How to "grow" from the millionaire husband

1. Believe husband
And sincerely and with all his soul. Forget forever that "your husband stuffed pears". Of course, sometimes it is very difficult to transcend themselves - have accumulated during the marriage resentment, and indeed
But unconditional love for her husband and faith in him - the most important step on the way to becoming a millionaire in his
2. Praise husband
Yes, not only women love with their ears, but also all members of the male sex. Admire her husband, be kind to him. The secret of this method - in influencing the subconscious
The husband begins to strive to overcome the high altitude and prove to you and themselves that is able to achieve any purpose. Thus, you are, by the way, and will develop his self-confidence
3. Encourage its growth
How it's done? Feminine is very simple: "Honey, I want a new coat, and it is already very old kind of lost. Yes, I like that. I understand that we still afford it can not. Do you work, you try. You're such a good fellow »
In this form, please request looks very well, and in any case no pressure on the psyche. And the likelihood that her husband was "suddenly" it earns very high
4. Do not cut it "for nothing»
Yes, socket still "on snot" is held, and her husband, an electrical lead is not even an eyebrow. The paradox of "shoemaker without shoes" is now observed in many families, and greatly affects the "atmospheric pressure". Remind him about it gently, but do not push. Anyway, sooner or later it will make. My husband just used, you will wave his hand and do everything themselves: for example, invoke the wizard
So, if you learn to look at the mess it through his fingers, he realizes that this is his job. And without it, she did not - in any way. In order to turn man into a millionaire need to instill in him a sense of responsibility and instilled it just on the basis of such "trifles»
5. Cultivate his talents
You have so much time together and know your Blessed inside out. In what he knows best? Where I feel like a fish in water? Pushes his help to expand knowledge and skills. Of course, a little bit, and gently
You must be his support, the support, the woman he loved and companion all rolled into one. Difficult it? Well, it all depends on the degree of "neglect." However, in this world nothing is impossible, there is a will ...