Denominations aerobatics
An unprecedented scandal in the Russian Armed Forces. About extortions that accompany the execution order of the Minister of Defence officers on bonuses for the first time openly declared the legendary pilots Lipetsk Center of combat employment and retraining flight crews. This part of for decades considered the best in the Air Force, it is headed by the Hero of Russia, Alexander Kharchevsky. It was his passenger was on combat aircraft, Vladimir Putin, and last year Kharchevsky with his subordinates flew on May 9 on the Red Square. And, as it turns out, among the best of the best, too, rampant corruption and kickbacks. And designed to test revealed the facts of the commission, according to the officers engaged in no analysis of the case, and "extinguish the fire" - trying to save the face of the. The pilots, who are now actively pressed, came to the correspondent "MK".
Moscow. Night. Around three in the morning. Horizon has just began to lighten. I'm standing on a swing at the playground, with a voice recorder in hand and talking to two officers of the Lipetsk center. One of them - the same pilot-instructor, senior lieutenant Igor Sulim, who has done so much noise on the Internet its appeal, the other - Deputy Squadron Commander Major Anton Smirnov.
When the evening before the two called me on the phone, saying that they wanted to talk to me personally and to convey clear evidence of his innocence, I said that it is ready in a day or two for them to come. However, they said we can not wait, time is working against us. Tomorrow or the day after Major Smirnov announce the initiation of criminal proceedings against him, and then chat with a journalist can already be regarded as a violation of the law. For a few hours they rushed me to the car. Home refused to go - we hurry back. We never stood in the courtyard before dawn, scattering their emotional cues local cats. - Tell us how to practice extortion occurred? In what terms, when, how much?
Anton: - In total we have 13 year cash payments: 12 per month, and one of the results. Terms fees were set hard.
Igor: - Each month our squadron had to take 185,000.
Anton: - Others had their amount. And I'm sure people still confirm this.
- And how do you personally had to pay?
Anton: - Net salary I 34 000 kopecks. According to the order of Minister of number 400, I received a monthly additional 78 thousand. Of this money, I paid 20 thousand. But here the situation is this: there's not all took these 185,000 extortion. We've had people deprived of this award by the same commander. But they are working with us and carry out their duties in the same way. I can not sit in a booth with a person who receives three times less than I do, for the same work. Accordingly, we are on his officers' meeting decided: we are awarded, and we are with the money going to reward their friends. Considering this, in those 185,000 took me about 10-12 thousand.
- Still not clear: Who told you that you have to collect so much?
Anton: - A system of mutual responsibility. For example, last year, somehow coming up with the next regular meeting, the squadron commander just sat down and said, guys, that's the amount that we have identified in the office of Kowalski (Chief of Staff of the center. - Ed.). It confers all ruksostav. Moreover, the money shall be deposited together with the report, which says cash is not going to get full, and so on. D. Above those who refused to write it, automatically hang up reprimand.
- And how to justify these amounts?
Anton: - The fact of the matter is that without any explanation. In addition, and in fact we collected for internal needs. We have the same now as in Soviet times, in the squadron were conscripts. And each month the squadron gathered five thousand in the barracks.
- Why?
Anton: - rags, paint, minor repairs ... By the way, if you count the 4 Squadron, 5 thousand a month each - is 20 thousand. For the year - 240 thousand. Renovated possible for them to do in the barracks. But there is something to be seen.
- But was there anyone who would say: I will not pay?
Anton: - Yes, the technical staff refused. If one of them leaves, it would be an irreparable loss. If the pilot deprived flights, all Thou - no. And tehsostav measures of influence less than a flight.
I, for example, was openly said that if I did not gather with the squadron of money, I'm dead. And the squadron commander promised not dozhmesh - fired. And he said: Man, I can not force anyone to, but the situation is.
- Well, today, when there are reductions, it is easy to dismiss any?
Anton: - Of course! The shadow hanging over each firing constantly.
Igor: - Some reproach me, they say, should first tell his father everything (father of Igor in the Air Force General Headquarters acting head of the front and army aviation. - Ed.). But certainly something in that situation, the measures of influence on me, for sure would find. A little later, probably would have found fault something and deprived of payment of "four." Everything would be turned so that I am shocked because I did not get the award.
