Robert Heinlein.
People rarely - perhaps never - Can not think of God,
indeed standing over them. Most gods manners and morals
spoiled child.
How wonderful this world, because it has a girl!
Democracy is based on the assumption that a million people smarter
one. Brad ... Something I do not understand ...
Always store beer in a dark place.
Heinlein, Robert Anson (Robert A.Heinlein), (1907-1988) - the famous American science fiction writer, from under whose pen came fifty-four, not counting the various versions and editions, works - novels, short stories.
Currently, only one animal in the galaxy is dangerous for
person - himself. And so it should take care to
ensure himself a worthy competition.
Men are much more sentimental women. Their thinking is suffering from this.
Of course, maps Pluto. But let that not stop you; not risking
- Will not win,
Priest or shaman must be considered convicted if he proves his
Always listen to the experts, let them explain it
impossible, and justify all the "why." And then beris work - and do
Shoot faster. Suppose he lost a second time will not miss.
There is no evidence that life does not end after
death. Unfounded and contrary. You will learn everything myself, and
soon enough. What did bother?
Anything that can not be expressed in numbers - not a science; it is - an opinion.
We know in advance that a horse will run faster than the other, but
which exactly? That's the question.
Falsely fortuneteller can be tolerated. But the true prophetess should
shot on the spot. Cassandra did not get half of those kicks, which
I deserved.
Misunderstanding often has a functional purpose. Mother
the perception of their own children, their beauty, intelligence, kindness ... et cetera ad
nauseam [and so on ad nauseam (Lat.)] does not allow her to drown them immediately
after birth.
Most of the "scientists" in his science wash bottles and sort
Man-pacifist - these words contradict each other. Most of the so
called "pacifists", what they think of themselves, not peaceful,
they simply use protective coloration. One has only to variable winds,
and they immediately raise the "Jolly Roger».
Feeding does not diminish the beauty of women's breasts, and makes them more
The generation that neglects history has no past ... as well as
The poet reading his poems from the scene, may have other
bad habits.
Under the seat cushion can often find melochishku.
Historians do not report whether there was somewhere and someday
religion based on rationalism. Beliefs are a crutch for people,
not strong enough to stand without support. Yet
most people have their religion, like dandruff, they spend it
time and money, as if to get a significant pleasure.
It's amazing how much "mature wisdom" resembles a simple
If you do not love yourself, others will not like you too.
Your enemy will never think myself a villain. With this in mind,
find a way to make friends with him. And if not - kill, but without hatred and
Any break is always appropriate.
To survive, the state has no right to rely on hired
troops. Yes, in general, no State, and did not make it. Roman matrons
He said to his sons: 'Come back with your shield or on. " Later this
Custom forgotten. At the same time fell into disrepair, and Rome.
From the strange "crimes", which happens to people accused
completely from scratch, the most surprising accusation
"Blasphemy." "Obscenity" and "impropriety" fight for the second and
third place.
The law of Cheops: nothing can not be built as planned or within budget.
It is better to engage in intercourse often than ever.
Every society protects pregnant women and young children. All
the rest - an unnecessary luxury, extravagance, embellishment, Humor,
from which can and should, if necessary, to refuse to
save this main function. Survival is the only race
universal moral norms - other equally important criterion is not
exist. Attempts to create an ideal society based on other than
priority to women and children, not just crazy, they automatically
suicidal. However, idealists with clear eyes - certainly,
men - have always tried to do that and, no doubt, will be
repeat their attempts.
All men are created unequal.
Money is very exciting. And the colors are a little weaker.
Beast kills for pleasure. Fool - hatred.
There is only one way to comfort the widow. But remember, what you risk.
When there is a need, and it happens often, Learn to see
shoot your own dog. I do not expel her. From this it is better not to
becomes. It will only get worse.
To all it was a lot! Life should enjoy, snap off
large pieces. Moderation - for monks.
Perhaps living jackal and better than a dead lion, but it should be
try to be a living lion: usually it is easier to live.
One man - God, another - to the laughter cramps in the abdomen.
Sex should be done between friends. Otherwise
Use your mechanical toys, it is more cleanly.
Never appeal to the best human qualities. Maybe he are not
a. Reliability refer to his personal interests.
