Stupidity underfoot
Ilya Varlamov writes:
Today I want to tell you about one of stupidity. It exists in Moscow and in other cities, for about 13 years. This cleaning leaves from the lawn under the trees.
And in the summer, and autumn wipers carefully scraped lawns between trees in parks, boulevards, courtyards inside the neighborhoods. The collected leaves or is discharged or taken to a recycling (most often).
7 photo
However, the leaves - it's not trash. This organic matter needed for the soil, feeding her, making fertile. Regular cleaning of leaves leads to depletion of the soil, it ceases to grow grass, insects and worms disappear, it occurs seal. Look at the lawn in your backyards.
Very often, instead of grass under the trees will be bare ground. And all because of fallen leaves protects the ground from freezing and is a fertilizer. It turns out there are even laws prohibiting clean foliage in the courts, but they do not comply with the wipers.
Director General of Wildlife Conservation Alex Zimenko:
- The earth is a lot of living things. If you remove the leaves, then all living things in the soil without getting organic food, dies, and the soil becomes dense, does not perform its natural function. It turns out a kind of asfaltopodobnaya desert. Over the past 10 years, many Moscow households purchased a lifeless appearance. I understand that thoroughly clean the Alexander Garden - still a fashion place - but why the entire city so tormented?
According to head of the laboratory of the Moscow region, Russian Institute for Nature Conservation BL Samoilova, due to regular cleaning of fallen leaves in Moscow park ceased to settle rooks, magpies and jackdaws. According to him, this is due to the lack of food for the birds and their offspring. Removing the leaves in parks, we are depriving the territory of the same "safety cushion" of fallen leaves, twigs and seeds from which the mold is formed, and home to 50% of organic matter and "hundreds of earthworms per square meter." Without the leaves disappear and other insects whose larvae overwinter in listvyanoy litter. Trees also need to got to the soil leaf litter. The arguments were supported by the scientist and the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Moscow.
In mid-March 2010 in many media have published reports that the Moscow authorities have decided not to remove fallen leaves from the lawns in yards, parks and forest parks. Head of the Department of housing and communal services and improvement of the city of Moscow AV Tsybin said that cleaning the leaves can lead to depletion of the soil and destruction of green areas of the city. However, the fall foliage was repeated a total collection. Today, all the lawns in the courtyards carefully swept by leaves, although it is illegal.
In May 2010, amendments were made to the "Rules of creation, maintenance and protection of green areas of the city of Moscow" (Resolution of 11 May 2010 N 386-PP "On Amending Resolution of the Government of Moscow from September 10, 2002 N 743-PP »).
Previously, the rules were as follows: "In ordinary lawn leaf raking is necessary only along highways and park roads with heavy traffic in the lane width of 10-25 meters, depending on the significance of the object. On a large lawn parks and gardens, arrays and groups far from the roads, housing estates and export leaf raking is not recommended, as it leads to the removal of organic matter, soil depletion and inappropriate labor and material costs. Burn list is strictly forbidden, because after composting it is a valuable and easily digestible organic fertilizer plants. »
Now, the rules of collection and removal of the leaves are as follows: "On the lawns leaf raking on the strip width: along city roads and non-category sites - up to 25 meters; along streets and thoroughfares of the district values, along the highways in the region served by the city and county road services - up to 10 meters; along the block passages and driveways to park areas - up to 5 meters, as well as yard areas with artificial turf, including playgrounds and sports venues. On the lawns of other areas, including parks, parks, boulevards list is not removed. In areas of strong air pollution from vehicles and industry leaf raking and should be landfilled. "
Regulations have become more specific, and the areas where the leaf raking can not remain not so much, but still they are there. And, despite this, the leaves raked windshield wipers everywhere.
Despite the existing regulations, a massive collection of leaves continues in almost all urban areas. It is not simply shortsightedness of public utilities. There is a telephone message for Peter Biryukov (First Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Head of the municipal economy of Moscow).
There is little if no plans to collect leaves. At the same time the wipers can not obey orders from above - they are fined. Why is this happening? It turns out that even in the fallen leaves you can make money. For years litter is exported for processing in the PMU farms "Moszelenhoz", where it is converted into fertilizer, which then, in the spring, it is selling well.
There are many action groups and just active citizens who, as they can compete with the utilities, for example, call the hotline of the Department of Natural and Environmental Protection. Inspectors recorded address, record violations and public utilities prescribed penalty for violation of the law. According to one of the operators of the hotline over the foliage in the day, they get a lot of calls. But, apparently, this measure is practically no effect.
Even held mass rallies, when collected in bags foliage scattered back under the trees. However, janitors started to collect leaves more quickly and immediately take away bags. What more proof that someone is very beneficial.
Today I want to tell you about one of stupidity. It exists in Moscow and in other cities, for about 13 years. This cleaning leaves from the lawn under the trees.
And in the summer, and autumn wipers carefully scraped lawns between trees in parks, boulevards, courtyards inside the neighborhoods. The collected leaves or is discharged or taken to a recycling (most often).
7 photo