Anton: - With me similar happened. When it became known that we had at the same time, meeting with an officer comes and says: "Anton, you are now reprimanded." Sure enough, as soon as I build reprimand for violating the dress code. But this is no arguing against. The fact of violation was. Also, as another half of the system. This occasion is often used in the army.
And then the commission asked me: you stood up for the lieutenant because you deprived of "four"? Say, resentful zamkomesk decided to take revenge on all here. Come on, God be their judge.
- Yeah, a terrible revenge: you hang a reprimand, and you decided to hang out for revenge over more and the criminal case.
Igor: - Today, everyone is trying to bring to that renowned center of Lipetsk need to save face and honor. But why no one talks about the honor of the people who are here? Now there are three really sit squadron commander, whose conscience could cause to the court officer's honor and give each gun with a single bullet, let them take a decision. Because they are now come far in the officer.
Yes, and we are not saints. The same year, sat silent. They tried, however, to decide something by the FSB, through the prosecutors, until it became clear that there are people at once laid commander. And now my mouth was opened, and we plug it.
Anton: - When Igor was going to make this statement, he showed it to me beforehand. I have read and said, if you opublikuesh it, I'll go with you to the end. Then we called our former squadron commander Major Eugene A. Kubarev. Now came a new squadron commander. He graduated from the academy, became the post of March 15 and this has nothing to do. A major Kubarev before this was our commander, then went on increasing in the department of combat training aviation center - and we told him everything. He said if anything, guys, let's go together.
And now Kubareva against me (against Igor - not) a criminal case, because we are involved in the chain of transmission of money. The personnel of the squadron gathered them, gave the commander, and he passed on. At the time of his absence - and it was twice, when he was on vacation and business trip - I did.
We are all described in detail the prosecutor, and of course, that the law against us, too, a criminal case. We on this occasion even no disturbances did not express - knew what they were. Much more frustrating is that we expected a different reaction from the Air Force and the Defense Ministry. Thought Commission will come to really understand and come "fire brigade" to extinguish the scandal.
- It is headed by the Hero of Russia zamglavkoma Air Force Major General Viktor Bondarev? A Hero of Russia checks another character - head of the center.
Anton: - It is important to another man, who came from the Air Force Commander understand Kharchevsky sat in the office, but on the contrary - the center of the office of Chief of Staff Colonel Kowalski.
- The person who you think is involved in the organization of all this monetary scheme? And conversations with the people there were his eyes?
Anton: - Moreover, each before you get to the general Bondarev, came to the office of Colonel Kowalski. There sat not only the Kowalski, but the head of the center, the new commander of our unit, which, when Kowalski was his deputy and also around involved, political officer (tutors in the army is still called political officer. - Ed.) And representatives of counterintelligence. All they do is first talked with this person and then sent it to the General.
- And that is all, of course, saw ...
Anton: - Well, if the rooms opposite? All data that people gave to the general, almost immediately found themselves in the hands of the commander of the center and Colonel Kowalski. And for general said people normally pressed and pressed until now.
- A military prosecutor behaved like?
Igor: - Assistant of our local military prosecutor conducted we tested. Interviewed people from other squadrons: how they relate to information on fees, if they have it? When people only came for an interview, he said that it is anonymous. But as soon as the prosecutor saw the confirmation of the extortion of money, at the end of the conversation I asked the name of this man, his position.
And then this man from his squadron commander had heard about the following: man, are you out there too much naboltal prosecutor, but because you are the first in the firing.
- Why squadron commander was so sure that this person will be fired? It turns out, he was on top of someone given such promises?
Igor: - possible. Anyway, Major-General Bondarev first conversation with me once told me, do not you think that your father would be fired today?
I wonder what all these trials can make the first conclusion: not only our local prosecutors, but also counter-intelligence authorities hand over people to Colonel Kowalski. But we have to believe it at first ... When I had hesitated, decided to test: Major Zacepin - this is our counterintelligence worker - called the two names of people who could corroborate my testimony as witnesses.
Then, when he went to the prosecutor's office, then to the same squadron called three names - two ones called counterintelligence, and another. And going by car from the service and see how Colonel Kowalski talks to the father of one of the officers, whom I called. He then told me that he was under pressure to it somehow influenced the testimony of his son.
