Heinous acts
Working with people almost 22 years, I dealt with cases and stories that had no relation to mysticism, but was deeply struck me – are examples of human (or inhuman) behavior.
In ancient times, several thousand years ago, was the concept of "Golem" — so called people, are not created by God, but produced artificially. Such bio-robots with no idea of conscience, of morality, just pity and compassion. They're the same as people, but souls do not have, so they do things that would cause us to be tormented with shame, to suffer from pangs of conscience until the end of days...
Remember how there came a young couple who have a girl with no legs – ultrasound and other prenatal research problems are identified, it happens. The couple gave the baby with no legs in an orphanage and came to know when to conceive a new, healthy baby to support and support in old age.
Prosthetics are expensive, as I explained to the head of the family... I, frankly, she would take this girl, only traces are left, abandoned children quickly lost. They are very, very much. A decent, educated, young parents left unhappy because to say I was just nothing.
Clever and well-earning young man with a parting came to know when his mother dies. Mom feels great, but the son took a great mortgage loan; empty my mom's apartment would solve the problem with his cottage. In fact, it is impossible to live forever just "the Legend of Narayama". All have to rely on and be very practical.
I remember another story a woman was weak and entered into the relationship. In short, unfaithful to her husband with her lover, a very courageous and serious man. And when they decided to break up, the ex-boyfriend took a wronged husband intimate photos, which he prudently did. It is not just throwing, and more to accept that it was not intended.
I'm not talking about friends, which was entrusted to their loyal comrades, then paying the Bank huge loans, interest and so on.
We all make mistakes and do bad things – we are the people. But then grieving, experiencing, seek forgiveness, try to make amends for his wrongdoing. The real dishonesty committed absolutely rational, calm, without any signs of excitement – just how it should be. That's life.
In the history of many things that shocked us and struck. Well, of course – the villain and the depraved Nero, the cruel tyrant, Caligula, Hitler was still here... Imperatritsa Tsy-si, Lavrenty Beria, Chikatilo...
But in ancient times there were seven great sages; one of them was considered the ruler Periander, to whom belong these words: "the Ruler must not be afraid, and to love", "the Best way to manage the state – the love and respect of his subjects" and of course other wise sayings. This same Periander had killed his pregnant wife the bench, believing the slanders of concubines. Later, however – he was right! – concubines he burned alive.
The philosopher Anaxagoras, release poisonous joke, he is caught and istoloch in a large mortar. Alive. Not to philosophize. Many great and famous for its virtues or humanity people have done vile, in my opinion, the things that I want to tell you to think about the depths of the human soul, about its dark side. And, you know, not too trust the word of others... "By their works you shall know them"—so written in the Bible.
Politicians are in a separate row, the cruelty and tyranny they usually, therefore there is nothing surprising in the fact that Stalin loved to set fire to anthills, with relish looking like a torn in the smoke and flame of the little folk.
Ivan the terrible as a child loved to throw from the roof of the towers caught dogs and cats, and then be happy to watch the suffering of the victim. This habit had and stabbed to death in Uglich tsarevitch Demetrius, and who knows what he would do if he grew up and reigned over Russia's... Peter the great personally tortured and chopped the head, loved to visit the anatomical theater, to look like to dissect the dead, and, planting men for the count, sent a fur coat to an accident not frozen ahead of time.
Terrible things, terrible times. But the really low stuff making a completely normal, not a bloodthirsty people, romantically-minded. Preaching humanism, beauty, and all that. Therefore, their actions are truly awesome; in them we see the beginning of the dark can coexist in the soul with the highest spiritual words and thoughts.
Writer Marcel Proust wrote a lot of good and talented prose, but I do read his books can't: a writer enjoys when he brought cages with unfed for several days by rats. The cells were connected, she opened the door, and hungry animals began to devour each other. The writer watched and enjoyed – especially sexual.
The conscience of Russian literature, the absolute genius of Dostoyevsky in his youth raped a peasant girl in the company of students. Was in pain and worried about what I write all the biographers; of his agony and pain. About the girl anguish is nothing written.
