- Well, it's ... I'll start. - Valentine said hesitantly to his wife.
- Well this is not the conjugal duty, Valentin, and building a chicken coop. - I muttered spouse. - You can start and decisively. Already after a couple of months all the materials there. Concrete that. We will have a concrete henhouse.
- Cement, sand, gravel and fittings we got nothing! - Boiled Valentin.
- Exactly. Train. - Husband nodded. - The next forty years you will all explain why the house with us from the material at hand, and the coop - a monolith.
- Yah you. - Valentin spat and went to the object.
Pegs with a strained threads on the cleared site kindly informed Valentin "Here is your chicken coop" and shouted "Here guys to work, man !!»
- Home - half the battle! - Valentin persuaded himself and picked up a shovel.
There was a faint whistle, hiss and rolling in front of Valentin materialized some type in shining clothes.
- That'll teach you, savage, carry on a conversation in a civilized manner! - I shouted type and weighed Valentine slap.
And then he disappeared into nowhere.
- What the ... - Valentin was taken aback and rubbed his cheek Accents.
Slapped cheek burned on in the soul widened resentment for anything Accents worker, thought rushed unable to find an explanation for materialization and dematerialization of the offender. Then again, there was a low whistle, rolling in a hiss.
- Take that, beast! - She exclaimed Valentine and kicked materialized type with shiny clothes.
Kicked appear accurately, because the type of sat and moaned softly:
- What are you all evil something like that? And ancestors ...
- Well, me in the face and for what? - Valentin began to make excuses. - I also do not breech mug!
- Stupid Pithecanthropus! - I hissed type. - Once I came back for a moment before, and gave you the face - this is my retribution for the kick. That is not back yet, but will definitely be back.
Valentin shook his head, trying to somehow put the information.
- Nonsense! - he said. - You came and gave me a slap in the face. Then he disappeared. When I returned - I gave you a date. And after all, might recoil shovel.
- Stupidity! - I snorted type. - I just came. You kicked me. We, the progressive people of the future, so we can not leave unpunished. So I'll be back again in the past and I will give you change. You may ask - why I'm so calm about this saying? And because I'll be back for a moment before we met, and you still will not be ready. And retribution will overtake you.
- Retribution will reach me before the punishment? - Valentin was surprised. - And then you call me a savage?
- What you say, darkness. - Waved type and there was a low whistle.
- Wait, you moron! - Valentin snapped.
The whistling stopped, as if the Whistler abruptly stopped in the stomach.
- What else? - Muttered irritably type.
- And you do that ... In fact, from the future, or what? - Said Valentin. - And from what time?
- Well yes. - With dignity nodded type. - Eighteen tetracene from you.
- A tetracene - is how many years? - I asked Valentine.
- Too long to explain. And you will not understand. Because the old and dull. - Waved type and again came a low whistle.
- Stop! - Valentin barked again.
- A? - Whistle again stopped.
- And what kind of babskie rag on you? - Said Valentin. - Shine like snout after lamb.
- Do you eat meat? - In a quiet shock I asked a visitor from the future.
- Uh-huh. Not so often, of course. Most pasta.
- What a nightmare ... - gasp type.
- Go to the stump! - Valentin offended. - If we give up meat - no future, and you never will. So for the rag on you?
- Biopoliektril. - I said softly type. - Five guilders for Quattro.
- Ahh. - Valentin nodded. - It was now clear. And dear, and what stylish, and that non-marking.
- All? - I asked type.
- Yeah. Whistle prepared? - Squinting said Valentin.
- Stupid. - Breath type. - It is a continuum of whistles. Listen here.
There was a quiet suites.
- Wait, a descendant! - I cried Valentin.
- Are you kidding? - Scatter my spit shouted visitor from the future. - And no. You're trying to pull wages! It will not work!
- What we hopeless future. As I pull it, if received already? - Valentin sighed. - Come on. Whistles here, just so smart. Nothing forgotten?
- What could I forget this barbaric century? - He said the type and insulting laugh.
- Well, for example, explain why flew. - Valentin replied calmly. - I do not think that over the eighteen trepanation us fly in the face to give.
- Oh you! I forgot all! Tetracene instead of trepanation, ignoramuses! - I corrected and asked the stranger. - And here is where the rope that will stand? Well, that. Monuments what will be? And we dug up, and what it was - is unclear. And where the real builders?
- Coop is here. Monolithic. - Valentine said. - And what? Before you deserves much?
- Well yes. - Stranger nodded. - How pretty worthy. And what is it?
- Qurei to keep it. Chickens - a bird like that. - Said Valentin and maliciously added: - We then they chopped off his head, Sui in boiling water, stripped feathers, guts release, and then eat!
Judging by the way turned green with the type of person he was clearly wrong.
- Nightmare. - He breathed. - And who are the builders? Where are they?