The next day, another one of those three told me that his squadron commander said we have two unreliable people - and called one and the other. From what I concluded: Intelligence agencies poured directly information base commander. That is to say some real supervision over the legality unlikely. Now you understand why we came to you?
Anton: - At the moment, ready to confirm the fact of extortion only our third squadron. But then it turns out that money is collected only we squadron commander. Of course, we have shown that broadcast their Colonel Sidorenko - theoretically from us two readings should have been enough, but ...
- Sidorenko - who is this?
Anton: - Deputy on educational work of our aviation group since 2010. But we can assume that no commander (now it is the chief of staff. - Ed.) Colonel Kowalski such things could not be done. But we say only what they had seen and done: money transfer personal political officer of the.
At the confrontation, which we made a general Bondarev, he said Sidorenko, "Did you take the money? "He replied:" There was not. " And we are sitting in the eye. While there, he was not looking at me, eyes hidden.
- Position of Kharchevsky how manifests itself in this situation?
Anton: - Well, what can he say? For him, it is in any case fraught with bad consequences.
- Do not you think that the filaments extend much higher, for example in the Main Command of the Air Force? People there told me that at one time there was a certain subordinate to monetary fee to get some warlords. Well, not the same from his pocket to pay those who came into these rooms?
Anton: - That's what we're afraid ... Or rather, not so much afraid, I'm pretty sure. Too large amounts of money and too many people collect them. So, the information should have been somewhere leak. If it happened at one formation - one Colonel Kowalski did all this - I think it would be dealt with quickly.
- And report back upstairs in the Air Force to tackle corruption.
Anton: - Well, if the person did not come to understand and ascertain who pressed, and who is not, what else can we draw conclusions?
- Igor, personal questions can be? You say that you shoot with someone of the officers housing, then you're not married?
Igor: - No.
- How do you pilot in good standing?
Anton: - I zamkomandira Squadron, and most flight instructors, I served with him. So, I had a lot of pilots, and I can say about him: he is - one of the best.
- Not because the general's son?
Anton: - This is not about him. Why I was indignant when I committee members began to speak: so the guy something, they say, just wanted to leave, to go to civil aviation and decided to slam the door. This is - nonsense!
First of all, Igor had only five flights, to improve qualification category to pilot 2nd class. With this klassnosti are already beginning to pay a good premium. And on "citizen" to go into this status is more favorable. Secondly, he - party funded mortgage system. Pending receipt of property he left to 5 months. Leave now - where is the logic?
- Why is Igor removed from the flight? On what basis?
Igor: - I say you wrote a report on the dismissal. That's true, but I did it spur of the moment when I was about to make one statement on the statement of the problem. That's when I said, I wrote a report on the grounds of extortion. However, this report is no sign. Commander of the first to do it. And he said, wait a minute, do not get excited. And other commanders too: take it easy, we have to wait, put it, so no one saw.
- Pick up the report can be?
Igor: - Yeah, but we left it on the table, and he somehow got to the commander of the air group.
- And he will now compress your commanders that all who should have signed it?
Anton: - I do not think. The report was written incorrectly, temper nacherkal wrong - further proof that it is not going to quit. So, I think, the report may be considered invalid. I doubt that the commander of his sign. While pressure may be on everyone: all the family, children. By the way, we have a former squadron commander made a decision - I will say is now a terrible thing evacuate their families from the city. We certainly do not think that someone would hire a hitman, but do not rule out any deliberate acts of hooliganism: boy goes home from school and beaten his teens. Better to be safe.
- What kind of results you want from our conversation?
Anton: - Our main goal is to arrive normal independent commission prosecutors normal.
Igor: - Not from Tambov, and from Moscow. That is, those people who I am, in fact, wrote online. Otherwise such showdowns we've got all the strangle. We are now standing in front of such a precedent!
Anton: - looking at us all the Armed Forces.
Igor: - If now they will strangle us, those people that rob the officers, for fear of losing all, and those whom they oppress, - finally lose faith in their commanders. The consequences will be dire.