In light of the current struggle with pedophiles Dostoevsky had the opportunity to presetsa 15-20 years in a strict regime colony, creating their works of genius, and then his act remained completely unpunished by the authorities: girl more girl less... Who needed some peasant girl?
And Dostoevsky then wrote about "the tears of a child", all took place in the school curriculum. One day classic in the presence of Turgenev yelled to the servant at the hotel, humiliated him and mocked (of course, not in the land of Russia, and abroad) that the servant could not resist and said, "I'm only human"... And when the genius died, many refused to write obituaries; not of works, namely, man.
Favorite pastime as a child Fyodor was quilting frogs. For this chosen particular flexible rod, nut, preferably, and this rod was whipped to death a poor frog that gave the future writer pleasure, which, incidentally, he himself and told in his diaries and letters, not seeing my childish behavior nothing wrong.
Frogs and lizards have played a role in the development of the romantic poet Nikolay Gumilyov, husband of Anna Akhmatova, later shot by the Bolsheviks for their participation in the conspiracy. It's a very romantic poet, wrote beautiful poetry – you can read on the Internet. Extolled the bravery, courage, fortitude. In childhood I woke up Mama and took her to the garden: "Mom, mom, I'll show you the Museum!". Morning, Tsarskoye Selo, the lilacs bloomed, mother runs over son in a lace negligee and satin Slippers... driven into the ground stakes writhe impaled on them frogs and lizards. In General, the Museum.
This story as a comic itself Gumilev the poetess told Odoevtseva. He was invited to the clandestine restaurants to the hungry and terrible twentieth year – money the poet was. "Let's go and have a meal, pantagruelic" — offered well-read poet. In a secret dining room he always ordered soup and pork chops. Yourself. "But bring the girl a Cup of tea" — ordered by himself, helping himself to some food.
In the same year, the romantic poet had tried to take his one year old daughter in the Bolshevik shelter for the homeless – the authorities tried to save the children from hunger and cold, although this is poorly managed, there was nothing. Poet Odoevtseva suffered from another one of the brilliant poet Mandelstam; asked him to take a turn in writing the canteen, where were given porridge with walrus meat rationing.
And when he came and asked distractedly, "where's the cereal?" — saw the poet strokes his tummy and says: "Here it is. Here. Delicious what a mess with moreeveryday!". And went home hungry. In the camp where Mandelstam, like many others, fell in the thirties, he continued to eat other people's rations.
The consequences, however, were different than in the case of the helpless poet – after all, rations were synonymous with life so lived Mandelstam long... his Poems are beautiful, but why he took someone else's coat? In heavy rain the owner of the cafe gave him my coat to walk to the house, and a year later recalled. "You can be proud – your coat for a year served as a poet!"- replied the resourceful poet, what with humor recalled Marina Tsvetaeva.
Marina Tsvetaeva – my childhood idol, the great poet, only that the twentieth she gave two daughters to the shelter, because doing work. To work she didn't even ration cards, she wanted to create. Therefore, leaving the house at poetic gatherings, two-year-old Junior, Irina, tied by the leg – that the baby wouldn't eat from a garbage can. And millet, which were given to children's cards, change of tobacco – she was a heavy smoker.
Besides, she confessed, porridge millet hated since childhood, preferred children's meager lunch, which hated the Soviet power gave the kids... the Youngest daughter died at the shelter from hunger; psychological trauma was so strong that to bury the daughter of the poet did not. Buried at state expense, in a common grave. But it was written very heartfelt poems about a deceased child.
Now I think – whatever, excuse me, on poetry, pity the child. "What did you see that poor child, in addition to hunger, cold and beatings?" — words from the correspondence of close friends Tsvetaeva. In exile Tsvetaeva gave an allowance in addition, fans of poems, sent her a purse of money. Neither the poet nor her husband worked. The husband, however, then got to work in the NKVD. And participated in the brutal murder escaped from the USSR Ignatius of Flight.
Received a good salary, but first life was hard and poor, so Andronicus-Halpern Tsvetaeva gave a third of her salary – she, unlike the poet, worked. When, eight years later, the opportunity to help financially disappeared, Tsvetaeva called it a "great thing" because the whole family was counting on that money, but they are suddenly gone.
