Kitty Smith - a woman who did everything without hands
Kathryn M. Smith was born October 29, 1882 in a poor Chicago family. Like her two older brothers and a younger sister,
Kitty would live fresh, unremarkable, gray life, if not for the horrible accident,
that forever changed her life and eventually did the wealthy, and delicious, and the famous all over America.
Read more inside ...
Kitty - Right
When Kitty was nine, her mother suddenly died, leaving a daughter to "care" lustful father - an alcoholic goner. In the same year on Thanksgiving Day father as "get" Catherine, that she decided to give him cook dinner and run around for a drink. What Mr. Smith beat Kitty, and then thrust her hands into the hot oven and keep them there until the hand and forearm "naughty" daughter's charred. The hands had to be amputated stump to a length of three inches in Cook County Hospital, where the girl remained in intensive care until February 1892 State fanatic Smith punished to the fullest extent of the law and Kitty spent several years in a children's home state of Illinois. Soon somebody Dr. Gregg drew attention to the trouble and the fate of girls and organized a charitable foundation to raise funds for training Miss Smith as a school of science, skills and hands-free. "Kitty Smith Foundation" was a successful project, there were good people who taught the girl to use their legs and fingers to perform various household and creative affairs. Kitty liked best to write down, and paint - and a pencil and paints. Yet she could play the piano with his toes, typing and embroidery on silk. All this girl learned in less than 3 years, and in 1896 the Foundation for the money moved to Wisconsin, where she went to school for normal children.
When Kitty was nine, her mother suddenly died, leaving a daughter to "care" lustful father - an alcoholic goner. In the same year on Thanksgiving Day father as "get" Catherine, that she decided to give him cook dinner and run around for a drink. What Mr. Smith beat Kitty, and then thrust her hands into the hot oven and keep them there until the hand and forearm "naughty" daughter's charred. The hands had to be amputated stump to a length of three inches in Cook County Hospital, where the girl remained in intensive care until February 1892 State fanatic Smith punished to the fullest extent of the law and Kitty spent several years in a children's home state of Illinois. Soon somebody Dr. Gregg drew attention to the trouble and the fate of girls and organized a charitable foundation to raise funds for training Miss Smith as a school of science, skills and hands-free. "Kitty Smith Foundation" was a successful project, there were good people who taught the girl to use their legs and fingers to perform various household and creative affairs. Kitty liked best to write down, and paint - and a pencil and paints. Yet she could play the piano with his toes, typing and embroidery on silk. All this girl learned in less than 3 years, and in 1896 the Foundation for the money moved to Wisconsin, where she went to school for normal children. & Quot; title = «When Kitty was nine, her mother suddenly died, leaving a daughter to" care "lustful father - an alcoholic goner. In the same year on Thanksgiving Day father as "get" Catherine, that she decided to give him cook dinner and run around for a drink. What Mr. Smith beat Kitty, and then thrust her hands into the hot oven and keep them there until the hand and forearm "naughty" daughter's charred. The hands had to be amputated stump to a length of three inches in Cook County Hospital, where the girl remained in intensive care until February 1892 State fanatic Smith punished to the fullest extent of the law and Kitty spent several years in a children's home state of Illinois. Soon somebody Dr. Gregg drew attention to the trouble and the fate of girls and organized a charitable foundation to raise funds for training Miss Smith as a school of science, skills and hands-free. "Kitty Smith Foundation" was a successful project, there were good people who taught the girl to use their legs and fingers to perform various household and creative affairs. Kitty liked best to write down, and paint - and a pencil and paints. Yet she could play the piano with his toes, typing and embroidery on silk. All this girl learned in less than 3 years, and in 1896 the Foundation for the money moved to Wisconsin, where she went to school for normal children. »& Gt;
In 1905 he held a graduation party. Kitty was the 22nd year, and she could no longer remain in full gosobespechenii. Her father had already rested in the grave, the brothers earned a pittance laborers and younger sister someone adopted. Miss Smith has decided to earn on their own evil fate. Toes woman autobiographical essays printed, embroidered towels, painted animals. All this is mailed to potential buyers. Attached to the letter special card with a return address and a pocket for a 25-cent coin. That is for talent armless Kitty paid only those whom her story somehow excited. Thanks titanic perseverance and optimism in the spring of 1906 Miss Smith has earned 35 thousand dollars "chetvertachkami." This means that Kitty had time to send out about 100 thousand letters with their "nogodeliyami»!
In his stories Kitty never mentioned monster-father "of the dead, or good, or nothing." She wrote that she was deprived of hand because of their own stupid curiosity, falling into the fire after ... drank a glass of liquor. Human compassion from such "complication of circumstances" has not diminished.
On-earned dollars Kathryn Smith opened his own firm.
In 1913, the Illinois women given the right to vote. Kitty went to the polls, and signed on the ballot foot.
1930 Kitty Smith held a permanent tour - best circus troupes in the USA, showing people the wonders of ownership toes. Things to do Miss Smith, retired from the circus, and how many years have lived this incredibly strong-willed and talented woman, we and world history, unfortunately, is not known.
via source
Kitty would live fresh, unremarkable, gray life, if not for the horrible accident,
that forever changed her life and eventually did the wealthy, and delicious, and the famous all over America.
Read more inside ...
Kitty - Right