PS When this material was imposed, it was reported that the senior lieutenant Igor Sulim was dismissed from the Armed Forces. The speed with which this happens, is surprising. Report lieutenant commanders allowed the same in business. Although he wrongly made and it does not have all the required signatures, and therefore his dismissal can be considered illegal. Igor with his friends still going to fight. And because the guys are now in great need of the assistance of qualified lawyers and human rights defenders.
© mk.ru

Moscow. Night. Around three in the morning. Horizon has just began to lighten. I'm standing on a swing at the playground, with a voice recorder in hand and talking to two officers of the Lipetsk center. One of them - the same pilot-instructor, senior lieutenant Igor Sulim, who has done so much noise on the Internet its appeal, the other - Deputy Squadron Commander Major Anton Smirnov.
When the evening before the two called me on the phone, saying that they wanted to talk to me personally and to convey clear evidence of his innocence, I said that it is ready in a day or two for them to come. However, they said we can not wait, time is working against us. Tomorrow or the day after Major Smirnov announce the initiation of criminal proceedings against him, and then chat with a journalist can already be regarded as a violation of the law. For a few hours they rushed me to the car. Home refused to go - we hurry back. We never stood in the courtyard before dawn, scattering their emotional cues local cats. - Tell us how to practice extortion occurred? In what terms, when, how much?
Anton: - In total we have 13 year cash payments: 12 per month, and one of the results. Terms fees were set hard.
Igor: - Each month our squadron had to take 185,000.
Anton: - Others had their amount. And I'm sure people still confirm this.
- And how do you personally had to pay?
Anton: - Net salary I 34 000 kopecks. According to the order of Minister of number 400, I received a monthly additional 78 thousand. Of this money, I paid 20 thousand. But here the situation is this: there's not all took these 185,000 extortion. We've had people deprived of this award by the same commander. But they are working with us and carry out their duties in the same way. I can not sit in a booth with a person who receives three times less than I do, for the same work. Accordingly, we are on his officers' meeting decided: we are awarded, and we are with the money going to reward their friends. Considering this, in those 185,000 took me about 10-12 thousand.
- Still not clear: Who told you that you have to collect so much?
Anton: - A system of mutual responsibility. For example, last year, somehow coming up with the next regular meeting, the squadron commander just sat down and said, guys, that's the amount that we have identified in the office of Kowalski (Chief of Staff of the center. - Ed.). It confers all ruksostav. Moreover, the money shall be deposited together with the report, which says cash is not going to get full, and so on. D. Above those who refused to write it, automatically hang up reprimand.
- And how to justify these amounts?
Anton: - The fact of the matter is that without any explanation. In addition, and in fact we collected for internal needs. We have the same now as in Soviet times, in the squadron were conscripts. And each month the squadron gathered five thousand in the barracks.
- Why?
Anton: - rags, paint, minor repairs ... By the way, if you count the 4 Squadron, 5 thousand a month each - is 20 thousand. For the year - 240 thousand. Renovated possible for them to do in the barracks. But there is something to be seen.
- But was there anyone who would say: I will not pay?
Anton: - Yes, the technical staff refused. If one of them leaves, it would be an irreparable loss. If the pilot deprived flights, all Thou - no. And tehsostav measures of influence less than a flight.
I, for example, was openly said that if I did not gather with the squadron of money, I'm dead. And the squadron commander promised not dozhmesh - fired. And he said: Man, I can not force anyone to, but the situation is.
- Well, today, when there are reductions, it is easy to dismiss any?
Anton: - Of course! The shadow hanging over each firing constantly.
Igor: - Some reproach me, they say, should first tell his father everything (father of Igor in the Air Force General Headquarters acting head of the front and army aviation. - Ed.). But certainly something in that situation, the measures of influence on me, for sure would find. A little later, probably would have found fault something and deprived of payment of "four." Everything would be turned so that I am shocked because I did not get the award.
Anton: - With me similar happened. When it became known that we had at the same time, meeting with an officer comes and says: "Anton, you are now reprimanded." Sure enough, as soon as I build reprimand for violating the dress code. But this is no arguing against. The fact of violation was. Also, as another half of the system. This occasion is often used in the army.