After all, the money, the whole family rested for four months on the ocean, went to the mountain, paying for a two-bedroom apartment in Paris. The poet has tried to correct shaky well-being, sending bitter letters to complete strangers, inviting them to chip in and continue other good cause. "My husband cannot work because he is already eight months in a sanatorium in the South of Switzerland," even to read a little ashamed.
And even more ashamed to read the letters to her lover: "I Send you some money, this is my personal"... in Soviet Russia, someone from friends, evicted from apartments by the Bolsheviks, left Tsvetaeva their furniture, which she sold. And this episode seemed to her funny. Is it any wonder that in the diary of her son in the evacuation, says: "Today stole the watch. The calculation was simple – no one would think the son of Marina Tsvetaeva, etc."... Watch he stole from a poor translator, which came to lunch. The calculation is not justified, as in the case of stolen things of a woman who allowed teenagers to live... Ended with a statement to the police.
Poets more often than other made wild, immoral acts; they considered themselves above the ordinary, mundane people. The poet Khlebnikov left in the steppe to die from the illness of his friend, the poet. He miraculously survived, after a few years, met Khlebnikov, and he quietly said, "I found that the step will funeral you are better than people"... Imagine the desperation of a dying man in the desert, hungry, without a drink of water man, the back of his retreating friend healthy way and that over his shoulder: "Step you funeral!".
Abominable throw man, I think. And dying released from prison where he sat for homosexuality, poet and playwright Oscar Wilde lost everything: his reputation, money, children, wife, even his name had to change, so he became despised and hated. Even out of the country had to leave. Hungry and ragged, losing hair and teeth, he came out from prison and went to the other bothie, which, in fact, and sat down. He asked for some money from someone who showered gold and diamonds, and in response I heard: "you're nothing Now!". On the floor of the bothie threw a small bill – it is clear, was not such a notorious villain, right? As the writer Bulgakov dumped the wife who faithfully for many years treated him for drug addiction. Who are faced with drug addicts, is what it is.
He was aiming for the wife of Browning, throw it in a burning stove, took out all his freaky flour... a miracle Happened – he recovered. She weaned him from drugs. Recovered writer threw his wife and married a much more glamorous woman. Housing is exchanged, immediately bought the carpet. About this carpet wrote and fussed a lot, and I was worried – as it is without the carpet? Well-known playwright, writer and carpet - no! Wife died in a poor tiny room. Without carpet. And writer Bunin and all settled at home young mistress, assuring his wife that it was his Secretary. And lived three until the mistress threw the elderly Lovelace. Towards his wife, which was with him all the disasters and the hardships of exile, half-starved, took care of him, comfort was created it probably was not very good...
Heavy impression another story involving the conscience and soul of Russian literature, the master mind of Leo Tolstoy. At the artist Serov died beloved wife. Hung it punctually bearded man, bringing fresh eggs and other rustic fare from your family estate.
Only here the artist shrewdly understood why the great Tolstoy goes to visit his dying wife – he stared into the changed features, 've stared at the emaciated hands, the neck, listening to the fading voice – all this writer perceived as literary material. Cognized death. On another example. The artist kicked the old man, banished from his wife, became very angry, realizing what it was. So that heinous acts are not necessarily associated with violence and betrayal – they offend our moral sense, what Kant called the "categorical imperative" — in fact, it's the moral sense and makes us human. And the great composer Wagner went and told everyone that the philosopher Nietzsche was sitting in the crazy house!
You is the average of the 5 people with whom you spend most of your time!
5 things you begin to notice when you stop watching the news
Let's not commit heinous acts. Mistakes, quarrels, even fights and name-calling we probably forgive, especially if we are ashamed and we tried to fix what was done.
