The most secure password in the world, you can enter it, but can not remember
team of US neuroscientists and cryptographers has developed a system of passwords, which will eliminate the weakest link in the security system. Under this method, you'll enter a password, but you can not remember it, and therefore it can not be recorded or in any way to find out.
The system created by researchers from Stanford and Northwestern Universities, based on a hidden teaching, in which you absorb new information, but do not even realize that you are learning something about the same as you learn to ride a bike.
Simply put, the system teaches the part of the brain, to which you do not have physical access, but the password is in your subconscious mind, and waiting when you can enter it.
The process of assimilation of a password or cryptographic key used with the specially developed computer game, which is similar to sim games playing on electric guitar. The game buttons six (S, D, F, J, K, L) and the user needs to press the appropriate key, when the circle is lowered. During this training, which lasts about 45 minutes, the user does about 4,000 keystrokes, and 80 percent of them subconsciously teach you to remember the password of 30 characters.
Before starting, the game creates a random sequence of 30 letters of the six above provided that thousands or even millions of times stronger than the average memorable password.
When you need authorization to go one round of the game, but this time, a sequence of 30 letters interspersed with other 30th random sequences of letters. To be authorized, you need to best perform its sequence. Even after two weeks, according to experts, you can play the sequence.
via factroom.ru