Little girls, like butterflies, have nothing to apologize for.
You can live in peace and enjoy the freedom. But do not expect
have them both at once.
It does not take a final decision tired or hungry. NB:
your hand can own circumstances. Ponder your actions in advance!
Your belongings and weapons must lie so that you could find them in
Elephant: mouse, made in accordance with the requirements of the government.
Throughout the history of poverty is the normal condition of man.
Any progress that occasionally allows to surpass this rate,
often the work of a very small minority, often
despised, often condemned, and certainly always a decent counter
All sensible people. And when it does not allow a tiny minority
create or - as sometimes happens - it expelled from society, people
slip into deep poverty. And call it a "failure».
In a mature society is always the official host.
When the planet is stuffed so many people that are required documents,
social collapse is near. It is time to move to another location. Most
the best in space travel is that you can go anywhere
The woman - is not property, and husbands who think otherwise are in
world of illusions.
That's the second advantage of space travel: the distance between
Stars make war very difficult thing, usually quite
impractical and almost always not necessary. Probably,
for most people it is a loss, as the war - the most popular
entertainment of our race, which gives meaning and color is dull and stupid life. But
for an intelligent person, belligerent only out of necessity, not for
entertainment, this is a huge benefit.
Gamete zygote allows to produce new gametes. Perhaps for this
and created the universe.
There are hidden contradictions in the minds of people who "love nature»
and reject all the "artificial objects" that "man has spoiled
nature. " The apparent contradiction lies in the choice of words,
suggesting that people and businesses of his hands are not part of "nature" in
unlike beavers and their dams, but its essence is deeper this apparent
absurdity. Proclaiming your love for the beaver dams (erected
beavers for their own needs) and hatred of the dams created
people for their needs, nature lover finds hatred
his own race, and it is to himself. It is not difficult to understand such
hatred felt by these "naturists"; such they,
poor thing. But we should not feel hatred towards them - is too strong
feeling, then they deserve only pity and sympathy. What
As for me, since I'm a man, not a beaver, then Homo sapiens for me - the only possible relatives. Fortunately, I like to be a member of the race,
consisting of men and women; I think it is perfectly thought out and
absolutely normal. Believe it or not, but there were nature lovers,
objected to the first flight to the moon, the earth revolves around the old;
they considered it unnatural and polluting nature.
"Man is not an island" ... although we may feel and act like
individuals. Our race is a single organism,
growing and branching, but the branches should be pinch from time to time,
to remain healthy. It is not necessary to dispute the need for this;
anyone who has eyes may notice that the body, the growth is not
put a limit always dies of its own toxic secretions.
You can talk just about when to perform this case - before birth or
after him. Being terminally sentimental person, I prefer
the first of these methods: killing is not like me, even when "he
dead and I'm alive, I wanted ».
But all this is a matter of taste. Other shamans believe that it is better to die on
war, poverty or childbirth than ever to live. Maybe they're right. But
I like the prospects do not like, and no one will force me to think
Autocracy is based on the assumption that a man wiser
million. Well, play and this play? And who will decide?
The government is able to work only in the case where the right and his
equal responsibility and coordinated. This government does not
sure to be a good one, this condition simply provides
performance. But these are rare government ... for the most part
people want to dispose of, but do not want to be responsible. This
called "passenger syndrome».
Give the facts, I repeat again and again, give me the facts. To hell
biased thoughts, leave divine inspiration, forget that
"Predicting stars", will try to avoid the views should not be
I care about what they think the neighbors, and forget about the unknown "verdict
stories". What are the facts: how much ... and up to a decimal point you
You know them. You're always your ship into an unknown future; facts - your only clue. Give me the facts!
Stupidity money will not cure, education, too, the law here
powerless. Stupidity is not a sin, the victim is not to blame for that stupid. But
stupidity is the only universal crime; sentence
always death, he is not subject to appeal, the execution is carried out
automatically and without mercy.
God is omnipotent, omniscient and all-good ... so here it is written on the label.
If you are able to combine in his head at the same time all three
divine attribute, offering you a wonderful deal. No checks,
Please only cash and small bills.
