Good deeds
Stories of generosity and kindness of the poor people who have nothing.
New clothes for the poor schoolgirls
Good and noble deeds committed by poor
Eleven Indian schoolgirls studying in the school for the poor, was very surprised to get a new clothes, for which paid an unknown sponsor. most interesting is that this turned out to be a sponsor of the 64-year-old beggar Kimdzhibhay Prajapati (Khimjibhai Prajapati). Once he was a successful businessman and held a small tea shop, the newly one day his works were quite bad, it came even before that he had to beg on the street. But plight not able to change the views of a failed businessman on life and he still continues to help the poor. In an interview Kimdzhibhay said he has long wanted to help girls and saving up the money collected so far, has not been able to buy them clothes.
Homeless saved the life of a newborn child
Good and noble deeds committed by poor
Lack of money does not make one less good, it proved residents parking pickups in Oklahoma. In 2012, it arrived in a car young couple and desperately asked pomoschi.Zhenschina recently had a baby and unfortunately umbilical cord wrapped around the baby's neck. The score went to second. It became clear that the ambulance did not have time to arrive on time.
I came to the rescue homeless named Gary Wilson (Gary Wilson), who turned out to be the golden hands and a big heart. Guided by instructions inspector ambulance he was able to correctly remove the umbilical cord from the baby's neck and began to massage the baby's back. Drove up to the place of emergency staff only and that there will thank Gary Wilson for flawless work done. Then Gary was out and then nobody saw him.
Help for those who are now worse
Good and noble deeds committed by poor
In October last year, residents of the region Anambra (Anambra) Nigeria suffered floods, which almost completely destroyed their lives. The poor Ozoemena Simon (Simon Ozoemena) could not look at everything happening for a reason. He took all his money in the amount of 188 dollars, which he had collected begging in the church and handed them over to the officials to help the flood victims. When asked why he gave all the money to the said - "They live better than I do before the flood, but now they need help».
To beg for the needy
Good and noble deeds committed by poor
At age 18, a resident of China Zhiyu Wang (Wang Zhiyou) learned that immediately after his birth, his family cattle forced to give a son to someone else's family, because they simply do not have the means to grow a baby. From that moment Wang Zhiyu felt all the despair that people feel poor. Since then, he is in a special place and begging and at the end of the month, he communicates with the media and asks them to find a person in need, to give him the money collected for the month. Wang Zhiyu takes from the poor receipts for the money, according to which he has donated more than $ 6,000.
The reward for honesty
Good and noble deeds committed by poor
An unprecedented event happened in Kansas, accidentally throwing a trifle in a cup beggar woman accidentally dropped into the cup and also his ring costing thousands of dollars. Later, the woman noticed the loss, and realized that she dropped it into the cup homeless. She rushed to the place where he was homeless Billy Ray Harris (Billy Ray Harris), and asked him about the ring, homeless answered honestly and gave the woman a ring. Instead, a homeless woman returned thanks to the money she gave him everything she had with him.
Permeated noble act, the woman's husband lost the ring organized to raise funds on the Internet for financial assistance Billy Ray Harris. Heart melted users after they learned the history and they are happy to have started to donate money. The fund quickly gathered more than 100 thousand. Dollars, so that Billy Ray was indescribably happy.
The widow had been saving all his life on earth to sacrifice her orphanage
Good and noble deeds committed by poor
100 tape widow Sindubala Mishra (Sindhubala Mishra) on his birthday has decided to donate his own piece of land to build a children's home and the park. In Sindubaly Misra was a hard fate, at age 9, she married, her marriage did not last, and 2 years as her husband died. The husband's family refused to take the girl to her and she was forced to wander begging. And then one day she was able to save enough money to buy their own land.
