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A huge cloud of hydrogen returns to our galaxy
The Hubble Space Telescope has received new information about the huge hydrogen cloud that rushes towards our galaxy at a speed of over 300 km / s.
The trajectory of the cloud is well known to astronomers. The object is called Smith's Cloud. It was discovered a student Gail Smith in the early 1960s. New observations carried out by the Hubble, suggest that the cloud formed in the outer regions of the galactic disk around 70 million years ago.. Now it is a boomerang returns to the Milky Way.
Meeting with the clouds of our galaxy will start the process of active star formation. According to the calculations of astronomers, the cloud enough gas to produce 2 million. Stars. At the moment, the cloud has a comet shape. At length it extends to 11 thousand. Light-years, and its width is 2, 5 thousand. Light-years. If the cloud was visible in the sky, it would have occupied an area the size of which would be 30 times larger than the diameter of the moon during a full moon.
Previously, astronomers assumed that Smith's Cloud is a frustrated starless galaxy falling into the Milky Way from intergalactic space. If this hypothesis was correct, the cloud should consist mainly of hydrogen and helium, and did not contain heavy elements produced by stars. However, if the cloud is a derivative of our galaxy, that it should contain elements that are present in our sun.
In order to determine the composition of Smith's Cloud, and hence the place where it came from, the researchers used the Hubble spectrograph cosmic radiation. Scientists have recorded the ultraviolet radiation that comes from the bright cores of three active galaxy located at a distance of a few billion light-years behind the cloud. Cloud this case acted as a kind of filter. The way change the characteristics of light passing through it, it was possible to determine the composition of the cloud. In particular, scientists interested in the question whether it contains sulfur. In the presence of sulfur is possible to judge the presence of heavy elements within the cloud. The study showed that in Smith's Cloud lot of sulfur. It it the same as in the outer disk of the Milky Way - a region located at a distance of about 40 thousand light years from the galactic center (15 thousand light-years farther than our solar system.).. Thus, it was revealed that the Cloud Smith contains a large amount of material produced stars. This indicates that the cloud was ejected from the Milky Way and now it comes back like a boomerang back.
These Hubble data raise new questions: what was thrown a cloud of the Milky Way and how the cloud could stay at this unscathed, not whether it is a consequence of the passage, tore gas from the Milky Way's dark matter through the disk. Perhaps the answers to these questions will be able to receive in future studies.
Meeting with the clouds of our galaxy will start the process of active star formation. According to the calculations of astronomers, the cloud enough gas to produce 2 million. Stars. At the moment, the cloud has a comet shape. At length it extends to 11 thousand. Light-years, and its width is 2, 5 thousand. Light-years. If the cloud was visible in the sky, it would have occupied an area the size of which would be 30 times larger than the diameter of the moon during a full moon.
Previously, astronomers assumed that Smith's Cloud is a frustrated starless galaxy falling into the Milky Way from intergalactic space. If this hypothesis was correct, the cloud should consist mainly of hydrogen and helium, and did not contain heavy elements produced by stars. However, if the cloud is a derivative of our galaxy, that it must contain elements,
present in our sun.
In order to determine the composition of Smith's Cloud, and hence the place where it came from, the researchers used the Hubble spectrograph cosmic radiation. Scientists have recorded the ultraviolet radiation that comes from the bright cores of three active galaxy located at a distance of a few billion light-years behind the cloud. Cloud this case acted as a kind of filter. The way change the characteristics of light passing through it, it was possible to determine the composition of the cloud. In particular, scientists interested in the question whether it contains sulfur. In the presence of sulfur is possible to judge the presence of heavy elements within the cloud.
The study showed that in Smith's Cloud lot of sulfur. It it the same as in the outer disk of the Milky Way - a region located at a distance of about 40 thousand light years from the galactic center (15 thousand light-years farther than our solar system.).. Thus, it was revealed that the Cloud Smith contains a large amount of material produced stars. This indicates that the cloud was ejected from the Milky Way and now it comes back like a boomerang back.
These Hubble data raise new questions: what was thrown a cloud of the Milky Way and how the cloud could stay at this unscathed, not whether it is a consequence of the passage, tore gas from the Milky Way's dark matter through the disk. Perhaps the answers to these questions will be able to receive in future studies. Lyudmila Alexeyeva