Courage complements fear. A man who knows no fear, can not be
brave. (He is also a fool.)
Some of the highest achievements of the human mind is a double
the concept of "loyalty" and "duty". Run away from places where this double
the concept is not valued. Did you manage to save his own skin, but like
Society can not be saved. It is doomed.
People really ruined, never starve. This poor
poor fellow, half a dollar shy to beg, should tighten their belts.
Plausibility proposal has nothing to do with his
reliability. And vice versa.
The man is not good at math, is not reasonable. This
subhuman at best tolerated, once he learned to wear
shoes, wash and do not litter in the house.
Moving parts in rubbing pair is required to lubricate to avoid
wear. Respect and courtesy are the formal mask worn
people adapt to one another. Most are young, do not wander,
naive, simple nature, tend to reject these formalities as "empty»,
"Meaningless", even "dishonest" - and ignore them. Regardless
how "pure" their motives, they always throw sand in the car,
and so that does not work too good.
A person must be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion plan,
slaughter a pig, steer the ship, build a house, write a sonnet, bring
account, build a wall, remove the meat from the bone, comfort the dying, give
order to execute the order to act together and alone to decide
equations, analyze a new problem, scatter the manure,
program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight and win,
and to die with dignity. Specialty just insects.
The more you love, the more capable of love and the stronger
your love. There is no limit to the number of your loved ones. If you have time,
you can love anyone who deserves love and is valid.
Masturbation - means cheap, clean, convenient and guaranteed by
any anxiety ... and in any case you do not have to
to return home at night. But what is a lonely occupation!
Avoid altruism. It is based on self-deception - the root of all evil.
Testing gusts to altruism, explore their own reasons, have found
self-deception, then wallow in this pool, if you still want to make
this act!
The most vile lie, which has managed to invent Homo sapiens is
that our Lord, the Creator, Creator and Lord of all universes needs
Saccharin in the worship of his creatures, that it can appease
prayer, and that he is outraged when not hear such flattery. This
absurd fantasy lacked a even crumbs of evidence, however
It nourishes the oldest, largest, and least productive
industry in all history.
The second is a hideous invention of human sinful nature
If you're a writer, do not be ashamed of it. But in doing business in the sim
alone, and then do not forget to wash your hands.
If you put a hundred dollars in the bank, while seven percent in the quarter
two hundred years you'll get more 100,000,000, but this time the money
Your turn into nothing.
Honey, do not bother him with trifles and do not burden him with
past mistakes. Never tell a man something he does not want
Darling, a true lady takes advantage along with the clothes,
after which it will not yield the best whore. In other circumstances,
be decent and modest - as required by your personality.
Everything whirls around sex.
If people have guns, what they believe behaviorists,
Psychologists could not come up with the amazing stuff that they
called behavioral psychology. They are wrong in everything and, moreover, as
as intelligent and full of as phlogiston chemists.
Shamans always zhulyat with their "invented miracles." I prefer
in the flesh maiden McCoy - better already pregnant.
If in the universe there is a more important activity than lying on a woman,
whom you love, and make her a child in full agreement with her, I'm not about him
Yes, remember the eleventh commandment and do it all over.
Want to know what is "intellectual"? Ask how it relates to
Taxes are levied not for welfare or taxable.
In society there is no place game. Or you are able to cut out the heart of this type
and eat it, or you sucker. If you do not like this choice,
do not go.
The ship departs only when all the bills are paid. No regrets. When
I became an instructor in military training, I did not have the experience - what I taught his fellows must have killed someone of them.
War is too serious a thing to teach her inexperienced.
Competent, self-confident person is incapable of jealousy.
Jealousy - always a symptom of neurotic insecurity.
Money is the most sincere of all kinds of flattery.
Women like to be flattered.
Men, too.
Live and learn ... Otherwise, you will live a long time.
Where women have insisted on absolute equality with men, they
always ends in the mud. But women are higher and the ability
... male correct tactic is to require all currently
possible privileges. Women should not only be limited to one
equality. "Equality" for women - is a loss.
The world is a continuation of the war by political means. There where
knock - and more enjoyable, and much safer.
One man's magic, another - a trick. "Supernatural" - an empty word.