And then the commission asked me: you stood up for the lieutenant because you deprived of "four"? Say, resentful zamkomesk decided to take revenge on all here. Come on, God be their judge.

- Yeah, a terrible revenge: you hang a reprimand, and you decided to hang out for revenge over more and the criminal case.
Igor: - Today, everyone is trying to bring to that renowned center of Lipetsk need to save face and honor. But why no one talks about the honor of the people who are here? Now there are three really sit squadron commander, whose conscience could cause to the court officer's honor and give each gun with a single bullet, let them take a decision. Because they are now come far in the officer.
Yes, and we are not saints. The same year, sat silent. They tried, however, to decide something by the FSB, through the prosecutors, until it became clear that there are people at once laid commander. And now my mouth was opened, and we plug it.
Anton: - When Igor was going to make this statement, he showed it to me beforehand. I have read and said, if you opublikuesh it, I'll go with you to the end. Then we called our former squadron commander Major Eugene A. Kubarev. Now came a new squadron commander. He graduated from the academy, became the post of March 15 and this has nothing to do. A major Kubarev before this was our commander, then went on increasing in the department of combat training aviation center - and we told him everything. He said if anything, guys, let's go together.
And now Kubareva against me (against Igor - not) a criminal case, because we are involved in the chain of transmission of money. The personnel of the squadron gathered them, gave the commander, and he passed on. At the time of his absence - and it was twice, when he was on vacation and business trip - I did.
We are all described in detail the prosecutor, and of course, that the law against us, too, a criminal case. We on this occasion even no disturbances did not express - knew what they were. Much more frustrating is that we expected a different reaction from the Air Force and the Defense Ministry. Thought Commission will come to really understand and come "fire brigade" to extinguish the scandal.
- It is headed by the Hero of Russia zamglavkoma Air Force Major General Viktor Bondarev? A Hero of Russia checks another character - head of the center.
Anton: - It is important to another man, who came from the Air Force Commander understand Kharchevsky sat in the office, but on the contrary - the center of the office of Chief of Staff Colonel Kowalski.
- The person who you think is involved in the organization of all this monetary scheme? And conversations with the people there were his eyes?
Anton: - Moreover, each before you get to the general Bondarev, came to the office of Colonel Kowalski. There sat not only the Kowalski, but the head of the center, the new commander of our unit, which, when Kowalski was his deputy and also around involved, political officer (tutors in the army is still called political officer. - Ed.) And representatives of counterintelligence. All they do is first talked with this person and then sent it to the General.
- And that is all, of course, saw ...
Anton: - Well, if the rooms opposite? All data that people gave to the general, almost immediately found themselves in the hands of the commander of the center and Colonel Kowalski. And for general said people normally pressed and pressed until now.
- A military prosecutor behaved like?
Igor: - Assistant of our local military prosecutor conducted we tested. Interviewed people from other squadrons: how they relate to information on fees, if they have it? When people only came for an interview, he said that it is anonymous. But as soon as the prosecutor saw the confirmation of the extortion of money, at the end of the conversation I asked the name of this man, his position.
And then this man from his squadron commander had heard about the following: man, are you out there too much naboltal prosecutor, but because you are the first in the firing.
- Why squadron commander was so sure that this person will be fired? It turns out, he was on top of someone given such promises?
Igor: - possible. Anyway, Major-General Bondarev first conversation with me once told me, do not you think that your father would be fired today?
I wonder what all these trials can make the first conclusion: not only our local prosecutors, but also counter-intelligence authorities hand over people to Colonel Kowalski. But we have to believe it at first ... When I had hesitated, decided to test: Major Zacepin - this is our counterintelligence worker - called the two names of people who could corroborate my testimony as witnesses.
Then, when he went to the prosecutor's office, then to the same squadron called three names - two ones called counterintelligence, and another. And going by car from the service and see how Colonel Kowalski talks to the father of one of the officers, whom I called. He then told me that he was under pressure to it somehow influenced the testimony of his son.
The next day, another one of those three told me that his squadron commander said we have two unreliable people - and called one and the other. From what I concluded: Intelligence agencies poured directly information base commander. That is to say some real supervision over the legality unlikely. Now you understand why we came to you?
