Archpriest Igor FOMIN: how to remember the dead
What days to commemorate the dead? Is it possible to read the burial service of suicides? How to pray for the dead parents? Specially for the day of rejoicing Archpriest Igor FOMIN answered the most common questions about how to properly honor the dead.
What a prayer to remember the dead? How often to remember the dead?
Christians commemorate the dead every day. In every prayer you can find a prayer for the dead, it is an integral part of the home rule of prayer. Also you can commemorate the deceased, reading Psalms. Every day Christians read one kathisma from the Psalter. And in one of the chapters we remember our kin (relatives), friends who departed to the Lord.
Seventy four million nine hundred thirty five thousand seven hundred twenty one
Why remember the dead? The fact that life continues after death. Moreover, the final fate of man is decided after death, and second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, which we are all waiting for. So until the second coming we can still change this fate. When alive — we can do it ourselves, doing good deeds and believing in Christ. When we die, we can no longer affect his own afterlife, but it might make people who remember us, sick at heart. The best way to change the posthumous fate of the deceased is to pray about it.
When commemorate the dead? What days to commemorate the dead? What time of day you can remember? The time of day when you can remember the dead, the Church is not regulated. There are folk traditions that date back to paganism and clearly prescribe how and at what hour to remember the dead, but they have no relation to the Christian prayer. God lives in a space without time, and we can reach heaven at any time of the day or night.
The Church has established special days of remembrance for those we hold dear and departed to the other world, the so — called Saturday. Their in year a few, and all but one (may 9 — Commemoration of the dead soldiers), have a rolling date:
Saturday of Meatfare (Ecumenical parental Saturday) March 5, 2016.
Saturday 2nd week of lent March 26, 2016.
Saturday 3rd week of lent 2 April 2016.
Saturday 4th week of lent April 9, 2016.
Radonitsa 10 may 2016
May 9 — Commemoration of the dead soldiers
Trinity Saturday (the Saturday before Pentecost). 18 June 2016.
Saturday of St. Dimitry (the Saturday before memorial day of St. Demetrius, which is celebrated on 8 November). 5 Nov 2016.
In addition to the Saturday of the dead commemorated in the Church at every service — the offertory, the part of the divine Liturgy, which it precedes. Before the Liturgy, you can submit memos "on the memorial." The note is written the name of the person baptized, in the genitive case.
As commemorated on the 9 days? As commemorated by the 40 days? How to remember six months? How to commemorate? Ninth and fortieth days from the date of death of particular milestones on the path from earthly life to eternal life. This transition does not occur immediately, but gradually. During this period (up to the fortieth day) dead person gives the answer to the Lord. This point is extremely important for the deceased, it is akin to childbirth, the birth of the little man. Therefore, in this period the deceased needs our help. Prayer, good works, change for the better in honor and memory close to us.
Six months — such a remembrance of the Church does not exist. But no harm if you mark and for six months, for example, having come to the temple to pray.
Anniversary is day of remembrance, when we — those who loved the man for putting it all together. The Lord tells us: Where two or three are gathered in My name, there am I among them (Matt.18 20). And joint remembrance, when we read the prayer of relatives and friends who are no longer with us, is a bright, sonorous witness to the Lord that the dead are not forgotten, that they are loved.
Whether it is necessary to remember the birthday? Yes, I believe that the birthday person to remember the need. Birth is one of the most important, of the great stages in everyone's life, so it will be good if you go to the temple, pray at home, take a trip to the cemetery to commemorate the man.
Is it possible to read the burial service of suicides? How to remember the suicide? A question about the funeral and the remembrance of the Church of suicide is very ambiguous. The fact that the sin of suicide is one of the serious. It is a sign of distrust of man to God.
Each such case should be considered separately, because suicide can be conscious or unconscious, that is, in a state of severe mental disorder. The question of whether to bury and commemorate in the Church of the baptized person who has committed suicide rests entirely on the responsibility of the ruling Bishop. If the tragedy happened to someone in your family, you should come to the ruling Bishop of the area where the deceased lived, and ask permission for the funeral. The Bishop will consider the matter and will give you the answer.