Feel all the pain of the homeless life, the only woman's desire was to facilitate and improve the lives of street children so in need of assistance. After the public learned about the high deed Sindubaly began to donate funds for the construction of the park and the children's home, some of them even volunteered to build a park for free.
Good helping homeless beggar woman paying bills
Good and noble deeds committed by poor
39-year-old single mother working in a bank is always well treated and helped, what can homeless name Curtis Jackson (Curtis Jackson), for which he was very grateful to her. But one day a kind woman lost her job, and a little later his house. She was forced for some time to live with the child in the car. Seeing that the guardianship warned the woman that she did not live longer in the car, otherwise it will select the child. The woman got to live in a hotel at your own risk, because pay rent she simply did not have the money. Learning of this appreciative Curtis Jackson decided to help the woman and paid her by the hotel. So he did, and further, begging on the street, paying bills Curtis destitute women. In total Curtis paying the bill for $ 9,000.
All the faith
Good and noble deeds committed by poor
63-year-old Ayam Kambiron begging near a Buddhist temple in Bangkok and hardly spending any money managed to accumulate an impressive state, he decided to donate for the reconstruction of the temple. Within three years of renovation Ayam donated a total of 76,000 dollars.
The first major donation he made in 2011, and continued to do it every year. The servants of the temple said that Ayam despite its revered status, which it has acquired through its fame has not spoiled him, he also remained polite and humble old man. The servants of the temple convinced Ayama live in the temple, as his large donations to arouse interest in the eyes of the local thieves.
Homeless voluntarily helped people affected by the floods
Good and noble deeds committed by poor
Living in a homeless shelter Vesnievski Forest (Les Wesniewski) without having your own home has decided to help people with the cleaning and restoration of houses that were affected by flooding in June 2013. His noble act Lesi Vesnievski inspired other volunteers to help, and together they helped clean homes affected people.
Beggar spent two months in order to save money and give it all to help victims of the earthquake
Good and noble deeds committed by poor
In April 2013, an unknown Chinese beggar approached the volunteers to collect money to help people affected by the earthquake and donated $ 160. The money he collected for two months. But this is not an isolated case generosity of this unknown benefactor, a month before he donated the money for the treatment of a child with leukemia.
Grandpa with a big heart
Good and noble deeds committed by poor
This wonderful grandfather Dobri Dobrev name (Dobri Dobrev) and he was 98 years old. He lives in Bulgaria in the village of Bail and daily passes 10 km from their village to the capital Sofia. He is known for his good deeds, a pure heart and a huge contribution to blagotvoritelnost.Kazhdy day he begs on the streets of Sofia begging, from which currently does not take a penny. All the money he donates to the restoration of temples, churches, monasteries, and provides financial assistance to orphanages
New clothes for the poor schoolgirls
Good and noble deeds committed by poor
Eleven Indian schoolgirls studying in the school for the poor, was very surprised to get a new clothes, for which paid an unknown sponsor. most interesting is that this turned out to be a sponsor of the 64-year-old beggar Kimdzhibhay Prajapati (Khimjibhai Prajapati). Once he was a successful businessman and held a small tea shop, the newly one day his works were quite bad, it came even before that he had to beg on the street. But plight not able to change the views of a failed businessman on life and he still continues to help the poor. In an interview Kimdzhibhay said he has long wanted to help girls and saving up the money collected so far, has not been able to buy them clothes.

