Some like it hot
In 2011, the American Film Institute conducted a survey to find out which is the best comedy in the history of cinema, and by a wide margin this title received film "Some Like It Hot," and "Some Like It Hot." Perhaps there starred Marilyn Monroe, or a great script, which, incidentally, was not prepared and was finishing for film-making process, or very classic story sitcom, a quick change or a fine sense of humor and dialogue, which after so many years, They lost its comedic relevance and cause only a good laugh. Rather, here all came together, and we got an excellent comedy of all time, and it happens far from each film.
- I can not be your wife, because I'm a man!
- Well, everyone has their flaws. - Probably not a man who would not know this phrase has become a classic of humor. But certainly not everyone knows that the more interesting was behind the funny cover themselves filming a movie, the actors and, of course, the main blonde of all time.
The film «Some like it hot» was released in 1959, but the first time a funny story of two men-musicians called "Fanfare of Love," filmed in France in 1935. The success of this film has surpassed all expectations, and in 1951 in Germany has released his first remake. In America, too, we have decided not to remain aloof from such a fascinating and funny stories, fascinating virtually every viewer.
As everyone knows «Some like it hot» was filmed in black and white film. But it's just a pastiche of the 20s, which came by accident, but by no means accidental. Although color film has long had a place to be. And the very Marilyn Monroe at the time linked the contract under which it was to be removed only in the color film.
Billy Wilder, director of the film and not think about the first black and white, but with a few samples on color film, suddenly found that the person Curtis and Lemmon were greenish color on the background of women's dresses because too heavy makeup. And Wilder eventually decided that the film should be done in black and white. Moreover, the color film at the time was still not very good quality.
Appear in black and white Wilder was able to persuade and Marilyn, although if he had known, as his nerves and the nerves of the crew will destroy this presence Monroe in the film, it is unlikely to become so stubborn, but on the other hand, know what in the end His comedy takes place in world cinema, it certainly would have tried to persuade the actress even more.
Monroe had already been sex symbol, who spent a ton of film, and the appearance of which was expected to screen hundreds of thousands of spectators-women in the stuffy halls of the numerous cinemas, but to memorize more than two words of text, Marilyn was not always able to.
In addition, at the time the actress was pregnant, that's why in the movie she is quite rounded shape and already making the photographs of the film, had to use body understudy, which after a head mounted Monroe.
The crew and the director, working with Marilyn, experienced a lot of suffering. The actress was late almost every day on the set for two or three hours, and sometimes even refused to come out of his dressing room. Most of the dialogue she could say just by reading them in the text. To properly remove a scene where her character says: "It's me, darling," it took 47 takes, because the actress kept saying wrong: or "Darling, it's me" or "This, Darling, I».
Even in a scene in which Marilyn, rummaging in a drawer, asked: "Where is Bourbon?" - Actress for as much as 40 doubles asked: "Where is the bottle?", "Where's the whiskey?" Or even "Where Bonbon?". As a result, the director could not resist and tips written this "complex" text on the cardboard that will fit on a wall with other cartons-tips. But here Marilyn became confused in these same card that does not find it necessary to her eyes. Then, overflowing with angelic patience, Wilder wrote the phrase on all cartons. And by the 59th double of the required phrase was uttered correctly, but at the moment Monroe had her back to the camera ...
Of course, Billy Wilder's all this much grief and he even admitted that he would be better, as originally planned, invited for the role of Mitzi Gaynor Dushechki.Byli days, I confess, when I wanted to kill her, - said the director, but still After he added, I knew, of course, that she had a serious problem. I hate to say it's awful, but at the time I was quite spit on them. I tried to make a movie, and she paid a lot of money for taking part in it. But I must say that there were many wonderful days when we all knew that she had done something that transcends nikomu.K the same for all these reasons together very Marilyn began to cry after every failed double, because of what had to re-apply makeup.
