Last joke millionaire

American millionaire Roger Dorcas, who died of heart failure, came up with a rather original way to leave his young vdovushu with the nose. He made a will in which his estate passed his dog Maximilian. In sum, the dog millionaire received almost $ 64 million, and the widow did not get a penny. But the story does not end there.
Roger's wife Dorcas - 24-year-old actress Wendy Dietrich, known for her cameo role in his film "Mighty Joe Young". Together they lived only one year. In causes rapid death of a millionaire there is no doubt, as both before and after the wedding, he was quite dissolute bohemian life. Wife to his death had nothing to do, even though she was the sole heir of Roger Dorcas.
Apparently the joy of the young actress, suddenly fallen from her millions, knew no bounds. But it was too early to rejoice. After he became known true heir, Wendy Dietrich was furious. Testamentary Money Roger bequeathed his dog Max.
Mrs. Roger Dorcas tried to pick up the dog millions in court. But the court left it at that. Then Wendy began looking for another way to return the money her husband. And
oddly enough found.
Philip Goldstein - attorney Roger Dorcas, told the widow of the original sense of humor, her husband. Namely, that a couple of years ago, Roger joke opened in the name of your dog's bank account. But when he had to pay taxes, required to have a dog who has become like a full citizen of the United States, were the documents.
Dorcas without hesitation made for the dog all the necessary papers and even Social Security card. So dog Maximilian became a full citizen of the US state of more than 250 thousand dollars.
Enterprising widow found out about it, took the unprecedented step: she married a dog to become her guardian - because in securities of the dog is a US citizen. We can only guess whether this meant "dog wedding" joker-millionaire from the very beginning, when organized this scam or it was another legal loophole by which a young widow was able to take possession of the money.