As for prayer at home, then you can certainly honor a man who committed suicide. But the most important thing in his honor and memory to do good works.
Than you can remember? Can you remember vodka? Why commemorate pancakes? The funeral feast, funeral meal, came to us from immemorial. But in ancient times they looked different. It was a treat, a feast not for the relatives of the deceased, and for the poor, the crippled, the orphans, that is, those who need help and never himself will not be able to arrange such a meal.
Unfortunately, over time, the feast has evolved from a charity in the usual home meal, and often with plenty of alcohol…
Of course, such a drink is irrelevant to true Christian commemoration does not have and does on the posthumous fate of the deceased can not influence.
How to remember a person? The man who did not want to connect themselves with the Church of Christ in the temple cannot be commemorated. His posthumous fate is at the discretion of the Lord, and we are here to affect a situation cannot.
Unbaptized relatives can remember, praying at home and doing good deeds in their honor and memory. Try to change your life for the better, to be faithful to Christ, remembering all the good that did for his life one who had died unbaptized.
Remember as Muslims? As mention the Jews? Remember as Catholics? In this matter there is no difference, the Muslim was dead, Catholic or Jew. They are not in the bosom of the Orthodox Church, therefore, commemorated as the unbaptized. Their names are impossible to write in the notes on the Liturgy of preparation (the Liturgy of preparation — the part of the divine Liturgy, which it precedes), but in their memory we can do good deeds and pray at home.
As in the temple to remember the dead? In the Church commemorated all those dead who combined themselves with the Church of Christ in the Sacrament of Baptism. Even if the person for some reason did not go to the temple for life, but were baptized, you should try to remember. You can before the divine Liturgy, to submit a note "Liturgy of preparation".
The Liturgy of preparation — the part of the divine Liturgy, which it precedes. Harvested at the offertory the bread and wine for the future of the sacrament of Communion — the transubstantiation of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ. It not only prepared the future of the Body of Christ (the lamb — a large unleavened bread) and the future Blood of Christ for the Sacraments (wine), but also a prayer for the Christians — living or dead. For the mother of God, saints and us, the ordinary believers, removed particles from presporok. Please note, when you are given a small proforma after Communion — it is as if "someone dug a piece of it." The priest takes out particles from the prosphora for each name written in the note "Liturgy of preparation".
At the end of the Liturgy, pieces of bread, symbolizing the souls of the living or the dead Christians, immersed in the bowl with the Blood of Christ. The priest in this moment prayers "Amy, o Lord, the sins of ominasis ZDE blood Hast an honest prayers of Thy saints".
Also the temples are special memorial services — memorial services. You can submit separately a note on the memorial service. But it is important not only to note but also try to personally attend the service, where it will be read. About time this service can be obtained from the Ministers of the temple, which served the note.
How to remember deceased at home? In every prayer you can find a prayer for the dead, it is an integral part of the home rule of prayer. Also you can commemorate the deceased, reading Psalms. Every day Christians read one kathisma from the Psalter. And in one of the chapters we remember our kin (relatives), friends who departed to the Lord.
How to remember in a post? During lent are special days of commemoration — Saturday and Sunday, services are held when full (unlike the reduced on the other days of lent) the Divine Liturgy. During these worship services is committed proskomidia remembrance of the dead, when each person of a large communion bread is taken out piece, symbolizing his soul.
How to remember the deceased? From the first day of rest of a man over his body, read the Psalms. If the deceased is a priest, read the gospel. Psalm we must continue to read and after the funeral until the fortieth day.
Also the deceased is remembered at the funeral service. The funeral is supposed to make on the third day after death, and it is important that it is not held in absentia, and over the body of the deceased. The fact that come to the funeral all those who loved, and their prayer was very special Cathedral.
To commemorate the deceased and can be the victim. For example, to distribute to the needy of his good things — clothes, household items. It can be done with the first day after the person's death.
When remember parents? Special days when you need to remember it is the parents, those who gave us life, in the Church there. Parents can always remember. And on Saturday in Church and daily at home, and feeding notes "Liturgy of preparation". To the Lord you can contact at any day and hour, He is sure to hear you.
