Was killed Marilyn Monroe (16 photos)
5 August 1962 Marilyn Monroe was found dead in his bed. According to police reports, the cause of death of Marilyn Monroe was the barbiturate poisoning, and perhaps it was a suicide. But not everything was so smooth in the investigation of this case. Due to the suspicious circumstances that surrounded the death of Marilyn, there was plenty of mysterious theories related to the untimely death of a stunning blonde.
House Marilyn proslushivalsya.Po said author John William Tuohy, many wanted to know what were talking in the house of Marilyn. The FBI, the Mafia, Teamsters and at least one studio set wiretap home Monroe.
The union commissioned svogo head Jimmy Hoffa tried vysnit some dirt on Bobby Kennedy, who was suspected of having an affair with Marilyn. The FBI was interested to know about the relationship of Marilyn Frank Sinatra's Mafia. And the Mafia, in turn, needed the information about the FBI. What is needed studio, nobody knows.
Maid changed testimony.
Sergeant Jack Clemmons answered the 911 call from the house of Marilyn at 4:30 am. When the housekeeper Eunice Murray was questioned, she allegedly called the time of death: 00:30. Murray told police that they saw the light under the door of Marilyn at midnight and knocked. Receiving no answer, she called Dr Greenson. Later, Murray changed the testimony, saying that at midnight she went to bed, and she called Greenson at 3am, after she woke up and saw that the light was still burning. When Sergeant Clemmons arrived on the scene, he found that Murray started a cleaning room, Marilyn, and even washed the sheets. Although Clemmons was sure that the housekeeper obviously hiding something, it is no longer questioned, and she moved to Europe, where she died in 1994.
Suspicious bruises.
According to the autopsy on the body of Marilyn were found slight bruises and hematoma on his thigh incomprehensible. Judging by the color of the bruises were fresh. There are three options: Marilyn resisted, her body was moved after death, the bruises did she awkwardly on something to hit. What actually happened, we may never know.
The body was moved.
Marilyn was found lying face down on the bed, and the accumulation of blood was found on her back and the back of the hands and feet. Due to gravity after the death of blood accumulates in the portion of the body, which has a man, indicating that Marilyn died supine. Does it mean that her body was moved after death? Eyewitnesses say they saw the night Marilyn secretly carried to the hospital, and then returned back.
In this mysterious case, you can even order a thesis, and not one in several areas of criminology, which, however, certainly has repeatedly been made.
Missing blog.
In his book "The life and mysterious death of Marilyn Monroe," says Robert Slettser red diary Marilyn. It may contain details of conversations with Bobby Kennedy, Marilyn, that the evidence in favor of the theory that Monroe was murdered. Slettser once each Marilyn says he saw blog in just a few days before her death, and the assistant inspector, Lionel Grendison, claims to have seen him in the office of the investigator. Despite the fact that the collector of rare books offered for blog 150, $ 000, more of it has not been seen.
Dr. Thomas Noguchi performed the autopsy at the investigator's office in Los Angeles. He sent the blood and the internal organs of the toxicological analyzes, but received replies only in the blood and liver. Rather than demand answers and to other bodies, Noguchi took the results and went on autopsy. He now regrets that decision. "I'm sure the results would resolve many of the subsequent debate, but I made the wrong decision," - said in an interview with The Telegraph Noguchi. Some time later, when the cause of death has been named, Noguchi turned the lab over the remaining tests, but he was told that they were destroyed. But until now, Noguchi sure Marilyn committed suicide.
Mysterious glass.
Despite the fact that Marilyn often resorted to the help of pills, taking them she could not. According to her friends, she choked them, so often it is mixed the contents of the capsules with a drink. Therefore, it was very suspicious that the police did not find any cups in the room where the body was found. Much later the glass was found next to the bed, and the police claims that he was there before.
The love affair with the mafia.
The well-known head of the criminal world in Chicago, Sam Giancana appears in this story more as a romantic hero, not the villain, although it may turn out to be so, and others. Stylist Barber Marilyn argued that the day before his death, Monroe spent a romantic evening at the lodge with Giancana Sinatra in Lake Tahoe, Nevada. Besides trying to look after a movie star, Giancana Monroe tried to convince her to keep a loving relationship with JFK secret. Early in the morning, Marilyn flew home, and at night she was found dead.
Bobby Kennedy.
Documentary filmmaker Keya Morgan in gathering information for his book "Death on Fifth Street Helena Drive" spoke with an FBI agent who followed the house of Marilyn that night. As Morgan then told The New York Daily News: «He saw Bobby Kennedy and the other men entered the house. Heard screaming and swearing in the guest cottage. Yes, they were in a guest cabin, not in the bedroom, where it was later found dead. " Despite the discrepancy between places, many theorists believe that Kennedy, who told Monroe is too much involved in her death.
This has made the CIA.
There are two theories on which Marilyn's death could be beneficial for the CIA. On one of them, the CIA killed her to frame and discredit Kennedy administration. On the other hand, proposed a former KGB agent Mikhail Kryzhanovskii, Marilyn was the information that the FBI plans to the JFK assassination and Monroe tried to warn him and Bobby Kennedy. In 1973, at the disposal of the Washington Post proved to be an FBI memo information that on the night of the death of Marilyn tried to call the White House. The former head of the FBI in Los Angeles, William J.. Simon denies this information.
It made the Mafia.
Attorney General Bobby Kennedy did not want to be friends with the Cosa Nostra. In response, Sam Giancana crime boss publicly threatened to kill him. Was the murder of Marilyn's first strike for the younger Kennedy? In his best-selling book Double Cross, Chuck, brother Sam Giancana and his nephew Sam say that not only killed Giancana Marilyn, but also boasted that, telling in detail how he did it. Making his way into her bedroom, the bandits waited until she falls asleep. Then, firmly holding it, they are using the enema solution poured into it with a lot of Nembutal.
Or maybe a conspiracy was responsible for the death of Marilyn? According to the Sydney Morning Herald, the FBI has data showing that the son-in-JFK, Peter Lawford, a doctor, Marilyn, Dr. Ralph Greenson, employees of her house, and perhaps even Bobby Kennedy conspired to push Marilyn's suicide. Prior to that, Monroe undertook four attempts to kill himself. Greenson gave her 60 Seconal tablets (hypnotic), a huge amount. Someone put a bottle of medicine right at your fingertips on the nightstand. Loufort called Marilyn's house all night, intending to send a message about her death Kennedy clan.
Those pills.
Given the assumption that Marilyn died of an overdose, an autopsy was to find the remains of capsules, powder, or a trace of Nembutal, a yellow coloring of the walls of the stomach and intestines. Investigator Thomas Noguchi found nothing out of it, which meant that the drug was not swallowed. In Marilyn's body was found and traces of injections, which denied the possibility of injection. However, high levels of barbiturates found in the liver and the blood, says that the drug enters the body quickly, with no break in time, that leaves only one option - an enema.
The niece of Joe DiMaggio heard everything.
Marilyn talked on the phone with Louise DiMaggio when she was killed, said a daughter Louise. According to June, Louise heard Marilyn called the name or names of the killers as soon as they entered the room. This knowledge is so frightened her that she was dead, did not reveal the secret even his daughter. Louise said that she had to keep quiet to protect his family from the killers.

