Imagine a life without money

67-year-old psychotherapist and author of books, hidamari Swarmer not only represent, but live so — for 13 years. And she lives without money somewhere in the jungle, and in Germany, mainly in Dortmund. It turns out that such a life has a number of advantages, especially during the financial crisis. The main advantage of hidemari not afraid to lose savings in a Bank, because they are simply not there.
If you have nothing, then you do not need anything? In fact, the woman claims that he feels himself rich and happy. "A couple of decades ago, I could not imagine that such a life is possible," smiles the girl. Since last autumn, when the financial crisis began to shake Germany, H. Swarmer attack journalists. They came before, but less, much less. And now all I want to know, how does this magical model of life without money.
Some believe, hidamari a Saint, others a hypocrite. H. Shurmer she just smiles and tells us how she manages without money to do her hair, to use the Internet and purchase a mobile phone. And why she's not afraid to get sick.
How many times over these 13 years, the woman went to bed hungry? H. Shermer says this has happened two or three times. Perhaps God sent these times to ensure that she wasn't afraid of hunger. "I get everything I need. In the beginning I coped through a network of exchange that she organized, and then everything began to turn by itself", — the woman smiles again.
A network of exchange "Gib und Nimm" ("Give and take"), which H. Swarmer created in 1994, works very simply. You cut me, sit down with your children. I'll fix the car, wash your Windows. Almost Soviet system.
"Honestly, in the beginning I wanted to help Dortmund to the homeless, but soon I started to come to seniors and the homeless. Then I found that the spot does not necessarily have a lot of money. So came the idea to abandon the old life for at least a year, and I soon saw that to live is much more interesting," says H. Swarmer.
In 1996, a woman broke the contract on renting the apartment and all of their insurance contract — in Germany it is customary to insure not only health, but also to have at least three other type of insurance. Their property, hidamari gave to others. Since the woman lives without money.
In the beginning, the therapist worked in the same field: I'm the advice — you give me bread. Or sweater. Then she became the "go to people" to protect their home. "But it's impossible to change the world, and that was my goal," says the woman who decides to write a book. Society "Give and take" still works fine, as do many other systems of exchange, popular in the world.
On his page on the Internet X. Shermer explains the exchange network as a game: you buy a sticker stuck on the door, window, mailbox, on the side of the car or rucsac and become part of the system. Sticker means: I'm ready for change. Ready to help neighbors, give away unnecessary things, to open my heart to strangers, to drive passengers for your car and more. Or take yourself to sleep with unfamiliar people. In exchange it is possible and to spend the night at other people.

"In a world that is stronger than balance is disturbed, it is necessary that each of us became active: did not think, that nothing can change, and began to help others in small steps," says H. Swarmer. "Ask not what the government can give you, but ask what you can do for the benefit of the state" — these words of John F. Kennedy not been forgotten until now.
All things H. Swarmer fit in one small suitcase. H. Swarmer with the beginning of the financial crisis had to show on television. For this reason it someone gave skirt. And women three pairs of shoes, but those for her a lot. No family photos. Somewhere in Germany live her children and keep family memories. She does not need them.
Since 1996, from H. Swarmer not home. The woman lives in different people. Sometimes she calls it "Jesus". Usually in one home, the woman spends a week but for example today for the third week living with friends in Dortmund. Helps out around the house, sometimes giving lectures to friends who come to dinner.
Not does a woman need in a house? "No, definitely not. Come to friends, everyone is happy, you feel like in a big family, my family", — the woman smiles again. To the question, did other people's houses to deal with bad situations H. Shermer elegantly out of the situation: when she needed calm, she goes for a walk in the woods.
What she does when she gets sick? Nothing. H. Shermer says that for 20 years has not been from the doctors. She believes that people can heal himself. "I know it sounds very naive, but if I have something hurts, just take the place in hand and tell your body to activate the healing power. The pain itself goes," says the woman. Hidamari believes that would not go to the doctors even if discovered in the body of the tumor. Two or three times H. Swarmer was so bad that she was ready to die. But she recovered.
In truth, completely abandon the material benefits of the world the German failed. H. Shermer says its the most necessary things it's glasses and mobile phone. Her glasses through the exchange network gave oculista. H. Swarmer in exchange a week looked after her cat. "This my mobile phone is already the fourth: one day I said I needed a new one and someone brought it," the woman smiles again.
Sometimes she goes shopping. Or she buys a train ticket. With what money? Out of retirement — her H. Swarmer began to receive recently. "I didn't mean it to, but everything got so easy that I took it. Now two-thirds of the pension handed out to people, and the remaining third trying to change the world," explains H. Swarmer.
The woman believes that living without money is possible. People living without money, a lot — and not just somewhere in the jungle, but also in Siberia. And that the system worked, it is necessary that the people were ready to support each other. To share what we have. Not like in Germany. Skeptics probably would cut that attempts to live almost without money was, but such a social system could not resist. H. Shermer believes that people are such systems simply were not ready. "Children, I explain it this way: money — assess, but there are schools without assessments, where children still learn, because it gives them joy," smiles the woman. Looking at hidamari think that Yes, the system still works.
Hidamari Swarmer is a native of Klaipeda, Lithuania. A woman who is already 13 years living with no money, was born in 1943 in Klaipeda. At the age of two years, parents, fleeing from the Soviets, he moved to Germany. In 1965 she started to work as a primary school teacher in Kiel. In 1982, ceased to work in the profession and moved to Luneburg, where she began to study psychology, sociology, and psychotherapy. Soon H. Swarmer in Dortmund opened my psychotherapy office. In 1994, H. Swarmer he founded the "Gib und Nimm"("Give and take"), and two years later gave to others all his property and has since lived without money. The most well-known book by H. Shermer — "Das Sterntalerexperiment. Mein Leben ohne Geld" ("Experiment money from the sky. My life without money") released in 2003.
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