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2 types of psychological sadists

The word "sadism" originates from the name of the famous Marquis de Sade, who was famous for his monstrous works: "Justine", "the Misfortunes of virtue" and many others. In the novels of Marquis described all sorts of vile perversions, mainly associated with the torment of other people. It is clear that with sexual overtones. The Marquis even imprisoned in the Bastille, but from the window of the prison he continued to throw all new creepy pamphlets and stories describing the horrors that allegedly happened behind the walls of prison. Thus, Marquis has a direct relationship to the Bastille Day – the national holiday of France. Shocked and outraged citizens stormed the prison, where, according to Marquis, was created unspeakable cruelty. By the way, in the Bastille at that time there were only seven prisoners. Who came to power Napoleon liberated the Marquis. The Marquis immediately gave Napoleon his freedom works, after which the ruler, after reading a couple of chapters, ordered to lock de Sade in a madhouse till the end of days.

Sadism implies pleasure, including sexual, from the suffering caused by other living beings.

Sadistic pleasure tormenting and torturing people and animals: sometimes the sadist manages to be mass deployed. During the Inquisition, for example. Or anywhere in a Nazi concentration camp. Sadism is inherent in many, very many people.

It turned out during one psychological experiment. One subject was appointed "chief", "teacher" and the other was "student".

The teacher had to check whether the student remembers the words. If the student was wrong, the teacher was allowed to punish the stupid and the lazy beat of the current, and discharge power increased steadily. The student and the teacher were in different rooms: as they say, nothing personal!

Each failure is a teacher-powered "electric nakosyachil", and the experimenter-a scientist saying: "Punish him! You is for nothing! All the responsibility I take!". Of course, the "learner" was a plant all along, and thank God, because included in the taste of the teachers increased the strength of the current, despite the cries and screams from the next room. Can't repeat – get! And still get! And more! Even when the room echoed with grunts and groans, like, "I'm dying! I have a bad heart!", a conscientious teacher continued the punishment. In some cases, the shocks continued, even when the student was silent. Kind of like died or was unconscious. I can only imagine what would happen if everything was "for real"!

Scientists began this experiment to understand how ordinary German citizens, ordinary Milkmen, bakers, postmen, workers and officials developed during the Second world war into monsters, sadists. But in the course of the experiment revealed that the nationality and country of residence do not matter; the percentage of sadists everywhere: in Norway, in USA, in England was about the same. Only a small number of people refused to participate in the experiment, and some stopped to press the button when the first cries of the unfortunate victim. The rest – terrible to say – 75 percent that way (!) continued to punish has long been silent for lazy and stupid...

Especially, the scientists noted the impunity factor: when the experimenter repeated that cruel "teacher" absolutely nothing to be afraid of that the responsibility lies with the organizers, the "teacher" was inflamed and was in such a rage that it really was unstoppable.

So, by torturing another human being, a sadist understands the degree of responsibility and doesn't want to be punished himself. So few of them, fortunately, are able to turn into Jack the Ripper, to foggy London evenings to cut and shred the unfortunate ladies of easy virtue. Or, like Chikatilo into the forest of their victims to their hearts content to make fun of them, and only then to kill. However, note: in these cases, sadists chose victims obviously weaker than himself, no armed, not ready to fight back. Children, women...

Psychological sadist is a person who tortures and tortures other people with words and actions, observing the rule of impunity.

As a rule, a psychological sadist chooses a profession related to communication, power over others. He can become a teacher, doctor, police officer, and can be deployed in a different field, gaining position and power.

Recently in France they started loud litigation on the case of 35 (!) suicides of employees of France Telecom. Was accused of violence and incitement to suicide of the chief Didier Lombard; and 35 is the only proven instances of apparent settling of accounts with life. The number of cancer patients who have had heart attacks and strokes ( and all of this is psychosomatic disease) was not considered... Didier Lombard calmly and strictly responded to journalists and judges, he was just "doing his job". These words told the Nazis at the Nuremberg trials. "What are you made of people lampshades and handbags? Why you killed children in the gas chambers? Why you put scary medical experiments?" "I was just doing my job!". With pleasure, apparently, Lombard did his job. With pleasure. Humiliated, kept in awe and fear, threatened with dismissal, had a psychological pressure...

