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Valentin Katasonov: What we hide from or "Bank concentration camp»

Twenty nine million sixty thousand five hundred twenty eight

About how bankers (moneylenders) in the past several centuries was to a world government, I wrote a number of books. For example: "the percentage of the loan, jurisdiction, reckless"; "Capitalism: the history and ideology of "civilization"," the "Dictatorship of bankocracy", etc. In my previous works I only a dotted line outlined the idea that banking capitalism ("money civilization") in the early 21st century was on the verge of death, in the near future we may witness its transformation into another social system. The transformation can occur spontaneously. Maybe planned. In the second case, the bankers (I call them the "masters of money") will try to maintain and even strengthen their power in the world. In the most General form of the system, which they prepared humanity, can be called "Bank concentration camp."

Hints of a future transformation of capitalism are contained in the work of the Austrian (some German) social Democrat Rudolf Hilferding's "Finance capital". She saw the light more than a century ago. The book is thick, published in the Russian language, its critical analysis is contained in the works of V. I. Lenin, it was studied in Soviet Universities. One of the main theses of the Hilferding – banking capital dominates other types of capital (production and trade). This implies that the banks are gradually taking over the command (Supervisory) positions at first in economy and then in politics. The Hilferding, despite its formal adherence to the socialists that evaluated this trend as positive. In his later works he wrote about the fact that banks will lead the society in the so-called "organized capitalism." Banks will become centers of "control and accounting", which ensure a balanced development of the economy, will avoid crises of overproduction, regulate social relations. It is the Hilferding coined the phrase "totalitarianism", with this words he described a society of "organized capitalism." He put a very positive sense of the concept "totalitarianism" and believed that over time there will be a natural transformation of "organized capitalism" to socialism. The Hilferding was not a Marxist, calling the proletariat to the class struggle and the overthrow of the "hated regime", he relied on the special role of banks in transformation of capitalism.

And now, after a century we are witnessing the transformation of traditional banking capitalism into a new state that can be called "organized capitalism", "totalitarianism". But, in fact, we are talking about "banking concentration". The theme is immense. Here I turn to the metaphysical level of their reasoning on the lower, concrete-subject level. A few examples will show that there is "erosion", "the collapse of the" classical model "banking capitalism"; at the same time pay attention to some attempts to "masters of money" to produce the planned restructuring of this model.

The most important characteristic of the classic "Bank capitalism" is the Bank interest rate. First it was the interest on the loan (credit, active) operations. Later, during the classical banks have Deposit transactions, interest began to accrue and passive operations. In the last decade of the last century a positive percentage values (as for the active and the passive operations of the banks) from time to time began to go into minus. We are talking about real interest rates, calculated taking into account the depreciation of money (devaluation caused by inflation and the depreciation caused by changes in the exchange rate of the monetary unit). But then this phenomenon was perceived as an unfortunate accident, which can be neutralized by the debugging mechanism of banking capitalism. However, this "fixing" was not achieved.

Moreover, in the early 21st century began to happen, things that can be called a Bank "surrealism". Minus began to leave the nominal interest rate. They say that this happened even at the end of last century in Switzerland. There are some banks for storage not quite "clean" money began to charge, not to charge interest on deposits. Moreover, this kind of "service" and the conditions are not publicized. But it was perceived as "exotic" Swiss Bank offshore. Today, negative interest rates are set by banks in a number of countries, and it made loud statements. They say that the first negative interest rate on deposits in 2009 was established the Central Bank of Sweden. The official motivation of this decision is to encourage private commercial banks to invest in the development of the economy, pulling her out of the mire of the financial crisis. Money, they say, should "work" and not sit in the Bank. I have repeatedly written about the fact that the Central Bank of Sweden was followed by several other Central Banks. Today of negative interest rates on deposits announced by the European Central Bank (ECB). Some commercial banks also went down in their passive operations. This primarily Swiss banks. Banks have always fought for their clients, on this basis, sometimes there is a sharp inter-war. But today, banks in Switzerland say they have to defend themselves from the raids of customers who want not to remove and to put money on Deposit. It is really the Bank's "surrealism". There are quite rational explanations for this Swiss paradox. The Euro falls, the holders of that currency are looking for a reliable shelter, as such they choose the Swiss franc. But, first, Switzerland as a state is not interested in being Frank quickly grew (and he really began to grow quickly). Second, private banks in Switzerland are simply confused: they don't find enough profitable areas to place their money. So I can't promise customers a positive interest rate.

However, the topic of negative interest rates on banking operations deserves a separate discussion. The aim of my current conversation is somewhat different. The main idea is that banks today are unable to provide clients the income on money placed on Deposit. Moreover, the banks can't even ensure the safety of the money. It is also a separate big topic. Banks, of course, never can guarantee complete safety, since periodically there were Bank failures, with all the ensuing consequences for the customers. For some time there was an illusion of reliability of banks due to the fact that were created public and semi-public insurance system (assurance) of depositors ' funds on Deposit. Today, this illusion gradually evaporates. Her final evaporation occurred in 2013, when Cyprus, with the approval of the monetary authorities of this small country was the actual confiscation of the money of depositors in order to save the sinking credit institutions. I hope readers haven't forgotten about this experiment in Cyprus. There was just a trial balloon, "a pilot project". There is much evidence in favor of the fact that in the case of large-scale (global) banking crisis Cyprus "experience" will be applied everywhere.

