40 citations Remarque about the most wonderful feeling in the world
He wrote about the lost generation that has no place among people who are not experienced the horrors of war. The war in his novels terrible, breaks the will, faith and destiny of man. And love - passionate, all-consuming, and permeates the whole of life. Such love can heal the most cruel wounds inflicted by man to man.
Website gathered for you the best quotes from the books of Remarque's "Three Comrades", "Arc de Triomphe", "All Quiet on the Western Front" and "Life on loan." In each of these novels laid all the experience and the heart of the famous German writer.
"No, - he said quickly. - Just do it. Staying friends? Dilute a small kitchen garden in the cooled lava extinct feelings? No, this is not for you and me. This happens only after the little intrigues, and it turns out pretty tune. Love does not blur the friendship. The end is the end. " No one could be more alien than the one you loved in the past. What can one person to another, except for a drop of heat? And there may be more that? You just do not let anyone close to him. And let a - you want to keep. And nothing can keep ... What a present-day young people are strange. Past hate you, despise the present, and the future you do not care. It is unlikely that this will lead to a good end. Human life lasts too long for one love. Just too long. Love is wonderful. But someone from the two always gets bored. And the other is empty. Hardens and waiting for something ... waiting like crazy ... Only those who are not just left alone, knows the happiness of meeting with the beloved. Love abhors explanation. She needed actions. All love wants to be eternal. That is its eternal torment. Woman love umneet, a man loses his head. Only if the final rasstaneshsya with someone, you begin to truly interested in everything that concerns him. This is one of the paradoxes of love. Only unfortunate knows what happiness is. Lucky feels the joy of living no more than a mannequin, he only demonstrates that joy, but she has been given. Light does not shine as bright. He shines in the darkness. Just now only happy cows. About happiness can speak for five minutes, no more. There is nothing to say, except that you're happy. And people talk about bad luck all night. In fact, a person is truly happy only when he pays the least attention to the time and when it did not push fear. Still, even if you customize the fear, you can laugh. What else to do? Loneliness is easier when you do not love. The most wonderful city - this is where a person is happy. To be born a fool not to shame. And that's a shame to die a fool. The primitive man, the more it is high opinion of himself. There is nothing tedious than at present how a person demonstrates his mind. Especially if there is no mind. «Nothing is lost - I repeated. - A person loses only when he dies. " Reason was given to man, that he realized that one reason to live is impossible. Who wants to keep - he loses. Who is ready with a smile to let go - to try to keep. The less human vanity, the more it costs. It is a mistake to suppose that all people have the same capacity to feel. If you want people do not notice, do not need to be cautious. Remember one thing, boy: never, never and never again you will not find yourself ridiculous in the eyes of a woman, if you do something for her. I thought that a woman should not speak to the man that she loves him. This should speak her shining, happy eyes. They are more eloquent than any words. Women should either worship or leave. All the rest - a lie. < If a woman belongs to another, it is five times more desirable than the one you can get - an old rule. The woman did not need to explain to them it is always necessary to act. The woman - it's not metal furniture; she - flower. She does not want businesslike. It needs sun, cute word. Better to tell her every day something nice, than a lifetime with sullen fury to work for her. I stood next to her, listening to her, she laughed and thought, What a terrible love a woman and to be poor. That which you can not get it, it always seems better than what you have. This is the romance and the idiocy of human life. They say the hardest survive the first seventy years. And then it will go smoothly. Life - a sailing boat, which sails too much, so that at any moment it can turn. Repentance - the most useless thing in the world. Return anything. Nothing can be corrected. Otherwise we would all be saints. Life is not meant to make us perfect. Whoever perfect place in the museum. The principles sometimes need to break, otherwise no joy from them. - Do you want an apple? Apples prolong life!
- No, thank you.
- A cigar?
- They also prolong life?
- No, they shorten it. Then it is balanced apples. It is better to die when one wants to live, to live up to what he wants to die. And that would be with you no matter what happens, do not take to heart. Few in the world for a long time is important.
via www.em-remarque.ru/work/zhizn-vzaymi.html
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The man wanted to bring the dog to the hotel and received an adequate response from the administration