And how many Kombarov in the morning, go to work, adjusting the tie in front of a mirror, clean, sober, neat, simple... And work with pleasure.

In everyday life the psychological sadists are of two types. First – open, sincere, wholehearted people who believe themselves to be honest. Like, I can not be silent, I'll tell you the whole truth. So I'm a man, suffer for his frankness, but I just can't help myself. You're awfully fat. Just don't know how you got old! That dress you absolutely is not. Most likely, your husband is cheating on you. Yesterday I saw how he bought a hamburger, and stood next to a young girl (a real case from the practice). Your son will go to jail and the daughter is seen on the panel. Job you will be fired soon, I think. To tell you the truth, because, apart from me, you no it you will not tell!

The second type of sadists – soft, sugary, sweetly. Indeed, because worms have no teeth or claws, ticks and lice, too – small, discreet... if you have a family someone is sick, such a good man will inquire whether the patient worse. If you will tell about your health problems, you then will be described the deaths of all these diseases. If you have someone, God forbid, sitting – the conversation will roll on this topic. And all this affectionately, this is not kindness ( what sort of sadist kindness!" — dobrost. And after talking with a sadist you have actually lost the desire to live, you can begin to experience real health problems, with work, with money, with relationships in the family... "Why, marry him, advised one employee of the broadcaster (she never married) well-known TV presenter. – Still divorced a year later. Yes you have... And you and his mom will live, right?"... A sadist of the first type, the oncologist, met on life's journey writer Darya Dontsova, when she was seriously ill. He sternly said that nothing can be done, and the money for the surgery is still useful. To the funeral.

Psychological sadistic teachers are a different story. To cause psychological injury to a child – just for the happiness of the sadist.

The child initially at the mercy of the teacher, and explain to parents how he was humiliated and insulted sometimes impossible – because in the Arsenal of adult and experienced torturer of many, many completely legitimate ways to inflict pain. A real, professional sadist-teacher is unlikely to stoop to direct name-calling and beating – not those now times. That way mocking smile and rolling his eyes during the response of the child in the classroom.

Can subtle irony to respond to external and mental qualities of the victim. Can amuse other children, wittily mimicking some defects of the pupil, his mistakes. Can understate or ask stupid questions like: "What the two ends, two rings, in the middle of a pair of scissors?". The confusion of the victim and her efforts to mumble will be a source of fun for the entire class. Watch out, beautiful girls and clever boys! Girls because they are beautiful and young, boys – because of the psychological sadism always has a sexual undertone.

It's the revenge of the boys who grew up, became men and forgot to bring happiness to the teacher-the sadist. And parents gently, comfort, and support, explains that their child is a candidate school for the mentally retarded. Or in a colony for juvenile criminals. And then the child imposes on himself as a subordinate Didier Lombard. And everyone is surprised. He is a sadist, responsible for the incident, sometimes crying too – in fact, he lost the victim, the source of energy and entertainment. Not by chance in horror movies and in these criminal services, we see that the main task for the sadistic as long as possible to prolong the agony of the victim. Death is too easy deliverance.

A classic example of attacking the psychological sadist I have experienced on my own experience. At the age of 17 I lost my grandfather who raised me. He died. I was left all alone in the house with strangers. I finished school, handed over on "perfectly" all the exams and entered the University, the faculty of philosophy.

I married a classmate, and I took his parents in a tiny apartment twenty meters. They were good. And my husband was drafted into the army – then, in 1988, all called. And here I stand with my stomach about to give birth, waiting for the tram to go to lectures at the University. Cold, rain, October, coat on the belly does not converge, and the other not. In the bag – books.

And meet me there is a teacher of history, Korolev, full a woman from my former school. Her eyes light up cannibalistic joy, appears on the lips, an enthusiastic smile and starts a conversation. Or rather, a monologue in which she tells gently that my life is ruined (remember Anya, the film "School waltz?"). That the University I finish. Everything now will go to pieces. My husband does not suit me, and his father is an ordinary worker. And mother-in-law four years of education. And the child will negate my life forever. And tram and there is still no sadistic Cheeks fill with blush, eyes glaze over, in the corners of the mouth saliva acts. And answer is nothing, because all those horrible things she says a special "dobrostan" tone, taking care of me and my life. And my stomach, "law" does not allow me to respond appropriately. This meeting has taken its toll on me and learned a lot. And I want to teach you the most important thing – to openly tell the sadist that you understand his ideas and agendas.

