As electronic passwords can change our life

The focus is one of the most important components needed to achieve the goal. But do not forget the most important thing in the chaos of daily life and private thoughts? Columnist Medium.com Mauricio Estrella believes that a panacea can be the correct email password, and proves this idea by example. T&P translated the main points.
Back in 2011 because of divorce Mauricio Estrella turned out to be very depressed. The inner voice day in and day asked him the same question: "How the woman I loved could do this to me?" Fortunately, Mauricio found an unusual way to overcome discouragement and to stay afloat.
Once arriving at work, he saw on the computer screen the usual error message: "the validity Period of your password is about to expire. Please enter new password". At work, he, like other employees, is required every thirty days upon request Microsoft Exchange server to change the password, one of the conditions — do not use the phrase for the previous three months.
"Tuesday, 9.40 am. I was too late. I seem to have forgotten to have Breakfast. It was so hot that as soon as I sat in the chair, my back was wet from sweat. In that condition, I couldn't concentrate on any whatsoever, especially to bring it to fruition. Of course, there were clear rules that you must follow to regain balance. But so often the obvious truth away from our attention," says Mauricio about the day when he finally managed to change something in your life.
"My guide was the password. He reminded me that I should not see themselves as the victim of a recent breakup with my wife and that I a strong enough person to overcome everything. I chose the phrase "to Forgive" (Forgive@h3r).
The password is the way to succeed in the digital world. For example, to print the file, unlock the computer, write an email
During the remainder of the week Mauricio had to type this password several times a day. When the computer is blocked and on the screen appeared a photo of his ex-wife in his mind was the mantra: "You have not entered password." And every time he reminded himself that needs to "Forgive her". This simple action changed his view of the situation. He has come to terms with the events that led to the divorce, and understand what to do with depression, go utopia.
A month later, the server again asked him to change the password, and this time he chose "Quit Smoking forever" (Quit@smoking4ever). "And guess what happened, — says Mauricio. — I'm not kidding. I very quickly quit Smoking. The surrounding couldn't believe it — first, I tried books, e-cigarettes, patches —nothing worked. But the password has worked".
So how does this trick? The password is the way to succeed in the digital world. For example, to print the file, unlock the computer, write an email. A sense of satisfaction from these microgastrinae, the idea that "my mantra helps me to see things to the end," creates a momentum that forces you to concentrate on the main goal you have identified yourself for a month. Such a small habit has the power to change you.
Source: theoryandpractice.ru