How to remember the animals? Animals in Christianity to remember is not accepted. The teaching of the Church says that eternal life is prepared to man, as soul, which we pray, is only human. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: foma.ru/kak-pominat-usopshih.html
What a prayer to remember the dead? How often to remember the dead?
Christians commemorate the dead every day. In every prayer you can find a prayer for the dead, it is an integral part of the home rule of prayer. Also you can commemorate the deceased, reading Psalms. Every day Christians read one kathisma from the Psalter. And in one of the chapters we remember our kin (relatives), friends who departed to the Lord.
Seventy four million nine hundred thirty five thousand seven hundred twenty one
Why remember the dead? The fact that life continues after death. Moreover, the final fate of man is decided after death, and second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, which we are all waiting for. So until the second coming we can still change this fate. When alive — we can do it ourselves, doing good deeds and believing in Christ. When we die, we can no longer affect his own afterlife, but it might make people who remember us, sick at heart. The best way to change the posthumous fate of the deceased is to pray about it.
When commemorate the dead? What days to commemorate the dead? What time of day you can remember? The time of day when you can remember the dead, the Church is not regulated. There are folk traditions that date back to paganism and clearly prescribe how and at what hour to remember the dead, but they have no relation to the Christian prayer. God lives in a space without time, and we can reach heaven at any time of the day or night.
The Church has established special days of remembrance for those we hold dear and departed to the other world, the so — called Saturday. Their in year a few, and all but one (may 9 — Commemoration of the dead soldiers), have a rolling date:
Saturday of Meatfare (Ecumenical parental Saturday) March 5, 2016.
Saturday 2nd week of lent March 26, 2016.
Saturday 3rd week of lent 2 April 2016.
Saturday 4th week of lent April 9, 2016.
Radonitsa 10 may 2016
May 9 — Commemoration of the dead soldiers
Trinity Saturday (the Saturday before Pentecost). 18 June 2016.
Saturday of St. Dimitry (the Saturday before memorial day of St. Demetrius, which is celebrated on 8 November). 5 Nov 2016.
In addition to the Saturday of the dead commemorated in the Church at every service — the offertory, the part of the divine Liturgy, which it precedes. Before the Liturgy, you can submit memos "on the memorial." The note is written the name of the person baptized, in the genitive case.
As commemorated on the 9 days? As commemorated by the 40 days? How to remember six months? How to commemorate? Ninth and fortieth days from the date of death of particular milestones on the path from earthly life to eternal life. This transition does not occur immediately, but gradually. During this period (up to the fortieth day) dead person gives the answer to the Lord. This point is extremely important for the deceased, it is akin to childbirth, the birth of the little man. Therefore, in this period the deceased needs our help. Prayer, good works, change for the better in honor and memory close to us.
Six months — such a remembrance of the Church does not exist. But no harm if you mark and for six months, for example, having come to the temple to pray.
Anniversary is day of remembrance, when we — those who loved the man for putting it all together. The Lord tells us: Where two or three are gathered in My name, there am I among them (Matt.18 20). And joint remembrance, when we read the prayer of relatives and friends who are no longer with us, is a bright, sonorous witness to the Lord that the dead are not forgotten, that they are loved.
Whether it is necessary to remember the birthday? Yes, I believe that the birthday person to remember the need. Birth is one of the most important, of the great stages in everyone's life, so it will be good if you go to the temple, pray at home, take a trip to the cemetery to commemorate the man.
Is it possible to read the burial service of suicides? How to remember the suicide? A question about the funeral and the remembrance of the Church of suicide is very ambiguous. The fact that the sin of suicide is one of the serious. It is a sign of distrust of man to God.
Each such case should be considered separately, because suicide can be conscious or unconscious, that is, in a state of severe mental disorder. The question of whether to bury and commemorate in the Church of the baptized person who has committed suicide rests entirely on the responsibility of the ruling Bishop. If the tragedy happened to someone in your family, you should come to the ruling Bishop of the area where the deceased lived, and ask permission for the funeral. The Bishop will consider the matter and will give you the answer.
As for prayer at home, then you can certainly honor a man who committed suicide. But the most important thing in his honor and memory to do good works.
