History of the Belarusian millionaire (53 photos)
Calling agriculture Valentine Griţuc "farmer" language does not turn - on 64 hectares of land situated in Myadel area are hangars, factory halls, high-rise buildings and warehouses, filled with equipment. This is, rather, a little self-sufficient state, not just a farm. Yes, and these lands entrepreneur jokingly calls it as "country to country". Before, life here is in full swing, we had dozens of pieces of equipment, build buildings, grandiose plans are born and implemented. Today farming Griţuc .... No, not abandoned. It is as though stopped at the threshold of the third millennium after the disaster struck with the owner. Twelve years ago Valentin Sidorovich was in big trouble, and now the only permanent inhabitant of "the country in the country", he himself - lives in a small dilapidated wooden house. How did it happen? It's a long story.
Winter, frost, snow creaks, the car rides on clearing ennoy straight road to the big 6-storey building of unusual shape. Before him - rickety hut, the path to it covered with snow, it is clear that for a few days in the house no one came. This hut - now Valentine Sidorovicha. The huge building behind - the past, and perhaps - the future.
- When in the early 90's the opportunity to create their own farm, I was one of the first. There was nothing, dense forests and swamps - not even a horse ride. Deep in the woods was a little farm - a house built a hundred years ago, I bought it.
The area of my land - 64 hectares granted in life, inherited possession. At first, there was very little agricultural land - 20 hectares, the rest is impassable thickets and marshes. Another problem - most of the territory was solid hills, agricultural machinery working on them was almost impossible. First of all, I decided to bring to mind the ground. He concluded an agreement with the Institute, and we are working with district PLA conducted reclamation of wetlands. It was a really large-scale project - in a single season in the facility employed about fifty units. Hills were cut, wetlands drained, peat and sapropel have provided fertile ground. In place of the 5 large marshes dug deep ponds.
Summed up the water, they built a water tower, ponds filled with water, zarybili carp, carp, grass carp and carp. To farms we had a good road, telephone, electricity. In all these works it took several years. Immediately after that, the farmer began to build a poultry farm in the 41 thousand heads. Fills her livestock for a month - the birds were taken from the Dnieper. When a poultry farm to work, there were, at last, its not lending money.
- With this money, I began to build other facilities. I buy agricultural equipment - plows, seeders, harvesters, bulldozers, crawler and wheeled tractors, KAMAZ, even a crane. I put the 80-meter hangar for storage. Near erected another - it expected to grow pigs, cows, sheep, rabbits. Separately built his plaster and concrete node. In this plant we have built all the objects.
During the short period of time on land Valentine appeared Griţuc winter greenhouses with total area of 5000 square meters. At the entrance to his farm built three-story hotel, but after it decided to build processing plant - smokehouse for poultry, production of herbal teas for local resorts and even a pastry shop. In the basement of the building was planned to equip a hundred-meter length of the room for growing mushrooms and oyster mushrooms. Near the house - equipped with an underground greenhouse roof glazing.
Near the small house of farm Valentin Sidorovich built 6-storey building, which is equipped with a rooftop observation deck, which is also the "parking lot" for the helicopter (by the way, once the helicopter to really put). The building had to stay in a hotel, office space and conference rooms, a winter garden, a swimming pool, a dining room and a restaurant. On the ground floor are storage rooms and garages.
The farmer tells the story of the formation of its economy goes through photography. He is fond of, begins to describe in detail the characteristics of each building, explains the logic of each of its successive steps. Then he notices that we ezhimsya cold, toss the wood into the stove, includes heater.
- And all these years I had a bee apiary by 100 hives - once again returning to the thoughts of the past, he says. - Honey has been so good that experts from the Ministry of Health requested that I do not sell at retail to give, and handed over to the pharmaceutical industry ...
- Many people tend to make money in the first place build a place to live, why do not you do it?
- Because I had a specific, comprehensive plan. And for its implementation needed every penny they earn. I did not want to waste your time on trifles, all buildings built at the same time, and it was reasonable, was to complete the ambitious project a year and a half. Then it would all work in full force, I moved with my hut in a normal house, and around 64 hectares, lived and flourished to a small self-contained "state". For 5-7 years, I learned about 90 professions, led the accounting, he has designed, built himself, sat behind the wheel tractors, KAMAZ, spent electrician working on the crane ...
Valentin Sidorovich thought, drove up to the window, he looks at his snow-covered farm. He says over his shoulder: "And then disaster struck."
- Time was then vague, dashing 90's. Many of the transactions were carried out through a handshake, I used to trust people and burned many times on this. I remember a few cases where the gate of the farm went out of my truck with the products and dissolved somewhere in Russia, no one could find the following.
January 6, 2001 Valentin Gritsuk sent all employees to celebrate the next holiday and stay in its general staff one. In the evening in the house it was committed robbery. The offender severely beaten farmer, injured his spine in several places broke the skull with a hammer, broke 4 ribs, damage the lungs. Valentin Sidorovich lucky for him at the light in the evening decided to looked familiar. They found a farmer in a critical condition and brought him into the hospital Miadzieł. The doctors did not hesitate to say that Gritsuk from the grave is not going to make it, and sent half dead farmer to the regional hospital in Borovlyany. The operation lasted over 10 hours, Valentin Sidorovich survived, but remained confined to a wheelchair. In order to more or less come to life, it took about six months. All this time, the small state Griţuc remained without an owner, which was held just about anything.
Returning to normal life, Valentin Sidorovich again took up his farm, but the strength and financial capacity is not enough. Today it is possible to go to zero. Annually, there are preventive conservation work already built. They work the land and equipment. At no cost the farmer rents the tractor and farmland the local SEC, they return to help with the work on the farm.
- Is in that time there was not a single-minded assistant?
- It turns out that all those who came to the proposals expected to earn quick money and leave. Sensible proposals for the long-term basis, until recently, did not arrive. Now, fortunately, we started to communicate with me people who know how to look ahead more than six months, investors. Negotiating. Just imagine, here today are conserved 2 factories, greenhouses, shop offices and warehouses. You can run production, farming, agro tourism, and it's all in the complex. Of course, it requires considerable investment - about 5-6 million dollars.
Loans I basically do not want to take - they ate in the past years. By the way, today I have no debt - neither the state, nor to the partners. All obligations have been fulfilled.
- Are not you afraid that the economy will stay another 10 years and the work did not get off the ground?
- To tell the truth, a couple of years ago already began to fear. Fortunately, in recent years we have begun serious progress, which is to say early. It may well be that the fate of my farm will be decided later this year.
- After what happened are not afraid to live alone?
- And what I now have to take? I live on a disability pension. You can see for yourself - no glamor in my house you will not see. I own property worth millions of dollars, just by being a thief, a concrete wall in a pocket not carry away.
Griţuc have a wife, two adult children. But none of them is eager to create a Valentine Sidorovich his small country. His wife lives in the nearby village of Naroch, the children moved to Minsk.
- No, we have women that used to be called the wives of the Decembrists, they all want to come on ready - smiles Valentin Sidorovich. - I can not and I find this to me lived in the household help, together we'd have our little country was built. Maybe you can help me with the search?
The owner of "small state" ends his story and asks us to bring firewood. As long as we add in the corner of armfuls of firewood, invites guests to come in the summer. It promises fantastic fishing, sea mushrooms and berries. He says that, perhaps as early as this time we will see in his possession dramatic changes - everything comes to life, will earn ...
We say goodbye. Valentin Sidorovich escorted us to the door, shaking hands firmly. Finally he says:
- I'm in a wheelchair for twelve years, but each time, as soon as I fall asleep, it appears once again healthy - run for, build, a crane work, driving a tractor plow. Here's how it happens!
Source: realt.onliner.by