Anton: - At the moment, ready to confirm the fact of extortion only our third squadron. But then it turns out that money is collected only we squadron commander. Of course, we have shown that broadcast their Colonel Sidorenko - theoretically from us two readings should have been enough, but ...
- Sidorenko - who is this?
Anton: - Deputy on educational work of our aviation group since 2010. But we can assume that no commander (now it is the chief of staff. - Ed.) Colonel Kowalski such things could not be done. But we say only what they had seen and done: money transfer personal political officer of the.

At the confrontation, which we made a general Bondarev, he said Sidorenko, "Did you take the money? "He replied:" There was not. " And we are sitting in the eye. While there, he was not looking at me, eyes hidden.
- Position of Kharchevsky how manifests itself in this situation?
Anton: - Well, what can he say? For him, it is in any case fraught with bad consequences.
- Do not you think that the filaments extend much higher, for example in the Main Command of the Air Force? People there told me that at one time there was a certain subordinate to monetary fee to get some warlords. Well, not the same from his pocket to pay those who came into these rooms?
Anton: - That's what we're afraid ... Or rather, not so much afraid, I'm pretty sure. Too large amounts of money and too many people collect them. So, the information should have been somewhere leak. If it happened at one formation - one Colonel Kowalski did all this - I think it would be dealt with quickly.
- And report back upstairs in the Air Force to tackle corruption.
Anton: - Well, if the person did not come to understand and ascertain who pressed, and who is not, what else can we draw conclusions?
- Igor, personal questions can be? You say that you shoot with someone of the officers housing, then you're not married?
Igor: - No.
- How do you pilot in good standing?
Anton: - I zamkomandira Squadron, and most flight instructors, I served with him. So, I had a lot of pilots, and I can say about him: he is - one of the best.
- Not because the general's son?
Anton: - This is not about him. Why I was indignant when I committee members began to speak: so the guy something, they say, just wanted to leave, to go to civil aviation and decided to slam the door. This is - nonsense!
First of all, Igor had only five flights, to improve qualification category to pilot 2nd class. With this klassnosti are already beginning to pay a good premium. And on "citizen" to go into this status is more favorable. Secondly, he - party funded mortgage system. Pending receipt of property he left to 5 months. Leave now - where is the logic?
- Why is Igor removed from the flight? On what basis?
Igor: - I say you wrote a report on the dismissal. That's true, but I did it spur of the moment when I was about to make one statement on the statement of the problem. That's when I said, I wrote a report on the grounds of extortion. However, this report is no sign. Commander of the first to do it. And he said, wait a minute, do not get excited. And other commanders too: take it easy, we have to wait, put it, so no one saw.
- Pick up the report can be?
Igor: - Yeah, but we left it on the table, and he somehow got to the commander of the air group.
- And he will now compress your commanders that all who should have signed it?
Anton: - I do not think. The report was written incorrectly, temper nacherkal wrong - further proof that it is not going to quit. So, I think, the report may be considered invalid. I doubt that the commander of his sign. While pressure may be on everyone: all the family, children. By the way, we have a former squadron commander made a decision - I will say is now a terrible thing evacuate their families from the city. We certainly do not think that someone would hire a hitman, but do not rule out any deliberate acts of hooliganism: boy goes home from school and beaten his teens. Better to be safe.
- What kind of results you want from our conversation?
Anton: - Our main goal is to arrive normal independent commission prosecutors normal.
Igor: - Not from Tambov, and from Moscow. That is, those people who I am, in fact, wrote online. Otherwise such showdowns we've got all the strangle. We are now standing in front of such a precedent!
Anton: - looking at us all the Armed Forces.
Igor: - If now they will strangle us, those people that rob the officers, for fear of losing all, and those whom they oppress, - finally lose faith in their commanders. The consequences will be dire.
PS When this material was imposed, it was reported that the senior lieutenant Igor Sulim was dismissed from the Armed Forces. The speed with which this happens, is surprising. Report lieutenant commanders allowed the same in business. Although he wrongly made and it does not have all the required signatures, and therefore his dismissal can be considered illegal. Igor with his friends still going to fight. And because the guys are now in great need of the assistance of qualified lawyers and human rights defenders.
© mk.ru