Winter SUPER nourishing hand cream — SAVE yourself!
Daily hydration and protection of delicate skin of women's hands is a mandatory beauty ritual.
Unfortunately, the modern pace of life we forget about it and take care of the hands to a minimum. But for beauty and smooth skin is not enough once a day to apply the usual cream. To systematically nourish the thin skin of highly active ingredients. The best option may be home-made hand cream.
The main advantage of homemade cream is that its composition can be changed based on the condition and needs of the skin. There is also the possibility to prepare separate day and night cream, because not only the face, but the skin needs different nutrients depending on our biorhythms. Thus, with a minimum of ingredients and effort, you can get a really effective home remedy!
The technology of making hand cream
Depending on the desired thickness, the cream can be prepared using solid base oils (Shea, cocoa, coconut) or liquid oils (jojoba, castor, olive and many others). A lot of boiling cream, achieving perfect shopping white, you do not have. The main thing — do not forget that homemade creams have high fat content, so using them may involve some inconvenience. However, the density of the cream, you can quickly get used to!
Another important point: unlike the store-bought creams, home remedies do not contain chemicals, synthetic fragrances and preservatives, so their shelf life is quite short. But the nutrients in these creams are much more than in industry.
As for ingredients, homemade hand cream, you need to remember some rules:
Recipes homemade cream for hands
Homemade cream has a delicate buttery texture and high moisturizing properties, so it is important to strictly adhere to the specified dosage of the ingredients. Before creating creams with acids it is recommended to test the sensitivity of the skin, because the acid can cause an allergic rash.
Cream for normal skin
Cream for dry skin
Cream for age skin
This cream can be applied under the cosmetic gloves for more noticeable and long lasting hydration. You will need the following ingredients: 1 teaspoon beeswax, 1 teaspoon Shea butter, 1 tsp glycerin 4 drops lemon essential oil, 2 capsules of vitamin aevitum and 1 tablespoon strong brewed green tea. Heat the oil in a water bath, then add the green tea and lemon essential oil. Thoroughly stir the mixture until smooth.
Cream, the composition is close to shopping
If you want to make a hand cream, this can easily be done at home. You will need 1 tbsp of beeswax, 1 teaspoon lanolin, 1 tsp glycerin, 1 tsp of apricot oil, 1 tsp liquid lecithin and 3 drops of essential oil of geranium. Put all the ingredients in a water bath and heat until dissolved. Then remove from heat, cool slightly and add essential oil. Barely warm, whisk the cream with a mixer.
Also interesting: It is a natural remedy is the perfect solution for aging skin
The best recipes of eco friendly products for rejuvenation
Don't forget:if you want to preserve the beauty and youthfulness of their hands for years to come, moisturizers have to use a constant, not episodic. It is especially important to apply cream after each hand contact with the water because it instantly washes off skin with a protective film and provokes rapid drying of the skin.published
Source: looktips.org/skin/kak-sdelat-krem-dlya-ruk/
Unfortunately, the modern pace of life we forget about it and take care of the hands to a minimum. But for beauty and smooth skin is not enough once a day to apply the usual cream. To systematically nourish the thin skin of highly active ingredients. The best option may be home-made hand cream.
The main advantage of homemade cream is that its composition can be changed based on the condition and needs of the skin. There is also the possibility to prepare separate day and night cream, because not only the face, but the skin needs different nutrients depending on our biorhythms. Thus, with a minimum of ingredients and effort, you can get a really effective home remedy!

The technology of making hand cream
Depending on the desired thickness, the cream can be prepared using solid base oils (Shea, cocoa, coconut) or liquid oils (jojoba, castor, olive and many others). A lot of boiling cream, achieving perfect shopping white, you do not have. The main thing — do not forget that homemade creams have high fat content, so using them may involve some inconvenience. However, the density of the cream, you can quickly get used to!
Another important point: unlike the store-bought creams, home remedies do not contain chemicals, synthetic fragrances and preservatives, so their shelf life is quite short. But the nutrients in these creams are much more than in industry.
As for ingredients, homemade hand cream, you need to remember some rules:
- First, when you add in a means of heat-sensitive vitamins, such as folic acid and vitamin C, cannot be cream high temperatures, otherwise the vitamins will lose their properties.
- Second, do not mix acidic ingredients (like salicylic and fruit acid). Some acids are capable of entering into chemical reaction with each other, significantly reducing the effectiveness of the cream.
- Often in homemade creams is added to the alcohol or vodka. There is a perception that alcohol dehydrates the skin — but it's not. In moderation alcohol is the conduit of nutrients into the dermis, so it is advisable to add it to creams.

