10 moving, unusual and little-known facts about Marilyn Monroe
Website want to introduce you to a closer look at the most popular Hollywood beauty last century.

1. When Clark Gable died Marilyn cried for two days. Together they worked on the film "The Misfits" (1961). On the last day of shooting Clark said, Lord Jesus! I am happy that this movie finally dosnyat. Monroe brought me a heart attack. Alternating eleven days he had a heart attack.
2. Thanks to Marilyn appeared the film "The Misfits." Playwright Arthur Miller wrote the play on which the film is put "The Misfits," literally at the knee - in anticipation of divorce. After the divorce, he was waiting for marriage to Monroe. Many believe that the Roslin - the best role of Marilyn.
3. Almost all the films she did make up their own. She said: The woman has two main weapons: the tears and mascara. Unfortunately, they can not be used simultaneously.

4. During the Second World War, Marilyn Monroe, who was then still Norma Jeane Baker, the factory sewing parachutes. There she was noticed and journalists who came to make a report, advising pursue a career as a model.
5. Marilyn Monroe studied literature at the University of California, wrote poetry. For example, such:
O, Time
Be Kind
Help this weary being
To forget what is sad to remember
Lose my loneliness,
Ease my mind,
While you eat my flesh.
blockquote> After his death she left a vast library in which there was a place Sophocles and Dostoevsky. Thus at all from Monroe was dyslexia.
6. Marilyn was the first girl on the cover of the magazine Playboy. Photography was worth just $ 50.
7. It was one of the first woman to head his own production campaign (Marylin Monroe Productions).
8. The image of Marilyn - one of the most used in popular culture. As if anticipating this, she told reporters: Please do not turn me into an anecdote.
9. In 1999, Christie's auction beauty-case with makeup Marilyn Monroe sold for a total of more than 200 thousand euros.
10. Marilyn was an excellent cook. Her husband Arthur Miller recalled that Morneau had his know-how with regards to home-made noodles she was hanging on its chairs and dries the hair dryer.
via iledebeaute.ru/pro_fashion/2015/11/5/62037/