So, in "solid residue", we have the following. First, keeping the money on Deposit with banks for customers becomes not only profitable business, but even "expensive". The money on Deposit will inevitably begin to melt away. Second, the placing of money in banks is becoming not safe. Not only that, there is a risk of partial or full loss of money due to bankruptcy of the Bank. Added to this is the risk that the client can Rob the government and the monetary authorities, officially authorizing the confiscation of money on the Cyprus scenario. Finally lost the incentive to use the services of banks for placement of funds in Bank accounts. And the Bank without client money is absolutely meaningless institution.

What thoughts arise in a Bank's client in the new environment? To take their money out of banks and convert them into cash. Or to go into assets such as securities, precious metals and other liquid assets. Of course, for 90% of the customers various kinds of financial instruments – terraincognita, they know very little. Therefore, it remains cash. But the "masters of money" would not be "masters", if not counted these reactions of the inhabitants. They take on different directions great efforts in order to "lock" the customer in the Bank, not to let him escape from there.

And for this we need to ensure that he has left the sphere of cash. For several decades controlled by "masters of money" the media prove it to incredulous people, that non-cash money and calculations it is convenient. It is not necessary to burden, they say their pockets and purses. There is the risk that the money could be stolen. There is no risk that you can "crush on" counterfeit currency. Some cards accrue interest on balances. It is not necessary to speak about such a powerful argument, as the struggle with "grey" and "black" economy, financing of terrorism etc. the List of arguments in favor of non-cash money and calculations that trigger the turnover of the media, can be several pages.

But we are not told about the main argument (or rather, goal) is trying to "lock" the layman in the Bank, put it in a "Bank concentration". But in this camp you can already dictate to the client what is necessary and beneficial "owners of money". If necessary, the customer that don't fit into the official ideology of "masters of money", it is possible to block the funds in the account. It's much more "humane" than, for example, sending him to the gas chamber.

However, such a perspective is the most sensitive and thoughtful men guessed by reading not only of Rudolf Hilferding, but "the Revelation of John (Apocalypse)". In Chapter 13, "Revelation" we read:

And he will make that everything, small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name (verses 16-17). We are talking about the "beast", which are the forerunners of the modern "masters of money" and the electronic system of non-cash money and calculations. Modern experts say that the current banking plastic cards – is an anachronism of the twentieth century. They are replaced by microchips that will be implanted in droves in the human body (the most appropriate for this part of the body – the forehead or the hand of man).

Our Finance Minister Mr. Anton Siluanov in 2013-2014 was very active in moving the idea of limiting the ban on the use of cash by our citizens. I have the feeling that it was one of the highest priorities of our "monetary authorities". It is likely that the team "improved" monetary system, our government received "from above", from "masters of money". In neighboring Ukraine, the monetary authorities (MS V. Gontareva and Mrs N. Yaresko) very actively participated in drafting amendments to the Tax code (approved by Parliament before the new 2015). These changes include a mandatory Declaration procedure by citizens of Ukraine of their property and, in the first place," savings in cash. Offered to holders of cash to tax at the rate of 3%. A true patriot of Ukraine should keep their money in the Bank. But if he withdraws them out, to punish him the 3% tax. Yet, as we see, provides for measures of "economic stimulus". But, you can be sure that in case of "emergency" economic measures will be replaced by administrative. And to improve the effectiveness of enforcement measures will involve the criminal code of Ukraine. I do not compose, but merely reproduce some of the thoughts of forum participants on various Ukrainian websites. Ukraine could become another testing ground for developing the "masters of money" algorithms of transition to the model of "banking concentration camps".

I have touched on only a small part of the theme "banking concentration camps". She is related to another relevant topic – "electronic concentration camp". However, upon closer examination it appears that these two topics are 90% overlap. I hope to continue the conversation about the death classic "banking capitalism" and "banking concentration" in the following publications. However, I would like to emphasize that in any case can not be considered "banking concentration" as a kind of fatum. We have to be realistic and see the future threat. And also to learn from our Russian and world history. Now we are celebrating the 70th anniversary of the great Victory. "Masters of money" brought to power Hitler possessed, began the militarization of Germany (contrary to the decisions of the Versailles peace Treaty), hoping to make a world concentration camp (Hitler's hands). However, our heroic people crossed the plans of the "masters of money". There is a sense once again return to the understanding of the causes of the Second world war and the sources of our Victory. This will ensure that the plans of the "masters of money" to create a "camp Bank" is not destined to take place.  published 

Author: Katasonov V. Yu.


P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

Source: neuromir.tv/blog/katasonov/o-bankovskom-kontslagere-i-nashey-velikoy-pobede/