Conscious and prudent conduct, caused harm to with pleasure, forgiveness will not be because committed is the person to be forgiven, as a rule, and does not need. Him so well. And judge, too, no one will, at least, try. Just think about how much evil under the sun, and how cleverly it is disguised romantic words and reasonable explanations...published
Author: Anna Kiryanova
Source: www.kiryanova.com/gnusnie_postupki.html
In ancient times, several thousand years ago, was the concept of "Golem" — so called people, are not created by God, but produced artificially. Such bio-robots with no idea of conscience, of morality, just pity and compassion. They're the same as people, but souls do not have, so they do things that would cause us to be tormented with shame, to suffer from pangs of conscience until the end of days...

Remember how there came a young couple who have a girl with no legs – ultrasound and other prenatal research problems are identified, it happens. The couple gave the baby with no legs in an orphanage and came to know when to conceive a new, healthy baby to support and support in old age.
Prosthetics are expensive, as I explained to the head of the family... I, frankly, she would take this girl, only traces are left, abandoned children quickly lost. They are very, very much. A decent, educated, young parents left unhappy because to say I was just nothing.
Clever and well-earning young man with a parting came to know when his mother dies. Mom feels great, but the son took a great mortgage loan; empty my mom's apartment would solve the problem with his cottage. In fact, it is impossible to live forever just "the Legend of Narayama". All have to rely on and be very practical.
I remember another story a woman was weak and entered into the relationship. In short, unfaithful to her husband with her lover, a very courageous and serious man. And when they decided to break up, the ex-boyfriend took a wronged husband intimate photos, which he prudently did. It is not just throwing, and more to accept that it was not intended.
I'm not talking about friends, which was entrusted to their loyal comrades, then paying the Bank huge loans, interest and so on.
We all make mistakes and do bad things – we are the people. But then grieving, experiencing, seek forgiveness, try to make amends for his wrongdoing. The real dishonesty committed absolutely rational, calm, without any signs of excitement – just how it should be. That's life.
In the history of many things that shocked us and struck. Well, of course – the villain and the depraved Nero, the cruel tyrant, Caligula, Hitler was still here... Imperatritsa Tsy-si, Lavrenty Beria, Chikatilo...
But in ancient times there were seven great sages; one of them was considered the ruler Periander, to whom belong these words: "the Ruler must not be afraid, and to love", "the Best way to manage the state – the love and respect of his subjects" and of course other wise sayings. This same Periander had killed his pregnant wife the bench, believing the slanders of concubines. Later, however – he was right! – concubines he burned alive.
The philosopher Anaxagoras, release poisonous joke, he is caught and istoloch in a large mortar. Alive. Not to philosophize. Many great and famous for its virtues or humanity people have done vile, in my opinion, the things that I want to tell you to think about the depths of the human soul, about its dark side. And, you know, not too trust the word of others... "By their works you shall know them"—so written in the Bible.
Politicians are in a separate row, the cruelty and tyranny they usually, therefore there is nothing surprising in the fact that Stalin loved to set fire to anthills, with relish looking like a torn in the smoke and flame of the little folk.
Ivan the terrible as a child loved to throw from the roof of the towers caught dogs and cats, and then be happy to watch the suffering of the victim. This habit had and stabbed to death in Uglich tsarevitch Demetrius, and who knows what he would do if he grew up and reigned over Russia's... Peter the great personally tortured and chopped the head, loved to visit the anatomical theater, to look like to dissect the dead, and, planting men for the count, sent a fur coat to an accident not frozen ahead of time.
Terrible things, terrible times. But the really low stuff making a completely normal, not a bloodthirsty people, romantically-minded. Preaching humanism, beauty, and all that. Therefore, their actions are truly awesome; in them we see the beginning of the dark can coexist in the soul with the highest spiritual words and thoughts.
Writer Marcel Proust wrote a lot of good and talented prose, but I do read his books can't: a writer enjoys when he brought cages with unfed for several days by rats. The cells were connected, she opened the door, and hungry animals began to devour each other. The writer watched and enjoyed – especially sexual.
The conscience of Russian literature, the absolute genius of Dostoyevsky in his youth raped a peasant girl in the company of students. Was in pain and worried about what I write all the biographers; of his agony and pain. About the girl anguish is nothing written.