House Marilyn proslushivalsya.Po said author John William Tuohy, many wanted to know what were talking in the house of Marilyn. The FBI, the Mafia, Teamsters and at least one studio set wiretap home Monroe.

The union commissioned svogo head Jimmy Hoffa tried vysnit some dirt on Bobby Kennedy, who was suspected of having an affair with Marilyn. The FBI was interested to know about the relationship of Marilyn Frank Sinatra's Mafia. And the Mafia, in turn, needed the information about the FBI. What is needed studio, nobody knows.
Maid changed testimony.

Sergeant Jack Clemmons answered the 911 call from the house of Marilyn at 4:30 am. When the housekeeper Eunice Murray was questioned, she allegedly called the time of death: 00:30. Murray told police that they saw the light under the door of Marilyn at midnight and knocked. Receiving no answer, she called Dr Greenson. Later, Murray changed the testimony, saying that at midnight she went to bed, and she called Greenson at 3am, after she woke up and saw that the light was still burning. When Sergeant Clemmons arrived on the scene, he found that Murray started a cleaning room, Marilyn, and even washed the sheets. Although Clemmons was sure that the housekeeper obviously hiding something, it is no longer questioned, and she moved to Europe, where she died in 1994.
Suspicious bruises.

According to the autopsy on the body of Marilyn were found slight bruises and hematoma on his thigh incomprehensible. Judging by the color of the bruises were fresh. There are three options: Marilyn resisted, her body was moved after death, the bruises did she awkwardly on something to hit. What actually happened, we may never know.
The body was moved.

Marilyn was found lying face down on the bed, and the accumulation of blood was found on her back and the back of the hands and feet. Due to gravity after the death of blood accumulates in the portion of the body, which has a man, indicating that Marilyn died supine. Does it mean that her body was moved after death? Eyewitnesses say they saw the night Marilyn secretly carried to the hospital, and then returned back.
In this mysterious case, you can even order a thesis, and not one in several areas of criminology, which, however, certainly has repeatedly been made.
Missing blog.