When Kitty was nine, her mother suddenly died, leaving a daughter to "care" lustful father - an alcoholic goner. In the same year on Thanksgiving Day father as "get" Catherine, that she decided to give him cook dinner and run around for a drink. What Mr. Smith beat Kitty, and then thrust her hands into the hot oven and keep them there until the hand and forearm "naughty" daughter's charred. The hands had to be amputated stump to a length of three inches in Cook County Hospital, where the girl remained in intensive care until February 1892 State fanatic Smith punished to the fullest extent of the law and Kitty spent several years in a children's home state of Illinois. Soon somebody Dr. Gregg drew attention to the trouble and the fate of girls and organized a charitable foundation to raise funds for training Miss Smith as a school of science, skills and hands-free. "Kitty Smith Foundation" was a successful project, there were good people who taught the girl to use their legs and fingers to perform various household and creative affairs. Kitty liked best to write down, and paint - and a pencil and paints. Yet she could play the piano with his toes, typing and embroidery on silk. All this girl learned in less than 3 years, and in 1896 the Foundation for the money moved to Wisconsin, where she went to school for normal children.

When Kitty was nine, her mother suddenly died, leaving a daughter to "care" lustful father - an alcoholic goner. In the same year on Thanksgiving Day father as "get" Catherine, that she decided to give him cook dinner and run around for a drink. What Mr. Smith beat Kitty, and then thrust her hands into the hot oven and keep them there until the hand and forearm "naughty" daughter's charred. The hands had to be amputated stump to a length of three inches in Cook County Hospital, where the girl remained in intensive care until February 1892 State fanatic Smith punished to the fullest extent of the law and Kitty spent several years in a children's home state of Illinois. Soon somebody Dr. Gregg drew attention to the trouble and the fate of girls and organized a charitable foundation to raise funds for training Miss Smith as a school of science, skills and hands-free. "Kitty Smith Foundation" was a successful project, there were good people who taught the girl to use their legs and fingers to perform various household and creative affairs. Kitty liked best to write down, and paint - and a pencil and paints. Yet she could play the piano with his toes, typing and embroidery on silk. All this girl learned in less than 3 years, and in 1896 the Foundation for the money moved to Wisconsin, where she went to school for normal children. & Quot; title = «When Kitty was nine, her mother suddenly died, leaving a daughter to" care "lustful father - an alcoholic goner. In the same year on Thanksgiving Day father as "get" Catherine, that she decided to give him cook dinner and run around for a drink. What Mr. Smith beat Kitty, and then thrust her hands into the hot oven and keep them there until the hand and forearm "naughty" daughter's charred. The hands had to be amputated stump to a length of three inches in Cook County Hospital, where the girl remained in intensive care until February 1892 State fanatic Smith punished to the fullest extent of the law and Kitty spent several years in a children's home state of Illinois. Soon somebody Dr. Gregg drew attention to the trouble and the fate of girls and organized a charitable foundation to raise funds for training Miss Smith as a school of science, skills and hands-free. "Kitty Smith Foundation" was a successful project, there were good people who taught the girl to use their legs and fingers to perform various household and creative affairs. Kitty liked best to write down, and paint - and a pencil and paints. Yet she could play the piano with his toes, typing and embroidery on silk. All this girl learned in less than 3 years, and in 1896 the Foundation for the money moved to Wisconsin, where she went to school for normal children. »& Gt;
In 1905 he held a graduation party. Kitty was the 22nd year, and she could no longer remain in full gosobespechenii. Her father had already rested in the grave, the brothers earned a pittance laborers and younger sister someone adopted. Miss Smith has decided to earn on their own evil fate. Toes woman autobiographical essays printed, embroidered towels, painted animals. All this is mailed to potential buyers. Attached to the letter special card with a return address and a pocket for a 25-cent coin. That is for talent armless Kitty paid only those whom her story somehow excited. Thanks titanic perseverance and optimism in the spring of 1906 Miss Smith has earned 35 thousand dollars "chetvertachkami." This means that Kitty had time to send out about 100 thousand letters with their "nogodeliyami»!

In his stories Kitty never mentioned monster-father "of the dead, or good, or nothing." She wrote that she was deprived of hand because of their own stupid curiosity, falling into the fire after ... drank a glass of liquor. Human compassion from such "complication of circumstances" has not diminished.

On-earned dollars Kathryn Smith opened his own firm.

In 1913, the Illinois women given the right to vote. Kitty went to the polls, and signed on the ballot foot.

1930 Kitty Smith held a permanent tour - best circus troupes in the USA, showing people the wonders of ownership toes. Things to do Miss Smith, retired from the circus, and how many years have lived this incredibly strong-willed and talented woman, we and world history, unfortunately, is not known.
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