In light of the current struggle with pedophiles Dostoevsky had the opportunity to presetsa 15-20 years in a strict regime colony, creating their works of genius, and then his act remained completely unpunished by the authorities: girl more girl less... Who needed some peasant girl?
And Dostoevsky then wrote about "the tears of a child", all took place in the school curriculum. One day classic in the presence of Turgenev yelled to the servant at the hotel, humiliated him and mocked (of course, not in the land of Russia, and abroad) that the servant could not resist and said, "I'm only human"... And when the genius died, many refused to write obituaries; not of works, namely, man.
Favorite pastime as a child Fyodor was quilting frogs. For this chosen particular flexible rod, nut, preferably, and this rod was whipped to death a poor frog that gave the future writer pleasure, which, incidentally, he himself and told in his diaries and letters, not seeing my childish behavior nothing wrong.
Frogs and lizards have played a role in the development of the romantic poet Nikolay Gumilyov, husband of Anna Akhmatova, later shot by the Bolsheviks for their participation in the conspiracy. It's a very romantic poet, wrote beautiful poetry – you can read on the Internet. Extolled the bravery, courage, fortitude. In childhood I woke up Mama and took her to the garden: "Mom, mom, I'll show you the Museum!". Morning, Tsarskoye Selo, the lilacs bloomed, mother runs over son in a lace negligee and satin Slippers... driven into the ground stakes writhe impaled on them frogs and lizards. In General, the Museum.
This story as a comic itself Gumilev the poetess told Odoevtseva. He was invited to the clandestine restaurants to the hungry and terrible twentieth year – money the poet was. "Let's go and have a meal, pantagruelic" — offered well-read poet. In a secret dining room he always ordered soup and pork chops. Yourself. "But bring the girl a Cup of tea" — ordered by himself, helping himself to some food.
In the same year, the romantic poet had tried to take his one year old daughter in the Bolshevik shelter for the homeless – the authorities tried to save the children from hunger and cold, although this is poorly managed, there was nothing. Poet Odoevtseva suffered from another one of the brilliant poet Mandelstam; asked him to take a turn in writing the canteen, where were given porridge with walrus meat rationing.
And when he came and asked distractedly, "where's the cereal?" — saw the poet strokes his tummy and says: "Here it is. Here. Delicious what a mess with moreeveryday!". And went home hungry. In the camp where Mandelstam, like many others, fell in the thirties, he continued to eat other people's rations.
The consequences, however, were different than in the case of the helpless poet – after all, rations were synonymous with life so lived Mandelstam long... his Poems are beautiful, but why he took someone else's coat? In heavy rain the owner of the cafe gave him my coat to walk to the house, and a year later recalled. "You can be proud – your coat for a year served as a poet!"- replied the resourceful poet, what with humor recalled Marina Tsvetaeva.
Marina Tsvetaeva – my childhood idol, the great poet, only that the twentieth she gave two daughters to the shelter, because doing work. To work she didn't even ration cards, she wanted to create. Therefore, leaving the house at poetic gatherings, two-year-old Junior, Irina, tied by the leg – that the baby wouldn't eat from a garbage can. And millet, which were given to children's cards, change of tobacco – she was a heavy smoker.
Besides, she confessed, porridge millet hated since childhood, preferred children's meager lunch, which hated the Soviet power gave the kids... the Youngest daughter died at the shelter from hunger; psychological trauma was so strong that to bury the daughter of the poet did not. Buried at state expense, in a common grave. But it was written very heartfelt poems about a deceased child.
Now I think – whatever, excuse me, on poetry, pity the child. "What did you see that poor child, in addition to hunger, cold and beatings?" — words from the correspondence of close friends Tsvetaeva. In exile Tsvetaeva gave an allowance in addition, fans of poems, sent her a purse of money. Neither the poet nor her husband worked. The husband, however, then got to work in the NKVD. And participated in the brutal murder escaped from the USSR Ignatius of Flight.
Received a good salary, but first life was hard and poor, so Andronicus-Halpern Tsvetaeva gave a third of her salary – she, unlike the poet, worked. When, eight years later, the opportunity to help financially disappeared, Tsvetaeva called it a "great thing" because the whole family was counting on that money, but they are suddenly gone.
