27 tips in difficult times by Stephen King

He - the living legend, the king of horror, mystery and a master virtuoso writer. And the man who was able to overcome addictions, and to rise from the bottom. After all, who does not like Stephen King, to explore all the dark corners of the human soul, to know the best ways to return to the light?
And if at some point in life you have to pamper stops, Website offers heed the advice of a hopeless optimist King.
The only way to live - to live it. I say to yourself: "I can do it" - even knowing that you can not. If today you are not capable of loving anyone, at least try not to offend anyone. The planet rotates, you know. You can rotate together with it, and you can catch hold of something, and to protest, but then you fall down to the ground. Time heals everything, whether you like it or not. Time heals everything, everything picks up, leaving only the end of the darkness. Sometimes, in the darkness we encounter others, and sometimes we lose them there again. If you are alone, it does not mean you're crazy. Everyone has something like a shovel manure, which in moments of stress and trouble you start to dig into yourself, your thoughts and feelings. Get rid of her. Burn it. Otherwise, you dug a hole reaches the depths of the subconscious, and then at night because she would go dead. People think that a lot of things can not, and then suddenly discover that very can, when they are in a hopeless situation. For the past should be treated cruelly and calm. Those strikes that kill us, do not matter. Matter only after we have survived and live. The only way to hold a conversation with a fool - is to ignore it. In my opinion, one of the favorite pastimes of the Lord God - force act of those who say "never." Only lost everything to the end, we find freedom. The most beautiful word in any language - is "I forgive». Be careful when you pray for something, because you can get it. All that is able to make you laugh thirty years later - not a waste of time. In my opinion, this is something very close to immortality. Each choice comes down to one simple question: to be or not to be, to live or to exist. If you do not control your anger, your anger will control you. When a person stops changing, ceases to feel, cease to love, he dies. We live to fight to give each new day. If you feel bad one, it is unlikely that you will be good to others. Improve the world - is important, but it is equally important to get to the toilet on their own. Success for fools. It's what they can expect, the poor things. Remember that hope - a good thing, perhaps even the best of them all. She did not die. There are tears that have to be sure to weep, at any time of the day, weep for all burned out inside. Maybe there are fairies and elves, but remember: God helps those who help themselves. We are damned and doomed to always think that we could do better, even if all are seeking what they wanted. If throughout bummer, give up and go to the library. Hope for the best and expect the filth.
More quotes by Stephen King, read our post about it .
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