- I am builder. - Valentine said proudly. - Sam ranks.
- Can not be. - The stranger looked at Valentine after a glass. - You're the man. I ask about these builders.
- I am the real thing. - Valentin was surprised. - What more do you want?
- Yah? - I did not believe the stranger. - Why exactly diagonal indicate takeoff trajectory on Alpha Proxima, and Gideon?
- Whose diagonal? - Valentin did not understand.
- Coop yours. That's here. - The stranger pointed to a peg in the corner. - And here.
From I walked diagonally and pointed to a point somewhere at the top.
- And the ratio of height to give the number of array with up to sixteen decimal places. Would you say that he came up with all this?
- Yes, I do not know any of the diagonals. - Valentin was taken aback. - And the numbers. Where to find the place - there and build.
- Not tricky with me! - I shouted type. - There is no such chance. You're someone suggested!
- No prompting. I build and that's it. - He threw up his hands Valentine. - Do not yell at me!
- I do not realize it? - Squinted type. - And if I drove for the equipment? For this special. After all that is said. Unpleasant such a procedure.
- And if I'll shovel is now grohnu and anywhere you hit the road? - Nabychilsya Valentin. - And I say - no prompting. Randomness is.
- Yeah. Clear. - The stranger put his hand to his ear and zabubnil. - There is a discreet suggestion of extraterrestrial intelligence structure parameters or a reluctance to go on contact. Request permission for the expedition with a special means.
- Action! - Resounded in the palm of your hand.
- Wait for me, savage! I will soon! - Promising newcomer and said there was a low whistle.
- Wait, you fool! - Cried Valentin. - Halt!
Whistle began to move to a quiet hiss.
- Get! - Valentine hearts in brilliant stranger kicked ass.
- Oh, yooo! - I could say alien and dematerialized.
Valentin suddenly became very anxious at heart. He thought a minute and quickly broke two peg five centimeters to the left.
- Vykusi bastard! - Rather he said, and lit a cigarette. - Let the best angle is not right. Otboltayus somehow. And the walls will raise two centimeters higher growth. Or it is necessary to let go of the contrary? Well I have not decided yet ... with height. Who knows - this number ...
He whistled, realizing that it is impossible to solve the height. Whistling moved to hiss.
- Kha-kha. - Coughed behind. - Could you another five centimeters to move the pegs? And now the exact trajectory shows us. More will fly, God forbid ...
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- Well this is not the conjugal duty, Valentin, and building a chicken coop. - I muttered spouse. - You can start and decisively. Already after a couple of months all the materials there. Concrete that. We will have a concrete henhouse.
- Cement, sand, gravel and fittings we got nothing! - Boiled Valentin.
- Exactly. Train. - Husband nodded. - The next forty years you will all explain why the house with us from the material at hand, and the coop - a monolith.
- Yah you. - Valentin spat and went to the object.
Pegs with a strained threads on the cleared site kindly informed Valentin "Here is your chicken coop" and shouted "Here guys to work, man !!»
- Home - half the battle! - Valentin persuaded himself and picked up a shovel.
There was a faint whistle, hiss and rolling in front of Valentin materialized some type in shining clothes.
- That'll teach you, savage, carry on a conversation in a civilized manner! - I shouted type and weighed Valentine slap.
And then he disappeared into nowhere.
- What the ... - Valentin was taken aback and rubbed his cheek Accents.
Slapped cheek burned on in the soul widened resentment for anything Accents worker, thought rushed unable to find an explanation for materialization and dematerialization of the offender. Then again, there was a low whistle, rolling in a hiss.
- Take that, beast! - She exclaimed Valentine and kicked materialized type with shiny clothes.
Kicked appear accurately, because the type of sat and moaned softly:
- What are you all evil something like that? And ancestors ...
- Well, me in the face and for what? - Valentin began to make excuses. - I also do not breech mug!
- Stupid Pithecanthropus! - I hissed type. - Once I came back for a moment before, and gave you the face - this is my retribution for the kick. That is not back yet, but will definitely be back.
Valentin shook his head, trying to somehow put the information.
- Nonsense! - he said. - You came and gave me a slap in the face. Then he disappeared. When I returned - I gave you a date. And after all, might recoil shovel.
- Stupidity! - I snorted type. - I just came. You kicked me. We, the progressive people of the future, so we can not leave unpunished. So I'll be back again in the past and I will give you change. You may ask - why I'm so calm about this saying? And because I'll be back for a moment before we met, and you still will not be ready. And retribution will overtake you.
- Retribution will reach me before the punishment? - Valentin was surprised. - And then you call me a savage?
- What you say, darkness. - Waved type and there was a low whistle.
- Wait, you moron! - Valentin snapped.
The whistling stopped, as if the Whistler abruptly stopped in the stomach.