After all, the money, the whole family rested for four months on the ocean, went to the mountain, paying for a two-bedroom apartment in Paris. The poet has tried to correct shaky well-being, sending bitter letters to complete strangers, inviting them to chip in and continue other good cause. "My husband cannot work because he is already eight months in a sanatorium in the South of Switzerland," even to read a little ashamed.
And even more ashamed to read the letters to her lover: "I Send you some money, this is my personal"... in Soviet Russia, someone from friends, evicted from apartments by the Bolsheviks, left Tsvetaeva their furniture, which she sold. And this episode seemed to her funny. Is it any wonder that in the diary of her son in the evacuation, says: "Today stole the watch. The calculation was simple – no one would think the son of Marina Tsvetaeva, etc."... Watch he stole from a poor translator, which came to lunch. The calculation is not justified, as in the case of stolen things of a woman who allowed teenagers to live... Ended with a statement to the police.
Poets more often than other made wild, immoral acts; they considered themselves above the ordinary, mundane people. The poet Khlebnikov left in the steppe to die from the illness of his friend, the poet. He miraculously survived, after a few years, met Khlebnikov, and he quietly said, "I found that the step will funeral you are better than people"... Imagine the desperation of a dying man in the desert, hungry, without a drink of water man, the back of his retreating friend healthy way and that over his shoulder: "Step you funeral!".
Abominable throw man, I think. And dying released from prison where he sat for homosexuality, poet and playwright Oscar Wilde lost everything: his reputation, money, children, wife, even his name had to change, so he became despised and hated. Even out of the country had to leave. Hungry and ragged, losing hair and teeth, he came out from prison and went to the other bothie, which, in fact, and sat down. He asked for some money from someone who showered gold and diamonds, and in response I heard: "you're nothing Now!". On the floor of the bothie threw a small bill – it is clear, was not such a notorious villain, right? As the writer Bulgakov dumped the wife who faithfully for many years treated him for drug addiction. Who are faced with drug addicts, is what it is.
He was aiming for the wife of Browning, throw it in a burning stove, took out all his freaky flour... a miracle Happened – he recovered. She weaned him from drugs. Recovered writer threw his wife and married a much more glamorous woman. Housing is exchanged, immediately bought the carpet. About this carpet wrote and fussed a lot, and I was worried – as it is without the carpet? Well-known playwright, writer and carpet - no! Wife died in a poor tiny room. Without carpet. And writer Bunin and all settled at home young mistress, assuring his wife that it was his Secretary. And lived three until the mistress threw the elderly Lovelace. Towards his wife, which was with him all the disasters and the hardships of exile, half-starved, took care of him, comfort was created it probably was not very good...
Heavy impression another story involving the conscience and soul of Russian literature, the master mind of Leo Tolstoy. At the artist Serov died beloved wife. Hung it punctually bearded man, bringing fresh eggs and other rustic fare from your family estate.
Only here the artist shrewdly understood why the great Tolstoy goes to visit his dying wife – he stared into the changed features, 've stared at the emaciated hands, the neck, listening to the fading voice – all this writer perceived as literary material. Cognized death. On another example. The artist kicked the old man, banished from his wife, became very angry, realizing what it was. So that heinous acts are not necessarily associated with violence and betrayal – they offend our moral sense, what Kant called the "categorical imperative" — in fact, it's the moral sense and makes us human. And the great composer Wagner went and told everyone that the philosopher Nietzsche was sitting in the crazy house!
You is the average of the 5 people with whom you spend most of your time!
5 things you begin to notice when you stop watching the news
Let's not commit heinous acts. Mistakes, quarrels, even fights and name-calling we probably forgive, especially if we are ashamed and we tried to fix what was done.
Conscious and prudent conduct, caused harm to with pleasure, forgiveness will not be because committed is the person to be forgiven, as a rule, and does not need. Him so well. And judge, too, no one will, at least, try. Just think about how much evil under the sun, and how cleverly it is disguised romantic words and reasonable explanations...published
Author: Anna Kiryanova
Source: www.kiryanova.com/gnusnie_postupki.html
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