Than you can remember? Can you remember vodka? Why commemorate pancakes? The funeral feast, funeral meal, came to us from immemorial. But in ancient times they looked different. It was a treat, a feast not for the relatives of the deceased, and for the poor, the crippled, the orphans, that is, those who need help and never himself will not be able to arrange such a meal.
Unfortunately, over time, the feast has evolved from a charity in the usual home meal, and often with plenty of alcohol…
Of course, such a drink is irrelevant to true Christian commemoration does not have and does on the posthumous fate of the deceased can not influence.
How to remember a person? The man who did not want to connect themselves with the Church of Christ in the temple cannot be commemorated. His posthumous fate is at the discretion of the Lord, and we are here to affect a situation cannot.
Unbaptized relatives can remember, praying at home and doing good deeds in their honor and memory. Try to change your life for the better, to be faithful to Christ, remembering all the good that did for his life one who had died unbaptized.
Remember as Muslims? As mention the Jews? Remember as Catholics? In this matter there is no difference, the Muslim was dead, Catholic or Jew. They are not in the bosom of the Orthodox Church, therefore, commemorated as the unbaptized. Their names are impossible to write in the notes on the Liturgy of preparation (the Liturgy of preparation — the part of the divine Liturgy, which it precedes), but in their memory we can do good deeds and pray at home.
As in the temple to remember the dead? In the Church commemorated all those dead who combined themselves with the Church of Christ in the Sacrament of Baptism. Even if the person for some reason did not go to the temple for life, but were baptized, you should try to remember. You can before the divine Liturgy, to submit a note "Liturgy of preparation".
The Liturgy of preparation — the part of the divine Liturgy, which it precedes. Harvested at the offertory the bread and wine for the future of the sacrament of Communion — the transubstantiation of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ. It not only prepared the future of the Body of Christ (the lamb — a large unleavened bread) and the future Blood of Christ for the Sacraments (wine), but also a prayer for the Christians — living or dead. For the mother of God, saints and us, the ordinary believers, removed particles from presporok. Please note, when you are given a small proforma after Communion — it is as if "someone dug a piece of it." The priest takes out particles from the prosphora for each name written in the note "Liturgy of preparation".
At the end of the Liturgy, pieces of bread, symbolizing the souls of the living or the dead Christians, immersed in the bowl with the Blood of Christ. The priest in this moment prayers "Amy, o Lord, the sins of ominasis ZDE blood Hast an honest prayers of Thy saints".
Also the temples are special memorial services — memorial services. You can submit separately a note on the memorial service. But it is important not only to note but also try to personally attend the service, where it will be read. About time this service can be obtained from the Ministers of the temple, which served the note.
How to remember deceased at home? In every prayer you can find a prayer for the dead, it is an integral part of the home rule of prayer. Also you can commemorate the deceased, reading Psalms. Every day Christians read one kathisma from the Psalter. And in one of the chapters we remember our kin (relatives), friends who departed to the Lord.
How to remember in a post? During lent are special days of commemoration — Saturday and Sunday, services are held when full (unlike the reduced on the other days of lent) the Divine Liturgy. During these worship services is committed proskomidia remembrance of the dead, when each person of a large communion bread is taken out piece, symbolizing his soul.
How to remember the deceased? From the first day of rest of a man over his body, read the Psalms. If the deceased is a priest, read the gospel. Psalm we must continue to read and after the funeral until the fortieth day.
Also the deceased is remembered at the funeral service. The funeral is supposed to make on the third day after death, and it is important that it is not held in absentia, and over the body of the deceased. The fact that come to the funeral all those who loved, and their prayer was very special Cathedral.
To commemorate the deceased and can be the victim. For example, to distribute to the needy of his good things — clothes, household items. It can be done with the first day after the person's death.
When remember parents? Special days when you need to remember it is the parents, those who gave us life, in the Church there. Parents can always remember. And on Saturday in Church and daily at home, and feeding notes "Liturgy of preparation". To the Lord you can contact at any day and hour, He is sure to hear you.
How to remember the animals? Animals in Christianity to remember is not accepted. The teaching of the Church says that eternal life is prepared to man, as soul, which we pray, is only human. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: foma.ru/kak-pominat-usopshih.html