and why. Forgive yourself, let this feeling go away and your headache will disappear by itself.
Migraines are created by people who want to be perfect, as well as those who have accumulated a lot of irritation in this life.
Neck and neck are very interesting.
Neck - the ability to be flexible thinking, the ability to see the other side of the issue and understand another person's point of view. When we have problems with the neck, it means that we are stubborn and refuse to be more flexible. Throat is our ability to stand up for themselves, ask for what we want. Throat problems arise from a feeling that "we have no right," and the feeling of worthlessness. Sore throat - it is always boring. If it is accompanied by a cold, then, in addition, still confused.
Laryngitis usually means that we are so angry, that just can not talk. Throat, moreover, is a portion of the body, which is concentrated all our creative energy. Diseases related to the glands and the thyroid gland, so show that in the creative sense, you can not do what you would like. It is in the area of the throat occur in the first place our change. When we resist change, we often have problems with his throat. Please note, as we sometimes start coughing for no reason, no reason at all. Or someone else begins to cough. What is said in this moment? What do we react? Maybe it's stubbornness, resistance or evidence that we are in the process of change?
SPIN is a support system.
Back problems indicate that you feel the lack of support. Too often we think that we are supported by family and friends. In fact, it is the support of the universe and of life itself.
Problems with the top part of the back - signal a lack of emotional support: "My husband (lover, friend) does not understand and do not support me." The middle part of the back has a direct bearing on the guilt. Are you afraid of what you have back or hiding something there? Do not you have the feeling that someone hit you in the back?
Do you worry all the time about your money? What you have your money situation? It can be a source of problems with lower back. Light - is the ability to give and take life. Lung problems usually occur because of our unwillingness or fear to live a full life, or what we believe we have the right to live in full force. Those who smoke a lot, usually deny life. They hide behind the mask of a sense of inferiority.
CHEST - the personification of motherhood.
When there are problems with the breasts, it means that we literally suffocate their attention of another person, thing or situation. If there is a cancer of the breast, is an additional and the accumulated resentment or anger. Let go of fear, and know that each of us is active and operates intelligence of the universe.
HEART, of course, symbolizes love, and the blood - a joy.
When we have no love in your life and joy, the heart is literally shrinks and becomes cold. As a result, the blood begins to flow more slowly and we are gradually going to anemia, vascular sclerosis, heart attack (myocardial). We are sometimes so entangled in the drama of life, which themselves create that does not observe the joy that surrounds us. Golden heart, cold heart, black heart, a loving heart - and what your heart?
STOMACH processes, digest new ideas and situations.
And what and whom you can "digest"? When we have problems with the stomach, it usually means we do not know how to assimilate a new life situation. We were scared. Many of us remember a time when the only passenger planes started flying. For us, it was a novelty idea of flying in the sky, and it was extremely difficult to assimilate it into our brains. On each seat there were packages that rescued us when we become ill. And we almost always use them. Now, many years later, although the packages still available, no one uses them. We finally assimilated the idea of flight.
Gastric ulcer - it's more than just a fear, a feeling that we are not good enough or complete. We are afraid that not good enough for my parents, bosses, teachers, etc. We literally can not digest the fact that we represent. We have time and again tried to please others. No matter what position you occupy at work, you may be missing entirely self-esteem. The answer to the resolution of this problem - love. People who love and respect themselves, do not have ulcers. Be gentle and attentive to the child inside of you (remember our exercise?) And always supports and respects him.
Gallstones represent accumulated bitter thoughts, and the pride that prevents you get rid of them.
Try the following exercise: telling yourself constantly, "I am happy to let go of his past. Life is beautiful and I do ».
Bladder problems, are due to the ideas of our bodies and the functions they perform. Every organ of the body - is a great reflection of life itself! Every part of our body and each function that it performs, it is normal, natural and beautiful. To deny this fact - thus creating pain and punishment.
Ovaries are the creative energy.
Problems with them - unexpressed creative possibilities.
Feet carry us through life.
Problems with legs indicate fear or reluctance to move forward to move in a certain direction. Our feet carry us, drag, drag, and sit on them big, fat, full of childhood resentments hip. The reluctance to act is often manifested in the serious problems with their feet. Varicose veins - or a house or a job that you hate.