However, the leaves - it's not trash. This organic matter needed for the soil, feeding her, making fertile. Regular cleaning of leaves leads to depletion of the soil, it ceases to grow grass, insects and worms disappear, it occurs seal. Look at the lawn in your backyards.
Very often, instead of grass under the trees will be bare ground. And all because of fallen leaves protects the ground from freezing and is a fertilizer. It turns out there are even laws prohibiting clean foliage in the courts, but they do not comply with the wipers.

Director General of Wildlife Conservation Alex Zimenko:
- The earth is a lot of living things. If you remove the leaves, then all living things in the soil without getting organic food, dies, and the soil becomes dense, does not perform its natural function. It turns out a kind of asfaltopodobnaya desert. Over the past 10 years, many Moscow households purchased a lifeless appearance. I understand that thoroughly clean the Alexander Garden - still a fashion place - but why the entire city so tormented?
According to head of the laboratory of the Moscow region, Russian Institute for Nature Conservation BL Samoilova, due to regular cleaning of fallen leaves in Moscow park ceased to settle rooks, magpies and jackdaws. According to him, this is due to the lack of food for the birds and their offspring. Removing the leaves in parks, we are depriving the territory of the same "safety cushion" of fallen leaves, twigs and seeds from which the mold is formed, and home to 50% of organic matter and "hundreds of earthworms per square meter." Without the leaves disappear and other insects whose larvae overwinter in listvyanoy litter. Trees also need to got to the soil leaf litter. The arguments were supported by the scientist and the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of Moscow.

In mid-March 2010 in many media have published reports that the Moscow authorities have decided not to remove fallen leaves from the lawns in yards, parks and forest parks. Head of the Department of housing and communal services and improvement of the city of Moscow AV Tsybin said that cleaning the leaves can lead to depletion of the soil and destruction of green areas of the city. However, the fall foliage was repeated a total collection. Today, all the lawns in the courtyards carefully swept by leaves, although it is illegal.

In May 2010, amendments were made to the "Rules of creation, maintenance and protection of green areas of the city of Moscow" (Resolution of 11 May 2010 N 386-PP "On Amending Resolution of the Government of Moscow from September 10, 2002 N 743-PP »).
Previously, the rules were as follows: "In ordinary lawn leaf raking is necessary only along highways and park roads with heavy traffic in the lane width of 10-25 meters, depending on the significance of the object. On a large lawn parks and gardens, arrays and groups far from the roads, housing estates and export leaf raking is not recommended, as it leads to the removal of organic matter, soil depletion and inappropriate labor and material costs. Burn list is strictly forbidden, because after composting it is a valuable and easily digestible organic fertilizer plants. »
Now, the rules of collection and removal of the leaves are as follows: "On the lawns leaf raking on the strip width: along city roads and non-category sites - up to 25 meters; along streets and thoroughfares of the district values, along the highways in the region served by the city and county road services - up to 10 meters; along the block passages and driveways to park areas - up to 5 meters, as well as yard areas with artificial turf, including playgrounds and sports venues. On the lawns of other areas, including parks, parks, boulevards list is not removed. In areas of strong air pollution from vehicles and industry leaf raking and should be landfilled. "

Regulations have become more specific, and the areas where the leaf raking can not remain not so much, but still they are there. And, despite this, the leaves raked windshield wipers everywhere.
Despite the existing regulations, a massive collection of leaves continues in almost all urban areas. It is not simply shortsightedness of public utilities. There is a telephone message for Peter Biryukov (First Deputy Mayor of Moscow, Head of the municipal economy of Moscow).
There is little if no plans to collect leaves. At the same time the wipers can not obey orders from above - they are fined. Why is this happening? It turns out that even in the fallen leaves you can make money. For years litter is exported for processing in the PMU farms "Moszelenhoz", where it is converted into fertilizer, which then, in the spring, it is selling well.

There are many action groups and just active citizens who, as they can compete with the utilities, for example, call the hotline of the Department of Natural and Environmental Protection. Inspectors recorded address, record violations and public utilities prescribed penalty for violation of the law. According to one of the operators of the hotline over the foliage in the day, they get a lot of calls. But, apparently, this measure is practically no effect.
Even held mass rallies, when collected in bags foliage scattered back under the trees. However, janitors started to collect leaves more quickly and immediately take away bags. What more proof that someone is very beneficial.