In his book "The life and mysterious death of Marilyn Monroe," says Robert Slettser red diary Marilyn. It may contain details of conversations with Bobby Kennedy, Marilyn, that the evidence in favor of the theory that Monroe was murdered. Slettser once each Marilyn says he saw blog in just a few days before her death, and the assistant inspector, Lionel Grendison, claims to have seen him in the office of the investigator. Despite the fact that the collector of rare books offered for blog 150, $ 000, more of it has not been seen.

Dr. Thomas Noguchi performed the autopsy at the investigator's office in Los Angeles. He sent the blood and the internal organs of the toxicological analyzes, but received replies only in the blood and liver. Rather than demand answers and to other bodies, Noguchi took the results and went on autopsy. He now regrets that decision. "I'm sure the results would resolve many of the subsequent debate, but I made the wrong decision," - said in an interview with The Telegraph Noguchi. Some time later, when the cause of death has been named, Noguchi turned the lab over the remaining tests, but he was told that they were destroyed. But until now, Noguchi sure Marilyn committed suicide.
Mysterious glass.

Despite the fact that Marilyn often resorted to the help of pills, taking them she could not. According to her friends, she choked them, so often it is mixed the contents of the capsules with a drink. Therefore, it was very suspicious that the police did not find any cups in the room where the body was found. Much later the glass was found next to the bed, and the police claims that he was there before.
The love affair with the mafia.

The well-known head of the criminal world in Chicago, Sam Giancana appears in this story more as a romantic hero, not the villain, although it may turn out to be so, and others. Stylist Barber Marilyn argued that the day before his death, Monroe spent a romantic evening at the lodge with Giancana Sinatra in Lake Tahoe, Nevada. Besides trying to look after a movie star, Giancana Monroe tried to convince her to keep a loving relationship with JFK secret. Early in the morning, Marilyn flew home, and at night she was found dead.
Bobby Kennedy.

Documentary filmmaker Keya Morgan in gathering information for his book "Death on Fifth Street Helena Drive" spoke with an FBI agent who followed the house of Marilyn that night. As Morgan then told The New York Daily News: «He saw Bobby Kennedy and the other men entered the house. Heard screaming and swearing in the guest cottage. Yes, they were in a guest cabin, not in the bedroom, where it was later found dead. " Despite the discrepancy between places, many theorists believe that Kennedy, who told Monroe is too much involved in her death.
This has made the CIA.

There are two theories on which Marilyn's death could be beneficial for the CIA. On one of them, the CIA killed her to frame and discredit Kennedy administration. On the other hand, proposed a former KGB agent Mikhail Kryzhanovskii, Marilyn was the information that the FBI plans to the JFK assassination and Monroe tried to warn him and Bobby Kennedy. In 1973, at the disposal of the Washington Post proved to be an FBI memo information that on the night of the death of Marilyn tried to call the White House. The former head of the FBI in Los Angeles, William J.. Simon denies this information.
It made the Mafia.

Attorney General Bobby Kennedy did not want to be friends with the Cosa Nostra. In response, Sam Giancana crime boss publicly threatened to kill him. Was the murder of Marilyn's first strike for the younger Kennedy? In his best-selling book Double Cross, Chuck, brother Sam Giancana and his nephew Sam say that not only killed Giancana Marilyn, but also boasted that, telling in detail how he did it. Making his way into her bedroom, the bandits waited until she falls asleep. Then, firmly holding it, they are using the enema solution poured into it with a lot of Nembutal.

Or maybe a conspiracy was responsible for the death of Marilyn? According to the Sydney Morning Herald, the FBI has data showing that the son-in-JFK, Peter Lawford, a doctor, Marilyn, Dr. Ralph Greenson, employees of her house, and perhaps even Bobby Kennedy conspired to push Marilyn's suicide. Prior to that, Monroe undertook four attempts to kill himself. Greenson gave her 60 Seconal tablets (hypnotic), a huge amount. Someone put a bottle of medicine right at your fingertips on the nightstand. Loufort called Marilyn's house all night, intending to send a message about her death Kennedy clan.
Those pills.

Given the assumption that Marilyn died of an overdose, an autopsy was to find the remains of capsules, powder, or a trace of Nembutal, a yellow coloring of the walls of the stomach and intestines. Investigator Thomas Noguchi found nothing out of it, which meant that the drug was not swallowed. In Marilyn's body was found and traces of injections, which denied the possibility of injection. However, high levels of barbiturates found in the liver and the blood, says that the drug enters the body quickly, with no break in time, that leaves only one option - an enema.
The niece of Joe DiMaggio heard everything.

Marilyn talked on the phone with Louise DiMaggio when she was killed, said a daughter Louise. According to June, Louise heard Marilyn called the name or names of the killers as soon as they entered the room. This knowledge is so frightened her that she was dead, did not reveal the secret even his daughter. Louise said that she had to keep quiet to protect his family from the killers.