Winter, frost, snow creaks, the car rides on clearing ennoy straight road to the big 6-storey building of unusual shape. Before him - rickety hut, the path to it covered with snow, it is clear that for a few days in the house no one came. This hut - now Valentine Sidorovicha. The huge building behind - the past, and perhaps - the future.

- When in the early 90's the opportunity to create their own farm, I was one of the first. There was nothing, dense forests and swamps - not even a horse ride. Deep in the woods was a little farm - a house built a hundred years ago, I bought it.

The area of my land - 64 hectares granted in life, inherited possession. At first, there was very little agricultural land - 20 hectares, the rest is impassable thickets and marshes. Another problem - most of the territory was solid hills, agricultural machinery working on them was almost impossible. First of all, I decided to bring to mind the ground. He concluded an agreement with the Institute, and we are working with district PLA conducted reclamation of wetlands. It was a really large-scale project - in a single season in the facility employed about fifty units. Hills were cut, wetlands drained, peat and sapropel have provided fertile ground. In place of the 5 large marshes dug deep ponds.

Summed up the water, they built a water tower, ponds filled with water, zarybili carp, carp, grass carp and carp. To farms we had a good road, telephone, electricity. In all these works it took several years. Immediately after that, the farmer began to build a poultry farm in the 41 thousand heads. Fills her livestock for a month - the birds were taken from the Dnieper. When a poultry farm to work, there were, at last, its not lending money.

- With this money, I began to build other facilities. I buy agricultural equipment - plows, seeders, harvesters, bulldozers, crawler and wheeled tractors, KAMAZ, even a crane. I put the 80-meter hangar for storage. Near erected another - it expected to grow pigs, cows, sheep, rabbits. Separately built his plaster and concrete node. In this plant we have built all the objects.

During the short period of time on land Valentine appeared Griţuc winter greenhouses with total area of 5000 square meters. At the entrance to his farm built three-story hotel, but after it decided to build processing plant - smokehouse for poultry, production of herbal teas for local resorts and even a pastry shop. In the basement of the building was planned to equip a hundred-meter length of the room for growing mushrooms and oyster mushrooms. Near the house - equipped with an underground greenhouse roof glazing.