- What else? - Muttered irritably type.
- And you do that ... In fact, from the future, or what? - Said Valentin. - And from what time?
- Well yes. - With dignity nodded type. - Eighteen tetracene from you.
- A tetracene - is how many years? - I asked Valentine.
- Too long to explain. And you will not understand. Because the old and dull. - Waved type and again came a low whistle.
- Stop! - Valentin barked again.
- A? - Whistle again stopped.
- And what kind of babskie rag on you? - Said Valentin. - Shine like snout after lamb.
- Do you eat meat? - In a quiet shock I asked a visitor from the future.
- Uh-huh. Not so often, of course. Most pasta.
- What a nightmare ... - gasp type.
- Go to the stump! - Valentin offended. - If we give up meat - no future, and you never will. So for the rag on you?
- Biopoliektril. - I said softly type. - Five guilders for Quattro.
- Ahh. - Valentin nodded. - It was now clear. And dear, and what stylish, and that non-marking.
- All? - I asked type.
- Yeah. Whistle prepared? - Squinting said Valentin.
- Stupid. - Breath type. - It is a continuum of whistles. Listen here.
There was a quiet suites.
- Wait, a descendant! - I cried Valentin.
- Are you kidding? - Scatter my spit shouted visitor from the future. - And no. You're trying to pull wages! It will not work!
- What we hopeless future. As I pull it, if received already? - Valentin sighed. - Come on. Whistles here, just so smart. Nothing forgotten?
- What could I forget this barbaric century? - He said the type and insulting laugh.
- Well, for example, explain why flew. - Valentin replied calmly. - I do not think that over the eighteen trepanation us fly in the face to give.
- Oh you! I forgot all! Tetracene instead of trepanation, ignoramuses! - I corrected and asked the stranger. - And here is where the rope that will stand? Well, that. Monuments what will be? And we dug up, and what it was - is unclear. And where the real builders?
- Coop is here. Monolithic. - Valentine said. - And what? Before you deserves much?
- Well yes. - Stranger nodded. - How pretty worthy. And what is it?
- Qurei to keep it. Chickens - a bird like that. - Said Valentin and maliciously added: - We then they chopped off his head, Sui in boiling water, stripped feathers, guts release, and then eat!
Judging by the way turned green with the type of person he was clearly wrong.
- Nightmare. - He breathed. - And who are the builders? Where are they?
- I am builder. - Valentine said proudly. - Sam ranks.
- Can not be. - The stranger looked at Valentine after a glass. - You're the man. I ask about these builders.
- I am the real thing. - Valentin was surprised. - What more do you want?
- Yah? - I did not believe the stranger. - Why exactly diagonal indicate takeoff trajectory on Alpha Proxima, and Gideon?
- Whose diagonal? - Valentin did not understand.
- Coop yours. That's here. - The stranger pointed to a peg in the corner. - And here.
From I walked diagonally and pointed to a point somewhere at the top.
- And the ratio of height to give the number of array with up to sixteen decimal places. Would you say that he came up with all this?
- Yes, I do not know any of the diagonals. - Valentin was taken aback. - And the numbers. Where to find the place - there and build.
- Not tricky with me! - I shouted type. - There is no such chance. You're someone suggested!
- No prompting. I build and that's it. - He threw up his hands Valentine. - Do not yell at me!
- I do not realize it? - Squinted type. - And if I drove for the equipment? For this special. After all that is said. Unpleasant such a procedure.
- And if I'll shovel is now grohnu and anywhere you hit the road? - Nabychilsya Valentin. - And I say - no prompting. Randomness is.
- Yeah. Clear. - The stranger put his hand to his ear and zabubnil. - There is a discreet suggestion of extraterrestrial intelligence structure parameters or a reluctance to go on contact. Request permission for the expedition with a special means.
- Action! - Resounded in the palm of your hand.
- Wait for me, savage! I will soon! - Promising newcomer and said there was a low whistle.
- Wait, you fool! - Cried Valentin. - Halt!
Whistle began to move to a quiet hiss.
- Get! - Valentine hearts in brilliant stranger kicked ass.
- Oh, yooo! - I could say alien and dematerialized.
Valentin suddenly became very anxious at heart. He thought a minute and quickly broke two peg five centimeters to the left.
- Vykusi bastard! - Rather he said, and lit a cigarette. - Let the best angle is not right. Otboltayus somehow. And the walls will raise two centimeters higher growth. Or it is necessary to let go of the contrary? Well I have not decided yet ... with height. Who knows - this number ...
He whistled, realizing that it is impossible to solve the height. Whistling moved to hiss.
- Kha-kha. - Coughed behind. - Could you another five centimeters to move the pegs? And now the exact trajectory shows us. More will fly, God forbid ...
© frumich.com
Source: http: //