
It seems that everything that can be written about this woman. But no! Marilyn's subject will never be closed. She starred in films - about her made films, she sang songs (I wanna be loved by you... remember?) - dedicated to her whole music albums, she went crazy with depression - for her (still, and it has been about half a century since her death) go crazy men.
Human minds cannot escape the phenomenon of Marilyn Monroe. The most interesting, creative minds all over the world strive to portray our enchantment precisely... voluminously, or what – so that all these sweet curves and bulges are visible.
What honors did Marilyn receive?
She has sculptures and monuments.
Not so long ago – in mid-July – a sculpture “Marilyn Forever” was installed in Chicago by Stuart Johnson. Marilyn stands in a piquant pose - the wind lifted a lush white skirt, exposing playful white panties, the actress tries to hide, charmingly smiling. This is a playback of a scene from the movie The Seventh Year Itch (1955). Americans are divided about the sculpture – to some it seems openly vulgar.
Sculpture is very piquant - see how enthusiastic men take pictures of what the actress under the skirt :-
And here's the scene from the movie:
There is another Marilyn Monroe monument in Haugesund, Norway. Few people know that Monroe was half Norwegian. And the monument is quite strict, and Marilyn turned out to be some heavy and thick. Not to be frozen in the harsh Norwegian climate. Yes, Norway is not a democratic America, where you can loosely put other people’s cowards on public display.
In Madame Tussauds collection there are wax figures of the actress. Why should I be surprised?
With the figures of Marilyn there are always some absurdities: some weirdo is photographed nearby, taking all sorts of indecent poses, someone will try to rape them. Yeah, that was it. The latest incident occurred in Russia with the sculpture of the artist Viktor Zharkovsky. Such disgusting incidents forever discourage me from becoming famous (a childhood dream, you know) - how many Vandals will want to mock my statue :-

Dolls with the face and figure of the actress are produced. A whole series of dolls dedicated to Marilyn.
Marilyn Monroe doll by Tristar
Tristar was the first company to release Marilyn Monroe dolls, but the dolls were little like the actress herself – there was no portrait resemblance, and the dolls themselves were, as they say, “not a fountain” – scary and not at all attractive.
Marilyn by World Doll
A series of 2 vinyl and 3 porcelain dolls was released in 1983. The figure of the doll was quite clumsy, elegant - not at all like the current Barbie with thin handles and legs.

Marilyn Monroe by DSI
In 1993, DSI released 6 Marilyn dolls, which were more attractive and cheaper. But they were clearly far from perfect! The face of the puppet Marilyn turned out rough, kind of square and old.

Marilyn Monroe Dolls by Franklin Mint
In addition to the Barbie-Monroe itself, the company, complete with a doll, produced a portable dress with clothes, and in it - outfits in which the actress appeared in any film. Here Marilyn appears in a more feminine way.

Marilyn Monroe by Mattel
In 1997, Mattel released three Barbie as Marilyn dolls in the most famous images from Seven Years Itch and Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. Then more.

Of course, dolls and sculptures will never convey the grace and charm that this girl was famous for. Alas! Note that the figure and face of the actress in these frozen images can not be called perfectly beautiful. Apparently, beauty is largely in facial expressions and plastic.