PHILOSOPHY selfishness, responsibility, trust Me.
I want you to become completely self-centered. Love yourself, be yourself. Do not let distract themselves any type of people - religious, political, social, educational. Your main responsibility is not to the religion and the nation.
Your main responsibility - is you. And just look: if everyone would love yourself, take care of himself, his intelligence reaches the peak of his love will overflow. In my opinion, the philosophy of self-love will allow a person to be truly altruistic, because it will have so much to share than that to give, and the process of giving will be joy, separation will be celebrating for him. Altruism can only be a by-product of selfishness. Because if you do not love yourself, you feel weak - love is food, it is your strength.
Of course, how can you feel responsible? You continue to dump your responsibility on someone's shoulders. God is responsible, responsible the fate of Adam and Eve - responsible. The snake that seduced Eve to disobey God - a snake responsible. Can you see the complete idiocy to stall on accountability for another? - A snake, perhaps millions of years ago ... I tried hard to talk a bit with a snake - they do not say. In fact, they did not even hear.
I learned that snakes do not have ears, ears are not part of their body. And if they can not hear, how can they say? And they were able to persuade Eve? But we have to shift the responsibility to someone else. Adam blamed on Eve. Eve dumps it on the serpent-tempter. Snakes - if he could tell - has fallen down to her God. In this way, we reject our responsibility, not realizing that until you are responsible for yourself, you are not really individuality.
Shirking responsibility destructive to your personality. But you can take responsibility only when you have a great love for yourself. I accept my responsibility and I am glad it. I never pass the buck to someone else, because it is the loss of freedom, getting into slavery to the power of others. Whatever I did was, I am fully and exclusively responsible for it. It gives me great strength. It gives me roots and centers me. At this responsibility is the source, I love myself.
I also passed the same kinds of mass exploitation. But from the beginning I defined for myself that if I will push toward heaven, I refuse it. On their own accord, I'm ready to go to hell. At least, I will have my independence, my choice. My parents, my teachers, professors were fighting with me. But I said: "I am sure of one thing: I can not take no bribe, to become a slave. I would rather suffer in hellfire for all eternity, but a stay. At least I will have the joy, it's my choice, nobody forced me to it. »
If you take a prisoner to heaven - do you think you will like it? To get to heaven by following Jesus Christ or Moses or Buddha, or Krishna - that it will be a paradise, where it is assumed that you are believers blindly; you can not ask a question, you have no right to ask about anything. This paradise is worse than hell. But people are distracted from their own sources. I want you to come back home.
Respect yourself. Feel the joy and pride that existence needs you. Otherwise, you would not be here. Rejoice that existence can not be without you. First, why are you here: the existence enables you to life with unimaginable riches hidden within you - beauty, ecstasy of freedom. But you do not existentially! You Christians, you are a Buddhist, you Hindus. I want you to believe in only one thing: to exist. No need to go into any church or synagogue.
If you can not feel the sky, stars, sunset, sunrise, flowers blooming, birds singing ... all existence - is preaching! Not prepared some stupid priest - it is everywhere. You just have to trust yourself; is another name for love of self. And when you trust and love yourself, it is obvious that you are taking the responsibility on their shoulders because of who you are, what you are. It provides you with a great experience of existence that nobody can enslave you again.
Can you see the beauty of a man who is able to stand on its own two feet? And no matter what happens - joy or sorrow, life and death - a man who loved himself, so holistic that it can not only enjoy life, it can also enjoy death. Socrates was punished by society.
Paulo Coelho: Four obstacles to achieving your dreams.
"Make Bradbury", or how to win the Olympics, being the weakest.