The phrase: "I (we, you) just have to ..." - to be understood in that sense,
indeed standing over them. Most gods manners and morals
spoiled child.
How wonderful this world, because it has a girl!
Democracy is based on the assumption that a million people smarter
one. Brad ... Something I do not understand ...
Always store beer in a dark place.

Heinlein, Robert Anson (Robert A.Heinlein), (1907-1988) - the famous American science fiction writer, from under whose pen came fifty-four, not counting the various versions and editions, works - novels, short stories.
Currently, only one animal in the galaxy is dangerous for
person - himself. And so it should take care to
ensure himself a worthy competition.
Men are much more sentimental women. Their thinking is suffering from this.
Of course, maps Pluto. But let that not stop you; not risking
- Will not win,
Priest or shaman must be considered convicted if he proves his
Always listen to the experts, let them explain it
impossible, and justify all the "why." And then beris work - and do
Shoot faster. Suppose he lost a second time will not miss.
There is no evidence that life does not end after
death. Unfounded and contrary. You will learn everything myself, and
soon enough. What did bother?
Anything that can not be expressed in numbers - not a science; it is - an opinion.
We know in advance that a horse will run faster than the other, but
which exactly? That's the question.
Falsely fortuneteller can be tolerated. But the true prophetess should
shot on the spot. Cassandra did not get half of those kicks, which
I deserved.
Misunderstanding often has a functional purpose. Mother
the perception of their own children, their beauty, intelligence, kindness ... et cetera ad
nauseam [and so on ad nauseam (Lat.)] does not allow her to drown them immediately
after birth.
Most of the "scientists" in his science wash bottles and sort
Man-pacifist - these words contradict each other. Most of the so
called "pacifists", what they think of themselves, not peaceful,
they simply use protective coloration. One has only to variable winds,
and they immediately raise the "Jolly Roger».
Feeding does not diminish the beauty of women's breasts, and makes them more
The generation that neglects history has no past ... as well as
The poet reading his poems from the scene, may have other
bad habits.
Under the seat cushion can often find melochishku.
Historians do not report whether there was somewhere and someday
religion based on rationalism. Beliefs are a crutch for people,
not strong enough to stand without support. Yet
most people have their religion, like dandruff, they spend it
time and money, as if to get a significant pleasure.
It's amazing how much "mature wisdom" resembles a simple
If you do not love yourself, others will not like you too.
Your enemy will never think myself a villain. With this in mind,
find a way to make friends with him. And if not - kill, but without hatred and
Any break is always appropriate.
To survive, the state has no right to rely on hired
troops. Yes, in general, no State, and did not make it. Roman matrons
He said to his sons: 'Come back with your shield or on. " Later this
Custom forgotten. At the same time fell into disrepair, and Rome.
From the strange "crimes", which happens to people accused
completely from scratch, the most surprising accusation
"Blasphemy." "Obscenity" and "impropriety" fight for the second and
third place.
The law of Cheops: nothing can not be built as planned or within budget.
It is better to engage in intercourse often than ever.
Every society protects pregnant women and young children. All
the rest - an unnecessary luxury, extravagance, embellishment, Humor,
from which can and should, if necessary, to refuse to
save this main function. Survival is the only race
universal moral norms - other equally important criterion is not
exist. Attempts to create an ideal society based on other than
priority to women and children, not just crazy, they automatically
suicidal. However, idealists with clear eyes - certainly,
men - have always tried to do that and, no doubt, will be
repeat their attempts.
All men are created unequal.
Money is very exciting. And the colors are a little weaker.
Beast kills for pleasure. Fool - hatred.
There is only one way to comfort the widow. But remember, what you risk.
When there is a need, and it happens often, Learn to see
shoot your own dog. I do not expel her. From this it is better not to
becomes. It will only get worse.
To all it was a lot! Life should enjoy, snap off
large pieces. Moderation - for monks.
Perhaps living jackal and better than a dead lion, but it should be
try to be a living lion: usually it is easier to live.
One man - God, another - to the laughter cramps in the abdomen.
Sex should be done between friends. Otherwise
Use your mechanical toys, it is more cleanly.
Never appeal to the best human qualities. Maybe he are not
a. Reliability refer to his personal interests.