Recipes homemade cream for hands
Homemade cream has a delicate buttery texture and high moisturizing properties, so it is important to strictly adhere to the specified dosage of the ingredients. Before creating creams with acids it is recommended to test the sensitivity of the skin, because the acid can cause an allergic rash.
Cream for normal skin
- The first option. Suitable smooth the skin, not prone to drying. Pour 50 g of dried leaves of calendula 30 ml peach oil and add 1 tsp. of alcohol. Tightly close the container and put it on a week in a dark place. Then carefully strain the mixture, add 1 tbsp of corn oil extra virgin 1 tsp of beeswax, melted in a water bath. Thoroughly stir the mixture and cool. The cream should turn into a thick substance. Optionally, you can add in the natural flavor of your favorite essential oil.
- A variant of the second. Softens the skin and leaves the surface with a thin breathable film that prevents evaporation. 25 g butter, softened add 1 tbsp. of honey, 5 drops of essential oil of patchouli and 15 ml of strong infusion series. To prepare a series of 5 tbsp. pour 200 ml of water, bring to boil and simmer on low heat until until half the water has boiled off. Then strain the broth and mix it with other components of the cream.
- The third option. This cream is a real aromatherapy! It helps to moisturize the skin and make it velvety. In a small bowl mix 1 tbsp grape seed oil, 1 tbsp avocado oil 3 drops essential oil of ylang-ylang, 3 drops of essential oil petitgrain, 3 drops of orange essential oil and 5 drops of rose essential oil. Heat the mixture in a water bath so that the ingredients were mixed and gently extracted.
Cream for dry skin
- The first option. Maintains an ideal moisture level of the skin for 24 hours. Suitable for dry to very dry skin. Prepare a concentrated decoction of chamomile: 2 tablespoons of dried flowers pour 100 ml of water, bring to the boil and simmer for one hour, periodically stirring the mixture. Then strain the decoction, add 1 tsp Shea butter 1 tsp jojoba oil and 4 drops of essential oil of sweet orange. Carefully whisk the cream with an egg beater.
- A variant of the second. Fragrant chocolate cream, which restores the lipid layer of dry skin, prevents pimples, flaking and irritation. You will need 1 tbsp of cocoa butter, a pinch of ground cinnamon and 3 drops of essential oil of bitter orange. The mixture was heat in a water bath up to melting point of cocoa butter. With a whisk whip the mixture to become a uniform chocolate color. When applying the cooled cream is most convenient to use a plastic spatula or spoon.
- The third option. A light moisturizing lotion for hands which intensely nourishes the skin and smoothes wrinkles caused by dryness. Mix 1 tsp. honey, ½ tsp oil of wheat germ, ½ tsp of glycerin and 5 drops of essential oil of juniper.

Cream for age skin
- The first option. Actively moisturizes and protects the skin, smoothes wrinkles and whitens pigment spots. To create the cream, squeeze the juice of two lemons, peel, chop, pour 50 ml of boiling water, cover with a tight lid, wrap with towel and leave for an hour. Then strain the cooled tincture of lemon peel, mix with the juice, 1 tsp. glycerin, 2 tbsp pre-melted in the microwave or in a water bath beeswax and 1 tsp. of jojoba oil.
- A variant of the second. Intensively exfoliates the stratum corneum of the skin, renews and restores the epidermis, but also nourishes the deepest layers of the skin. Mix 1 tsp of salicylic acid, ½ tsp of vitamin A, ½ tsp of vitamin E and 3 drops of essential oil of cinnamon.
- The third option. Soothes irritated skin, relieves itching, moisturizes and eliminates the feeling of tightness. Crush five leaves of scarlet with a blender, strain through cheesecloth, the juice, add 1 tsp of castor oil, 5 drops of eucalyptus essential oil and 1 tbsp of coconut oil. Put the mixture in a water bath and heat until complete dissolution of oil.
This cream can be applied under the cosmetic gloves for more noticeable and long lasting hydration. You will need the following ingredients: 1 teaspoon beeswax, 1 teaspoon Shea butter, 1 tsp glycerin 4 drops lemon essential oil, 2 capsules of vitamin aevitum and 1 tablespoon strong brewed green tea. Heat the oil in a water bath, then add the green tea and lemon essential oil. Thoroughly stir the mixture until smooth.
Cream, the composition is close to shopping
If you want to make a hand cream, this can easily be done at home. You will need 1 tbsp of beeswax, 1 teaspoon lanolin, 1 tsp glycerin, 1 tsp of apricot oil, 1 tsp liquid lecithin and 3 drops of essential oil of geranium. Put all the ingredients in a water bath and heat until dissolved. Then remove from heat, cool slightly and add essential oil. Barely warm, whisk the cream with a mixer.
Also interesting: It is a natural remedy is the perfect solution for aging skin
The best recipes of eco friendly products for rejuvenation
Don't forget:if you want to preserve the beauty and youthfulness of their hands for years to come, moisturizers have to use a constant, not episodic. It is especially important to apply cream after each hand contact with the water because it instantly washes off skin with a protective film and provokes rapid drying of the skin.published
Source: looktips.org/skin/kak-sdelat-krem-dlya-ruk/
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