Zhvanetskiy about smart people

mind - is not knowledge, not the ability to get into any conversation, on the contrary, or, as one premier, did!
The mind does not mean the ability to maintain a conversation with scientists.
If you're smart, you realize that you do not understand.
Mind often speaks in silence.
The mind feels faults or unpleasant moments for the interlocutor and bypasses them.
Mind anticipate the answer and say nothing if he does not want to hear it.
And, in general, the mind something to offer.
Stupidity does not offer.
Stupidity does not ask.
Stupidity explains.
In general, with a clever better.
With it you are free and lazy.
With a fool you are busy all the time.
You work hard.
He'll objects and objects ... For it is certain!
And these senseless objections you lose strength, endurance and ingenuity that are so proud of.
With fool you anything you can not accept.
And you feel what you have bad character.
Therefore rest with clever!
Relax with him, dear!
I beg you!
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