The story of the daughter of a millionaire who dressed as a homeless man
Melania is the daughter of a millionaire who dreams of having grandchildren. However, the girl is in no hurry to start a relationship, as she is immersed in work and charitable activities. During the next family dinner, the parents managed to persuade their daughter to search for a lover. What happened to a random meeting on the street with a seemingly dream man, read further in the article.
Although Melania's father was a millionaire, she never used it. She graduated from a prestigious university, found investors and opened her own business. When she started to earn money, she sent some of the money to charity, as did her father, with whom Melania always took an example.
The heroine is already 25 years old, and her parents have long dreamed of grandchildren. Melania is in no hurry to get married. “You never liked my boyfriends,” she once said during a family dinner. In response, the father and mother in one voice said that before their daughter chose not the best guys. But now everything has changed and she is wiser.
Melania thought seriously about the words of her parents. And just a couple of days later, she saw a man talking nicely to a homeless man on the street. It immediately bought her, as Melania especially appreciated kindness and generosity in people. She decided to meet this young man and approached him first: "Hello! My name is Melania. Would you mind having a cup of coffee with me?
At this point, a beggar ran up to them and turned to a man for help. He immediately took a thick purse out of his pocket and gave the woman some crispy bills. This action even more bribed the girl. The man smiled at her and accepted her offer. They went to the nearest café and talked nicely for an hour. Then we exchanged numbers and agreed to meet again.
Thus began the fascinating communication of Melania and Arseny. And very soon the girl realized that she fell in love. The young man reciprocated her, and a few months later the heroine introduced her parents to her boyfriend. Melania's parents really liked him. Smart, intelligent and enterprising man - this is the husband family wanted his daughter.
Wedding! Every day Melania’s feelings for Arseny grew stronger. He seemed to her the perfect man who thinks not only about himself, but also about other people. He worked for a successful company, he donated money to animal shelters and organizations that help the homeless. What else does it take to be happy?
Soon Arsenius made Melania a proposal for a hand and heart. And the girl, of course, agreed. Preparations for a luxurious wedding were in full swing when a friend of Melania told her one unpleasant thing. “You probably won’t believe me. I just happened to meet your Ars on the street. He spoke very rudely to the homeless boy who was following him. The child asked for alms, but Arseny was rude to him and went home.
Melania began to doubt the sincerity of her man. So she decided to check if her friend was right. A few days before the wedding, the daughter of a millionaire dressed as homeless and went out to beg for alms on the street, where her future husband passes every morning. When she saw him, she followed him and asked for help. Arseny did not like her persistence. He pushed the girl away and said, "Fuck off!" I told you I wouldn't give you a dime. Get out!
At that moment, Melania realized that she had been living in the dark for months. She returned home choking with bitter tears of deception. Was everything Arseny said a lie? She called a friend who worked for one of the charities she helped. With his help, she learned that Arseny had never donated money to any of the local funds. He was just lying to Melania.
Without hesitation, the girl burned all the bridges and told Arsenia everything she thought of him. As much as he asked for her forgiveness, Melania was adamant. Her parents supported her choice and were very upset that they did not see the cheater in her fiancé.
This story taught Melania not to rush to conclusions. The daughter of a millionaire will always be a bait for scammers. However, this does not mean that she is doomed to be alone. In the future, she will meet a worthy person. All in good time!
Life Wisdom: What does this story teach us? The moral of these stories is always the same: Sooner or later the truth will come out.Whatever the secret is. Melania has been cheated by the person closest to her, but we are confident she will handle her pain. Having experienced betrayal, the heroine will become stronger and wiser. We believe that his life will be better.

Although Melania's father was a millionaire, she never used it. She graduated from a prestigious university, found investors and opened her own business. When she started to earn money, she sent some of the money to charity, as did her father, with whom Melania always took an example.
The heroine is already 25 years old, and her parents have long dreamed of grandchildren. Melania is in no hurry to get married. “You never liked my boyfriends,” she once said during a family dinner. In response, the father and mother in one voice said that before their daughter chose not the best guys. But now everything has changed and she is wiser.

Melania thought seriously about the words of her parents. And just a couple of days later, she saw a man talking nicely to a homeless man on the street. It immediately bought her, as Melania especially appreciated kindness and generosity in people. She decided to meet this young man and approached him first: "Hello! My name is Melania. Would you mind having a cup of coffee with me?
At this point, a beggar ran up to them and turned to a man for help. He immediately took a thick purse out of his pocket and gave the woman some crispy bills. This action even more bribed the girl. The man smiled at her and accepted her offer. They went to the nearest café and talked nicely for an hour. Then we exchanged numbers and agreed to meet again.

Thus began the fascinating communication of Melania and Arseny. And very soon the girl realized that she fell in love. The young man reciprocated her, and a few months later the heroine introduced her parents to her boyfriend. Melania's parents really liked him. Smart, intelligent and enterprising man - this is the husband family wanted his daughter.
Wedding! Every day Melania’s feelings for Arseny grew stronger. He seemed to her the perfect man who thinks not only about himself, but also about other people. He worked for a successful company, he donated money to animal shelters and organizations that help the homeless. What else does it take to be happy?

Soon Arsenius made Melania a proposal for a hand and heart. And the girl, of course, agreed. Preparations for a luxurious wedding were in full swing when a friend of Melania told her one unpleasant thing. “You probably won’t believe me. I just happened to meet your Ars on the street. He spoke very rudely to the homeless boy who was following him. The child asked for alms, but Arseny was rude to him and went home.
Melania began to doubt the sincerity of her man. So she decided to check if her friend was right. A few days before the wedding, the daughter of a millionaire dressed as homeless and went out to beg for alms on the street, where her future husband passes every morning. When she saw him, she followed him and asked for help. Arseny did not like her persistence. He pushed the girl away and said, "Fuck off!" I told you I wouldn't give you a dime. Get out!

At that moment, Melania realized that she had been living in the dark for months. She returned home choking with bitter tears of deception. Was everything Arseny said a lie? She called a friend who worked for one of the charities she helped. With his help, she learned that Arseny had never donated money to any of the local funds. He was just lying to Melania.
Without hesitation, the girl burned all the bridges and told Arsenia everything she thought of him. As much as he asked for her forgiveness, Melania was adamant. Her parents supported her choice and were very upset that they did not see the cheater in her fiancé.

This story taught Melania not to rush to conclusions. The daughter of a millionaire will always be a bait for scammers. However, this does not mean that she is doomed to be alone. In the future, she will meet a worthy person. All in good time!
Life Wisdom: What does this story teach us? The moral of these stories is always the same: Sooner or later the truth will come out.Whatever the secret is. Melania has been cheated by the person closest to her, but we are confident she will handle her pain. Having experienced betrayal, the heroine will become stronger and wiser. We believe that his life will be better.
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