Accidents are not "cases". Like everything else in our lives, we create them. It is not necessary to tell yourself: "I want to be with me there was an accident." We simply create a system of intellectual beliefs, which may involve an accident. With some of us always something happening, while others live a life without a single scratch. Accidents - an expression of anger and resentment. They are an expression of hopelessness and a complete lack of freedom of man to express his feelings. Accidents - it is also a revolt against the authorities. We were so angry that we want someone to hit, but instead hit themselves. When we are angry at ourselves, we feel guilty when we are literally looking for the punishment itself, it comes in the form of an accident.
At first glance, we are just the innocent victims of the accident. The accident allows us to ask for help and sympathy to others. We washed the wounds and care for us. Often we are forced to stay in bed, sometimes for a long time. We groan in pain. With the pain our body tells us is something in life, we need more work. The size of the pain indicates how badly we wanted to punish myself.
Rheumatism - a disease acquired from the constant criticism of ourselves and others.
People with rheumatic fever usually attract people who constantly criticize them. This is because of their own belief that they should criticize others. They are a curse - it is their desire to constantly be "perfect", with any people in any situation. Their burden is really unbearable.
Asthma. A person with asthma, it seems that he does not have the right to breathe.
Children with asthma - it is, as a rule, children with highly developed conscience. They take all of the blame. Sometimes it helps to change the place of residence, especially if the whole family does not go with them. Typically, children with asthma recover. This contributes to school, new living situation where the attack is repeated as if someone had pushed a button.
Cancer - a disease caused by a deep resentment accumulated, which literally begins to eat the body.
As a child, there is something which undermines our faith in life. This case is never forgotten, and people living with a sense of immense self-pity. It is difficult at times to have a long, serious relationship. Life for such a person is made up of endless frustration. The feeling of despair and hopelessness prevails in his mind, it is easy to blame others for their problems. People suffering from cancer, is very self-critical. I was convinced from experience acquired ability to love yourself and accept yourself for who you are, cure cancer.
Excess weight - not that other, as the need for protection.
We are looking for protection from the pain of criticism, insults, etc. Extensive choice, is not it? I was never fat, but on their own experience that when I feel insecure and do not matter, I'm automatically getting fat for a few kilograms. When the threat disappears, the excess weight disappears too. Fight with the world - a waste of energy and time. As soon as you stop resisting your weight immediately normalized. Trust in yourself, to the very process of life, abstaining from negative thoughts - these are ways to lose weight.
The pain of any origin, in my opinion - evidence of guilt.
And the wines are always looking for punishment, punishment, in turn, creates pain. Chronic pain occurs from chronic guilt, buried so deep within us that we often about her not even know. Guilt - feeling useless. This feeling never did work, it is unable to change the situation. So release himself from prison.
Operation (any).
The intervention of the surgeon is necessary, for example, injuries to the hands, legs, so that people could focus on the recovery and on the fact that it does not happen again. In medicine today, many fine doctors who devoted himself entirely to helping people. More and more doctors are starting to heal, using holistic methods. Yet most of our physicians do not want to deal with the causes of disease and treat only the symptoms and consequences. They do this in two ways: either poison drugs or cut. Surgeons cut and if you go to a surgeon, he certainly will recommend surgery. If you do not have a choice, get ready to please her, so that you can quickly and without complications recovered.
One of my friend had to do emergency surgery. Before the operation, she was talking with the surgeon and anesthesiologist. She asked them to include in the operation pleasant light music and access to each other and to her only in soft colors. The nurse did the same after the surgery. The operation went well and my friend recovered in record time. After surgery, listen to music all the time you like, and are constantly talking to herself: "I quickly recovered. Every day I feel better and better ».
Tumors - false growths.
Oyster takes a tiny grain of sand and builds around it a solid and shiny shell, in order to protect themselves. We call a grain of sand pearl and admire its beauty. We, as an oyster, take offense and jet nosimsya her until she goes into the tumor. I call this "turning of old films».
I am convinced that tumors in women in the uterus, ovaries, etc. the fact that they take the emotional pain that occurred as a result of the impact of their femininity, and carry with it all his life before the tumor. I call it simply: "It hurt me very much».
If your relationship with someone to an end, it does not mean that you are not all right, and it does not prove that we really stand.
The point is not that what happens to us in this life, and how we react to it.
We are, without exception, assume 100 percent responsibility for everything that happens to us.