And yet, despite all prepony- "Bonbon" Monroe did a terrific job and achieved incredible results on the screen. Nobody looking at her delightful game would have believed in what turned out to be what a nightmare for her work on the set. And the best thing about this said her friend Jean Martin: I treasure every moment of the film, but without Marilyn none of this would have been.
Very interesting and the process of selection of the rest of the main characters of the film. Billy Wilder at first very much like the role of Jerry Daphne Frank Sinatra. But Sinatra refused then, and then the role of Jerry and Joe had offered Danny Kay and Bob Hope. How does the director still stopped at Lemmon and Curtis - so still do not know exactly why we only remains to thank Providence for the fact that Daphne - it Lemmon and Curtis - is Josephine, otherwise we would have lost the comedic expression of the highest actor class.
When Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis first tried on women's suits, they decided to try to just walk around the studio Goldwyn, to see how they "descend" for women. For the purity of the experiment, they even went to one of the female toilets to improve make-up the mirror, and none of the ladies present there is not even an eyebrow led. It was understood that they were able to create a compelling female characters.
In order to teach Curtis and Lemmon walk on his heels was invited professional dancer transvestite. But after one week of classes Lemmon refused professional help, explaining that he did not want the film to go as a woman and wants to walk like a man who is trying to walk like a woman.
One scene in the film was so funny that it even had to re-shoot when Lemmon-Daphne comes home after a night out with the maracas with the tango. Specially invited audience at a preview laughed so much that, in addition to the first words of Josephine and Daphne, it's nothing more was heard. Then the director specially added dance steps with maracas at Daphne - only to have pauses between replicas of characters that was to give the audience more time otsmeyavshis.
About the filming there were a great many rumors, and most of them just became anecdotes. This, for example, refers to a famous statement by Tony Curtis that "kissing Marilyn was like kissing Hitler that».
In fact it happened this way: when there was an advertising campaign film Curtis constantly asked what he was thinking when he kissed the very Marilyn Monroe. I, as I recall, said: "It was like a flight on the wings of a snow-covered mountain after ski jumping." My God, I kissed the most coveted woman in the world, but when I was asked about it again and again, I was beginning to irritate it. Perhaps a comparison with Hitler emerged as irony or sarcasm about the violence of the press. but the media is picked up by my statement, not reproduced completely everything that I said. Many years later, when he again asked this question, the actor angrily replied that nothing like it ever said that Monroe and its associated only affection.
As the original title of the painting was used a quote from the children's song "Hot oatmeal with peas." The whole phrase of it is: "Someone who likes it hot, others - cold, someone - a nine in a pot." In one of the dialogues in the film this quotation can be heard: in the words of Junior that he prefers classic hot jazz, Darling says, "some like it hot».
A working title of the film was "Not tonight, Josephine»
After previewing the film producers have asked the director to do it all, and show more of Marilyn. According to them, good comedy should not last more than six hours. And Billy Wilder agreed to make some changes, but in the end only one scene cut by 15 seconds.
But Soviet censorship was less accommodating and cut as much as 25 minutes of the film - almost all kissing the heroine Marilyn and other scenes, in her view, close to the erotic.
- I can not be your wife, because I'm a man!
- Well, everyone has their flaws. - Probably not a man who would not know this phrase has become a classic of humor. But certainly not everyone knows that the more interesting was behind the funny cover themselves filming a movie, the actors and, of course, the main blonde of all time.
The film «Some like it hot» was released in 1959, but the first time a funny story of two men-musicians called "Fanfare of Love," filmed in France in 1935. The success of this film has surpassed all expectations, and in 1951 in Germany has released his first remake. In America, too, we have decided not to remain aloof from such a fascinating and funny stories, fascinating virtually every viewer.