Homeless saved the life of a newborn child
Good and noble deeds committed by poor
Lack of money does not make one less good, it proved residents parking pickups in Oklahoma. In 2012, it arrived in a car young couple and desperately asked pomoschi.Zhenschina recently had a baby and unfortunately umbilical cord wrapped around the baby's neck. The score went to second. It became clear that the ambulance did not have time to arrive on time.
I came to the rescue homeless named Gary Wilson (Gary Wilson), who turned out to be the golden hands and a big heart. Guided by instructions inspector ambulance he was able to correctly remove the umbilical cord from the baby's neck and began to massage the baby's back. Drove up to the place of emergency staff only and that there will thank Gary Wilson for flawless work done. Then Gary was out and then nobody saw him.

Help for those who are now worse
Good and noble deeds committed by poor
In October last year, residents of the region Anambra (Anambra) Nigeria suffered floods, which almost completely destroyed their lives. The poor Ozoemena Simon (Simon Ozoemena) could not look at everything happening for a reason. He took all his money in the amount of 188 dollars, which he had collected begging in the church and handed them over to the officials to help the flood victims. When asked why he gave all the money to the said - "They live better than I do before the flood, but now they need help».

To beg for the needy
Good and noble deeds committed by poor
At age 18, a resident of China Zhiyu Wang (Wang Zhiyou) learned that immediately after his birth, his family cattle forced to give a son to someone else's family, because they simply do not have the means to grow a baby. From that moment Wang Zhiyu felt all the despair that people feel poor. Since then, he is in a special place and begging and at the end of the month, he communicates with the media and asks them to find a person in need, to give him the money collected for the month. Wang Zhiyu takes from the poor receipts for the money, according to which he has donated more than $ 6,000.

The reward for honesty
Good and noble deeds committed by poor
An unprecedented event happened in Kansas, accidentally throwing a trifle in a cup beggar woman accidentally dropped into the cup and also his ring costing thousands of dollars. Later, the woman noticed the loss, and realized that she dropped it into the cup homeless. She rushed to the place where he was homeless Billy Ray Harris (Billy Ray Harris), and asked him about the ring, homeless answered honestly and gave the woman a ring. Instead, a homeless woman returned thanks to the money she gave him everything she had with him.
Permeated noble act, the woman's husband lost the ring organized to raise funds on the Internet for financial assistance Billy Ray Harris. Heart melted users after they learned the history and they are happy to have started to donate money. The fund quickly gathered more than 100 thousand. Dollars, so that Billy Ray was indescribably happy.

The widow had been saving all his life on earth to sacrifice her orphanage
Good and noble deeds committed by poor
100 tape widow Sindubala Mishra (Sindhubala Mishra) on his birthday has decided to donate his own piece of land to build a children's home and the park. In Sindubaly Misra was a hard fate, at age 9, she married, her marriage did not last, and 2 years as her husband died. The husband's family refused to take the girl to her and she was forced to wander begging. And then one day she was able to save enough money to buy their own land.
Feel all the pain of the homeless life, the only woman's desire was to facilitate and improve the lives of street children so in need of assistance. After the public learned about the high deed Sindubaly began to donate funds for the construction of the park and the children's home, some of them even volunteered to build a park for free.

Good helping homeless beggar woman paying bills
Good and noble deeds committed by poor
39-year-old single mother working in a bank is always well treated and helped, what can homeless name Curtis Jackson (Curtis Jackson), for which he was very grateful to her. But one day a kind woman lost her job, and a little later his house. She was forced for some time to live with the child in the car. Seeing that the guardianship warned the woman that she did not live longer in the car, otherwise it will select the child. The woman got to live in a hotel at your own risk, because pay rent she simply did not have the money. Learning of this appreciative Curtis Jackson decided to help the woman and paid her by the hotel. So he did, and further, begging on the street, paying bills Curtis destitute women. In total Curtis paying the bill for $ 9,000.

All the faith
Good and noble deeds committed by poor
63-year-old Ayam Kambiron begging near a Buddhist temple in Bangkok and hardly spending any money managed to accumulate an impressive state, he decided to donate for the reconstruction of the temple. Within three years of renovation Ayam donated a total of 76,000 dollars.
The first major donation he made in 2011, and continued to do it every year. The servants of the temple said that Ayam despite its revered status, which it has acquired through its fame has not spoiled him, he also remained polite and humble old man. The servants of the temple convinced Ayama live in the temple, as his large donations to arouse interest in the eyes of the local thieves.

Homeless voluntarily helped people affected by the floods
Good and noble deeds committed by poor
Living in a homeless shelter Vesnievski Forest (Les Wesniewski) without having your own home has decided to help people with the cleaning and restoration of houses that were affected by flooding in June 2013. His noble act Lesi Vesnievski inspired other volunteers to help, and together they helped clean homes affected people.

Beggar spent two months in order to save money and give it all to help victims of the earthquake
Good and noble deeds committed by poor
In April 2013, an unknown Chinese beggar approached the volunteers to collect money to help people affected by the earthquake and donated $ 160. The money he collected for two months. But this is not an isolated case generosity of this unknown benefactor, a month before he donated the money for the treatment of a child with leukemia.

Grandpa with a big heart
Good and noble deeds committed by poor
This wonderful grandfather Dobri Dobrev name (Dobri Dobrev) and he was 98 years old. He lives in Bulgaria in the village of Bail and daily passes 10 km from their village to the capital Sofia. He is known for his good deeds, a pure heart and a huge contribution to blagotvoritelnost.Kazhdy day he begs on the streets of Sofia begging, from which currently does not take a penny. All the money he donates to the restoration of temples, churches, monasteries, and provides financial assistance to orphanages