Little girls, like butterflies, have nothing to apologize for.
You can live in peace and enjoy the freedom. But do not expect
have them both at once.
It does not take a final decision tired or hungry. NB:
your hand can own circumstances. Ponder your actions in advance!
Your belongings and weapons must lie so that you could find them in
Elephant: mouse, made in accordance with the requirements of the government.
Throughout the history of poverty is the normal condition of man.
Any progress that occasionally allows to surpass this rate,
often the work of a very small minority, often
despised, often condemned, and certainly always a decent counter
All sensible people. And when it does not allow a tiny minority
create or - as sometimes happens - it expelled from society, people
slip into deep poverty. And call it a "failure».
In a mature society is always the official host.
When the planet is stuffed so many people that are required documents,
social collapse is near. It is time to move to another location. Most
the best in space travel is that you can go anywhere
The woman - is not property, and husbands who think otherwise are in
world of illusions.
That's the second advantage of space travel: the distance between
Stars make war very difficult thing, usually quite
impractical and almost always not necessary. Probably,
for most people it is a loss, as the war - the most popular
entertainment of our race, which gives meaning and color is dull and stupid life. But
for an intelligent person, belligerent only out of necessity, not for
entertainment, this is a huge benefit.
Gamete zygote allows to produce new gametes. Perhaps for this
and created the universe.
There are hidden contradictions in the minds of people who "love nature»
and reject all the "artificial objects" that "man has spoiled
nature. " The apparent contradiction lies in the choice of words,
suggesting that people and businesses of his hands are not part of "nature" in
unlike beavers and their dams, but its essence is deeper this apparent
absurdity. Proclaiming your love for the beaver dams (erected
beavers for their own needs) and hatred of the dams created
people for their needs, nature lover finds hatred
his own race, and it is to himself. It is not difficult to understand such
hatred felt by these "naturists"; such they,
poor thing. But we should not feel hatred towards them - is too strong
feeling, then they deserve only pity and sympathy. What
As for me, since I'm a man, not a beaver, then Homo sapiens for me - the only possible relatives. Fortunately, I like to be a member of the race,
consisting of men and women; I think it is perfectly thought out and
absolutely normal. Believe it or not, but there were nature lovers,
objected to the first flight to the moon, the earth revolves around the old;
they considered it unnatural and polluting nature.
"Man is not an island" ... although we may feel and act like
individuals. Our race is a single organism,
growing and branching, but the branches should be pinch from time to time,
to remain healthy. It is not necessary to dispute the need for this;
anyone who has eyes may notice that the body, the growth is not
put a limit always dies of its own toxic secretions.
You can talk just about when to perform this case - before birth or
after him. Being terminally sentimental person, I prefer
the first of these methods: killing is not like me, even when "he
dead and I'm alive, I wanted ».
But all this is a matter of taste. Other shamans believe that it is better to die on
war, poverty or childbirth than ever to live. Maybe they're right. But
I like the prospects do not like, and no one will force me to think
Autocracy is based on the assumption that a man wiser
million. Well, play and this play? And who will decide?
The government is able to work only in the case where the right and his
equal responsibility and coordinated. This government does not
sure to be a good one, this condition simply provides
performance. But these are rare government ... for the most part
people want to dispose of, but do not want to be responsible. This
called "passenger syndrome».
Give the facts, I repeat again and again, give me the facts. To hell
biased thoughts, leave divine inspiration, forget that
"Predicting stars", will try to avoid the views should not be
I care about what they think the neighbors, and forget about the unknown "verdict
stories". What are the facts: how much ... and up to a decimal point you
You know them. You're always your ship into an unknown future; facts - your only clue. Give me the facts!
Stupidity money will not cure, education, too, the law here
powerless. Stupidity is not a sin, the victim is not to blame for that stupid. But
stupidity is the only universal crime; sentence
always death, he is not subject to appeal, the execution is carried out
automatically and without mercy.
God is omnipotent, omniscient and all-good ... so here it is written on the label.
If you are able to combine in his head at the same time all three
divine attribute, offering you a wonderful deal. No checks,
Please only cash and small bills.
Courage complements fear. A man who knows no fear, can not be
brave. (He is also a fool.)