Near the small house of farm Valentin Sidorovich built 6-storey building, which is equipped with a rooftop observation deck, which is also the "parking lot" for the helicopter (by the way, once the helicopter to really put). The building had to stay in a hotel, office space and conference rooms, a winter garden, a swimming pool, a dining room and a restaurant. On the ground floor are storage rooms and garages.

The farmer tells the story of the formation of its economy goes through photography. He is fond of, begins to describe in detail the characteristics of each building, explains the logic of each of its successive steps. Then he notices that we ezhimsya cold, toss the wood into the stove, includes heater.

- And all these years I had a bee apiary by 100 hives - once again returning to the thoughts of the past, he says. - Honey has been so good that experts from the Ministry of Health requested that I do not sell at retail to give, and handed over to the pharmaceutical industry ...
- Many people tend to make money in the first place build a place to live, why do not you do it?
- Because I had a specific, comprehensive plan. And for its implementation needed every penny they earn. I did not want to waste your time on trifles, all buildings built at the same time, and it was reasonable, was to complete the ambitious project a year and a half. Then it would all work in full force, I moved with my hut in a normal house, and around 64 hectares, lived and flourished to a small self-contained "state". For 5-7 years, I learned about 90 professions, led the accounting, he has designed, built himself, sat behind the wheel tractors, KAMAZ, spent electrician working on the crane ...

Valentin Sidorovich thought, drove up to the window, he looks at his snow-covered farm. He says over his shoulder: "And then disaster struck."
- Time was then vague, dashing 90's. Many of the transactions were carried out through a handshake, I used to trust people and burned many times on this. I remember a few cases where the gate of the farm went out of my truck with the products and dissolved somewhere in Russia, no one could find the following.

January 6, 2001 Valentin Gritsuk sent all employees to celebrate the next holiday and stay in its general staff one. In the evening in the house it was committed robbery. The offender severely beaten farmer, injured his spine in several places broke the skull with a hammer, broke 4 ribs, damage the lungs. Valentin Sidorovich lucky for him at the light in the evening decided to looked familiar. They found a farmer in a critical condition and brought him into the hospital Miadzieł. The doctors did not hesitate to say that Gritsuk from the grave is not going to make it, and sent half dead farmer to the regional hospital in Borovlyany. The operation lasted over 10 hours, Valentin Sidorovich survived, but remained confined to a wheelchair. In order to more or less come to life, it took about six months. All this time, the small state Griţuc remained without an owner, which was held just about anything.

Returning to normal life, Valentin Sidorovich again took up his farm, but the strength and financial capacity is not enough. Today it is possible to go to zero. Annually, there are preventive conservation work already built. They work the land and equipment. At no cost the farmer rents the tractor and farmland the local SEC, they return to help with the work on the farm.

- Is in that time there was not a single-minded assistant?
- It turns out that all those who came to the proposals expected to earn quick money and leave. Sensible proposals for the long-term basis, until recently, did not arrive. Now, fortunately, we started to communicate with me people who know how to look ahead more than six months, investors. Negotiating. Just imagine, here today are conserved 2 factories, greenhouses, shop offices and warehouses. You can run production, farming, agro tourism, and it's all in the complex. Of course, it requires considerable investment - about 5-6 million dollars.
Loans I basically do not want to take - they ate in the past years. By the way, today I have no debt - neither the state, nor to the partners. All obligations have been fulfilled.

- Are not you afraid that the economy will stay another 10 years and the work did not get off the ground?
- To tell the truth, a couple of years ago already began to fear. Fortunately, in recent years we have begun serious progress, which is to say early. It may well be that the fate of my farm will be decided later this year.
- After what happened are not afraid to live alone?
- And what I now have to take? I live on a disability pension. You can see for yourself - no glamor in my house you will not see. I own property worth millions of dollars, just by being a thief, a concrete wall in a pocket not carry away.

Griţuc have a wife, two adult children. But none of them is eager to create a Valentine Sidorovich his small country. His wife lives in the nearby village of Naroch, the children moved to Minsk.
- No, we have women that used to be called the wives of the Decembrists, they all want to come on ready - smiles Valentin Sidorovich. - I can not and I find this to me lived in the household help, together we'd have our little country was built. Maybe you can help me with the search?

The owner of "small state" ends his story and asks us to bring firewood. As long as we add in the corner of armfuls of firewood, invites guests to come in the summer. It promises fantastic fishing, sea mushrooms and berries. He says that, perhaps as early as this time we will see in his possession dramatic changes - everything comes to life, will earn ...

We say goodbye. Valentin Sidorovich escorted us to the door, shaking hands firmly. Finally he says:
- I'm in a wheelchair for twelve years, but each time, as soon as I fall asleep, it appears once again healthy - run for, build, a crane work, driving a tractor plow. Here's how it happens!

Source: realt.onliner.by
Guidelines for the production of books (33 photos)
Obscene gesture stewardess caused the end of her career