As everyone knows «Some like it hot» was filmed in black and white film. But it's just a pastiche of the 20s, which came by accident, but by no means accidental. Although color film has long had a place to be. And the very Marilyn Monroe at the time linked the contract under which it was to be removed only in the color film.
Billy Wilder, director of the film and not think about the first black and white, but with a few samples on color film, suddenly found that the person Curtis and Lemmon were greenish color on the background of women's dresses because too heavy makeup. And Wilder eventually decided that the film should be done in black and white. Moreover, the color film at the time was still not very good quality.

Appear in black and white Wilder was able to persuade and Marilyn, although if he had known, as his nerves and the nerves of the crew will destroy this presence Monroe in the film, it is unlikely to become so stubborn, but on the other hand, know what in the end His comedy takes place in world cinema, it certainly would have tried to persuade the actress even more.
Monroe had already been sex symbol, who spent a ton of film, and the appearance of which was expected to screen hundreds of thousands of spectators-women in the stuffy halls of the numerous cinemas, but to memorize more than two words of text, Marilyn was not always able to.
In addition, at the time the actress was pregnant, that's why in the movie she is quite rounded shape and already making the photographs of the film, had to use body understudy, which after a head mounted Monroe.

The crew and the director, working with Marilyn, experienced a lot of suffering. The actress was late almost every day on the set for two or three hours, and sometimes even refused to come out of his dressing room. Most of the dialogue she could say just by reading them in the text. To properly remove a scene where her character says: "It's me, darling," it took 47 takes, because the actress kept saying wrong: or "Darling, it's me" or "This, Darling, I».

Even in a scene in which Marilyn, rummaging in a drawer, asked: "Where is Bourbon?" - Actress for as much as 40 doubles asked: "Where is the bottle?", "Where's the whiskey?" Or even "Where Bonbon?". As a result, the director could not resist and tips written this "complex" text on the cardboard that will fit on a wall with other cartons-tips. But here Marilyn became confused in these same card that does not find it necessary to her eyes. Then, overflowing with angelic patience, Wilder wrote the phrase on all cartons. And by the 59th double of the required phrase was uttered correctly, but at the moment Monroe had her back to the camera ...

Of course, Billy Wilder's all this much grief and he even admitted that he would be better, as originally planned, invited for the role of Mitzi Gaynor Dushechki.Byli days, I confess, when I wanted to kill her, - said the director, but still After he added, I knew, of course, that she had a serious problem. I hate to say it's awful, but at the time I was quite spit on them. I tried to make a movie, and she paid a lot of money for taking part in it. But I must say that there were many wonderful days when we all knew that she had done something that transcends nikomu.K the same for all these reasons together very Marilyn began to cry after every failed double, because of what had to re-apply makeup.

And yet, despite all prepony- "Bonbon" Monroe did a terrific job and achieved incredible results on the screen. Nobody looking at her delightful game would have believed in what turned out to be what a nightmare for her work on the set. And the best thing about this said her friend Jean Martin: I treasure every moment of the film, but without Marilyn none of this would have been.

Very interesting and the process of selection of the rest of the main characters of the film. Billy Wilder at first very much like the role of Jerry Daphne Frank Sinatra. But Sinatra refused then, and then the role of Jerry and Joe had offered Danny Kay and Bob Hope. How does the director still stopped at Lemmon and Curtis - so still do not know exactly why we only remains to thank Providence for the fact that Daphne - it Lemmon and Curtis - is Josephine, otherwise we would have lost the comedic expression of the highest actor class.

When Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis first tried on women's suits, they decided to try to just walk around the studio Goldwyn, to see how they "descend" for women. For the purity of the experiment, they even went to one of the female toilets to improve make-up the mirror, and none of the ladies present there is not even an eyebrow led. It was understood that they were able to create a compelling female characters.

In order to teach Curtis and Lemmon walk on his heels was invited professional dancer transvestite. But after one week of classes Lemmon refused professional help, explaining that he did not want the film to go as a woman and wants to walk like a man who is trying to walk like a woman.

One scene in the film was so funny that it even had to re-shoot when Lemmon-Daphne comes home after a night out with the maracas with the tango. Specially invited audience at a preview laughed so much that, in addition to the first words of Josephine and Daphne, it's nothing more was heard. Then the director specially added dance steps with maracas at Daphne - only to have pauses between replicas of characters that was to give the audience more time otsmeyavshis.

About the filming there were a great many rumors, and most of them just became anecdotes. This, for example, refers to a famous statement by Tony Curtis that "kissing Marilyn was like kissing Hitler that».
In fact it happened this way: when there was an advertising campaign film Curtis constantly asked what he was thinking when he kissed the very Marilyn Monroe. I, as I recall, said: "It was like a flight on the wings of a snow-covered mountain after ski jumping." My God, I kissed the most coveted woman in the world, but when I was asked about it again and again, I was beginning to irritate it. Perhaps a comparison with Hitler emerged as irony or sarcasm about the violence of the press. but the media is picked up by my statement, not reproduced completely everything that I said. Many years later, when he again asked this question, the actor angrily replied that nothing like it ever said that Monroe and its associated only affection.

As the original title of the painting was used a quote from the children's song "Hot oatmeal with peas." The whole phrase of it is: "Someone who likes it hot, others - cold, someone - a nine in a pot." In one of the dialogues in the film this quotation can be heard: in the words of Junior that he prefers classic hot jazz, Darling says, "some like it hot».
A working title of the film was "Not tonight, Josephine»

After previewing the film producers have asked the director to do it all, and show more of Marilyn. According to them, good comedy should not last more than six hours. And Billy Wilder agreed to make some changes, but in the end only one scene cut by 15 seconds.
But Soviet censorship was less accommodating and cut as much as 25 minutes of the film - almost all kissing the heroine Marilyn and other scenes, in her view, close to the erotic.