Some of the highest achievements of the human mind is a double
the concept of "loyalty" and "duty". Run away from places where this double
the concept is not valued. Did you manage to save his own skin, but like
Society can not be saved. It is doomed.
People really ruined, never starve. This poor
poor fellow, half a dollar shy to beg, should tighten their belts.
Plausibility proposal has nothing to do with his
reliability. And vice versa.
The man is not good at math, is not reasonable. This
subhuman at best tolerated, once he learned to wear
shoes, wash and do not litter in the house.
Moving parts in rubbing pair is required to lubricate to avoid
wear. Respect and courtesy are the formal mask worn
people adapt to one another. Most are young, do not wander,
naive, simple nature, tend to reject these formalities as "empty»,
"Meaningless", even "dishonest" - and ignore them. Regardless
how "pure" their motives, they always throw sand in the car,
and so that does not work too good.
A person must be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion plan,
slaughter a pig, steer the ship, build a house, write a sonnet, bring
account, build a wall, remove the meat from the bone, comfort the dying, give
order to execute the order to act together and alone to decide
equations, analyze a new problem, scatter the manure,
program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight and win,
and to die with dignity. Specialty just insects.
The more you love, the more capable of love and the stronger
your love. There is no limit to the number of your loved ones. If you have time,
you can love anyone who deserves love and is valid.
Masturbation - means cheap, clean, convenient and guaranteed by
any anxiety ... and in any case you do not have to
to return home at night. But what is a lonely occupation!
Avoid altruism. It is based on self-deception - the root of all evil.
Testing gusts to altruism, explore their own reasons, have found
self-deception, then wallow in this pool, if you still want to make
this act!
The most vile lie, which has managed to invent Homo sapiens is
that our Lord, the Creator, Creator and Lord of all universes needs
Saccharin in the worship of his creatures, that it can appease
prayer, and that he is outraged when not hear such flattery. This
absurd fantasy lacked a even crumbs of evidence, however
It nourishes the oldest, largest, and least productive
industry in all history.
The second is a hideous invention of human sinful nature
If you're a writer, do not be ashamed of it. But in doing business in the sim
alone, and then do not forget to wash your hands.
If you put a hundred dollars in the bank, while seven percent in the quarter
two hundred years you'll get more 100,000,000, but this time the money
Your turn into nothing.
Honey, do not bother him with trifles and do not burden him with
past mistakes. Never tell a man something he does not want
Darling, a true lady takes advantage along with the clothes,
after which it will not yield the best whore. In other circumstances,
be decent and modest - as required by your personality.
Everything whirls around sex.
If people have guns, what they believe behaviorists,
Psychologists could not come up with the amazing stuff that they
called behavioral psychology. They are wrong in everything and, moreover, as
as intelligent and full of as phlogiston chemists.
Shamans always zhulyat with their "invented miracles." I prefer
in the flesh maiden McCoy - better already pregnant.
If in the universe there is a more important activity than lying on a woman,
whom you love, and make her a child in full agreement with her, I'm not about him
Yes, remember the eleventh commandment and do it all over.
Want to know what is "intellectual"? Ask how it relates to
Taxes are levied not for welfare or taxable.
In society there is no place game. Or you are able to cut out the heart of this type
and eat it, or you sucker. If you do not like this choice,
do not go.
The ship departs only when all the bills are paid. No regrets. When
I became an instructor in military training, I did not have the experience - what I taught his fellows must have killed someone of them.
War is too serious a thing to teach her inexperienced.
Competent, self-confident person is incapable of jealousy.
Jealousy - always a symptom of neurotic insecurity.
Money is the most sincere of all kinds of flattery.
Women like to be flattered.
Men, too.
Live and learn ... Otherwise, you will live a long time.
Where women have insisted on absolute equality with men, they
always ends in the mud. But women are higher and the ability
... male correct tactic is to require all currently
possible privileges. Women should not only be limited to one
equality. "Equality" for women - is a loss.
The world is a continuation of the war by political means. There where
knock - and more enjoyable, and much safer.
One man's magic, another - a trick. "Supernatural" - an empty word.
The phrase: "I (we, you) just have to ..." - to be understood in that sense,