American money

It is clear that a dollar is already written, rewritten. However, all the same. 10 interesting facts about the dollar. July 30, 1956, US President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the law on the adoption of the expression In God we trust (trust in God) as the official motto of the United States. Since then, the motto printed and minted on all banknotes of the United States.
We remembered the 10 most interesting facts about the US dollar
1. In God we trust
There are several theories about the origin of this expression. According to popular assumption, the phrase was borrowed from the US national anthem, "The Star Spangled Banner / The Star-Spangled Banner, who wrote Francis Scott Key. For the first time coins the expression began to be applied in 1864, the priest M.R.Uotkinson wrote a letter to the Treasury with a proposal to mention God in some coins to make it clear that God is in a civil war on the side of the North. Finance Minister Salmon Chase supported this idea, and the motto appeared on coins in denominations of 1 and 2 cents. Then, the phrase appeared in the gold and silver dollar coins on 5, 25 and 50 cents. Finally officially on all banknotes US decided to put it in 1956, to oppose its currency atheistic Soviet Union.
Atheists United States since then regularly express their dissatisfaction with the presence of the phrase on coins and banknotes of the country where there is freedom of religion. The majority of American citizens support the presence of the motto on the dollar.
2. The short-lived notes
Banknotes of 50 and 100 dollars in circulation can hold up to 8 years, and then wear out so much that they need to change. 20-dollar bills in circulation on average 2 years, the life of denominations of $ 1 is only 18 months.
But even if the bill is worn and torn, the US Bureau of Engraving and Printing, which is responsible for the "production" of the national currency, to restore it if you keep at least half of the bill.
3. rag bills
In fact, bills are not made of paper, wood fibers are not available. To serve longer, they are made from compounds of cotton and flax. Durability banknotes attached using raw materials which are purified as long as the structure does not become suitable for the manufacture of banknotes.
4. Money unhealthy
For health is harmful not only to the lack of money, but their presence can be dangerous. Soglasnoissledovaniyu experts from Ohio, 94% of bills studied bacteria were found, although most of them were not dangerous. But 7% of bank notes bore the brunt of pathogens, including bacteria and staphylococcal pneumonia.
4. Cocaine on money
But not only the bacteria live in the US dollar. Study 2009, conducted by the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, showed that 90% of the banknotes in circulation, carry traces of cocaine. The drug is deposited on the banknotes and after using them for inhalation of cocaine, and can be a result of drug trafficking. Most of the cocaine found on banknotes in denominations of 5, 10, 20 and 50 dollars. Find it on the 1-dollar bills is very difficult - and change them more often, and for the purchase of doses of such notes is rarely used.
5. The dollar pyramid
On a $ 1 bill shows an unfinished pyramid, an element of the Great Seal of the United States. Above the pyramid placed in Latin phrase "Annuit Cœptis" (blessed our undertakings), under it - "Novus Ordo Seclorum" (New Order era). Also placed on the so-called pyramid "All-seeing eye". Conspiracy theorists interpret these and other elements, such as Masonic.
6. Watch $ 100
On the new banknote $ 100 depicts the tower of Independence Hall, where the clock showed 4:10. This Bureau of Engraving and Printing does not know why this time is selected.
7. A woman on the dollar bill
Only once in the history of the United States appeared on the banknote image of a woman. In 1886, a portrait of Martha Washington was placed on the obverse of the Silver Certificate of one dollar next to the image of her husband, the first US president George Washington.
8 Banknotes in one hundred thousand dollars
In the famous novel by Mark Twain said about the bank notes in denominations of one million pounds sterling, and the largest dollar bill is the banknote of 100 thousand. Dollars, which was printed during the gold rush, in 1934, and it was printed portrait of President Woodrow Wilson . They were used only for the calculation of the Federal Reserve Bank and an appeal is not received, it is known that such certificates 7 survived to this day.
9. The most expensive bill
But not even these record notes are the most expensive. In 2006 bankont 1890 release in denominations of $ 1,000 was sold for 2 million 255 thousand. Dollars. On this rare banknote depicts General George Gordon Meade, who commanded the army of the North in the victorious Allies at the Battle of Gettysburg in 1863.
10. Trees at the White House
Depicted on the bills of $ 20 before really grew elms near the White House, as shown in bank notes. But since 2006 there are no trees - they did not survive the time and rain. On the front side of the 20 dollar bill shows President Andrew Jackson, he did not like paper money, preferring coin.
According to the materials: avtohata.net