He is consciously hurting you. "Than can you help me?" one of the answer choices. "I understand why you say it. Because you have no husband, nobody loves you, you are old and probably sick. Maybe mentally" — the second option may be rough, but in the fight with the sadist is the only way. After all, the sadistic need your tears, anguish, helplessness, dependence, and the courage and contempt. In any case, immediately interrupt the conversation, put the phone down or turn around and walk away. Otherwise you'll just be sick. And sadist – well!

Sometimes walking away is not possible, especially if you depend on a sadist of a boss. The doctor can change, to find a good, teacher, the tyrant to escape to a different school, with her husband-a sadist to divorce in the end. Yet Avvakum in his sorrowful "Life" much attention was paid to the salvation of the "evil boss". But it was a cruel feudal times when the head had lives of their slaves. The count could land, bait dogs, alive in the ground to bury...

Cowardly sadists, I already wrote, therefore, complain higher. There is also a lot of psychological sadists who are happy to take over your tormentor. Explain the sadist, what actions intend to undertake. Bring a medical certificate about his health status. And fear not, and do not show your pain and anguish – that more forest will resplice executioner. And in an extreme case – spit on everything and leave, evacuate, as from Chernobyl or from a submarine K-19. If you decide to take this step, then the job will find. Proud and brave, as a rule, win.

Agatha Christie was a good psychologist; she went through a lot. In one novel she describes a violent husband who abused his wife and insulted her feelings. The writer is finely observed: if the wife ever gave the cruel rebuff, he soon went back on their word. And cease their psychological experiments.

Family psycho-sadist could torture loved ones over the years.

Mother-in-law that searches and finds your mistakes in everything from cooking and ending of spousal relationships. She comes to your house, calls on the phone requires attention and love.

You can't do anything without having to go into open conflict. That's what she needs. To get hurt badly to break your relationship with your husband, that your life turned into hell. Daddy is a psycho – sadist – loves to engage with the child, no matter the lessons or activities. Any type of activity allows psychological sadist spew insults like "crybaby", "what are you crying like a bitch", "coward", "stupid"...

He was genuinely convinced that grows Nordic athlete and strongman, and subconsciously feels the pleasure of torment and the tears of the little victims. Often the desire to check the diary offspring to study arises from this tormentor drunk, when the subconscious comes to the fore. And psychological humiliation are combined with physical, they say, a good slap never hurt anyone...

Psychologists can also be psychological sadists. In the twenties of the last century, one such psychologist was driven to suicide in many of their patients. He sympathized with their sufferings and troubles, sadly shook his head, assented and cried together with them. He, too, agreed that the situation was hopeless, no way out, life is meaningless and full of suffering. He shared the grief and depression of his patients, he encouraged them to remember all the wrongs and injustices and to start thinking more about death, the eternal destiny of all living things. And agreed that suicide – Yes, it's sometimes the only way. Especially as bad as the patient, the situation.

Educated was a man who had mastered psychoanalysis, sympathized. And allusions and bitter maxims have driven people to suicide. And received incomparable pleasure. When he was exposed, it was too late – patients is almost gone. Therefore, I strive to encourage and support, rather than sprinkle with patients ashes on his head, describing the senselessness and tshechu everything.

In conclusion, to discharge, a little bit about the masochists – those who gains pleasure from the torment.

He was a writer with several indecent name: Sacher Masoch. It is from his name comes the word "masochist". He also wrote obscene novels with sexual overtones. And always treated teeth without anesthesia, provided that his wife is in the process of treatment was around and "looked at his cruel eyes." Unfortunately, he lived and worked after the death of the Marquis de Sade, and they failed to meet new friends...posted

Author: Anna Kiryanova


P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©

Source: www.kiryanova.com/p_sadisty.html