Marilyn Dossier

50 years ago, August 5, 1962, was not Marilyn Monroe. On her death still go legendy.Tak variety of what actually happened with the sex symbols of all time?

For some time, Robert Kennedy was deeply involved in a romantic and sexual relationship with Monroe. Two of their first meetings were organized by his sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lawford. In the second half of 1961 and in early 1962, Robert Kennedy spent much time in Hollywood, since he tried to make a film on his book about the police investigation. There he met the film producer Jerry Wald. According to eyewitnesses, he was consumed with jealousy because of the fact that Hollywood filmed the book his brother John on the PT-10 torpedo.

During this period Robert Kennedy strongly attached to the Monroe periodically promised to divorce his wife and marry Marilyn. However, later, Monroe realized that marrying her is not included in the plans and Bobby at the same time the film studio 20th Century Fox has decided to terminate her contract due to the fact that it has become extremely unreliable, apathetic to acting and t.p.K the same studio is located in final difficulty because of the exorbitant cost of the film "Cleopatra».

Studio Monroe notified of the intention to terminate the contract in the middle of filming her next picture. Monroe was decided to replace actress Lee Remik.Iz his mansion in Brentwood, California, Marilyn dialed the direct number to the Robert F. Kennedy Department of Justice, Washington, and complained about the bad news, Kennedy said that she should not worry about the contract and that it all take care.

However, nothing was done, and then again called Monroe Kennedy Department of Justice and threatened to reveal details of their romance press and the public. On the day of the death of Marilyn Robert Kennedy was in town and checked into the hotel "Beverly Hills».

Peter Lawford knew Monroe often threatened to commit suicide, and even committed demonstrative suicide attempts, trying to evoke pity from okruzhayuschih.Imenno Lawford, according to rumors, was the organizer of visits psychiatrist Marilyn Mr. Ralph Greenson, in Beverly Hillz.Etot psychiatrist treating Monroe from emotional and helped to "get off" with barbiturates.

He gave her Seconal tablets of 60, which is quite strange, especially given the frequency of meetings with Dr. Monroe.

On the day of the death of Monroe, March 4, 1962, her housekeeper put the bottle of pills on her bedside table. Many believe that the housekeeper and personal press secretary Monroe Pat Newcomb, were involved in a conspiracy to force Monroe to suicide.

Marilyn and Pat Newcomb.
For cooperation with the conspirators Pat Newcomb was awarded a position in a federal department - she became the personal secretary George Stevens - Jr., head of the Department of film and television in the US Ministry of Information.

Within 48 hours after the death of Marilyn Pat Newcomb departed from the International Airport of Los Angeles Massachusets.V during the year with a little after that she regularly receives help and support of Robert Kennedy in his new job.

On the day of the death of Monroe, Robert Kennedy checked out of the hotel "Beverly Hills" and flew away from the International Airport of Los Angeles Flight Western Airlines in San Francisco, where he stayed at the "Saint Francis" .Vladeltsem this hotel is Mr. London, a friend of Robert Kennedy .

From the hotel, "St. Charles" Robert Kennedy made a telephone call to Peter Lawford to verify whether the dead had Merilin.Piter Lawford dialed Marilyn and talked to her, and later called back yet with the aim to make sure she picks up the phone.

Marilyn's housekeeper to find that she drank a pill called a psychiatrist and told about it. Monroe was hoping that she will do a gastric lavage and pump out and thus cause it to yourself pity another suicide attempt. However, a psychiatrist gave her housekeeper through advice and refused to leave some air to come as long as it was discovered that she was dead.

Shortly before her death, Marilyn called Joe DiMaggio Jr., who served in the US Navy and was in that day Kepm Pendleton, California, and with whom she had a friendly relationship. Marilyn told him that really wants to sleep.

Last call, which she tried to do was not addressed to reach her Loufordu.Dzho Peter DiMaggio Sr. knew all the details of the story, and it is rumored that promised to wait, when Robert Kennedy withdraws from the public service, to find him and kill him.